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November 2019 on Nickelodeon Russia: Infinity Nado | Всеология | SpongeBob | Rise of the TMNT | Noobees | Henry Danger + More

--- This November (ноябре), Nickelodeon Russia (Россия) will be premiering:

Смотри в ноябре 👍| Nickelodeon Россия
Сколько всего интересного ждёт тебя в ноябре!

-- The fang-tastic brand-new Henry Danger (Опасный Генри) Halloween special "Danger Things" on Sunday 3rd November 2019 at 14:55 and 21:40 MCK!;

-- The final 10 episodes of Noobees (Нубы) season one weekdays at 16:05 MCK from Monday 4th November 2019! Each all-new episode will encore the same day at 22:05 MCK!;

-- Brand new episodes of LEGO City Adventures (Лего Сити: приключения) weekends at 09:40 MCK! Nick will air two new episode segments back-to-back. Plus, fans can share their own LEGO creations with Nickelodeon on Instagram @nickelodeon_ru, and they'll will repost it!;

-- Brand-new episodes of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Эволюции Черепашек-ниндзя) Sundays at 10:50 MCK!;

-- Brand-new episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants (Губка Боб Квадратные Штаны) Saturdays at 13:45 MCK, including the all-new Halloween special "The Ghost of Plankton"!

-- Brand new episodes of Всеология weekends at 10:05 MCK, including a very special episode to celebrate Nickelodeon Russia's 21st birthday on Friday 21st November 2019 at 10:05 MCK (encore at 18:05) with bloggers XO Life!;

-- And, by popular demand, more anime on Nickelodeon! Nickelodeon will premiere the brand-new anime series Infinity Nado weekdays at 20:55 MCK from Monday 4th November 2019!

--- Additionally, Nickelodeon Россия will:

-- Air Nickelodeon favourites Breadwinners (Хлебоутки) and Sanjay and Craig (Санжей и Крейг) weekdays at 11:15 MCK and 11:40 MCK, respectively throughout November 2019!;

-- Air SpongeBob SquarePants (Губка Боб Квадратные Штаны) from the very first episode weekdays at 21:15 MCK from Monday 18th November 2019! Nick will air two episodes each day!;

-- Encore Chop Chop Ninja (Чоп Чоп Ниндзя) season one weekdays at 18:30 MCK and weekends at 10:30 MCK!;

-- NickRetro! Big Time Rush (Биг Тайм Раш) and Victorious (Виктория-победительница) return to Nickelodeon's schedules for two weeks, weekdays from 16:55 MCK from Monday 18th November 2019!

From Nickelodeon Россия's VKontakte page:

Что новенького в ноябре

ТТебя ждёт очень весёлый и полный сюрпризов месяц!


Нет, эта гифка не из нашей специальной серии :)

Начнём с сюрприза: ОЧЕНЬ. ОПАСНЫЕ. ДЕЛА. Это новая и жу-у-утко крутая серия «Опасного Генри», которую мы приберегли специально для хэллоуинской недели! Наши герои снова будут спасать Пайпер, но вот от кого… узнаешь в воскресенье 3 ноября в 14:55 и в 21:40 МСК.

Ещё одна новость: «Нубы» вернулись! Смотри оставшиеся 10 серий первого сезона с 4 ноября по будням в 16:05 МСК с повтором в 22:05 МСК. Там Мэтт наконец-то узнает, что его отец жив и нам уже самим не терпится увидеть, что будет дальше!

Неугомонный город LEGO ждут новые приключения весь ноябрь: они там даже на Марс собрались! Смотри «LEGO City Приключения» по выходным в 9:40 МСК, сразу по две серии в день!

И не забывай, что в Instagram Stories ты можешь построить собственное LEGO-творение и отметить нас — @nickelodeon_ru, а мы тебя репостнем!

«Эволюция Черепашек-ниндзя» — новые серии с 10 ноября по воскресеньям в 10:50 МСК! Черепашки оправятся в круиз по сточным трубам Нью-Йорка, устроят покатушки на танке и попробуют сыграть в снежки. Но всюду, конечно же, им будут мешать опасные и злые мутанты.

«Губка Боб Квадратные Штаны» — весь ноябрь по субботам в 13:45 МСК мы будем показывать новые серии! Среди них будет та самая специальная хеллоуинская серия про Планктона. Её посмотрим уже завтра :)

И, конечно, «Всеология»! Самое слаймическое шоу продолжит радовать нас по выходным в 10:05 МСК. Но у нас есть ещё один сюрприз: в день рождения Nickelodeon Россия мы покажем специальный выпуск шоу «Всеология» с блогерами XO Life! Ты ни за что не угадаешь, кого на этот раз зальёт слаймом. Но угадывать и не нужно, ты и так всё увидишь в пятницу 15 ноября в 10:05 и 18:05 МСК :)


А ещё, по многочисленным просьбам, мы снова покажем аниме на Nickelodeon! История об одной древней игре и четырёх могущественных игроках — «Инфинити Надо». Обещаем, что сюжет с первой же серии закрутится прямо как волчок Надо, а потом наши герои ещё и мир спасут! Так что смотри новое шоу по будням в 20:55 МСК с 4 ноября.

Отважные игроки Надо будут сражаться со злыми силами!


В ноябре у нас вообще всё-всё изменится. Теперь по будням в 11:15 МСК мы будем показывать твоих любимых «Хлебоуток», а сразу после — в 11:40 МСК — «Санджея и Крейга»!

И ты наверное не поверишь, но мы возвращаем первый сезон твоего самого-самого любимого шоу в эфир! «Губка Боб Квадратные Штаны» с самой первой серии — смотри по будням с 18 ноября в 21:15 МСК, сразу по две серии в день!

А ещё — «Чоп-Чоп Ниндзя» — покажем заново с первой серии, но теперь по вечерам и в выходные! Смотри по будням в 18:30 МСК и по выходным в 10:30 МСК.

И САМЫЙ ГЛАВНЫЙ СЮРПРИЗ: мы возвращаем «Биг Тайм Раш» и «Викторию-победительницу» в эфир на целых две недели! Смотреть и ностальгировать будем с 18 ноября по будням в 16:55 МСК.

ССпасибо, что дочитал до конца! Надеемся, нам удалось тебя немножко порадовать :)


Official Nickelodeon Россия Press Release:

Опубликовано 01.11.2019


LEGO® City Приключения — это мультсериал, созданный группой компаний LEGO® Group специально для Nickelodeon. Он остроумно рассказывает о повседневной жизни, мечтах, надеждах и приключениях жителей мегаполиса: отважных полицейских, храбрых пожарных, умелых ремесленниках и ответственном мэре в костюме кукурузы.

На фоне суеты большого города пути героев анимационного шоу постоянно пересекаются — порой в самых непредвиденных и комичных ситуациях. Например, в одном из эпизодов офицеру полиции Дюку Детэйну придется выбирать между кумиром своего детства и безопасностью горожан, когда реклама в форме гигантского надувного львёнка станет причиной непорядков на улицах. Другая серия расскажет о Дне Без Рук — необычном ежегодном празднике, в который все вынуждены справляться со своими делами без помощи рук. Швейцар Типпи Дорман захочет помочь согражданам, что приведет к неожиданным последствиям.

LEGO® City Приключения — это не только забавные и динамичные зарисовки на тему городских будней, но и история о жизни в коллективе. На своем примере персонажи шоу показывают юным зрителям, как поступки одного человека порой могут оказать влияние на судьбы целого мегаполиса, и как важно помогать друг другу и действовать сообща.

Смотрите мультсериал LEGO® City Приключения в эфире Nickelodeon Россия каждые выходные в 9:40 по московскому времени.


Nickelodeon Russia: SpongeBob SquarePants Art (Competition) - Ad - November 2019

More Nick:Nickelodeon Russia Premieres New Locally Produced Game Show 'Всеология'!

Originally published: Sunday, November 3, 2019.

Additional sources: Google Translate, Infinity Nado - официальный русский канал, Wikipedia.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Russia News and Highlights!

Nicktoons USA to Premiere 'Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' on Wednesday, November 27, 2019




It’ll take the unlikely unification of the Dark Knight and the Heroes in a Half-shell to overcome combined villainous forces afoot in Gotham City in the all-new, feature-length animated thriller, Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, Nickelodeon and DC, the film will premiere on Nicktoons USA on Wednesday, November 27, 2019 at 8:00 p.m. (ET/PT)

Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles finds Gotham City reaching new levels of danger when Shredder joins forces with Ra’s al Ghul to enact a nefarious plan – leading to the team-up of the Dark Knight and the Turtles to combat the combined might of the Foot Clan and League of Assassins!

The Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles all-star cast is led by Troy Baker (Batman: Arkham Origins, The Last of Us) as the voice of both Batman and the Joker – making Baker the first actor to ever play both roles in the same film. Opposite Baker are the Ninja Turtles themselves – Emmy Award/Golden Globe Award/SAG Award winner Darren Criss (American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace, Glee) as Raphael, Kyle Mooney (Saturday Night Live) as Michelangelo, Baron Vaughn (Grace and Frankie) as Donatello, and Eric Bauza (Looney Tunes Cartoons, The Woody Woodpecker Show) as Leonardo.

Other key members of the voice cast include Rachel Bloom (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) as Batgirl, John DiMaggio (Adventure Time, Futurama) as Mr. Freeze, Tara Strong (Batman: The Animated Series, Teen Titans, Teen Titans Go!) as Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy, Tom Kenny (SpongeBob SquarePants) as Penguin, Carlos Alazraqui (Reno 911!) as Bane, Cas Anvar (The Expanse) as Ra’s al Ghul, Keith Ferguson (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends) as Baxter Stockman & Two-Face, Brian George (Seinfeld) as Alfred, Ben Giroux (Hart of Dixie) as Robin, Andrew Kishino (The Lion Guard) as Shredder, and Jim Meskimen (Parks and Recreation) as Commissioner Gordon & Scarecrow.

Jake Castorena (The Death of Superman) directs Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from a script by Marly Halpern-Graser (Mad, Batman Unlimited, Be Cool, Scooby-Doo). The film is inspired by the comic book series “Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” by James Tynion IV and Freddie Williams II (published by DC Comics and IDW Publishing) and is based on characters from DC and Nickelodeon. Ben Jones (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman: The Brave and the Bold) is producer. Executive producers are Benjamin Melniker and Michael Uslan. Sam Register and Chris Viscardi are executive producers.

Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles made its debut earlier this year on Digital platforms and on Blu-ray disc.

About Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, Inc.:

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE) brings together Warner Bros. Entertainment’s home video, digital distribution and interactive entertainment businesses in order to maximize current and next-generation distribution scenarios. An industry leader since its inception, WBHE oversees the global distribution of content through packaged goods (Blu-ray Disc™ and DVD) and digital media in the form of electronic sell-through and video-on-demand via cable, satellite, online and mobile channels, and is a significant developer and publisher for console and online video game titles worldwide. WBHE distributes its product through third party retail partners and licensees.

About Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon, now in its 39th year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The company includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, recreation, books and feature films. Nickelodeon is one of the most globally recognized and widely distributed multimedia entertainment brands for kids and family, with 1.2 billion cumulative subscriptions in more than 500 million households across 170+ countries and territories, via more than 100+ locally programmed channels and branded blocks. Outside of the United States, Nickelodeon is part of Viacom International Media Networks, a division of Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA), one of the world’s leading creators of programming and content across all media platforms. For more information or artwork, visit http://www.nickpress.com. Nickelodeon and all related titles, characters and logos are trademarks of Viacom Inc.

About DC

Home to iconic brands DC (Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, The Flash), DC Vertigo (Sandman, Fables) and MAD, DC is the creative division charged with strategically integrating across Warner Bros. and WarnerMedia. DC works in concert with many key Warner Bros. divisions to unleash its stories and characters across all media, including but not limited to film, television, consumer products, home entertainment, and interactive games. Publishing thousands of comic books, graphic novels and magazines each year, DC is one of the largest English-language publishers of comics in the world.

BATMAN and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. © 2019 Viacom International Inc. and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

About Warner Bros. Animation

Warner Bros. Animation (WBA) is one of the leading producers of animation in the entertainment industry, producing and developing projects for multiple platforms, both domestically and internationally. Theatrically, WBA’s full-length film, Teen Titans GO! to the Movies, released on July 27, 2018. WBA’s TV series include Teen Titans Go!, Unikitty! and the upcoming DC Super Hero Girls and ThunderCats Roar for Cartoon Network; Be Cool Scooby-Doo!, Bunnicula, Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz, The Tom and Jerry Show, New Looney Tunes, Wacky Races and the upcoming Scooby-Doo! and Guess Who? and Yabba Dabba Dinosaurs for Boomerang; Mike Tyson Mysteries for Adult Swim; Green Eggs and Ham for Netflix; Harley Quinn and Young Justice: Outsiders for DC Universe; Animaniacs for Hulu; and the upcoming Looney Tunes Cartoons content initiative. As home to the iconic animated characters from the DC, Hanna-Barbera, MGM and Looney Tunes libraries, WBA also produces highly successful animated films — including the DC Universe Animated Original Movies — for DVD, Blu-ray® and digital media. One of the most-honored animation studios in history, WBA has won six Academy Awards®, 35 Emmy® Awards, the George Foster Peabody Award, an Environmental Media Award, a Parents’ Choice Award, the HUMANITAS Prize, two Prism Awards and 20 Annie Awards (honoring excellence in animation).


More Nick:First Look at 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1'!

Originally published: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 17:50 GMT.

Original source: Nickandmore!; H/T: Anime Superhero Forum /@kanc.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles News and Highlights!

Blaze and the Monster Machines Toy Play Race Course! 🏎️ Nick Jr.

Blaze and the Monster Machines Toy Play Race Course! 🏎️ Nick Jr.

Ever want to race around like Blaze in a Playground? These real kids got to take Blaze and Stripes toys through the toughest obstacles in their playground. They get to go on swings and race down slides! See all the fun things they can do in a playground. You can find more Blaze and the Monster Machines weekday mornings on Nickelodeon and everywhere you find Nick Jr.

More Nick:'Blue's Clues & You' Bows on Nickelodeon!

Kids can watch their favorite Nick Jr. shows weekdays on Nickelodeon and all week long on the Nick Jr. channel: http://nickjr.com/tvschedule/

Preschoolers can watch full episodes online, play games, and discover silly surprises in the free Nick Jr. App and at NickJr.com. Stream Nick Jr. for free in the Nick Jr. App on Roku and Apple TV or download full episodes for offline viewing on iTunes or Google Play.

You can also download premium apps featuring your child's favorite Nick Jr. shows on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, including Nick Jr. Draw and Play and Nick Jr. Let’s Learn!

Watch more Nick Jr. everyday for FREE on Nick Jr. Pluto TV!

More Nick:Nick Jr. Live! "Move To The Music" U.S. Theatrical Tour Dates!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nick Jr., Nickelodeon Preschool and Blaze and the Monster Machines News and Highlights!

Henry Danger: The Musical | Good Pipes | Nickelodeon UK

Henry Danger: The Musical | Good Pipes | Nickelodeon UK

Captain Man (Cooper Barnes) and Kid Danger (Jace Norman) need a lady voice for their sing off, and Ariana Grande has already stated that she's team Frankini! Who do they know with a great set of pipes?

Enter the Man Cave at the Nickelodeon Big Base Camp in Greenwich, London during Easter 2020!: http://nickalive.blogspot.com/2019/10/nickelodeon-big-base-camp-to-open.html

More Nick:intu Lakeside to Open Nickelodeon Adventure Lakeside During Autumn 2019!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon UK and Henry Danger News and Highlights!

Best Thankful Moments 🙏 w/ PAW Patrol, Blue’s Clues, Dora, Bubble Guppies & More | Nick Jr.

Best Thankful Moments 🙏 w/ PAW Patrol, Blue’s Clues, Dora, Bubble Guppies & More | Nick Jr.

It's that time of year to be thankful! Watch the Paw Patrol pups, Blues Clues, Dora, the Bubble Guppies and Blaze show you how thankful they are for all their good friends and families! Catch more of your favorite Nick Jr shows and characters on Nickelodeon and Nick Jr.!

More Nick:'Blue's Clues & You' Bows on Nickelodeon!

Kids can watch their favorite Nick Jr. shows weekdays on Nickelodeon and all week long on the Nick Jr. channel: http://nickjr.com/tvschedule/

Preschoolers can watch full episodes online, play games, and discover silly surprises in the free Nick Jr. App and at NickJr.com. Stream Nick Jr. for free in the Nick Jr. App on Roku and Apple TV or download full episodes for offline viewing on iTunes or Google Play.

You can also download premium apps featuring your child's favorite Nick Jr. shows on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, including Nick Jr. Draw and Play and Nick Jr. Let’s Learn!

Watch more Nick Jr. everyday for FREE on Nick Jr. Pluto TV!

More Nick:Nick Jr. Live! "Move To The Music" U.S. Theatrical Tour Dates!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Thanksgiving on Nick Jr., Nickelodeon Preschool and Blaze and the Monster Machines News and Highlights!

‘Campfire Song Song’ Remix Music Video ⛺️🔥 Trap, Metal & More! | SpongeBob

‘Campfire Song Song’ Remix Music Video ⛺️🔥 Trap, Metal & More! | SpongeBob

You’ve never heard the 'Campfire Song Song' like this before! Unless you’re in a SpongeBob metal cover band, I guess. Check out these awesome remixes of SpongeBob and Patrick singing the Campfire Song Song to Squidward in the styles of a capella, trap, metal, double speed, high pitch, and sound effects-only!

Watch more SpongeBob SquarePants on Nickelodeon!

CALLING ALL GOOFY GOOBERS! (ROCK!) Are ya ready for a deep dive into the world of SpongeBob SquarePants? The SpongeBob YouTube channel is THE PLACE for all fan-favorite SpongeBob moments! We’re serving up everything from legendary scenes to remixes of classic songs to deep dives into Bikini Bottom lore. Be sure to check back every week for Music Mondays, Wumbo Wednesdays, and Flashback Fridays! Subscribe now at https://www.youtube.com/SpongeBobOfficial!

Join the OFFICIAL SpongeBob SquarePants Facebook Group here!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SpongeBobSquareFans

More Nick:Nickelodeon to Premiere 'The SpongeBob Musical: Live On Stage!' on Saturday, December 7, 2019!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!

Reptar on Ice in 5 Minutes! 🦖 Rugrats | NickRewind

Reptar on Ice in 5 Minutes! 🦖 Rugrats | NickRewind

The Rugrats' favorite green dinosaur is on ice! Reptar Cereal just became 10 times cooler! Watch more of your favorite shows on Nickelodeon!

Watch all your ‘80s, ‘90s, and ‘00s Nickelodeon favorites on NickRewind, your late-night destination for your favorite childhood Nickelodeon cartoons and live-action shows! NickSplat doesn't question football-shaped heads, but embrace them - along with Reptar bars, a Big Ear of Corn, orange soda, and even slime for Pete (and Pete's) sake. Make your slime-covered Nickelodeon childhood dreams come true every night at 11 PM ET/PT on TeenNick USA, and anytime you want on NickSplat on VRV AND NOW ON Nick Pluto TV!

Like NickRewind on Facebook, subscribe to the NickRewind YouTube channel and follow NickRewind on Twitter and Instagram for exclusive digital content from all of your throwback favorites like Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, iCarly, Victorious, Kenan & Kel, CatDog, Doug, Rocko’s Modern Life, The Amanda Show, Clarissa Explains It All, The Ren & Stimpy Show, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, and so much more!

Join Nickelodeon's official I Was A Nick Kid Facebook Group!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IWasANickKid/

More Nick:Nickelodeon and Paramount to Bring 'Rugrats' Back for the Next Generation of Kids!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Classic Nickelodeon, NickRewind and Rugrats News and Highlights!

Ben Azelart Discusses His Relationship Status with Fellow Hawaiians! 🌸 | Backstage With Ben | America's Most Musical Family

Ben Azelart Discusses His Relationship Status with Fellow Hawaiians! 🌸 | Backstage With Ben

Ben might be an LA boy now, but he'll never forget his Hawaiian roots! Watch him geek out with fellow Hawaiians backstage of America's Musical Family while Ben Azelart gets to know the latest contestants!

Who was your favorite family band in episode four of Nickelodeon's brand new music competition series America's Most Musical Family? Vote in the poll here!: http://nickalive.blogspot.com/2019/11/who-was-your-favorite-family-band-in_23.html

About America’s Most Musical Family!

America’s Most Musical Family is a brand new singing competition on Nickelodeon that showcases the most talented and brilliant family performers! On the AMMF YouTube channel Ben Azelart will be your backstage digital host, and you can expect the same OTT energy you love from Ben as he plays games, pranks, and conducts exclusive behind-the-scenes interviews with your favorite singing families and judges. Expect some cameo appearances from the AMMF panel of judges like uber-popular YouTuber David Dobrik, Grammy Award-winning singer Ciara, 80’s pop icon Debbie Gibson, and on-air host Nick Lachey from the multi-platinum-selling boyband 98 Degrees. Tune in every week for new content from Ben and to watch your favorite performances from each round of the competition!

America’s Most Musical Family airs Fridays at 7:00 p.m. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon USA and YTV Canada and 7:30pm on Nickelodeon UK & Ireland!

Follow America’s Most Musical Family: nickammf.com | Instagram | YouTube | Audition for Season 2 | #AMMF

More Nick:Nickelodeon Now Casting for New Musical Series 'Counting Stars'!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and America's Most Musical Family News and Highlights!

Is 'Danny Phantom' About to Go Ghost Again? Butch Hartman Teases Revival Movie

Could there be a Danny Phantom movie in the works? Butch Hartman, the creator of the beloved animated Nickelodeon series, has hinted that there could be!

In a Twitter poll, Hartman is asking fans to vote for which movie they're more excited to see, with the options being The Rise of Skywalker, Frozen 2, or Danny Phantom, The Movie.

Whilst it's not a confirmation that Danny Phantom is coming back to our screens, the news does follow Netflix and Nickelodeon recently announcing that they have formed a new, multi-year output deal to produce original animated feature films and television series - based both on the Nickelodeon library of characters as well as all-new IP - for kids and families around the world. The deal marks an expansion of the existing relationship between the companies, which has already brought several popular titles to Netflix, including animated specials Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling and Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus, the TV series Pinky Malinky, and also forthcoming are specials based on The Loud House and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And as Danny Phantom is one of the most requested shows Nickelodeon gets asked to revive, there is a good chance that we could be seeing a Danny Phantom revival of some kind in the future. It's time to Go Ghost, again!

One thing that may hinder a Danny Phantom revival is that Hartman left Nickelodeon in February 2018 following a 20 year career at the studio. However, he recently partnered with Pocket.watch to animate Hobby Kids Adventures, an animated series inspired by the HobbyKids family, which features on NickJr.com and Viacom's Pluto TV.

Danny Phantom follows Danny Fenton, who was once your typical shy kid - you know, kind of a wallflower. But all that changed one afternoon when Danny accidentally blew up his parents' laboratory and became ghost-hunting superhero Danny Phantom! Now 1/2 ghost, Danny's picked up some pretty cool paranormal powers - but only his best friends Samantha and Tucker know his secret. These days, Danny's busy fighting ghosts, saving the world and hiding his new identity - which is actually a whole lot easier than trying to survive ninth grade!

Danny Phantom was second Nicktoon created by Butch Hartman, and premiered on April 3, 2004, running for 53 episodes over three seasons. It spawned two video games, Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy and Danny Phantom: Urban Jungle, plus appearances in over a dozen more. Most recently, Danny Phantom made a appearance in Butch Hartman's original Nickelodeon short, The Fairly Odd Phantom in February 2017.

Would you like to see Danny Phantom go ghost again? Let me know in the comments!

More Nick:Netflix and Nickelodeon Form Multi-Year Output Deal to Produce Original Animated Films and Series!

H/T: Special thanks to @JeffreyKare for the news!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Danny Phantom News and Highlights!

December 2019 on Nickelodeon Italy: ALVINNN | SpongeBob | Henry Danger | Christmas + More

Below is a round-up of Nickelodeon Italy's (Italia) programming highlights for December (Dicembre) 2019!

Nickelodeon Italia: (canali 605 e 606 di Sky)

Danger Time
New Stunt
Airs: Weekday evenings at 20:20 from Monday 2nd December 2019

Beginning Monday 2nd December 2019, fans can tune in every weekday evening for two hours of great laughter with Kid Danger (Jace Norman) and Captain Man (Cooper Barnes) in a variety of different Henry Danger specials! It kicks off with some of the most recent episodes, including "Danger Things" and "Back to the Danger", and includes the recent "Henry Danger The Musical" and the Henry Danger x The Thundermans crossover, "Danger & Thunder"!

Danger Time
Dal 2 dicembre, Dal lunedì al venerdì alle 20.20

Kid Danger e Capitan Man sbarcano in prima serata con una programmazione esclusiva: ogni sera uno speciale diverso, per due ore di grandi risate. Si parte con gli episodi più recenti, come Danger Things e Viaggio nel tempo, passando dal doppio episodio in versione musical fino alle avventure più amate delle passate stagioni come il mitico duetto con I Thunderman in Danger & Thunder.

Un Natale da scartare
Christmas Stunt
Airs: Weekdays at 2:00pm from Monday 2nd December 2019

Tune into Christmas specials of all your favourite Nickelodeon shows, including Henry Danger, The Thundermans, The Loud House, Game Shakers, SpongeBob SquarePants and more!

Un Natale da scartare
Dal 2 dicembre, dal lunedì al venerdì alle 14

Nickelodeon celebra il Natale con ben quattro settimane di programmazione speciale. Una fascia dedicata alle feste dal lunedì al venerdì con gli speciali natalizi più belli delle serie più amate dai bambini, come Henry Danger, I Thunderman, A casa dei Loud, Game Shakers, Spongebob e tanti altri. Senza dimenticare i film natalizi con le star americane di Nickelodeon.

Christmas with SpongeBob
Christmas Marathon
Airs: Wednesday 25th December 2019 (Christmas Day)

Spend Christmas day with a special marathon of back-to-back episodes of SpongeBob, which is currently celebrating it's 20th anniversary! Featuring the most Christmassy episodes of the hit Nickelodeon series!

Natale con Spongebob
Mercoledì 25 dicembre, maratona natalizia

Lo spirito natalizio non può mancare nei fondali di Bikini Bottom con la programmazione speciale dedicata a SpongeBob, la spugna marina che quest’anno festeggia il suo ventesimo anniversario. In onda gli episodi più natalizi del cartoon cult.

Nick Jr. Italia (canali 603 e 604 di Sky)

ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks Season 4
New Episodes
Premiering: Weekdays at 20:00 from Monday 2nd December 2019

Alvinnn!!! & the Chipmunks
Nuovi episodi
Dal 2 dicembre, dal lunedì al venerdì alle 20

Su Nick Jr arriva uno stunt di programmazione con sette episodi inediti della quarta stagione, con protagonisti Alvin e i suoi fratelli. Tante divertenti avventure e nuovi pasticci per lo scoiattolino rockstar e i suoi fratelli combinaguai: Simon e Theodore. Come sempre all’appello non possono mancare le loro amichette Chipettes.

Hooray Santa Claus
Christmas Stunt
Airs: Weekdays at 13:30 from Monday 16th December 2019

Featuring Christmas specials of fan-favourite Nick Jr. shows, including PAW Patrol, Blaze and the Monster Machines, Team Jay, 44 Cats, and Shimmer and Shine!

Evviva Babbo Natale
Dal 16 dicembre, dal lunedì al venerdì alle 13.30

Arrivano gli episodi natalizi più belli delle serie animate più amate dal pubblico prescolare, come Paw Patrol, Blaze, Team Jay, 44 gatti, Shimmer and Shine. E non poteva mancare un episodio inedito di Top Wing, A Top Wing Christmas, dove gli eroici cadetti con le ali affronteranno una nuova missione speciale.

TeenNick Italia: (canale 620 di Sky)

Christmas with TeenNick
Christmas Stunt
Airs: Everyday at 20:00 between Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December 2019

Catch Christmas-themed episodes of all your favourite TeenNick shows, including iCarly!

Natale con Teen Nick
Dal 23 al 29 dicembre, alle 20

Nella settimana natalizia Teen Nick propone gli episodi tematici delle sue migliori serie, tra cui il telefilm ormai cult iCarly. Nell’episodio natalizio L’albero magnetico, Spencer trasforma l'albero tradizionale di Natale in un albero magnetico fatto con materiali che ha trovato in discarica. Durante la notte però la creazione prende fuoco. Per questo Carly esprime il desiderio che suo fratello rinasca ‘intelligente’. La ragazza va a dormire e al suo risveglio troverà una grande sorpresa…

Di Più Nick:Nickelodeon Italy Unveils Autumn/Winter 2019 Programming Highlights!

Originally published: Sunday, November 24, 2019.

Original source: TuttoGiocattoli; Additional sources: Google Translate, PR Newswire, Google.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Christmas on Nickelodeon Italy, Nick Jr. Italia and Teen Nick Italia News and Highlights!

December 2019 on Nick Jr. Central and Eastern Europe: PAW Patrol | Butterbean's Café | Blaze | Becca's Bunch | Christmas + More

Below is a round-up of Nick Jr. Central and Eastern Europe's (CEE) programming highlights for December 2019!

More Highlights:

November 2019 on:Nickelodeon CEE | Nick Jr. CEE | Nicktoons CEE

December 2019 on:Nickelodeon CEE | Nicktoons CEE

All times CET; Unless otherwise noted, localised episode titles are Hungarian.

--- This December, Nick Jr. Central and Eastern Europe will be premiering:

-- Brand-new episodes of PAW Patrol:

- 2019-12-06 17:45 6x10 Pups Save a Manatee / Pups Save Breakfast
- 2019-12-15 15:00 6x15 Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Save a Giant Chicken / Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Stop Harold's Deep Freeze

"PAW Patrol" is locally titled "A mancs őrjárat" in Hungary and "Patrula căţeluşilor" in Romania.

-- A brand-new episode of Butterbean's Café:

- 2019-12-29 13:45 1x?? The Gingerbread Man! / Copykitties!

"Butterbean's Café" is locally titled "Babi kávézója" in Hungary and "Cafeneaua Bobiței" in Romania.

-- The brand new Becca's Bunch Christmas special!:

- 2019-12-13 17:45 1x23 Snowball Rumble / Merry Woodsmas

"Becca's Bunch" is locally titled "Becca és a brancs" in Hungary and "Becca și Gașca" in Romania.

-- Blaze and the Monster Machines season 5!:

- 2019-12-01 17:20 5x02 AJ to the Rescue
- 2019-12-08 17:20 5x03 The Trophy Chase
- 2019-12-15 17:20 5x04 Babysitting Heroes
- 2019-12-22 17:20 5x05 Abra-Ka-Pickle!

"Blaze and the Monster Machines" is locally titled "Láng és a szuperverdák" in Hungary and "Blaze şi maşinile uriaşe" in Romania.

-- Brand-new episodes of Shimmer and Shine season four:

- 2019-12-02 19:10 4x16 A sárkánygyöngy legendája (Legend of the Dragon Treasure)
- 2019-12-03 19:10 4x14 Zeta húga / Csere-képzése (Zeta's Sister / Sneaky Switcheroo)
- 2019-12-04 19:10 4x17 A Sipákoló Kiscsirke / Adara karkötői (Sneaky Squeaky Chicken / Adara's Bracelets)
- 2019-12-05 19:10 4x18a Nazboo Come Home
- 2019-12-06 19:10 4x18b Surfing the Skies
- 2019-12-27 17:40 4x?? Found You Day / Nazboo Loses A Tooth

"Shimmer and Shine" is locally titled "Shimmer és Shine, a dzsinn testvérek" in Hungary and "Shimmer și Shine" in Romania.

--- Additionally, Nick Jr. CEE will:

-- Host a series of marathons featuring fan-favourite episodes of hit Nick Jr. shows:

- 2019-12-15 15:00 17:05 A mancs őrjárat
- 2019-12-22 11:35-17:20 Christmas (Karácsony)
- 2019-12-25 12:20-18:30 Karácsony
- 2019-12-29 13:20-16:25 Babi kávézója

- And air a selection of Nickelodeon Preschool movies and specials every Sunday at 08:30, encored the following Saturday at 08:30:

- 2019-12-01 08:30 Bubble Guppies: The Puppy and the Ring (Bubi guppik: A kutyus és a gyűrű)
- 2019-12-08 08:30 Dora the Explorer: Tale of the Unicorn King (Dóra, a felfedező: Dora megmenti Egyszarvú királyt)
- 2019-12-15 08:30 Shimmer and Shine: The First Wish (Shimmer és Shine, a dzsinn testvérek: Az első kívánság)
- 2019-12-22 08:30 Dora the Explorer: Dora's Christmas Carol Adventure (Dóra, a felfedező: Dóra karácsonyi kalandja)
- 2019-12-29 08:25 Dora Saves the Snow Princess (Dóra, a felfedező: Dóra megmenti a Hóhercegnőt)

Originally published: Sunday, October 27, 2019.

More Nick:The Hungarian Railway History Park and Nickelodeon Hungary Partner for the Santa Claus Express!

Decemberi, új évad, Filmek, különkiadások decemberben: - minden vasárnap 08:30-kor, ismétlés szombatonként 08:30-kor

Original source: Mentrum; Additional sources: Google Translate, Program24.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Christmas on Nick Jr. CEE and Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Channels Face Exclusion in Ukraine

The Ukrainian regulator National Council has postponed a decision on the exclusion of Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) channels Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon HD and Nick Jr. from the country until Thursday 19th December 2019.

Telekritikareports that Sergey Kostinsky, a member of the Council, conducted a study on the foreign licences held by the channels and concluded that they are Russian TV channels.

It adds that a Ukrainian company named Vianet, the copyright holder of Niki Kids and Niki Junior, had a dispute with Viacom in 2017 about the similarity of their names to Viacom’s services.

It then provided the National Council with information about outdated details provided on the channels’ licences by Viacom in 2008 and 2012.

Kostinsky argues that as the European licences held by Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon HD and Nickelodeon Junior do not specify a Russian-language audio track, the Russian versions shown in Ukraine are effectively Russian channels.

The news comes as VIMN is planing to launch a Nicktoons channel in Ukraine.

From Telekritika:


Судьбу анимационных телеканалов американского медиахолдинга Viacom в Украине 19 декабря решит Национальный совет.

Национальный совет по вопросам телевидения и радиовещания 20 ноября хотел принять решение исключить анимационные телеканалы Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon HD и Nickelodeon Junior американской медиагруппы Viacom c перечня адаптированных иностранных телеканалов из-за устаревшей информации, предоставленной регулятору об иностранной лицензии, которую вещатели подавали во время адаптации каналов в 2008 и 2012 годах. После обсуждения — рассмотрения вопроса было перенесено на 19 декабря.

Исключить телеканалы с адаптированного списка предлагал член регулятора Сергей Костинский, который, курируя вопрос, провел исследование по иностранным лицензиям телеканала и пришел к выводу, что американские телеканалы Viacom – это, якобы, российские телеканалы.

На анимационные телеканалы Viacom пожаловалась украинская компания Vianet Рудольфа Кирноса – правообладателя анимационных телеканалов NIKI Kids и NIKI Junior, у которых осенью 2017-го возник конфликт с Viacom из-за схожести названия. Компания Vianet предоставила Нацсовету данные относительно устаревшей информации по заграничным лицензиям анимационных телеканалов Viacom. Их группа предоставляла в 2008 и 2012 годах, чтобы попасть в адаптированный список иностранных телеканалов.

В европейских лицензиях Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon HD и Nickelodeon Junior не указана русскоязычная звуковая дорожка. Из-за этого, в понимании Костинского, версии Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon HD и Nickelodeon Junior на русском языке – это российские телеканалы. «Телекритика» предлагает ознакомится с полной речью члена Нацсовета:

«2 апреля 2008 года иностранную программу Nickelodeon включили в адаптированный список и признали такой, чей контент соответствует Европейской конвенции о трансграничном вещании, — начал Сергей Костинский. – В 2012-м были включены в этот перечень также программы Nickelodeon Junior, страна правообладатель – Великобритания, языки вещания – английский и русский; и Nickelodeon HD, страна-производитель которого — Чешская республика, языки вещания – английский и русский. Мониторинг в январе зафиксировал, что вещание телеканалов происходит на русском. Чтобы получить дополнительную информацию по Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon HD и Nickelodeon Junior, в частности — подтвердить статус лицензии на вещание, мы обратились к медиарегуляторам Нидерландов (31 января), Чехии (16 июня) и Великобритании (16 июня). В ответ на наши запросы поступила следующая информация. В нидерландском регуляторе ответили в марте. Они провели собственное расследование относительно Nickelodeon, отметив, что компания-правообладатель, которая получила лицензии на вещание для многих стран, не имеет русскоязычной версии и прав на ретрансляцию на территории Украины. Если канал хочет вести вещание на других языках, это предусматривает получение еще одной лицензии. Совет по вопросам радио и ТВ Чехии в июне сообщил, что в перечне программ, на которые имеет лицензии правообладатель телеканала, отсутствует канал Nickelodeon HD. Также регулятор предоставил копии лицензий на вещание Nickelodeon с 2009-го, кроме Nickelodeon регулятор выдавал лицензию MTV Networks. Программа Nickelodeon имеет основную лицензию от октября 2009-го, выданную на 12 лет, в ней указан английский язык, русскоязычная версия отсутствует. Nickelodeon имеет право на дополнительную ретрансляцию на русском языке с 2010-го после внесения изменений в язык вещания, но в программе не указана ретрансляция Nickelodeon HD. Программа Nickelodeon распространяется на Чехию, Словакию, Болгарию, Эстонию и др. Русскоязычная версия Nickelodeon, которая доступна в Украине должна вещать без оглашений и с логотипом Nick. На официальном интернет-ресурсе регулятора Ofcom, в реестре телевещателей, который находится в открытом доступе, присутствуют телеканалы Nickelodeon HD и Nick Jr. Каналы транслируются на английском, территория распространения – Великобритания. Британский регулятор ответил в июле, сообщив, что строк лицензии Nick Jr истек 19 апреля 2018-го, лицензия на вещание выдается согласно законодательству не по языковым признакам, а по территориальным. Нацсовет отдельно обратился 19 сентября к правообладателю — MTV Networks U.K. Limited — относительно предоставленой информации о правовых основаниях по распространению телеканалов в Украине, но пока что Нацсовет не получил официальных ответов».

Член Нацсовета Олег Черныш сообщил, что не был ознакомлен с данной информацией по телеканалам. Он считает, что в конфликте Viacom и Vianet Костинский подыгрывает последней компании: «Всегда есть конфликты между нашими лицензиатами, определенными медиагруппами, и члены Нацсовета никогда не должны в них вмешиваться. Я вижу, что не всем это удается. Nickelodeon – это всемирно известные каналы, которые транслируются по всему миру. Учитывая информацию, которую предоставил Сергей Анатольевич, я вижу, что не совсем нормальная коммуникация между нами и регуляторами. Хотелось бы увидеть те вопросы, которые мы задавали нашим коллегам из других стран и их ответы».

Директор Vianet Рудольф Кирнос отметил, что его каналы вещают на украинском, тогда как Nickelodeon – на русском. Он сетует, что вопрос каналов Viacom затянулся на два года: «1 декабря будет ровно два года, как мы начали то, что сейчас обсуждается. Был факт вещания в оккупированном Крыму. Черныш сказал – не они! Это как зеленые человечки появились в 2014-м… также не знаю откуда – из катакомб? Эти каналы, юрисдикцию которых мы и вы не можем вычислить. Германия? Нет. Англия? Нет. Чехия? Нет. Так кто? Беларусь? Зачем вы закрываете глаза? Вашим мониторингом зафиксировано производство программ, которые были выработаны в государстве-агрессоре после 1 января 2014-го. У меня на флешке есть видеодоказательства из открытых источников (YouTube). Происходит даже не нарушение конвенции о трансграничном вещании, это нарушение закона о кинематографии. Идет гибридная война, и мы также гибридно защищаемся». Вместе с тем Рудольф Кирнос предложил «строить украинское телевидение», Nickelodeon может себе позволить оформить украинскую лицензию и вещать на украинском языке.

Олег Черныш ответил, что к нему лично не обращались относительно вещания этих телеканалов в оккупированном Крыму и поинтересовался, почему результаты мониторинга по каналам Viacom компания Vianet получила раньше, чем сам чиновник: «Мы сделали запрос и нам ответили», — пояснил Рудольф Кирнос. Сергей Костинский отметил, что регулятор уже изучает вопрос русского дубляжа эфира телеканала российскими актерами. И. о. главы Нацсовета Ольга Герасимьюк поинтересовалась у Костинского, почему она ничего об этом не знает, но ответа не последовало.

Сергей Костинский заверил, что не имеет конфликта интересов и предубеждений ни к одной из телегрупп (каналы Viacom в Украине дистрибутирует 1+1 media), поскольку «у них не работал» и сообщил, что регулятор «стал более критично подходить к адаптации иностранных телеканалов и не допускать в украинское информационное пространство российские телеканалы». В ответ Олег Черныш сообщил следующее: «Думаю, все, кто имеет опыт на телевидении, знают, что Nickelodeon – это не российский вещатель».

Во время рассмотрения другого вопроса, не касающегося Viacom, Черныш также поинтересовался у Костинского, почему на прошлом заседании он пролоббировал перенос вопроса нарушений в дни памяти четырех телеканалов (NIKI Kids, NIKI Junior, EU Music и 4ever Music) Кирноса: каналам светило оглашения предупреждений. Костинский сообщил, что телеканалы письменно попросили создать рабочую группу по изменениям правил вещания в дни памяти и траура для отдельных нишевых телеканалов.

Вместе с тем Нацсовет 20 ноября внес изменения в адаптированный список двух иностранных вещателей – АМС и Penthouse. АМС изменил страну-правообладателя – вместо Великобритании стала Чехия, язык программы изменился с русского на украинский. Эротический телеканал Penthouse HD с испанской регистрацией будет транслироваться с другим названием — Penthouse Passion. Такое изменение в названии телеканала произошло еще 1 апреля этого года.

Напомним, вопросы к русскоязычным версиям иностранных телеканалов ранее возникали и по другим адаптированным каналам. В частности каналам групп Discovery, Sony и Fox, которые транслировали в своем эфире заставки со свидетельствами Роскомнадзора. Тогда Сергей Костинский инициировал создание Порядка адаптации иностранных телеканалов, который должен был детально прописать адаптацию таких каналов. Судьба документа на сегодня неизвестна.

Фото: pixabay


More Nick:Viacom Launches Nickelodeon Play App in Poland and Bulgaria!

Original source: Broadband TV News; Special thanks to RegularCapital WarnerMedia Animation News for the news!
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Nickelodeon to Premiere 'The Adventures of Paddington' on Monday, January 20, 2020 at 12:30 P.M. (ET/PT)

Original Nickelodeon Press Release:

MONDAY, JAN. 20, AT 12:30 P.M. (ET/PT) IN THE U.S.

Special Episode to Air Friday, Dec. 20, at 12:30 p.m. (ET/PT) Ahead of Series Launch

Share it: @NickJr #Paddington

NEW YORK–Nov. 20, 2019–Preschoolers will journey across the pond to London for heartwarming adventures with beloved British bear Paddington in Nickelodeon’s brand-new CG-animated series The Adventures of Paddington. Premiering in the U.S. on Monday, Jan. 20, at 12:30 p.m. (ET/PT), The Adventures of Paddington (26 episodes) centers on a younger Paddington as he writes letters to Aunt Lucy celebrating the new things he has discovered through the day’s exciting activities. Following its U.S. launch, The Adventures of Paddington will roll out on the net’s international channels and branded blocks beginning March 2020.

In advance of the series debut, Nickelodeon will air a holiday presentation of “Paddington Finds a Pigeon/Paddington and the Chores List,” on Friday, Dec. 20, at 12:30 p.m. (ET/PT). In the episode, Paddington nurses an injured bird back to health and discovers a new friend in Pigeonton. Then, Mr. Brown creates a list of chores for Paddington, who accidentally picks up the wrong list.

The Adventures of Paddington is a Heyday Films and STUDIOCANAL production in association with Copyrights. Actor Ben Whishaw (Paddington 1 & 2) reprises his role as the voice of the title character, alongside new cast members Morwenna Banks, Bobby Beynon, Sheena Bhattessa, Darren Boyd, Noel Clarke, Phyllis Logan, Monica Lopera, Sabrina Newton-Fisher, David Schofield, Reece Shearsmith, Liz Sutherland-Lim and Jeremiah Waysome. The Adventures of Paddington will also feature a brand-new theme song “Paddington Bear” written and performed by one of Britain's most successful musicians, Gary Barlow (Take That).

In the Jan. 20 series premiere, “Paddington Finds a Hobby/Paddington and the Stamp,” Paddington doesn’t have a hobby, so Mrs. Brown helps him find out what he’s good at. Then, Paddington gets his arm stuck in a mailbox while sending a letter to Aunt Lucy.

Following the series premiere of The Adventures of Paddington,NickJr.com and the Nick Jr. App will feature short-form content and full-length episodes in the U.S. Episodes will also be available on Nick Jr. On Demand and Download-To-Own services in the U.S.

The Adventures of Paddington is directed by Adam Shaw and Chris Drew of BlueZoo (Go Jetters, Digby Dragon, Miffy, Q Pootle 5), and developed for television and written by Jon Foster and James Lamont (The Amazing World of Gumball, Cuckoo, Paddington 1 & 2).

The series is executive produced by multi-award-winning David Heyman (producer of all eight of the Harry Potter films, Paddington 1 & 2) and Rosie Alison (Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Paddington 1 & 2). The Adventures of Paddington is produced by Karen Davidsen (formerly with Disney and HIT Entertainment) and Simon Quinn (Isle of Dogs, Fantastic Mr. Fox), and co-produced by Rob Silva.

About Paddington

For over 60 years, British-born writer Michael Bond has delighted children and families all over the world with his stories about Paddington, the bear from Darkest Peru famous for his love of marmalade. Paddington is popular with both children and adults who feel affectionate and warm towards him and the charm and humour of the Paddington stories is the key to their enduring popularity.

Paddington’s adventures have been adapted several times for television and at the end of 2014 Paddington made his debut onto the big screen, a further film Paddington 2 followed in 2017 with a third in the works. The movies were produced by STUDIOCANAL, part of the international content and media group Vivendi. A new Paddington TV series also from STUDIOCANAL is set to launch on Nickelodeon in 2020.

Follow Paddington on Twitter at @paddingtonbear. Like Paddington’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PaddingtonBear/

©P&Co. Ltd./SC 2019

Licensed on behalf of STUDIOCANAL S.A.S by Copyrights Group


STUDIOCANAL, a 100% affiliate of CANAL+ Group held by Vivendi, is Europe’s leader in production, distribution and international sales of feature films and TV series, operating directly in all three major European markets - France, the United Kingdom and Germany - as well as in Australia and New Zealand.

STUDIOCANAL owns one of the most important film libraries in the world, boasting more than 5,500 titles from 60 countries. Spanning 100 years of film history, this vast and unique catalogue includes among others the iconic Terminator 2,Rambo,Breathless,Mulholland Drive,The Pianist and Belle de jour.

STUDIOCANAL has fully-financed box office hits Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, Paddington 1 and 2,The Commuter and Shaun The Sheep. Upcoming films backed by STUDIOCANAL include Marjane Satrapi’s Radioactive featuring Rosamund Pike, The Secret Garden produced by David Heyman starring Colin Firth, Aardman Studios’ stop-motion film Shaun the Sheep 2.

STUDIOCANAL is actively developing and distributing high-end TV series through its network of award-winning European production companies, including TANDEM in Germany (Take Two) and the UK’s RED Production Company (Years and Years). STUDIOCANAL is also an associate of Danish-based SAM Productions founded by Søren Sveistrup and Adam Price (Ride Upon The Storm) as well as of UK-based GUILTY PARTY PICTURES; Benedict Cumberbatch’s production company SUNNYMARCH TV (Patrick Melrose); URBAN MYTH FILMS (War of the Worlds) and Spain’s BAMBÚ PRODUCCIONES (Instinto). In 2018, STUDIOCANAL launched a new label in France, STUDIOCANAL ORIGINAL.

About Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon, now in its 40th year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The brand includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, location based experiences, publishing and feature films. For more information or artwork, visit http://www.nickpress.com. Nickelodeon and all related titles, characters and logos are trademarks of Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB).

# # #

Update (24/11) - Gary Barlow has revealed that The Adventures of Paddington is slated to premiere on Nick Jr. UK & Ireland in March 2020!

More Nick:PhatMojo Named Paddington Master Toy Partner for U.S, Canada, Latin America, Australia, and New Zealand!

Originally published: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 17:07 GMT.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nick Jr., Nickelodeon Preschool and Paddington News and Highlights!

'The Loud House' Receives 2020 HUMANITAS Prize Nomination; 'Becca’s Bunch' Nominated in 2020 Broadcast Awards

Humanitas has announced the very exciting news that an episode of Nickelodeon's hit animated series The Loud House has been named as finalist for the 2020 HUMANITAS Prize! The Loud House has been nominated in the "Children's Teleplay Category" of the 2020 HUMANITAS Prize for the episode "Racing Hearts". Celebrating its 45th anniversary, the HUMANITAS Prize honors film and television writers whose work inspires compassion, hope, and understanding in the human family.

In The Loud House episode "Racing Hearts" (#324B), when Luna and Sam embark on a challenge taking place across Royal Woods, they discover they have less in common than they thought. Written by Kevin Sullivan, a staff writer on The Loud House, the episode made its television premiere on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 5:00 p.m..

2020 HUMANITAS Prize winners will be announced at the 45th Annual HUMANITAS Prize event on Friday, January 24, 2020, at The Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif.

All winners of the 2020 HUMANITAS Prize, except for those in the Independent Feature Film, Short Film, College Fellowship, and New Voices categories, designate a nonprofit of their choice. Past recipients have included Young Storytellers, The Writers Guild Foundation, Rosie's Theater Kids, Film2Future, Hedgebrook, ARC, The Remix Project, P.S. Arts, IDA, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Sundance Institute, KidUnity, WriteGirl, InsideOUT Writers, WeForShe, Venice Arts, 826LA, Story Pirates, The Heidelberg Project, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, A Place Called Home, California Innocence Project, eQuinoxe Europe, The Trevor Project, Ghetto Film School, Alliance of Women Directors, Arrupe Neighborhood Partnership, and Planned Parenthood.

Since its inception in 1974, the HUMANITAS Prize has awarded over $4 million to more than 360 deserving television and motion picture writers whose work examines what it means to be a fully realized human being in a world struggling with racism, terrorism, sexism, ageism, anti-Semitism, political polarization, religious fanaticism, extreme poverty, violence, and unemployment. By deeply exploring the cultures, lifestyles, sexual orientations, political views, and religious beliefs of people who are very different from ourselves, we can dissolve the walls of ignorance and fear that separate us from one another. For more information, please visit the HUMANITAS Prize at www.humanitasprize.org.

A full list of 2020 HUMANITAS Prize nominees can be found here.

In additional awards news, Nick Jr.'s popular preschool series Becca’s Bunch (JAM Media for Nickelodeon) has been nominated for the "Best Pre-School Programme" award of the Broadcast Awards 2020! Additionally, Milkshake!'s Shane the Chef (Hoho Entertainment for Channel 5) has also been nominated in the same category!

Winners of the 2020 Broadcast Awards will be announced at a prestigious awards ceremony hosted by Harry Hill (TV Burp, Alien Fun Capsule, Harry Hill's Tea Time) at London’s Grosvenor House on Wednesday 5th February 2020.

The Broadcast Awards shortlist 2020 can be viewed here.

Congratulations and good luck to the cast and crews of The Loud House, Becca's Bunch and Shane the Chef, Nickelodeon, JAM Media, Milkshake, Channel 5 and Hoho Entertainment!

More Nick:Nickelodeon Releases 'The Casagrandes' Extended Theme Song Performed by Pop Star Ally Brooke!

H/T: Anime Superhero Forum /@SweetShop209.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon, The Loud House and The Casagrandes News and Highlights!

NE-YO to Fool the School in New Holiday Episode of 'The Substitute', Premiering Saturday, November 30, 2019 on Nickelodeon

Update (11/18) - Below is Nickelodeon's official Press Release announcing the exciting news!:

AT 9:00 P.M. (ET/PT)

Share it: @Nickelodeon #NickSubstitute

Nickelodeon is giving the gift of surprise with its hidden camera prank show The Substitute, this time featuring guest star and Grammy Award-winning artist and performer NE-YO going undercover at John Muir Middle School in Burbank, CA. The holiday-themed episode airs on Saturday, Nov. 30, at 9:00 p.m. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon.

Using a full costume and prosthetics to hide his identity, NE-YO is transformed into three completely unrecognizable substitute teachers, pranking students as a master chef with a disastrous recipe for gingerbread cookies and eggnog, an out of control ‘90s rocker with an appetite for destruction and a quirky artist with an unusual flare for the arts.

The series features celebrities who are transformed by a team of Hollywood special effects artists to go undercover as a substitute, surprising unsuspecting kids in schools, camps and other locations. After a day full of ridiculous mayhem, the substitute reveals themselves and the organization receives a donation for $25,000.

The Substitute premiered last month with international superstar John Cena, following two specials that aired earlier this year with guest stars Jace Norman (Henry Danger) and the multitalented comedian Lilly Singh. Additional celebrities will be announced at a later date.

The Substitute is produced by Industrial Media’s The Intellectual Property Corporation. Eli Holzman, Aaron Saidman and Todd Hurvitz (Punk’d), serve as executive producers, with Hurvitz also serving as the showrunner. Jessica Brown, Nickelodeon’s Vice President of Current Series, also serves as an executive producer. Production of The Substitute for Nickelodeon is overseen by Rob Bagshaw, Executive Vice President, Unscripted Content.

NE-YO’s first-ever holiday album, Another Kind Of Christmas, is available everywhere HERE.


Original post:

NE-YO is set to guest-star on the holiday-themed episode of Nickelodeon's hit hidden camera prank show The Substitute, HollywoodLife has revealed!

The holiday-themed episode of The Substitute will air Nov. 30, at 9:00 p.m. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon. The episode will feature singer and World of Dance judge NE-YO, who will transform into three completely unrecognizable substitute teachers at John Muir Middle School in Burbank, California, pranking students as a master chef with a disastrous recipe for gingerbread cookies and eggnog, an out of control ‘90s rocker with an appetite for destruction, and a quirky artist with an unusual flair for the arts. He is completely unrecognizable with each and every look!

First look photos show the incredible transformation process for NE-YO. He clearly spent a lot of time in the makeup chair. From the prosthetic nose to a curly wig, the singer went to great lengths to go undercover. Check out NE-YO’s ’90s rocker below!

The Substitute features celebrities who are transformed by a team of Hollywood special effects artists to go undercover as a substitute, surprising unsuspecting kids in schools, camps, and other locations. At the end of the day, the substitute reveals themselves and the organization receives a donation for $25,000. The Substitute premiered in Oct. 2019 with John Cena guest-starring, following two specials that aired earlier this year with Henry Danger star Jace Norman and late-night host and YouTuber Lilly Singh. Additional celebrities who will appear on The Substitute will be announced at a later date.

NE-YO spent some time in the makeup chair in order to complete his transformation. He got a prosthetic nose for one of his looks! Credit: Bill Inoshita/Nickelodeon

NE-YO looks in the mirror as his transformation gets underway. This is just the beginning of an unrecognizable look. Credit: Bill Inoshita/Nickelodeon

The makeup artists work to complete NE-YO’s transformation. He was given a curly wig for one of his characters. Credit: Bill Inoshita/Nickelodeon

Episode 104 – Pictured: Ne-Yo in THE SUBSTITUTE on Nickelodeon. Photo: Bill Inoshita/Nickelodeon. ©2019 Viacom, International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Credit: Bill Inoshita/Nickelodeon

In addition to guest-starring on The Substitute, NE-YO’s first-ever holiday album, Another Kind of Christmas, is out now. The album dropped Oct. 12 and it’s perfect if you’re getting into the holiday spirit. NE-YO is staying busying this holiday season!

More Nick:Nickelodeon Celebrates the Holidays with Series Premiere of 'Top Elf', Friday, Nov. 29, at 8:00 P.M. (ET/PT)!

Originally published: Friday, November 15, 2019.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon, Top Elf and The Substitute News and Highlights!

CBS All Access Launches Children’s Programming; To Add Nickelodeon Programming from January 2020

CBS All Access Launches Children’s Programming

Service Launches Today with Originals
“Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” and “Danger Mouse”

Service Begins Rollout of More than 1,000 Episodes of Library
Programming with “The Adventures of Paddington Bear,”
“Inspector Gadget,” “Madeline,” “Bob the Builder” and More

Nickelodeon to Join Growing Roster of Children’s Programming

Nov. 25, 2019 – CBS All Access, CBS’ digital subscription video on-demand and live streaming service, today began its rollout of children’s programming. The service also announced today that a library of Nickelodeon programming will be available to subscribers, starting with select titles in January.

Subscribers can now stream CBS All Access’ original children’s series including new seasons of CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS and the new DANGER MOUSE, as well as library programming including the original DANGER MOUSE and hits like BOB THE BUILDER, INSPECTOR GADGET, MADELINE, HEATHCLIFF, and THE ADVENTURES OF PADDINGTON BEAR. CBS All Access’ library of children’s programming will grow to more than 1,000 episodes as additional series are added over the coming weeks.

“Bringing children’s programming to CBS All Access is a significant step toward providing even more value for our subscribers and now for their children as well,” said Marc DeBevoise, President and COO, CBS Interactive. “We’re bringing to market a fantastic roster of exclusive originals along with a library of marquee series for families, and we look forward to continuing to expand our children’s programming offering, especially with the future addition of incredible programming from Nickelodeon.”

All CBS All Access children’s programming will be available commercial-free. At launch, parental pin controls will be available across the following platforms: CBS.com, the CBS app for iOS and Android, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Apple TV*, Roku and Xbox One. Parental controls will be available across additional connected TV platforms in the near future.

CBS All Access first announced plans to launch children’s programming on the service in August, teaming up with WildBrain (formerly DHX Media) and Boat Rocker Studios to license the service’s first two original children’s series, WildBrain’s CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS, produced with Sony Pictures Animation, and Boat Rocker’s new DANGER MOUSE, produced with BBC Children’s Productions, as well as more than 1,000 episodes of library programming including the classic original DANGER MOUSE series from Boat Rocker Studios and titles from WildBrain like the classic INSPECTOR GADGET, THE ADVENTURES OF PADDINGTON BEAR, MADELINE and HEATHCLIFF.

A full list of children’s programming available at launch can be viewed here.

*Apple TV 4th generation and newer devices

About CBS All Access:

CBS All Access is CBS’ direct-to-consumer digital subscription video on-demand and live streaming service. CBS All Access gives subscribers the ability to watch more than 12,000 episodes on demand – spanning exclusive original series, CBS Television Network’s primetime, daytime and late night shows, plus classic TV hits – as well as the ability to stream local CBS stations live across the U.S. CBS All Access’ original series include THE GOOD FIGHT, THE TWILIGHT ZONE, TELL ME A STORY, NO ACTIVITY, and WHY WOMEN KILL, as well as the upcoming INTERROGATION, THE STAND, and THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH. CBS All Access is also the exclusive domestic home to STAR TREK: DISCOVERY and the upcoming STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS and STAR TREK: PICARD featuring Sir Patrick Stewart. CBS All Access also includes the ability to stream CBS Interactive’s other live channels, CBSN for 24/7 news, CBS Sports HQ for sports news and analysis, and ET Live for entertainment coverage.

The service is currently available online at CBS.com, on mobile devices via the CBS app for iOS and Android, and on Roku Players, Apple TV, Chromecast, Android TV, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Fire TV, Samsung Smart TVs, Vizio Smartcast TVs, Amazon Prime Video Channels and Apple TV channels. Versions of CBS All Access have now launched internationally in Canada and Australia (10 All Access), with unique but similar content and pricing plans. For more details on CBS All Access, please visit https://www.cbs.com/all-access.

About WildBrain:

At WildBrain we make great content for kids and families. With over 13,000 half-hours of filmed entertainment in our library – one of the world’s most extensive – we are home to such brands as “Peanuts,” “Teletubbies,” “Strawberry Shortcake,” “Caillou,” “Inspector Gadget” and “Degrassi.” Our shows are seen in more than 150 countries on over 500 telecasters and streaming platforms. Our AVOD business – WildBrain Spark– offers one of the largest networks of kids’ channels on YouTube, with over 109 million subscribers. We also license consumer products and location-based entertainment in every major territory for our own properties as well for our clients and content partners. Our television group owns and operates four family entertainment channels that are among the most-viewed in Canada. WildBrain is headquartered in Canada with offices worldwide and trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange (DHX) and NASDAQ (DHXM). Visit us at www.wildbrain.com. (On September 23, 2019, DHX Media Ltd. announced it is rebranding as “WildBrain”.)

About Boat Rocker Media:

Boat Rocker Media is a global entertainment company that creates, produces and exploits premium media content for all platforms and develops brands and IP for worldwide monetization. Boat Rocker Studios, the content, distribution, and brands arm of the company, consists of the following content groups: Platform One Media, Temple Street, Matador Content, Crooked Horse, Proper, Insight Productions, Boat Rocker Kids & Family, Jam Filled Entertainment, and partnerships with Untitled Entertainment and Industrial Brothers. Boat Rocker Ventures also has investments in Serial Box, MarcoPolo Learning, the Toronto Arrows Rugby Football Club, CAA Creative Labs and Bustle. A selection of Boat Rocker’s recent projects includes: “Orphan Black” (BBC AMERICA, Space), “Lip Sync Battle” (Paramount Network), “Iron Chef Canada” (Food Network), “Killjoys” (Syfy, Space), “The Amazing Race Canada” (CTV), “Knight Fight” (History), “Vintage Tech Hunters” (Discovery), “X Company” (CBC), “Masterchef Canada” (CTV), “The Next Step” (Family Channel, CBBC), “The Loud House” (Nickelodeon), “Bitz & Bob” (CBeebies) and “Danger Mouse” (CBBC). For more information on Boat Rocker Media, please visit www.boatrocker.com and connect via (Twitter) or (Facebook).

* * *

More Nick:Nickelodeon and CBS Television Studios Announce New Animated 'Star Trek' Series!

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CBS Corporation and Viacom Inc. Announce Expected Closing Date of Merger

CBS Corporation and Viacom Inc. Announce Expected Closing Date of Merger

ViacomCBS Transaction Expected to Close on December 4 and
Trading of ViacomCBS on Nasdaq Expected to Begin December 5

NEW YORK — Nov. 25, 2019 — CBS Corporation (NYSE: CBS.A, CBS) and Viacom Inc. (Nasdaq: VIAB, VIA) today announced that their pending merger is currently expected to close after market hours on Wednesday, December 4th. Immediately following the closing, the combined company will be renamed “ViacomCBS Inc.” (“ViacomCBS”), and it is expected to begin trading on the Nasdaq Global Select Market (“Nasdaq”) on Thursday, December 5th under the new ticker symbols “VIACA” and “VIAC”.

As part of the listing, ViacomCBS will also become eligible for future inclusion in the Nasdaq 100 index.

Following the merger, with CBS continuing as the surviving company, CBS will delist its Class A and Class B common stock from the NYSE and will list the Class A and Class B common stock of the combined company, including the outstanding shares of CBS Class A and Class B common stock (which will remain outstanding shares of ViacomCBS), on the Nasdaq Global Select Market (“Nasdaq”). Trading of the Class A and Class B common stock of ViacomCBS on Nasdaq under the new ticker symbols “VIACA” and “VIAC,” respectively, is expected to commence on the trading day following the effective time of the merger. Until the merger and subsequent transfer of listing to Nasdaq are complete, the CBS Class A and Class B common stock will continue to trade on the NYSE under the ticker symbols “CBS.A” and “CBS,” respectively. The completion of the merger remains subject to customary closing conditions.

About CBS

CBS Corporation (NYSE: CBS.A and CBS) is a mass media company that creates and distributes industry-leading content across a variety of platforms to audiences around the world. The Company has businesses with origins that date back to the dawn of the broadcasting age as well as new ventures that operate on the leading edge of media. CBS owns the most-watched television network in the U.S. and one of the world’s largest libraries of entertainment content, making its brand –”the Eye” – one of the most-recognized in business. The Company’s operations span virtually every field of media and entertainment, including cable, publishing, local TV, film and interactive. CBS’ businesses include CBS Television Network, The CW (a joint venture between CBS Corporation and Warner Bros. Entertainment), Network 10 Australia, CBS Television Studios, CBS Global Distribution Group, CBS Consumer Products, CBS Home Entertainment, CBS Interactive, CBS All Access, the Company’s direct-to-consumer digital streaming subscription service, CBS Sports Network, CBS Films, Showtime Networks, Pop, Smithsonian Networks, Simon & Schuster, CBS Television Stations and CBS Experiences. For more information, go to http://www.cbscorporation.com.

About Viacom

Viacom (Nasdaq: VIAB, VIA) creates entertainment experiences that drive conversation and culture around the world. Through television, film, digital media, live events, merchandise and solutions, its brands connect with diverse, young and young at heart audiences in more than 180 countries.

For more information on Viacom and its businesses, visit http://www.viacom.com. Keep up with Viacom news by following it on Twitter (twitter.com/Viacom), Facebook (facebook.com/Viacom) and LinkedIn (linkedin.com/company/Viacom).

Important Information About the Pending Merger Between CBS and Viacom and Where To Find It

In connection with the pending merger between CBS Corporation (“CBS”) and Viacom Inc. (“Viacom”), CBS has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) a Registration Statement on Form S-4 (No. 333‑234238) (the “Registration Statement”) that includes a joint consent solicitation statement of CBS and Viacom and that also constitutes a prospectus of CBS (the “joint consent solicitation statement / prospectus”). The Registration Statement was declared effective by the SEC on October 25, 2019. Viacom and CBS commenced mailing the definitive joint consent solicitation statement / prospectus to Viacom stockholders and CBS stockholders on or about October 28, 2019. This communication is not a substitute for the joint consent solicitation statement / prospectus or Registration Statement or any other document which CBS or Viacom may file with the SEC. INVESTORS AND SECURITY HOLDERS OF CBS AND VIACOM ARE URGED TO READ THE REGISTRATION STATEMENT, WHICH INCLUDES THE JOINT CONSENT SOLICITATION STATEMENT / PROSPECTUS, AND ANY OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTS THAT ARE FILED OR WILL BE FILED WITH THE SEC, AS WELL AS ANY AMENDMENTS OR SUPPLEMENTS TO THESE DOCUMENTS, CAREFULLY AND IN THEIR ENTIRETY BECAUSE THEY CONTAIN OR WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE PENDING MERGER AND RELATED MATTERS. Investors and security holders may obtain free copies of the Registration Statement, which includes the joint consent solicitation statement / prospectus, and other documents filed with the SEC by CBS and Viacom through the website maintained by the SEC at www.sec.gov or by contacting the investor relations department of CBS (+1-212-975-4321 or +1-877-227-0787; investorrelations@CBS.com) or Viacom (+1-212-846-6700 or +1-800-516-4399; investor.relations@Viacom.com).

No Offer or Solicitation

This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to and does not constitute an offer to subscribe for, buy or sell, or the solicitation of an offer to subscribe for, buy or sell, or an invitation to subscribe for, buy or sell any securities or a solicitation of any vote or approval in any jurisdiction, nor shall there be any sale, issuance or transfer of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, invitation, sale or solicitation would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. No offer of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of Section 10 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and otherwise in accordance with applicable law.

Cautionary Notes on Forward-Looking Statements

This communication contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. In this context, forward-looking statements often address expected future business and financial performance and financial condition, and often contain words such as “expect,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “seek,” “see,” “will,” “would,” “may,” “target,” similar expressions and variations or negatives of these words. Forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain, such as statements about the consummation of the pending merger and the anticipated benefits thereof. These and other forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future results and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements, including the failure to consummate the pending merger or to make any filing or take other action required to consummate such transaction in a timely matter or at all. Important risk factors that may cause such a difference include, but are not limited to: (i) the pending merger may not be completed on anticipated terms and timing, (ii) a condition to closing of the pending merger may not be satisfied, (iii) the anticipated tax treatment of the pending merger may not be obtained, (iv) the potential impact of unforeseen liabilities, future capital expenditures, revenues, costs, expenses, earnings, synergies, economic performance, indebtedness, financial condition and losses on the future prospects, business and management strategies for the management, expansion and growth of the combined business after the consummation of the pending merger, (v) litigation relating to the pending merger against CBS, Viacom or their respective directors, (vi) potential adverse reactions or changes to business relationships resulting from the announcement or completion of the pending merger, (vii) any negative effects of the announcement, pendency or consummation of the pending merger on the market price of CBS’ or Viacom’s common stock and on CBS’ or Viacom’s operating results, (viii) risks associated with third party contracts containing consent and/or other provisions that may be triggered by the pending merger, (ix) the risks and costs associated with the integration of, and the ability of CBS and Viacom to integrate, the businesses successfully and to achieve anticipated synergies, (x) the risk that disruptions from the pending merger will harm CBS’ or Viacom’s business, including current plans and operations, (xi) the ability of CBS or Viacom to retain and hire key personnel and uncertainties arising from leadership changes, (xii) legislative, regulatory and economic developments, (xiii) the other risks described in CBS’ and Viacom’s most recent annual reports on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and (xiv) management’s response to any of the aforementioned factors.

These risks, as well as other risks associated with the pending merger, are more fully discussed in the joint consent solicitation statement / prospectus included in the Registration Statement. While the list of factors presented here and the list of factors presented in the Registration Statement are considered representative, no such list should be considered to be a complete statement of all potential risks and uncertainties. Unlisted factors may present significant additional obstacles to the realization of forward-looking statements. Consequences of material differences in results as compared with those anticipated in the forward-looking statements could include, among other things, business disruption, operational problems, financial loss, legal liability to third parties and similar risks, any of which could have a material adverse effect on CBS’ or Viacom’s consolidated financial condition, results of operations, credit rating or liquidity. Neither CBS nor Viacom assumes any obligation to publicly provide revisions or updates to any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, should circumstances change, except as otherwise required by securities and other applicable laws.


More Nick:Nickelodeon and CBS Television Studios Announce New Animated 'Star Trek' Series!
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November 2019 on Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe: LEGO City | ALVINNN | NOObees | Rise of the TMNT | Loud House | Hunter Street 3 | Henry Danger | Butterbean's Café + More

Below is a round-up of Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe's (CEE) programming highlights for November 2019!

All times CET; Unless otherwise noted, localised episode titles are Hungarian.

More Highlights:

October 2019 on:Nickelodeon CEE | Nicktoons CEE | Nick Jr. CEE

November 2019 on:Nicktoons CEE | Nick Jr. CEE

--- This November, Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe will be premiering:

-- A brand-new episode of The Loud House season 4!:

- 2019-11-01 18:10 4x08a Can't Hardly Wait

"The Loud House" is locally titled "A Lármás család" in Hungary and "Casa Loud" in Romania.

-- Brand-new episodes of ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks season four!:

- 2019-11-04 17:15 4x07a Tour Bus
- 2019-11-05 17:15 4x07b Game Show
- 2019-11-06 17:15 4x08a Alvin Management
- 2019-11-07 17:15 4x08b Time Capsule
- 2019-11-08 17:15 4x09a Munk Vs Machine
- 2019-11-11 17:15 4x09b Shack Magic
- 2019-11-12 17:15 4x10a Big Bro Theodore
- 2019-11-13 17:15 4x10b Granny Awards
- 2019-11-14 17:15 4x11a No Putts, No Glory
- 2019-11-15 17:15 4x11b The Exchange Student
- 2019-11-18 17:15 4x12a Sick Day
- 2019-11-19 17:15 4x12b Crystal Ball Birthday
- 2019-11-20 17:15 4x13a Artsy Smartsy
- 2019-11-21 17:15 4x13b The Crush

"ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks" is locally titled "Alvinnn! és a mókusok" in Hungary and "Alvinnn!!! şi veveriţele" in Romania.

-- Brand-new episodes of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!:

- 2019-11-17 15:45 1x21 A csatorna-túlélés törvényei / A mutáns veszedelem (Man vs. Sewer / The Mutant Menace)
- 2019-11-24 15:45 1x22 Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man / The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek

"Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" is locally titled "A tini nindzsa teknőcök felemelkedése" in Hungary and "Ascensiunea Țestoaselor Ninja" in Romania.

-- Brand-new episodes of Butterbean's Café:

- 2019-11-11 05:20 1x23a Bad Luck Jasper!
- 2019-11-12 05:20 1x23b Green Machine to the Rescue!
- 2019-11-13 05:20 1x24a Cricket's Forever Friend
- 2019-11-14 05:20 1x24b Dazzle's Tea-riffic Teapot!
- 2019-11-15 05:20 1x25a Cricket's Treasure Hunt!
- 2019-11-16 05:20 1x08b Cricket's the Boss!
- 2019-11-17 05:20 1x26a The Missing Veggies!
- 2019-11-18 05:20 1x26b Cricket the Flower Girl!
- 2019-11-19 05:20 1x27b Kitty-sitting!
- 2019-11-20 05:20 1x28a The Takeout Window!
- 2019-11-21 05:20 1x28b Poppy's Fortune!
- 2019-11-22 05:20 1x08a Fairy Happy Thanksgiving!
- 2019-11-23 05:20 1x25b The Puddlebrook Gold Rush!
- 2019-11-24 05:20 1x29a Poppy's Cooking Class!
- 2019-11-25 05:20 1x29b A Fairy Peachy Day!

"Butterbean's Café" is locally titled "Babi kávézója" in Hungary and "Cafeneaua Bobiței" in Romania.

-- Brand-new episodes of Hunter Street Season Three!:

- 2019-11-01 19:55 3x20 Trapped
- 2019-11-04 19:55 3x21 Escape
- 2019-11-05 19:55 3x22 Moms
- 2019-11-06 19:55 3x23 Swamped
- 2019-11-07 19:55 3x24 Truth and Lies
- 2019-11-08 19:55 3x25 The Final Riddle?
- 2019-11-11 19:55 3x26 Revelations
- 2019-11-12 19:55 3x27 Not Quite X Marks the Spot
- 2019-11-13 19:55 3x28 Tricky Times
- 2019-11-14 19:55 3x29 The Pyramid
- 2019-11-15 19:55 3x30 Eclipse - series finale

"Hunter Street" is locally titled "Hunter Street: Kölykök póráz nélkül" in Hungary and "Misterul Familiei Hunter" in Romania.

-- The brand-new animated series Lego City Adventures! [more info]:

- 2019-11-25 18:40 1x01 Cubs and Robbers / Billy the Bug - series premiere
- 2019-11-26 18:40 1x02a Sky Police
- 2019-11-27 18:40 1x02b Father's Day Parade
- 2019-11-28 18:40 1x03a Race to the Top
- 2019-11-29 18:40 1x03b Meet Harl Hubbs

-- Brand new episodes of Noobees!:

- 2019-11-01 15:50 1x38a The Best Cosplayer - A
- 2019-11-04 15:50 1x38b The Best Cosplayer - B
- 2019-11-05 15:50 1x39a The Duel - A
- 2019-11-06 15:50 1x39b The Duel - B
- 2019-11-07 15:50 1x40a Searching in the Museum - A
- 2019-11-08 15:50 1x40b Searching in the Museum - B
- 2019-11-11 15:50 1x41a Recruit Season - A
- 2019-11-12 15:50 1x41b Recruit Season - B
- 2019-11-13 15:50 1x42a Operation Cupid - A
- 2019-11-14 15:50 1x42b Operation Cupid - B
- 2019-11-15 15:50 1x43a David out of the Rockers? - A
- 2019-11-18 15:50 1x43b David out of the Rockers? - B
- 2019-11-19 15:50 1x44a Secrets Revealed - A
- 2019-11-20 15:50 1x44b Secrets Revealed - B
- 2019-11-21 15:50 1x45a Only a Month - A
- 2019-11-22 15:50 1x45b Only a Month - B
- 2019-11-25 15:50 1x46a The Headsets 2.0 - A
- 2019-11-26 15:50 1x46b The Headsets 2.0 - B
- 2019-11-27 15:50 1x47a Matt, The New Avatar - A
- 2019-11-28 15:50 1x47b Matt, The New Avatar - B
- 2019-11-29 15:50 1x48a Matt's Powers - A

"Noobees" is locally titled "Noob csapat" in Hungary and "BOBOCII" in Romania.

-- Brand new episodes of Henry Danger:

- 2019-11-03 19:10 5x16 Holey Moley
- 2019-11-10 19:10 5x17 Love Bytes
- 2019-11-17 19:10 5x18 Double-O-Danger
- 2019-11-24 19:10 5x19 Massage Chair
- 2019-11-29 15:20 4x18 Danger Things

"Henry Danger" is locally titled "Veszélyes Henry" in Hungary and "Henry Pericol" in Romania.

-- Additionally in October 2019, Nickelodeon CEE will air a selection of Nickelodeon Original Movies and specials every Sunday at 11:20 throughout September, replayed the following Saturday at 11:20:

Sunday 3rd November 2019: Blurt! (Ne szólj szám!)
Sunday 10th November 2019: One Crazy Cruise (Egy észvesztő hajóút)
Sunday 17th November 2019: Lost in the West Part 1 (Vad kaland a Vadnyugaton, 1. rész)
Sunday 24th November 2019: Lost in the West Part 2 (Vad kaland a Vadnyugaton, 2. rész)

NickToons CEE: Marathon for Patrick (Marathon) - Promo (Bulgarian) - November 2019

Nickelodeon CEE (Bulgaria): Nickelodeon Play (Ad Bumper) - November 2019

Nickelodeon CEE: LEGO City Adventures (New Series) - Promo (Bulgarian) - November 2019

Nickelodeon CEE: Atchoo! (New Series) - Promo (Bulgarian) - November 2019

Nickelodeon CEE: LEGO City Adventures (New Series) - Promo (3) (Romanian) - November 2019

Nickelodeon CEE: LEGO City Adventures (New Series) - Promo (3) (Bulgarian) - November 2019

Nickelodeon CEE: Atchoo! (New Series) - Promo (2) (English) - November 2019

Nickelodeon CEE: Atchoo! (New Series) - Promo (2) (Romanian) - November 2019

Nickelodeon CEE: Atchoo! (New Series) - Promo (2) (Bulgarian) - November 2019

More Nick:Viacom to Launch Nicktoons Channel in the Czech Republic in October 2019!

Novemberi, évadzáró, új sorozat, évadnyitó, Filmek, különkiadások novemberben: - minden vasárnap 11:20-kor, ismétlés szombatonként 11:20-kor

Originally published: Monday, October 07, 2019.

Original source: Gyerek-Világ; Additional source: Google Translate.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe News and Highlights!

November 2019 on Nicktoons Central and Eastern Europe: SpongeBob S12 | Loud House S4 | RBUK

Below is a round-up of Nicktoons Central and Eastern Europe's (CEE) programming highlights for November 2019!

More Highlights:
October 2019 on:Nickelodeon CEE | Nicktoons CEE | Nick Jr. CEE

November 2019 on:Nickelodeon CEE | Nick Jr. CEE

All times CET; Unless otherwise noted, localised episode titles are Hungarian.

--- This November, NickToons Central and Eastern Europe will be premiering:

-- Brand new episodes of The Loud House season 4!:

- 2019-11-18 16:30 4x06 Washed Up / Recipe for Disaster
- 2019-11-19 16:30 4x07a Present Tense
- 2019-11-20 16:30 4x07b Any Given Sundae
- 2019-11-21 16:30 4x08a Can't Hardly Wait
- 2019-11-22 16:30 4x08b A Mutt Above

"The Loud House" is locally titled "A Lármás család" in Hungary and "Casa Loud" in Romania.

-- Brand new episodes of Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty:

- 2019-11-04 17:55 1x12a The Boaracle
- 2019-11-05 17:55 1x12b Out of the Box
- 2019-11-06 17:55 1x13a A Big Baby
- 2019-11-07 17:55 1x13b Mythic Macaroons
- 2019-11-08 17:55 1x15a The Return of the Might Meow and Super Lucha
- 2019-11-11 17:55 1x15b Grumplestiltskin
- 2019-11-12 17:55 1x16a The Trouble With Travis
- 2019-11-13 17:55 1x16b Tooth or Consequences
- 2019-11-14 17:55 1x17a The Boogie Man
- 2019-11-15 17:55 1x17b The Souper Monster

"RBUK" is locally titled "Szivárványos egyszarvú pillangócica" in Hungary and "Pisicuța Unicorn Fluturaș Curcubeu!" in Romania.

-- Brand new episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants!:

2019-11-27 16:55 12x15a SpongeBob in Randomland
2019-11-28 16:55 12x15b SpongeBob's Bad Habit

"SpongeBob SquarePants" is locally titled "SpongyaBob Kockanadrág" in Hungary and "SpongeBob Pantaloni Pătraţi" in Romania.

--- Additionally Nicktoons CEE will host special marathons of popular Nicktoons throughout November 2019!:

- 2019-11-16 15:00-18:40 SpongyaBob és Patrik barátsága [The Friendship of SpongeBob and Patrick]
- 2019-11-17 11:25-14:50 SpongyaBob és Patrik barátsága
- 2019-11-23 16:20-17:50 A Lármás család
- 2019-11-24 12:20-13:45 A Lármás család

Nicktoons Central and Eastern Europe is available in Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and, from Wednesday 30th October 2019, the Czech Republic.

NickToons CEE: SpongeBob SquarePants (New Episodes) - Promo (Bulgarian) - November 2019

NickToons CEE: Continuity (Romanian) November 23,2019

NickToons CEE: SpongeBob SquarePants (New Episodes) - Promo (Romanian) - November 2019

NickToons CEE: Rise of the TMNT (New Episodes) - Promo (Romanian) - November 2019

NickToons CEE: Rise of the TMNT (New Episodes) - Promo (Bulgarian) - November 2019

More Nick:Viacom to Launch Nicktoons Channel in the Czech Republic in October 2019!

Originally published: Sunday, October 27, 2019.

A Nicktoons novemberi újdonságai. Maratonok novemberben.

Original source: Mentrum; Additional sources: Google Translate, Program24.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nicktoons CEE and Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe News and Highlights!

Come Home for Nickmas This December on Nickelodeon UK

Come home for Nickmas this December on Nickelodeon UK & Ireland!

Get into the festive spirit everyday from 4:00pm, including Christmas specials of all your favourite Nickelodeon shows, including Henry Danger, Game Shakers, School of Rock, The Thundermans, Lip Sync Battle Shorties: Holiday Special and Victorious, and a healthy helping of Christmas movies, such as Albert, Tiny Christmas and Santa Hunters!

Plus, get ready and some of your favourite social media stars, such as Ellie (@ellz.xo), Donel (@officialdonel), Holly (@hollyh), Joe (@taskerjoe), and Tessa (@tessa.bear) are coming over for the ultimate Nickmas takeover, kicking off an epic feast of fun and games!

So, come home for Nickmas, kicking off on Monday 2nd December 2019 at 4pm with the brand-new Henry Danger episode "Holiday Punch" at 4:00pm, only on Nick!

In the all-new Henry Danger Christmas special "Holiday Punch", moths are eating all the Christmas trees, so Captain Man (Cooper Barnes) and Kid Danger (Jace Norman) head over to Neighbourville, but are attacked by shady tree dealers and must fight to save Christmas!

Visit http://www.nick.co.uk/nickmas for more Nickmas fun!

More Nick:Nickelodeon Big Base Camp to Open Easter 2020 in Greenwich, London - Making Kids Stars of the Show!

Additional source: Digiguide.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Christmas on Nickelodeon UK and Nickmas News and Highlights!
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