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Игры с огнём — официальный трейлер | Nickelodeon Россия

Игры с огнём — официальный трейлер | Nickelodeon Россия

Джон Сина в главной роли в новом фильме "Игры с огнём"!
Смотри с 6 февраля в кинотеатрах

Игры с огнём: Супер Отцы! | Nickelodeon Россия

Супер отцы способны на многое!
Смотри "Игры с огнём"в кино с 6 февраля

Больше Nick:Nickelodeon Russia Marks 20 Years of 'SpongeBob SquarePants' with the 'Best Year Ever' Celebration!

Originally published: Thursday, January 16, 2020.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Russia and Playing With Fire News and Highlights!

NewBe, Splendid Film and Nickelodeon Benelux Collaborate on New Slime-Themed Movie 'De Grote Slijmfilm'

NewBe and Splendid Film, in collaboration with Nickelodeon Benelux, have announced the release one of the world's first-ever theatrical movie about slime!

Titled De Grote Slijmfilm, the movie will star Slime Queen Bibi in the lead role. Slime Queen Bibi is a popular actor who is well-known for her cheerful sketches and DIY slime making videos on YouTube.

Nickelodeon has been synonymous with slime since the number-one entertainment brand for kids introduced the green semi-viscous substance to kids in the 1980's, and Slime is the ultimate symbol of free-spirited mess and the physical embodiment of Nickelodeon's unconventional spirit.

In recent years, slime has become one of the hottest trends with kids around the world, with many videos on YouTube teaching children how to make their own slime. De Grote Slijmfilm will be first time a Dutch movie dedicated to the global slime trend. The adventurous family film is all about friendship, cheerfulness, creativity and slime - a lot of slime!

De Grote Slijmfilm will be released in Dutch cinemas on Wednesday 5th February 2020.

Update (14/1/2020) - To celebrate the release of De Grote Slijmfilm, Bibi will be taking over Nickelodeon during February 2020 with special afternoon marathons of her favourite Nick shows! It all starts Sunday 2nd February 2020 at 11:30 uur!

In De Grote Slijmfilm, Indy (Bibi) and her BFF Olivia (Rómeycia Valentine), like all children around the world, love slime! On international slime day they participate in a competition to make the most original slime. The only one who hates slime is Dominicus Duff (Géza Weisz), the country's biggest toy boss. He no longer sells any of his own toys because of slime's popularity, so he wants to ban and confiscate all the slime in the world. Will Indy and Olivia be able to save slime?

In addition to Bibi's leading role, De Grote Slijmfilm will also star: Géza Weisz (Wiplala, Alleen Maar Nette Mensen), YouTube star Djamila (Misfit 2), Vincent Visser (Brugklas, GTST) and Sarah Nauta (Elvy’s Wereld: So Ibiza!)

The winner of the Youth News Competition 2019, Rómeycia Valentijn, has taken on her very first acting job with her role in the film. Ferdi Stofmeel (De Regels van Floor), Tina de Bruin (Dokter Tinus, Het geheime dagboek van Hendrik Groen), Edson de Graça, comedian and presenter Willem Wever, Belgium actor Tine Embrechts, Belgium presenter Sarah Mouhamou and Nickelodeon star Kate Bensdorp (Evie in Hunter Street) will also feature in the movie.

De Grote Slijmfilm is directed by Hans Somers (Hart Beat, De Ludwigs, Hunter Street) and produced by NewBe in collaboration with Nickelodeon. Splendid Film will handle distribution in the Benelux region.

Via het YouTube en Instagram-kanaal ​De Grote Slijmfilm​ is exclusief beeldmateriaal te vinden en kan iedereen op de hoogte blijven van de film. De Grote Slijmfilm draait vanaf woensdag 5 februari in de Nederlandse bioscopen, de Belgische bioscopen volgen later in februari.

Exclusive footage from De Grote Slijmfilm and well as news and updates from the movie can be found on the film's official YouTube channel and Instagram page.

De Grote Slijmfilm will be screened in Dutch cinemas from Wednesday 5th February 2019, with a release in Belgian cinemas following later in the month.

Below is Nickelodeon Nederlands official Press Release announcing the awe-slime news:

Eerste bioscoopfilm over slijm


De Grote Slijmfilm
Vanaf 5 februari in de bioscoop

Vandaag hebben NewBe en Splendid Film in samenwerking met Nickelodeon bekendgemaakt dat er een nieuwe film over slijm wordt uitgebracht, namelijk De Grote Slijmfilm. De hoofdrol wordt vertolkt door Slime Queen Bibi, die bekend is als actrice en van haar vrolijke sketches en vele DIY- en slijmvideo’s op YouTube. Al jaren is slijm een begrip onder kinderen en via YouTube is een wereldwijde trend ontstaan waarbij kinderen zelf slijm maken. Dit is voor het eerst dat een Nederlandse bioscoopfilm inspeelt op de internationale slijmtrend. De avontuurlijke familiefilm staat in het teken van vriendschap, vrolijkheid, creativiteit en slijm, heel veel slijm! De Grote Slijmfilm is vanaf 5 februari is te zien in de Nederlandse bioscopen.

In De Grote Slijmfilm zijn Indy (Bibi) en haar BFF Olivia (Rómeycia Valentijn) zijn net als alle kinderen over de hele wereld gek op slijm! Op internationale slijmdag doen ze mee met een wedstrijd om het meest originele slijm te maken. De enige die een enorme hekel heeft aan slijm is Dominicus Duff (Géza Weisz), de grootste speelgoedbaas van het land. Door slijm verkoopt hij zijn eigen speelgoed niet meer en daarom wil hij al het slijm in de wereld verbieden en in beslag nemen. Lukt het Indy en Olivia om slijm te redden?

Naast de hoofdrol voor Bibi zijn andere rollen in de film weggelegd voor Géza Weisz (Wiplala, Alleen Maar Nette Mensen), YouTube-ster Djamila (Misfit 2), Vincent Visser (Brugklas, GTST) en Sarah Nauta (Elvy’s Wereld: So Ibiza!). De winnares van de Jeugdjournaalwedstrijd 2019 Rómeycia Valentijn heeft met haar rol in de film haar allereerste acteerklus te pakken. Ook Ferdi Stofmeel (De Regels van Floor), Tina de Bruin (Dokter Tinus, Het geheime dagboek van Hendrik Groen), Edson de Graça, comedian en presentator van Willem Wever, de Belgische actrice Tine Embrechts, Belgische presentatrice Sarah Mouhamou en Nickelodeon-actrice Kate Bensdorp spelen in de film.

De door Hans Somers (Hart Beat, De Ludwigs, Hunter Street) geregisseerde film is geproduceerd door NewBe in samenwerking met Nickelodeon en Splendid Film verzorgt de distributie in de Benelux.

Via het YouTube en Instagram-kanaal ​De Grote Slijmfilm​ is exclusief beeldmateriaal te vinden en kan iedereen op de hoogte blijven van de film. De Grote Slijmfilm draait vanaf woensdag 5 februari in de Nederlandse bioscopen, de Belgische bioscopen volgen later in februari.



YES! De trailer van DE SLIJMERIGSTE FILM van het jaar is NU te zien op het YouTube kanaal van Bibi! 🙀 Kijk hem snel via deze link: https://bit.ly/2XXHhc6

Laat in de reacties weten wat je ervan vindt! 🤗 WE 💚 SLIJM.

Volg ons op andere kanalen:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/degroteslijmfilm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/degroteslijmfilm

DE GROTE SLIJMFILM trailer - 5 februari in de bioscoop

YES! Dit is de trailer van De Grote Slijmfilm! Vanaf 5 februari in de bioscoop.

Indy (Bibi) en haar BFF Olivia (Rómeycia Valentijn) zijn net als alle kinderen over de hele wereld gek op slijm! Op internationale slijmdag doen ze mee met een wedstrijd om het meest originele slijm te maken. De enige die een enorme hekel heeft aan slijm is Dominicus Duff (Géza Weisz), de grootste speelgoedbaas van het land. Door slijm verkoopt hij zijn eigen speelgoed niet meer en daarom wil hij al het slijm in de wereld verbieden en in beslag nemen. Lukt het Indy en Olivia om slijm te redden?

Volg ons op andere kanalen:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/degroteslijmfilm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/degroteslijmfilm


Niels Lezer, de nieuwslezer van NieuwsTV heeft deze keer stiekem allemaal acteurs gesproken. Vincent en Bibi weten natuurlijk helemaal niet dat hij undercover is! ben jij ook zo nieuwsgierig wat hij te weten is gekomen? Gelukkig hebben wij de beelden! Kijk snel mee naar aflevering 2.


Deze nieuwe aflevering van Nieuws TV gaat over het aller-aller-allerbelangrijkste in De Grote Slijmfilm: SLIJM! Wel 5000 liter!! Maar waar is al dat slijm verstopt? Hopelijk kan de verslaggever het vinden..kijk je mee? Spannend!


Bij deze aflevering van Nieuws TV pakt de nieuwslezer het anders aan, hij plant namelijk een geheime vlogcamera op de set. En die wordt gevonden door.. Bibi! Wil jij ook een geheime rondleiding achter de schermen? Kijk dan snel mee!


Deze week heeft Bibi zo ineens wel een hele vreemde assistent! 🤣Hij rent maar heen en weer en hij heeft ook nog eens een camera?! 🕵️ Hij lijkt wel een beetje op die verslaggever van NieuwsTV. Hmm.. zou hij het zijn? Kijk snel mee om meer te weten te komen! 💚


Deze week krijgt de nieuwslezer concurrentie 🔍. Hij komt erachter dat er nóg een verslaggever op de set is: Tess Purperhart 💜. Maar wat hij niet weet is dat Tess eigenlijk Djamila is.. gaat ze haar geheim verklappen? 😱 SPANNEND!


😱 WOW! WAT ZOU DIT ZIJN?! 😱 🎨 Bekijk supersnel deze SUPERMEGA XXL SLIJMCHALLENGE in Bibi's nieuwste video: http://bit.ly/SuperMegaXXLSlijmchallenge


HELP! DIT IS ONMOGELIJK!! Ik heb de moeilijkste opdracht EVER gekregen!! Ik moet een MEGA Meesterwerk van 2 meter hoog maken van SLIJM!! En...ik mag er maar een uur over doen!!! HELP, dit is TE BIZAR!!! Ga ik het redden denk je? Veel kijkplezier! xoxo Bibi ♥♥♥


WOW! De nieuwslezer heeft een speelgoedcamera uit de film gevonden, een super toffe KidiZoom Pixi van VTech!📸 Bibi en Sarah gebruiken de camera om een supervette selfie challenge te doen 🤳, maar de nieuwslezer wil stiekem gewoon weten wie er allemaal op de set is! 🔍 Kijk je mee?

Pssst... wist jij dat je deze camera ook zelf kan kopen: http://bit.ly/VTechCamera

Meer Nick:'De Ludwigs' Returns with a Sixth and Final Season on Nickelodeon Benelux!

Originally published: Wednesday, November 20, 2019.

Additional sources: DeepL Translator, Google Translate, Anime Superhero Forum /@Lkoui.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Netherlands and De Grote Slijmfilm News and Highlights!

44 Cats | Download 44 Cats - The Game App!

44 Cats | Download 44 Cats - The game’s app!

The brand new app 44 Cats - The Game is available now! Get ready to join pawesome adventures with the Buffycats, download the app on your smartphone or tablet.

Google Play for Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.RbwInteractive.fortyfourCats&hl=en

Apple iOS - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/44-cats-the-game/id1484774886

44 Cats - The game [Tutorial]

Download now and start playing on smartphone or tablet!

Visit the official 44 Cats show website at 44cats.tv to find out more about the show and its musical stars, as well as watch exclusive video clips, play pawesome games and download purr-tastic activities!

More Nick:Rainbow's '44 Cats' Renewed for Season Two!

Originally published: Tuesday, December 10, 2019.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nick Jr. and Nickelodeon Preschool News and Highlights!

GANZE FOLGE | Pizza-Woche 🍕 | Aufstieg der TMNT | Nickelodeon Deutschland

Mundo Avatar con la Pereztroica: Kral vs. Kósnica | Noobees 2 | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español

Mundo Avatar con la Pereztroica: Kral vs. Kósnica | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español

¡La Pereztroica conduce el reto de preguntas más divertido entre los avatares Kral y Kósnica! ¿Quién será el triunfador de Avatar City?

¡Conoce todo sobre el mundo Avatar y así prepárate para la llegada de Noobees2, muy pronto por Nick!

Más Nick:Viacom International Studios and The Mediapro Studio Wrap Production for 'Noobees 2'; To Premiere on Nickelodeon Latin America During Early 2020!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Latin America and Noobees 2 News and Highlights!

Mundo Avatar com la Pereztroica | Quem conhece os poderes do labirinto? | Noobees 2 | Brasil | Nickelodeon em Português

Mundo Avatar com la Pereztroica | Quem conhece os poderes do labirinto? | Brasil | Nickelodeon em Português

Kral e Kosnica vão batalhar para ver quem conhece mais os poderes do jogo de Noobees!

Mais Nick:Viacom International Studios and The Mediapro Studio Wrap Production for 'Noobees 2'; To Premiere on Nickelodeon Latin America During Early 2020!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Brazil and Noobees 2 News and Highlights!

Episode 22 - Saving Sawchuck | My Dad The Rock Star | KEEP IT WEIRD

Episode 22 | My Dad The Rock Star | KEEP IT WEIRD


During a family trip to the beach, a quick thinking Willy saves his nemesis, Buzz, from drowning. Buzz insists on repaying the favor by hanging around Willy 24/7, waiting for his chance to rescue Willy from any life-threatening situations that may arise. However, having Buzz around is quickly messing up Willy’s home and social life, so he takes matters into his own hands. It’s not until he finally ditches Buzz, that he, along with Quincy and Alissa, finds himself in a position where he desperately needs a helping hand.

Meanwhile, Serenity decides to get back at a lifeguard who she thinks only dates other lifeguards, by taking a course to become one herself… just so she can dump him when he finally takes an interest.

Watch more full episodes of My Dad The Rock Star here!: http://nickalive.blogspot.com/search/label/My%20Dad%20The%20Rock%20Star

Stay Weird & SUBSCRIBE! https://goo.gl/XHGzks

More YTV:Corus Launches Nick+ Amazon Prime Video Channel in Canada!
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New Music: Album Release | Find Me In Paris

New Music: Album Release | Find Me In Paris

The new soundtrack of Find Me In Paris season 2 will be released on January 24th - stay tuned and comment what you think of the new songs. I hope you love them as much as the series!

Watch Find Me in Paris season two on Nickelodeon UK & Ireland (nick.co.uk/paris) and HULU in the US!

Find Find Me in Paris on Spotify, Deezer, iTunes and Tidal!

More Nick:Nickelodeon Big Base Camp to Open Easter 2020 in Greenwich, London - Making Kids Stars of the Show!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon UK News and Highlights!

Blue's Clues & You 🐾 Silly Town Mix Up + 7 Little Guppies Nursery Rhyme Song 🎶 Pinkie Pal Puppets | Nick Jr.

Blue's Clues & You 🐾 Silly Town Mix Up | Nick Jr.

Welcome to Silly Town! Join Josh and Blue from Blue's Clues & You! as they explore this fun world and exciting play games. Can you find all the silly mixed-up things here in Silly Town?

Don't miss brand new episodes of Blue's Clues & You! weekday mornings on Nickelodeon and everywhere you find Nick Jr.

7 Little Guppies Nursery Rhyme Song 🎶 Pinkie Pal Puppets | Nick Jr.

Do you like the song Five Little Monkeys? Nick Jr. made a version where they switched the monkeys for Bubble Guppies. Join in on the fun with all seven Bubble Guppies jumping on the bed! That's two more Guppies than monkeys!

You can find more of your favorite shows weekday mornings on Nickelodeon, and everywhere you find Nick Jr.

Kids can watch their favorite Nick Jr. shows weekdays on Nickelodeon and all week long on the Nick Jr. channel: http://nickjr.com/tvschedule/

Preschoolers can watch full episodes online, play games, and discover silly surprises in the free Nick Jr. App and at NickJr.com. Stream Nick Jr. for free in the Nick Jr. App on Roku and Apple TV or download full episodes for offline viewing on iTunes or Google Play.

You can also download premium apps featuring your child's favorite Nick Jr. shows on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, including Nick Jr. Draw and Play and Nick Jr. Let’s Learn!

Watch more Nick Jr. everyday for FREE on Nick Jr. Pluto TV!

More Nick:Nick Jr. Live! "Move To The Music" U.S. Theatrical Tour Dates!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nick Jr. and Nickelodeon Preschool News and Highlights!

How Much is Squidward's Home Worth? 🗿 Bikini Bottom Real Estate + 20 Celebrity Guest Star Cameos &"Band Geeks" + More SpongeBob Storyboard Animatics! ✏️ SpongeBob SquarePants

How Much is Squidward's Home Worth? 🗿 Bikini Bottom Real Estate | SpongeBob SquarePants

Squidward Tentacles has owned his 122 Conch Street home for a long time. After years of investment into the Easter Island head property, just how much is Squidward's home worth? We answer that in this episode of Bikini Bottom Real Estate!

20 Celebrity Guest Star Cameos! 🗣 SpongeBob SquarePants

TBH I would have never known that the Granny in "Where's Gary?" was Amy Poehler! Check out her and the other 20 celebrities who lent their voices to SpongeBob SquarePants! From Star Wars Mark Hamill to SNL's Andy Samberg (Brooklyn 99) and Kristen Wiig (Ghostbusters: Answer The Call), a lot of famous names have stopped by Bikini Bottom!

"Band Geeks" + More SpongeBob Storyboard Animatics! ✏️ Sketch to Screen | SpongeBob SquarePants

"Is mayonnaise an instrument?" had to start somewhere! Watch the design process from storyboard to full animation for the classic SpongeBob SquarePants episodes "Band Geeks", "Graveyard Shift", and the very first episode, "Help Wanted"!

Watch more SpongeBob SquarePants on Nickelodeon!

CALLING ALL GOOFY GOOBERS! (ROCK!) Are ya ready for a deep dive into the world of SpongeBob SquarePants? The SpongeBob YouTube channel is THE PLACE for all fan-favorite SpongeBob moments! We’re serving up everything from legendary scenes to remixes of classic songs to deep dives into Bikini Bottom lore. Be sure to check back every week for Music Mondays, Wumbo Wednesdays, and Flashback Fridays! Subscribe now at https://www.youtube.com/SpongeBobOfficial!

Join the OFFICIAL SpongeBob SquarePants Facebook Group here!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SpongeBobSquareFans

More Nick:'The SpongeBob Musical' National Tour Announces Cast & Dates!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!

SpongeBob SquarePants | Sharpening A Pencil For One Hour | Nickelodeon UK

SpongeBob SquarePants | Sharpening A Pencil For One Hour | Nickelodeon UK

Oh barnacles! SpongeBob has to sharpen his pencil, and getting the perfect point takes time...

Visit nick.co.uk, nicktoons.co.uk and the Nickelodeon Play app for more SpongeBob SquarePants!

More Nick:Nickelodeon Big Base Camp to Open Easter 2020 in Greenwich, London - Making Kids Stars of the Show!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon UK and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!

Best Battles Part 3! 💥 Avatar: The Last Airbender | NickRewind

Best Battles Part 3! 💥 Avatar: The Last Airbender | NickRewind

With the power of earth, wind, fire, and air, these battles only get more epic! Check out MORE of the best battles from Avatar: The Last Airbender!

Watch Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE.

Watch all your ‘80s, ‘90s, and ‘00s Nickelodeon favorites on NickRewind, your late-night destination for your favorite childhood Nickelodeon cartoons and live-action shows! NickSplat doesn't question football-shaped heads, but embrace them - along with Reptar bars, a Big Ear of Corn, orange soda, and even slime for Pete (and Pete's) sake. Make your slime-covered Nickelodeon childhood dreams come true every night on TeenNick USA, and anytime you want on NickSplat on VRV, Nick Pluto TV, and Nick on CBS All Access!

Like NickRewind on Facebook, subscribe to the NickRewind YouTube channel and follow NickRewind on Twitter and Instagram for exclusive digital content from all of your throwback favorites like Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, iCarly, Victorious, Kenan & Kel, CatDog, Doug, Rocko’s Modern Life, The Amanda Show, Clarissa Explains It All, The Ren & Stimpy Show, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, and so much more!

Join Nickelodeon's official I Was A Nick Kid Facebook Group!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IWasANickKid/

Subscribe to the official All That YouTube channel!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6UzskfVDPkJ5aSe755ZGgQ

More Nick:Netflix to Host Open Casting Call for Live-Action 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Series!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon, NickRewind, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra News and Highlights!

Bubble Guppies New Episodes | Sundays at 4:30pm ET | Treehouse

Debbie Gibson's Best Judging Moments! | America's Most Musical Family

Debbie Gibson's Best Judging Moments! | America's Most Musical Family

Debbie Gibson always gave the BEST advice on the judging panel of America's Most Musical Family! See for yourself in this compilation of her BEST moments over the season!

America’s Most Musical Family is a one-of-a-kind music competition series that will see 30 talented and diverse family bands performing in all genres take center stage in front of celebrity judges Grammy Award-winning global superstar Ciara, digital media sensation David Dobrik, pop icon and Broadway star Debbie Gibson and show host, singer and television personality Nick Lachey to compete for a recording contract with Republic Records and the chance to win a $250,000 cash prize in partnership with Capri Sun 100% Juice. Bands taking part range from a father/daughter duo, sibling groups and a 12-member multigenerational brass ensemble. The bands will battle it out over the course of 12 hour-long episodes and one half-hour special.

Follow America’s Most Musical Family: nickammf.com | Instagram | YouTube | Audition for Season 2 | #AMMF

More Nick:Nickelodeon Crowns America’s Most Musical Family!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and America's Most Musical Family News and Highlights!

First 5 Minutes of Henry Danger’s Final Season💥 Ep. 2 | Henry Danger

First 5 Minutes of Henry Danger’s Final Season💥 Ep. 2 | Henry Danger

Captain Man (Cooper Barnes) gets a mysterious packed delivered to the Man Cave. Henry (Jace Norman, Charlotte (Riele Downs), Jasper (Sean Fox) and Piper (Ella Anderson) get a bit nosey and try to pry it open! What’s inside is amazing and belongs in a museum of the most awesome things. Could it really be the Theranos Boot?!

Catch more Henry Danger everywhere Nickelodeon is available!

More Nick:'Henry Danger' Wraps Production
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Henry Danger News and Highlights!

‘Bubble Business Boy’ 🔈 The Casagrandes Familia Sounds Podcast Ep. 5 w/ Ronnie Anne & Carlos | Nickelodeon

‘Bubble Business Boy’ 🔈 The Casagrandes Familia Sounds Podcast Ep. 5 w/ Ronnie Anne & Carlos | Nick

On this week’s episode, Carlos introduces his brand-new hustle: dog washing! Plus, he’s giving listeners access to his exclusive BOSS RULES OF BUSINESS. But his big plans might just land him in the dog house. Did he bite off more than he can chew?! Listen to find out… and catch more of The Casagrandes, only on Nickelodeon!

Check out more episodes of the Casagrandes Familia Sounds podcast!: http://nickalive.blogspot.com/search/label/The%20Casagrandes%20Familia%20Sounds
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon, The Casagrandes and The Loud House News and Highlights!

Funko Announces 'The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge On The Run' Pop Figures

Ohhhhhhhh Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants! This beloved yellow sponge is getting a new wave of Funko Pops as Funko announced three new figures at the 2020 London Toy Fair!

The wave is based on the upcoming 3D SpongeBob animated film, The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run. It looks like these Funko Pop figures of SpongeBob SquarePants with Gary the Snail on his head, Patrick Star and Squidward Tentacles are based on their appearance at Camp Coral as little ones.

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Funko Pop figures are slated to be released in May 2020, around the same time as the movie. Each figure stands at 3 3/4-inches tall, and Comes packaged in a window display box. Each figure will carry a $10.99 price tag.

These adorable vinyl figures are sure to be great additions to any SpongeBob fans' Funko collection!

The colors and design are playful and fun, and each figure comes with a nice signature on the packaging window, making these figures even more sponge-tastic. These figures like most of the rest announced from the London Toy Fair are already set up as pre-orders and you can find them located here.

I’m sure there will be plenty more SpongBob and the Krusty Krew Funko Pops in the near future!

“Friends don’t let friends go on dangerous quests alone.” – Patrick Star

ICYMI: Funko also announced The Legend of Korra Pop figures at London Toy Fair 2020!

Enjoy the official trailer for The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge On The Run! In theatres and RealD 3D in May 2020.

Gary's been snailnapped! SpongeBob and Patrick embark on a hilarious adventure to #SaveGary! In theatres May 2020.

This Memorial Day weekend, SpongeBob SquarePants, his best friend Patrick Star and the rest of the gang from Bikini Bottom hit the big screen in the first-ever all CGI SpongeBob motion picture event. After SpongeBob’s beloved pet snail Gary is snail-napped, he and Patrick embark on an epic adventure to The Lost City of Atlantic City to bring Gary home. As they navigate the delights and dangers on this perilous and hilarious rescue mission, SpongeBob and his pals prove there’s nothing stronger than the power of friendship.

Based on the TV series created by Stephen Hillenburg, The SpongeBob Movie is produced by Ryan Harris, with Stephen Hillenburg exec producing. Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Movies present, in association with MRC A United Plankton Pictures production. Written and directed by Tim Hill.

Guest starring Awkwafina, Reggie Watts and Keanu Reeves.

Watch the The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge On The Run trailer here!: http://nickalive.blogspot.com/2019/11/the-spongebob-movie-sponge-on-run-2020.html

Source: Bleeding Cool; H/T: License Global.

'Rumblr' | Sneak Peek | Henry Danger | Nickelodeon

All the cool heroes & villains are on Rumblr! Catch the brand new Henry Danger episode "Rumblr", premiering Saturday, January 25, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. (ET/PT), followed by an all new All That at 8:30, only on Nickelodeon! Grab a bowl of HEROhs and check out the super sneak peek below! (just don't sing):

In the all new Henry Danger episode "Rumblr", sick of fighting the same old villains, Captain Man (Cooper Barnes) makes a profile on a matchmaking app for heroes and villains; Kid Danger (Jace Norman) agrees to do the same, and two of them set up a double-fight to square off with some new villains! (#533)

Catch more Henry Danger everywhere Nickelodeon is available!

More Nick:'Henry Danger' Wraps Production
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What is the Crystal Maze? | New Show Premieres Friday, Jan. 24, at 7:00 p.m. on Nickelodeon USA

Learn the ways of The Crystal Maze with "The Maze Master" Adam Conover! 🔮 Nickelodeon's brand new competition series premieres Friday, Jan. 24, at 7:00 p.m. (ET/PT), only on Nick USA!

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Nickelodeon's The Crystal Maze is an all-new version of the legendary UK hit series, premiering Friday, Jan. 24, at 7:00 p.m. (ET/PT). The Crystal Maze will feature comedian/writer Adam Conover as the Maze Master, charged with guiding one family team through physical and mental challenges set within an elaborate labyrinth of four giant and immersive themed zones: Aztec, Eastern, Futuristic and Industrial.

The premiere episode of The Crystal Maze will feature a family from Houston, Texas, tackling a range of challenges in the maze for the first time ever for U.S. audiences. This season will feature families from: Scottsdale, Ariz; Lake Forest, Calif; Eastvale, Calif ; St. Augustine, Fla; Windemere, Fla; Chester, Va; Germantown, Tenn; Carollton, Texas; and Wheaton, Ill.

In each episode, the youngest family member takes on the role of team Captain. The successful completion of escape-room style challenges are rewarded with a “time crystal” granting the family five seconds in the centerpiece final zone called the Crystal Dome. The more crystals gathered throughout the game, the more time each family has for a dramatic clock countdown challenge inside the iconic Dome for a chance to win up to $25,000.

A current ratings smash in the UK, The Crystal Maze has been a beloved family and cult favorite since the mid ‘90s, with the current global popularity of the escape room phenomena reigniting interest further. The show was recently rebooted to great success with celebrity, charity and family seasons in UK, Australia and beyond.

The Crystal Maze is co-produced by Bunim/Murray Productions (The Real World, The Challenge, Born This Way) and RDF Television (Secret Life of 4 Year Olds, Wife Swap, Shipwrecked) under parent company Banijay Group. Gil Goldschein and Maria Pepin from Bunim/Murray Productions, Neale Simpson from Fizz, part of RDF Television, and Stephen David from Stephen David Entertainment serve as executive producers. Production of The Crystal Maze for Nickelodeon is overseen by Rob Bagshaw, Executive Vice President, Unscripted Content.

Production on the new series (10 one-hour episodes) took place on the show's original set located at The Bottle Yard Studios in Bristol, England, earlier this summer.

Devised by Jacques Antoine, the UK version of The Crystal Maze was originally hosted by Richard O'Brien (Rocky Horror), followed by Ed Tudor-Pole. The reboot was originally presented by Stephen Merchant (for Stand Up To Cancer), and currently by Richard Ayoade (The IT Crowd, Travel Man) with his "hand." The show's theme song is the legendary "Force Field", below. The show is currently filmed at The Bottle Yard Studios in Bristol.

From TV Insider (click here for video interview with Adam Conover)

Adam Conover Teases 'The Crystal Maze's High-Pressure Challenges (VIDEO)

Nickelodeon is inviting viewers on a fresh and exciting game show adventure with their new series The Crystal Maze, debuting Friday, January 24.

Derived from the beloved British series of the same name, The Crystal Maze harkens back to the nostalgia associated with game shows from Nickelodeon's past, from Legends of the Hidden Temple to Double Dare.

Back in the fall, TV Insider traveled to the set of the show in Bristol, England to experience the fun firsthand. While there, we tested some of the games and chatted with host Adam Conover (Adam Ruins Everything), as well as Rob Bagshaw, Executive Vice President, Nickelodeon Unscripted Content.

"That this is a series of interconnected, very physical, super-fun escape rooms set in a fictional maze," says Conover, whose gig as host includes taking on the persona of Maze Master.

"We're in a labyrinth and we're going from zone to zone, and game to game, winning crystals along the way. It's really an escape room meets Double Dare in a way," he explains. "And then it's of course hosted by me, an ageless immortal Maze Master, who is fabulously dressed."

The 10-episode season will feature teams as they bounce around various themed zones — Aztec, Eastern, Futuristic and Industrial — to collect crystals, which signify time in the dome known as the Crystal Maze. Inside, their goal is to collect as much airborne confetti before the allotted time runs out. The more confetti collected means the more money they walk away with.

"All the games are created for teams of five adults," Conover says of the show's usual format. "Instead we have American families playing them. So all of the games are obviously safe for kids — [Nickelodeon] taste-tested them and everything — but it's kids playing games that were designed for adults. So it's really serious in that way. And the adults have just as hard a time with them."

When it comes to the families participating, diversity is at the forefront. "We're always looking for that, so in every new show that we're developing, inclusivity and diversity are key in our casting. But it has to come from personality and character first," Bagshaw explains.

Among the participating families are those with a deaf family member and a cancer survivor, along with blended families with adopted kids, same-sex parents, and more. And when it comes to gameplay, "the youngest is the one choosing who does which game," Bagshaw shares, "but hopefully there's a game where each family member can shine."

"There's a little bit of a fictional world, and character to it that really excited me," Conover says about taking the gig. "I want the character to be really heightened and over-the-top."

This "heightened and over-the-top" effect is reflected in his clothing, as we spoke to Conover in a pink-toned sparkly suit coat and other wild accessories. "I worked with my stylist, who I work with on Adam Ruins Everything," he reveals, adding while pointing to his sparkly coat, "We've got 10 of these. We're doing 10 episodes."

Conover himself has a favorite game involving a dome, maze and air gun. "That is such a cool game design, especially because it requires really careful teamwork. They really cannot phone in the teamwork. They can't just all shout."

"I think that's a really, really cool piece of game design," he continues. "I'm a big video game fan. I have a game design podcast called Humans Who Make Games. That's the dimension that I'm really most interested in."

[...] Conover breaks down all you need to know about The Crystal Maze before tuning in, and join him in the maze's dimension when the series debuts.

The Crystal Maze, Series Premiere, Friday, January 24, 7/6c, Nickelodeon


From Den of Geek!:

Nickelodeon Returns To Its Game Show Roots With The Crystal Maze

British import The Crystal Maze is being reimagined as a family game show on Nickelodeon. We go behind the scenes to check it out!

To fans of a certain age, the dream of participating in a Nickelodeon game show could only be realized if you had a high tolerance for slime, but more crucially: the good fortune to be on a family vacation to Orlando. Nickelodeon Studios at Universal Studios' Florida outpost was the epicenter of the network—from game shows like Double Dare to sketch comedy with All That—throughout the ‘90s. Promoting a physical location as a destination for young viewers of the network built a sense of community that was truly unique in the years before internet fandom largely would come to define how we socially engaged with the next decade of television.

But by the early 2000s, there was a sharp decline in production at the Orlando studio as Nickelodeon moved the majority of its operation west. It marked the end of an era as Nick shifted its focus away from games to animation and live action.

Nearly 15 years after Nickelodeon closed the studio doors, and with it the chapter on its rich history of children’s game shows, the network is back in the game show business. This time on foriegn soil, Nickelodeon filmed its latest game show entry at a studio in Bristol, England, some 4,2000 plus miles from sunny Orlando, Florida. The Crystal Maze, which premieres on Friday, Jan. 24, is an Americanized version of the popular game show from England’s Channel 4.

In the show, families encounter challenges in four immersive themed zones: Aztec, Eastern, Futuristic, and Industrial. If a contestant completes a challenge–each of varying difficulty–they earn a “time crystal.” The goal is to earn as many time crystals as possible before the show ends with the family entering the Crystal Dome (exactly what it sounds like) to grab cash prizes that circulate around them (think money flying around a big wind tunnel). More time crystals means more time in the dome–and a chance to win up to $25,000.

The Crystal Dome is the centerpiece of the show experience. When we visited the Bristol set, the Dome was the last stop on our studio tour, but also the most rewarding. Stepping inside the enclosed dome is nerve-wracking at first, particularly for an American unfamiliar with the series and no awareness of how the Dome works its magic. Soon it’s filled with quickly circulating wind, like leaf blowers are howling at you from all directions, and flaky gold papers cling to your body and swirl all around you. I grab fistfills, but soon learn the dry run sews no cash reward.

Afterwards, Rob Bagshaw, Nickelodeon’s executive vice president of unscripted content, appears from beyond the Crystal Dome to tout his first big gamble since he took the position six months prior. The reality television veteran behind hits like RuPaul’s Drag Race and Top Chef Master was brought in to broaden Nickelodeon’s unscripted programming, which he admits has traditionally taken a backseat to animation and scripted at the network.

With zeitgeist-stealing reality shows dominating network TV ratings and drawing in families for, in network exec-speak, “co-viewing opportunities,” the time felt right for Nickelodeon to go back to its roots with a competition show.

“We really felt that we should be doing our own version of shows that the kids love to watch, but with a Nickelodeon lens,” Bagshaw says.

Under the directive to broaden Nickelodeon's demo, Bagshaw began looking for shows that were engaging for both kids and parents alike. At the time, a revived version of Nickelodeon’s classic ‘90s game show Double Dare was airing to much fanfare, and prompted a live tour. One of the network’s greatest hits was suddenly relevant again, but Bagshaw wanted a new, “big, physical game show.” He began taking original pitches and expanded his search to other existing game shows from around the world. Eventually he found one close to home. Recalling his days as a teenager back in England, Bagshaw saw an opportunity to bring the beloved British game show The Crystal Maze stateside under a family-friendly format.

“I remember watching The Crystal Maze when I was a teenager and it still is going strong,” Bagshaw says. “They change it slightly every year. But haven't really had families play the game. Traditionally, it's always been a team of five friends or contestants or work colleagues. I thought that's a show that does well, and it's a total blast to play.”

The series originally aired on England's Channel 4 from 1990-1995 and made a one-off comeback hosted by Stephen Merchant in 2016. The renewed interest in the series led to an official revival, which is still airing on Channel 4, hosted by comedian Richard Ayoade.

Nickelodeon found its host in comedian and actor Adam Conover, who is best known for his TruTV series Adam Ruins Everything. A regular host of live stand-up comedy shows over the years, Conover says being the master of ceremonies comes naturally to him. The offer to lead The Crystal Maze represented a chance to fulfil a childhood dream by playing a major part in a Nickelodeon game show. He also saw it as a fun improvisational challenge due to the show’s multifaceted games and themed areas. Nickelodeon let Conover run with creating his own identity for the host position.

“In my other workload, Adam Ruins Everything, I play a heightened extension of myself too,” Conover says. “I was like, ‘I can go in a different direction and build that character in a different way.’ This is like totally fantasy land."

His on-stage persona for Crystal Maze both honors the theatrics of the U.K. show’s original host Richard O’Brien, best known as the writer of Rocky Horror Picture Show, and is a heightened extension of Conover’s own personality.

“If you host Jeopardy, you just really have to wear a suit and be very normal and even-keeled,” Conover says. “But this one I can do sort of a crazy character and a different direction from what I've done before. This guy has stuff in common with the crypt keeper, that sort of thing where it's it can be really, really silly.”

Sitting on a platform in the shadow of the towering Crystal Dome, Conover recalls some of his favorite interactions from tapping the show that illustrate his flair for fictional embellishment.

“In one of the episodes, I tell the kids I’m a thousand years old,” he says with a laugh. “Obviously, everyone knows it's a TV show, but it's fun to have that bit of a fictional element in it. I'm sort of playing it both ways. I am the maze master, but I'm a little bit amoral. I'm a little bit of a trickster spirit."

Conover’s wardrobe matches the part; he’s wearing a sparkling, sequin purple tuxedo during our interview. When he signed on for the job, he gave his stylist back in Los Angeles a specific request for the vibe he was gunning for.

“You know how when you go to Dracula's house, he's all dressed up, even though he's all alone in a home in a big castle, right? That's this guy. He lives in this maze. He's dressed to the nines every single day. It's this crazy sort of evening wear look. We've got a lot of sparkly, gold tuxedo tops and stuff like that. It's very Met Ball but a kid's show.”

Conover is willing to go the extra mile to put his own comedic trappings on the game show proceedings. As their guide, he helps families take on the Crystal Maze for a chance at a serious cash prize. For viewers at home, he says the multi-camera format, without a live audience, gives the show a different feel from Nick’s previous entries in the genre.

“Obviously, I love Double Dare, but it's a single camera show,” he says. “They really are in the places. [The Crystal Maze] feels a lot more immersive. I think it really transports them there. The games are insanely fun to watch. It's going to give that sense of like, ‘Oh, I want to play that game and I wish I could do that.’”

Not only is The Crystal Maze more immersive, but it further cements Nickelodeon’s reputation for being an inclusive network. The show traveled a diverse set of families from the United States to its Bristol, England, studio. Bagshaw says it gives the show an American feel while also being representative of Nickelodeon’s viewers: “We've got families that are blended. We've got adoptive families. We've got three generations. We've got a grandma who's playing. We have a family with two moms. The youngest team captain in one family is a cancer survivor and she has a prosthetic limb. So it's super inclusive, and very diverse, which is exactly reflective of our audience.”

Could The Crystal Maze reignite a return to glory for a network that is still fondly remembered for GAS, Legends of The Hidden Temple, Figure It Out, and Double Dare? Bagshaw is noncommittal on the possibility of more revivals for now. Instead, he’s opting to focus on new shows, with the same energy that made Nick’s hits of the past resonate with fans still to this day.

“Nick kids are cool kids,” Bagshaw says. “We're not going to be doing this sort of show that you would see on other kids networks. Nickelodeon has always been pretty edgy. We certainly don't talk down to our kids; they’re smart, they're opinionated, they're sensitive, and they want to do what nobody else is doing, no matter their age. I'm looking at the things that they're watching elsewhere and I'm thinking, ‘well how can we do an original version of that?’”

The Crystal Maze premieres on Friday, Jan. 24 at 7 p.m. on Nickelodeon.


From Reality Blurred:

Nickelodeon’s Crystal Maze is a win for fans of both the UK show and reality TV challenges

Team captain Elias Blair tries a challenge in the Aztec Zone of The Crystal Maze while his family members look on and try to help

While I appreciated Nickelodeon’s excellent reboot of Double Dare, it wasn’t a show I kept watching, because its challenges and its trivia questions alike were clearly targeted at an audience of kids, who I’m so glad have their own version of a show I grew up with.

But Nickelodeon’s faithful new adaptation of the UK show The Crystal Maze (Fridays at 7) is a show I will return to every week: a zany, borderline farcical trip into themed worlds that deliver a non-stop stream of thoroughly gratifying reality TV show challenges.

Thanks to some of you, I watched and then wrote about the original series a few years ago. It was a 1990s-era UK game show, hosted by Richard O’Brien (who wrote The Rocky Horror Show and starred in its film adaptation as Riff Raff) that was revived for a one-off special in 2016 and then for a new seasons in 2017 with new host Richard Ayoade.

The same four zones—Industrial, Futuristic, and the “does this still work in 2020” Aztec and Eastern—have returned, because the Nickelodeon version filmed last summer on the same UK set in Bristol that the Channel 4 version uses. (It was designed by original Crystal Maze set designer James Dillon.)

The challenges all take place in relatively small, confined spaces and are themed to the zone. One person performs each challenge, which can be physical, mental, and a combination of the two. Two games are played in each zone, for a total of eight for the episode—fewer than the original, which had three or four per zone.

Their games and challenges could be found in an escape room or in a Legends of the Hidden Temple room, or in Big Brother’s back yard.

The challenges appear simple at first, but with a very limited amount of time in which to complete them, they become a lot more, well, challenging. There was one in the first episode that required more deductive reasoning than I was willing to do after a long day, while another had an anagram that the players and I both struggled with.

The least-inventive challenge in the premiere seemed like a stripped down, small-scale version of a standard Big Brother challenge—carry liquid from this place to that place, and don’t fall on your way—but the time crunch kept my interest.

The twist, if there is one, is that the original show had teams of six strangers; now we have families of five competing. The youngest kid is the team captain and decides who is going to play which games, though there is some familial pressure.

Just as The Amazing Race brought a new kind of interpersonal dynamic to competition shows by casting pairs of people with pre-existing relationships, bringing families into The Crystal Maze means that history and already established bonds come into play.

And the challenges allow family members to look on and help—which I should probably write as “help” in scare quotes.

Sometimes the family members’ assistance is required: in a particularly inventive challenge, the player is in an empty room, and is being motion captured, and the family watches a screen to help their avatar navigate a virtual, computer-generated obstacle course, in which the avatar will explode if touched by lasers.

In other challenges, family members just stick their heads through holes in the wall and shout at the player. This can be useful or completely annoying and unhelpful.

Host Adam Conover—as the “Maze Master”—occasionally provides clues and hints, though nothing that makes it easy to solve the puzzles the players are encountering.

Adam Conover, Maze Master of the U.S. version of The Crystal Maze
Adam Conover, Maze Master of the U.S. version of The Crystal Maze (Photo by Nickelodeon)
As Maze Master, Conover is a version of his Adam Ruins Everything character but injected with more manic energy and O’Brien’s sardonic wit, all wrapped in flamboyant suits and finished with painted fingernails.

“If you’re like me, you’re really passionate about sharp corners, water hazards, and gas leaks,” Adam says gleefully in the first episode, which is on YouTube. He’s sometimes commenting to camera and sometimes to the contestants, and is never deadpan, just reacting in the moment to the family and to what’s happening around them.

Mostly, though, Conover just having a lot of fun: with the players, and with us, and hitting the right beats—comic, playful, helpful—at the right times.

For example, Conover makes sure players stay aware of the time, perhaps because a kid locked inside a challenge room seems a little darker than having a random stranger locked away from their team.

I’m referring to The Crystal Maze‘s rule that if a player doesn’t complete their challenge in the allotted time, they’re locked inside that room. They can’t rejoin their team unless their team opts to exchange a crystal for them.

That’s a tough call since the crystals are the prizes for completing challenges, and each is worth five seconds; there’s also now a “mega crystal” that the team can play for at any time that’s worth 10 seconds.

That time is critical because it’s banked and used in the final game, which you may recognize from the classic Golden Girls episode “Grab That Dough.” The family stands inside a dome and money-sized gold and silver tickets, or tokens, fly around. They get $100 for every gold ticket, and lose $100 for every silver ticket.

It’s actually the most difficult challenge of the show. If a family grabs the equivalent of $10,000 (100 gold tickets and zero silver tickets, for example), they automatically win $25,000. But I’d expect considerably lower cash prizes.

Like everything else on The Crystal Maze, it moves quickly: the Nick version has more energy and tension than the original, and does not waste any time on superfluous filler. Even Conover’s bits happen during a challenge or is explanation, so it’s not a time out from the action.

If and when the particular challenges repeat, I’m curious if they’ll be as engaging; while there are plenty of shows that repeat their challenges (Survivor cough cough cough lung), those tend to be more complicated and elaborate. Will it be just as entertaining to watch someone else try to escape a maze of jail cell doors while a wall closes in? There are enough variables, from Conover’s improvisation to family dynamics, that should keep The Crystal Maze watchable for its 10-episode first season.

I love a reality TV challenge, and The Crystal Maze delivers. There are no bio packages or interviews, just players racing from one quick game to the next, making for a satisfying hour of television.


From WFLA:

Comedian/writerAdam Conover is the new host of Nickelodeon’s upcoming family game show, The Crystal Maze, an all-new version of the legendary UK hit series, premiering Friday, Jan. 24, at 8:00 p.m. (ET/PT). The Crystal Mazewill feature Conover as the Maze Master, charged with guiding one family teamthrough physical and mental challenges set within an elaborate labyrinth offour giant and immersive themed zones: Aztec, Eastern, Futuristic and Industrial.Said Conover,“As the Maze Master, the only thing that gives me greater joy than tormenting our adventurers with devious games is handing out giant cash prizes to the lucky few who manage to escape the challenges inside the crystal maze.This show is the ultimate challenge for families, proving that you have to work together if you want to win, and that’s a fact.”“We are delighted to welcome Adam Conover into the Nickelodeon family as ourfirst Maze Master. His wit, warmth and pizazz are the perfect attributes to guide families through the exhilarating adventure that is The Crystal Maze,” said Rob Bagshaw, Executive Vice President, Nickelodeon Unscripted Content.The premiere episode of The Crystal Mazewill feature a family from Houston, Texas,tackling a range of challengesin the maze for the first time ever for U.S. audiences. This season will feature families from:Scottsdale, Ariz;Lake Forest, Calif;Eastvale, Calif;St. Augustine, Fla;Windemere, Fla;Chester, Va;Germantown, Tenn;Carollton, Texas;and Wheaton, Ill. In each episode, the youngest family member takes on the role of team Captain. The successful completion of escape-room style challenges arerewarded with a “time crystal” granting the family five seconds in the centerpiece final zone called the Crystal Dome. The more crystals gathered throughout the game, the more time each family has for a dramatic clock countdown challenge inside the iconicDome for a chance to win up to $25,000.A current ratings smash in the UK, The Crystal Mazehas been a beloved family and cult favorite since the mid ‘90s, with the current global popularity of theescape room phenomena reigniting interest further. The show was recently rebooted to great success with celebrity, charity and family seasons in UK, Australia and beyond.The Crystal Mazeis co-produced by Bunim/Murray Productions (The Real World, The Challenge, Born This Way) and RDF Television (Secret Life of 4 Year Olds, Wife Swap, Shipwrecked) under parent company Banijay Group. Gil Goldschein and Maria Pepin from Bunim/Murray Productions, Neale Simpson from Fizz, part of RDF Television, and Stephen David from Stephen David Entertainment serve as executive producers. Production of The Crystal Mazefor Nickelodeon is overseen by Rob Bagshaw, Executive Vice President, Unscripted Content


AM Northwest Interviews Adam Conover About 'The Crystal Maze'

More Nick:Nickelodeon USA Premieres 'It's Pony'!

Originally published: Sunday, January 12, 2020.
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First Look at 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are teaming-up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the first time thanks to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, a brand-new five-part comic miniseries from BOOM! Studios, under license by Hasbro, Inc., in partnership with IDW and Nickelodeon, and to shellebrate the release of the fifth and final part in April 2020, BOOM! Studios has released a Turtley Awesome first look at Issue 5!:

In MMPRxTMNT #5, it’s the ultimate showdown between the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, up against the joint forces of Rita Repulsa and Shredder! Cowabunga!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2 (of 5) will be written by Necessary Evil writer Ryan Parrott and drawn by Beyond The Grid artist Simone di Meo.

As you can see in the gorgeous artwork below, the series will boast a main cover by Power Rangers and Buffy the Vampire Slayer artist Dan Mora, and the series will also feature Turtle Ranger Helmet variant covers, featuring the Turtles with Black Ranger helmets, by Mighty Morphin Power Rangers cover artist Goni Montes. Each copy will feature 32 pages of carries an SRP of $4.99.

Check out the sneak-peek and find out more about MMPRxTMNT #5 below!:

Below is the official solicitation for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5

Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Simone di Meo
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: Dan Mora
Leonardo Variant Cover B: Goñi Montes
Raphael Variant Cover C: Goñi Montes
Michaelangelo Variant Cover D: Goñi Montes
Donatello Variant Cover E: Goñi Montes
Incentive Cover F: Goñi Montes
Incentive Cover I: Goñi Montes

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 was first released on Wednesday, December 4, 2019, and was followed by Part 2 on Wednesday, January 8, 2020. Part 3 will be released on Wednesday, February 5, 2020, and Part 4 on Wednesday, March, 2020. Part 5, the final issue of the mini-series, will arrive in April 2020.

Following the success of the first two issues of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, BOOM Studios has ordered reprints, which will be released on February 5, 2020. A black & white limited edition of Issue 1 will be released on January 29, 2020.

More Nick:BOOM! Studios Announces 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 Black and White Limited Edition'!

Source: Bleeding Cool.
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