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Isa van Uden Crowned Winner of Nickelodeon Benelux's 'De Viral Fabriek' Season 2

Update (2/12) - Nickelodeon Benelux has crowned nine-year-old vlogger Isa van Uden as the winner of De Viral Fabriek season two! Coached by Mark Hoekx, Isa beat seven other teams of young YouTubers to clinch the title. Full details below! Congrats Isa!

Nickelodeon Benelux has once again teamed up with popular YouTube stars for a second season of the networks hit weekly competition series De Viral Fabriek (The Viral Factory), set to premiere at 6:00pm uur on Sunday 7th October 2018 on Nickelodeon Netherlands (Nederland) and Belgium (België; Flanders)! The second season will be presented by Nienke van Dijk and Jasper Publie.

Who doesn't dream of becoming the next big YouTuber, coached along the way by some of today's most popular YouTubers? In Nickelodeon's De Viral Fabriek, eight new teams of young YouTubers will compete with some of the biggest Dutch and Belgian YouTubers!

Following the broadcast of each weeks episode, the battle will continue online, when the contestants place their vlogs on Nickelodeon Nederland's official YouTube channel. Each weeks winner will be determined by the number of likes viewers give each video. The winning kids will then go on to compete against each other in the big live final on Sunday 2nd December 2018, where one lucky winner will win the grand prize: A professional camera package and training from a YouTube professional on how they can build their own successful YouTube channel!

One of the eight teams competing on De Viral Fabriek season two is comprised of Ambachtse Aniek and Ju-lieke, who were selected to compete on the show out from lots of contestant applications.

For the last two weeks, the two young girls from Drechtsteden, in the company of a well-known YouTuber and a Nickelodeon camera crew, we spotted in Drechtsteden. Aniek Groenewout and Ju-lieke Snijders are two enthusiastic vloggers. They continuously film and vlog, but there is still little home-made content produced by them on the internet. Editing the raw film material is something that the girls still find difficult. When Nickelodeon was looking for new contestants for the The Viral Factory season two, the decision to sign up was quickly made. Because how can you learn how to YouTube better than from real YouTubers? The ladies recorded a movie and sent it in. After an selection period, the pair were eventually chosen as one of the 8 participating teams.

De Viral Fabriek has been nominated for a Gouden Stuiver award, the audience prize for the best youth programme. De Viral Fabriek season one was presented by

The Viral Factory is nominated for a Gouden Stuiver for the best youth program.

More information about De Viral Fabriek can be found at http://www.nickelodeon.nl/shows/3723 and http://www.nickelodeon.be/shows/3723.

Update (6/10) - Below is Nickelodeon Benelux's official press release announcing the exciting news, via TVvisie!:

YouTubers Mark Hoekx en Royalistiq coachen Jong YouTube talent in 'De Viral Fabriek'

zaterdag 6 oktober 2018

Foto: Nickelodeon - © Viacom Benelux 2018

Dit najaar krijgt nieuw, jong Youtube-talent weer de kans om gecoacht te worden door de populairste YouTubers van dit moment in het Viacom/Nickelodeon programma 'De Viral Fabriek'.

Tijdens de afleveringen volgen we de deelnemers die, onder leiding van hun coach, een video maken met maar één doel: viral gaan! Onder leiding van 8 van de grootste YouTubers van Nederland en België gaan kids de strijd met elkaar aan.

'De Viral Fabriek' wordt gepresenteerd door Nienke van Dijk en Vlaamse co-host Jasper Publie. De Vlaamse YouTube sterren Morgane Eyletten en Just Jade coachen de deelnemende kids, samen met hun Nederlandse collega's: Mark Hoekx, Royalistiq, Cromotag, Femke Meines, Jill en Bokado. Just Jade komt zelfs weer terug voor het tweede seizoen!

De strijd gaat online verder

Na de TV-uitzending gaat de strijd online verder wanneer de deelnemers hun vlog op het Nickelodeon YouTube-kanaal plaatsen, waar de winnaar van de week bepaald wordt door het aantal likes op de video door de kijkers. Hierna strijden de winnende kids per aflevering tegen elkaar tot de grote live finale. De prijs? Een professioneel camerapakket en een professionele YouTube-training om zo hun eigen kanaal op te bouwen.

Vorig seizoen haalde 'De Viral Fabriek' meer dan 2 miljoen views op YouTube. Dit aankomende seizoen start weer met een aantal veelbelovende duels tussen de YouTube sterren, met de allereerste aflevering op 7 oktober waarin de coaches en kids leren elkaar kennen! Vervolgens gaan de battles van start:

Aflevering 2 (zondag 14 oktober): Jill tegen Mark Hoekx
Aflevering 3 (zondag 21 oktober): Royalistiq tegen Femke Meines
Aflevering 4 (zondag 28 oktober): Cromotag tegen Morgane Eyletten
Aflevering 5 (zondag 4 november): Bokado tegen Just Jade

Daarna vinden de halve finales plaats en op zondag 2 december vindt de spannende live finale plaats om 18.00 uur.


Nieuw dit seizoen is het TikTok-duo Sara Dol (1,4 miljoen TikTokfans) en Casper Feddema (240.000 TikTokfans). Zij dagen ons presentatie duo Nienke en Jasper uit voor een echte TikTok-challenge: meer dan 40.000 likes halen met 7 video’s. Het verliezende duo moet in de finale op 2 december een vieze opdracht doen. Wie redt die +40.000 likes?

'De Viral Fabriek', vanaf zondag 7 oktober iedere zondag om 18.00 uur op Nickelodeon. Meteen na de uitzending kun je de viral video’s van de deelnemers bekijken op het YouTube kanaal van Nickelodeon.


From Ambacht.net:

Aniek en Ju-lieke in De Viral Fabriek van Nickelodeon

HENDRIK-IDO-AMBACHT - Twee meiden uit de Drechtsteden in De Viral Fabriek van Nickelodeon. In het nieuwe seizoen van de Viral Fabriek vormen de Ambachtse Aniek en Ju-lieke, samen met een bekende YouTuber, 1 van de 8 teams. Uit heel veel aanmeldingen werden zij geselecteerd voor seizoen 2 van het programma dat vanaf 7 oktober weer elke week bij Nickelodeon te zien zal zijn.

De laatste weken waren de 2 jongedames al, in het gezelschap van een bekende Youtuber en van een cameraploeg van Nickelodeon, op verschillende plaatsen in de Drechtsteden te zien. Aniek Groenewout en Ju-lieke Snijders zijn enthousiaste vloggers. Tenminste dat ligt eraan hoe je het bekijkt. Ze filmen en vloggen voortdurend, maar toch is er nog maar weinig eigengemaakt materiaal op internet te vinden. Het bewerken van het ruwe filmmateriaal is iets wat de dames nog moeilijk vinden. Toen Nickelodeon nieuwe kandidaten voor de Viral fabriek zocht was de stap om zich aan te melden dan ook snel gezet. Want hoe kan je dit nou beter leren dan van echte YouTubers. De dames namen een filmpje op en stuurden dit in. Na een spannende periode werden zij uiteindelijk gekozen als een van de 8 deelnemende teams.

In het tweede seizoen van Nickelodeon’s wekelijkse show De Viral Fabriek gaat nieuw, jong YouTube-talent opnieuw de strijd met elkaar aan onder leiding van acht van de grootste Nederlandse en Belgische YouTubers.

Na de tv-uitzending gaat de strijd online verder wanneer de deelnemers hun ‘vlog’ op het Nickelodeon YouTube-kanaal plaatsen. De winnaar van de week wordt bepaald door het aantal likes van de kijkers op de video. Hierna strijden de winnende kids per aflevering tegen elkaar tot de grote live finale op 2 december.

Uiteindelijk gaat het niet alleen maar om de eer. De winnaar wordt ook nog eens de eigenaar van een professioneel camerapakket en een YouTube-training om zo hun eigen kanaal op te bouwen.

De Viral Fabriek is genomineerd voor een Gouden Stuiver, de publieksprijs voor het beste jeugdprogramma en wordt gepresenteerd door Nienke van Dijk en Jasper Publie.

De Viral Fabriek is vanaf 7 oktober iedere zondag om 18.00 uur te zien op Nickelodeon.


Also, from De Kombinatie:

Ambachtse vlogsters in De Viral Fabriek

In het nieuwe seizoen van de Viral Fabriek vormen de Ambachtse Aniek en Ju-lieke, samen met een bekende YouTuber, 1 van de 8 teams. Uit heel veel aanmeldingen werden zij geselecteerd voor seizoen 2 van het programma dat vanaf 7 oktober weer elke week bij Nickelodeon te zien zal zijn.

H.I.Ambacht - De laatste weken waren de twee jongedames al, in het gezelschap van een bekende Youtuber en van een cameraploeg van Nickelodeon, op verschillende plaatsen in de Drechtsteden te zien. Aniek Groenewout en Ju-lieke Snijders zijn enthousiaste vloggers. Tenminste dat ligt eraan hoe je het bekijkt. Ze filmen en vloggen voortdurend, maar toch is er nog maar weinig eigengemaakt materiaal op internet te vinden. Het bewerken van het ruwe filmmateriaal is iets wat de dames nog moeilijk vinden. Toen Nickelodeon nieuwe kandidaten voor de Viral fabriek zocht was de stap om zich aan te melden dan ook snel gezet. Want hoe kan je dit nou beter leren dan van echte YouTubers. De dames namen een filmpje op en stuurden dit in. Na een spannende periode werden zij uiteindelijk gekozen als een van de acht deelnemende teams.

Jong talent

In het tweede seizoen van Nickelodeon's wekelijkse show De Viral Fabriek gaat nieuw, jong YouTube-talent opnieuw de strijd met elkaar aan onder leiding van acht van de grootste Nederlandse en Belgische YouTubers.

Na de tv-uitzending gaat de strijd online verder wanneer de deelnemers hun 'vlog' op het Nickelodeon YouTube-kanaal plaatsen. De winnaar van de week wordt bepaald door het aantal likes van de kijkers op de video. Hierna strijden de winnende kids per aflevering tegen elkaar tot de grote live finale op 2 december.

Eigen kanaal

Uiteindelijk gaat het niet alleen maar om de eer. De winnaar wordt ook nog eens de eigenaar van een professioneel camerapakket en een YouTube-training om zo hun eigen kanaal op te bouwen.


Also, from Ambacht.net:

Femke Meines coacht Aniek en Ju-Lieke in de Viral Fabriek

Femke Meines coacht Aniek en Ju-Lieke in de Viral Fabriek

HENDRIK-IDO-AMBACHT - Eindelijk weten ze wie hun coach wordt in de Viral Fabriek. De Ambachtse Aniek en Ju-lieke vormen in het nieuwe seizoen van de Viral Fabriek, samen met een Femke Meines, 1 van de 8 deelnemende teams. Uit heel veel aanmeldingen werden zij geselecteerd voor seizoen 2 van het programma dat vanaf 7 oktober weer elke week bij Nickelodeon te zien is.

In de aflevering van 7 oktober was te zien dat Aniek Groenewout en Ju-Lieke Snijders werden uitgekozen door coach Femke Meines. Femke is bij het grote publiek bekend geworden door haar winst in 2012 van het Junior Songfestival. Daarna begon ze te acteren en kreeg steeds meer volgers op haar YouTube kanaal. Inmiddels hebben de twee 9-jarige meiden, samen met hun coach Femke, in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht en directe omgeving hun viral video opgenomen.

Per aflevering strijden steeds twee teams tegen elkaar. De video van Femke, Aniek en Ju-Lieke is te zien in de uitzending van zondag 21 oktober. Direct na de tv-uitzending gaat de strijd nog 3 dagen online verder wanneer de beide teams hun ‘vlog’ op het Nickelodeon YouTube-kanaal plaatsen. De winnaar van de week wordt bepaald door het aantal likes van de kijkers op hun YouTube video. Een van de twee teams gaat door naar de volgende aflevering en maken opnieuw een viral video. De winnende teams strijden steeds weer tegen elkaar tot uiteindelijk de grote live finale op 2 december.

Het gaat niet alleen maar om de eer. De winnaar wordt ook nog eens de eigenaar van een professioneel camerapakket en een YouTube-training om zo hun eigen kanaal op te bouwen.

Kijk dus zondag 21 oktober om 18.00 uur op Nickelodeon naar de Viral Fabriek en stem, direct na de uitzending, massaal online op de video van de Ambachtse meiden en help ze een ronde verder. Stemmen kan t/m woensdag 24 oktober.


Also, from bd.nl:

Vlogster Isa van Uden in halve finale Viral Fabriek

DEN DUNGEN - Isa van Uden (9) uit Den Dungen is door naar de halve finale van de Viral Fabriek. Op spectaculaire wijze wist ze in haar vlog van een auto een vouwpakketje te maken.

Vlogster Isa van Uden is doorgedrongen tot de halve finale van de Viral Fabriek.

En die vlog leverde duizenden ‘duimpjes’ op. Genoeg voor een halve finale-plek bij het programma Viral Fabriek dat Nickelodeon uitzendt. Op zondag 11 november is Isa ‘s avonds weer te zien. Dan mogen mensen ook weer stemmen op haar nieuwe vlog die zich afspeelt in een supermarkt.

Tot en met 14 november kunnen kijkers hun stem uitbrengen. Als de Dungense vlogster daar goed scoort, mag ze naar de finale op 2 december.

Isa van Uden heeft inmiddels 5000 flyers besteld. Daarmee houdt ze een winactie. Als ze door gaat naar de finale, en mensen hebben via de winactie gestemd, maken ze kans om mee naar de tv-finale te mogen.


From TVvisie:

Spannende finale van 'De Viral Fabriek' tussen Royalistiq, Cromotag en Mark Hoekx

De afgelopen weken hebben 8 Youtube sterren met hun teams van jong talent gestreden om de finaleplaatsen van het Viacom/Nickelodeon programma de 'Viral Fabriek'!

Dit seizoen worden de talenten gecoached door Mark Hoekx, Royalistiq, Cromotag, Femke Meines, Morgane Eyletten, Jill, Bokado en Just Jade! De presentatie is in handen van hosts Nienke van Dijk en Jasper Publie.

Afgelopen zondag werd bekend dat Royalistiq met Thimo en Rianne en Cromotag met Dirk en Dré het in de finale tegen elkaar gaan opnemen. De wildcard is naar Mark Hoekx en Isa gegaan. Deze 3 teams staan samen in de spannende live finale. Ook wordt in de finale bekendgemaakt of Jasper en Nienke hun TikTok challenge - meer dan 40.000 likes halen - winnen tegen Sara Dol en Casper Feddema! Tijdens de uitzending moet het verliezende duo een smerige opdracht uitvoeren...

In de afgelopen weken zijn er door de Nickelodeon kijkers meer dan 100.000 likes uitgebracht op 'De Viral Fabriek' filmpjes op YouTube, om te bepalen wie er in de finale moest komen. Naast de coaches hielpen dit seizoen andere bekende Nederlanders de kandidaten met het maken van de video's, waaronder Kaylee (finaliste 'The Voice Kids') en de populaire artiest Bizzey. De viral met de meeste kijkers is (tot nu toe) de auto prank van Royalistiq met meer dan 348.000 kijkers (and counting).

De vakjury bestaande uit: YouTuber Furtjuh (Rutger Vink), Nickelodeon directeur Victor Coolman en talent manager Jules Braakman, kiest uit de 3 finalisten de winnaar. De jury kijkt onder andere naar de originaliteit, creativiteit en presentatie van de teams en filmpjes. Het winnende team ontvangt een professioneel vlogpakket en een reis naar Egypte met TUI om een vakantieviral te maken.

'De Viral Fabriek' beschikt over een uniek crossmediaal aspect: het bedenken en maken van de filmpjes kun je zien op TV zender Nickelodeon, maar het eindresultaat is alleen te vinden op YouTube, waar kinderen met het geven van likes kunnen bepalen wie er door gaat naar de volgende ronde. In het tweede seizoen ontvingen alle Viral Fabriek filmpjes samen tot nu toe al meer dan 1,2 miljoen views.

Het eerste seizoen van 'De Viral Fabriek' behoorde tot de laatste 3 genomineerden van de Gouden Stuiver 2018.


Also, from Omroep Brabant:

Isa (9) wint vlogwedstrijd van Nickelodeon: 'Ik vind het heel leuk om voor de camera te staan'

Isa heeft de vlogwedstrijd gewonnen.

DEN DUNGEN - Vlogster Isa van Uden (9) uit Den Dungen is de beste jonge vlogster van Nederland. Ze won zondag een wedstrijd van televisiezender Nickelodeon. "Ik ben superblij dat ik vandaag gewonnen heb, het was best spannend. De concurrentie was ook heel goed."

Acht maanden geleden plaatste Isa op haar eigen YouTube-kanaal haar eerste vlog. "Ik vind het heel leuk om voor de camera te staan. Ik kan zo verschillende dingen aan de kijkende kinderen laten zien."

Duizenden kinderen hadden zich aangemeld voor de wedstrijd van De Viralfabriek, acht kandidaten werden geselecteerd. Na verschillende filmpjes en stemrondes, bleven drie kandidaten over.

In haar eerste vlog sloopte Isa een auto, in de tweede vlog ging ze met een quad de supermarkt in. In de winnende vlog speelde ze samen met haar coach een scene uit de film Home Alone na. De rode draad: in al haar filmpjes toont ze dat ze niet klein en schattig is, zoals mensen vaak denken als ze haar zien, maar een stoer meisje.


Meer Nick:Nickelodeon Benelux to Fully Premiere New Series on 13th Oct. 2018; Theme Song Sung by FOURCE!

Originally published: Friday, September 28, 2018.

Additional sources: DeepL Translator, Google Translate, CooleSuggesties.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Netherlands, Nickelodeon Belgium and De Viral Fabriek News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Benelux to Premiere 'The Bureau of Magical Things' on Monday 7th January 2019



Nickelodeon Benelux will debut the first two episodes of the enchanting new live-action series The Bureau of Magical Things, created by Australian television producer Jonathan M. Shiff (H2O: Just Add Water), on Sunday 30th December 2018 from 18:00 uur on Nickelodeon Netherlands (Nederland) and Belgium (België; Flanders)! Following the preview, fans can catch more brand-new episodes of The Bureau of Magical Things, locally titled Het Verbond voor Magische Zaken daily at 18:30 uur on Nick Nederlands and Nick België from Monday 7th January 2019!

Filmed in Brisbane and the Gold Coast of Australia, The Bureau of Magical Things combines magic, mystery, and a unique mythology to tell the story of Kyra, an ordinary teenage girl who is caught in a clash between an elf and a fairy then becomes magically transformed. As a “Tri-ling”—part human, part fairy, and part elf—Kyra teams with a group of magical teenagers and learns to use her newfound powers to keep the human world safe from the surprising, funny, and sometimes dangerous effects of magical chaos. But when these young guardians uncover a threat, humans, fairies, and elves must unite to save both their worlds!

The series stars Kimie Tsukakoshi (The Family Law) as Kyra, a confident teenage Tri-ling who exhibits powers of both fairies and elves; Mia Milnes as Lily, an optimistic and sweet fairy; Elizabeth Cullen as Imogen, a headstrong and ambitious elf; Julian Cullen as Darra, Imogen’s charming hipster elf brother; Rainbow Wedell (Terra Nova) as Ruksy, an orderly fairy and teacher’s pet; Jamie Carter (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales) as Peter, Kyra’s longtime classmate and science fiction lover; Christopher Sommers (Hunters) as Professor Maxwell, a witty half-elf-half-human in charge of the local Magic School; Melanie Zanetti (The Leisure Class) as Orla, an elf agent working for the Department of Magical Intervention (DMI); and Nicholas Bell (I, Frankenstein) as Sean, director of the DMI and Lily’s father.

In the first half-hour launch episode, “A Magical Mishap,” ordinary teenager Kyra gets zapped when she touches a book that is the subject of a magical tug‐of‐war between a fairy, Lily, and an elf, Imogen. When Kyra wakes the next day, she can see and perform magic as a newfound Tri‐ling – part‐human, part‐fairy and part‐elf.

Nickelodeon has acquired the global rights to The Bureau of Magical Things (20x30'). The series made its debut on Nick USA on Monday 8th October 2018, followed by its debut on Nickelodeon in the UK and Ireland on Monday 5th November 2018, and is currently rolling out globally across Nickelodeon's channels and branded blocks in 170+ countries and territories.

The Bureau of Magical Things introduces a captivating fantasy world while promoting real world concepts like individuality, diversity and acceptance,” says Layla Lewis, Senior Vice President, Global Acquisitions and Content Partnerships for Nickelodeon. “We think kids everywhere will find something relatable in these characters’ journeys to finding their true selves, while learning to embrace and accept what makes them different.”

Season one of The Bureau of Magical Things is produced by Jonathan M. Shiff Productions, financed with the support of Screen Australia, the Queensland Government through Screen Queensland and the City of Gold Coast and will be globally distributed by ZDF Enterprises. The show was originally broadcast in Australia on Channel Eleven.

From ANP/RTL Boulevard:

Nickelodeon heeft binnenkort een Australisch avonturenserie

De nieuwe avonturenserie Het Verbond van Magische Zaken is vanaf 7 januari 2019 op Nickelodeon te zien. Dat maakte de zender vrijdag bekend.

De live-actionserie vertelt over tienermeisje Kyra dat onbedoeld door een elf en fee wordt getransformeerd in een Tri-ling; deels mens, fee en elf. Ze moet een dubbelleven leiden, omdat ze zowel naar een gewone school gaat als naar een magische school. Ondertussen begint haar vriend Peter achterdochtig te worden.

Het Verbond voor Magische Zaken is een Australische tv-serie en bestaat uit twintig afleveringen. Oorspronkelijk heet de serie The Bureau of Magical Things. Bekijk hier alvast de trailer [bovenstaande.]


Also, from De Telegraaf:

Nieuwe avonturenserie op Nickelodeon

De nieuwe avonturenserie Het Verbond van Magische Zaken is vanaf 7 januari 2019 op Nickelodeon te zien. Dat maakte de zender vrijdag bekend.

De live-actionserie vertelt over tienermeisje Kyra dat onbedoeld door een elf en fee wordt getransformeerd in een Tri-ling; deels mens, fee en elf. Ze moet een dubbelleven leiden omdat ze zowel naar een gewone school gaat als naar een magische school. Ondertussen begint haar vriend Peter achterdochtig te worden.

Het Verbond voor Magische Zaken is een Australische tv-serie die bestaat uit twintig afleveringen.


About Nickelodeon International
Nickelodeon, now in its 39th year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The company includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, recreation, books and feature films. Nickelodeon is one of the most globally recognized and widely distributed multimedia entertainment brands for kids and family, with 1.2 billion cumulative subscriptions in more than 500 million households across 170+ countries and territories, via more than 100+ locally programmed channels and branded blocks. For more information or artwork, visit http://www.nickpress.com. Nickelodeon and all related titles, characters and logos are trademarks of Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB).

About ZDF Enterprises
ZDF Enterprises was founded in 1993 as a commercial subsidiary of ZDF, one of the largest and most renowned TV broadcasters in Europe. Headquartered in Mainz, Germany, ZDF Enterprises is responsible for the worldwide sale of programs, the making of international coproductions, the acquisition of licenses as well as the merchandising of strong program brands in its own name, for the ZDF, and for third parties. ZDF Enterprises has successfully established itself as an independent market player on the German and international stage. Bound into a strong group, the company manages the largest German-language stock of programs in the world and, next to this, a continuously growing portfolio of international productions consisting of series and miniseries, TV movies, documentaries and children’s programs. In the course of the development and diversification process carried out up to now, many business fields in the television and media domains were made accessible in the ZDF Enterprises group. Thus ZDF Enterprises can provide a comprehensive, full-service offering today, and covers every step in the chain of origin and exploitation of successful TV programs, from development to production and up to the marketing of TV licenses, merchandising rights, online rights and much more.

About Jonathan M. Shiff Productions
Founded in 1988, Jonathan M. Shiff Productions is a leading producer of high quality children’s and family television. Renowned for live-action drama series that are exciting and engaging for a youth and family audience, the company’s children’s programming specializes in entertaining, fantasy-based adventures with exceptionally high production values.

Also, from MijnSerie:

Avonturenserie Het Verbond voor Magische Zaken bij Nickelodeon

Op 7 januari 2019 gaat op Nickelodeon de magische serie Het Verbond voor Magische Zaken van start.

In deze avonturenserie draait alles om het doodnormale tienermeisje Kyra dat onbedoeld door een elf en fee wordt getransformeerd in een Tri-ling; deels mens, fee en elf. Ze moet een dubbelleven leiden omdat ze zowel naar een gewone school gaat als naar een magische school. Ondertussen begint haar vriend Peter achterdochtig te worden en ontdekt de magische wereld de krachten van Kyra. Als er gevaar dreigt, is er slechts een mogelijkheid: mensen, feeën en elfen moeten samenwerken om beide werelden te redden.

Wie als eerste de magische beelden van Het Verbond voor Magische Zaken wil zien, kan op zondag 30 december om 18.00 uur op Nickelodeon een uur lang naar de eerste seriebeelden kijken. Het Verbond voor Magische Zaken is dagelijks te zien vanaf maandag 7 januari om 18.30 uur.

In de eerste twee afleveringen die op 30 december worden uitgezonden, laat de serie onder meer de wijze zien waarop het tienermeisje Kyra wordt getransformeerd tot Tri-ling. Wanneer Kyra een boek aanraakt tijdens een magische ruzie tussen fee Lily en elf Imogen, ontdekt ze de volgende dag dat ze een Tri-ling is met magische krachten. Het Verbond voor Magische Zaken is een Australische tv-serie, geproduceerd door Jonathan M. Shiff. De avonturenserie bestaat uit twintig afleveringen van elk 30 minuten.


Meer Nick:Nickelodeon Benelux Announces New Kids Road Safety Game Show 'De Grote Verkeerstest'!

Originally published: Friday, November 30, 2018.

Additional source: Google Translate.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Benelux and The Bureau of Magical Things News and Highlights!

December 2018 on Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) | Christmas | New Years | Knight Squad | Game Shakers S3 | Henry Danger S4 + More

Below is a round-up of Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe's (CEE) programming highlights for December 2018!

Nickelodeon CEE's November 2018 highlights are available here.

All times CET; Unless otherwise noted, localised episode titles are Hungarian.

Update (15/11) - Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe has made a couple of small schedule changes:

- The premieres of the brand-new episodes of Game Shakers have been postponed until a later date;

- Nickelodeon will premiere The Bureau of Magical Things on Monday 24th December 2018!

- Nickelodeon will premiere the brand-new School of Rock Holiday Special "Jingle Bell Rock" on Sunday 23rd December 2018 at 16:15 CET!

See below for the latest line-up!

--- This December, Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe will be premiering:

-- Brand-new episodes of PAW Patrol season five:

- 2018-12-02 07:35 5x08 Pups Save a Bookmobile / Pups Save Heady Humdinger
2018-12-09 07:35 5x09 Sea Patrol: Pups Save the Pirated Sea Patroller
2018-12-16 07:35 5x10 Pups Save the PawPaws / Pups Save a Popped Top
2018-12-23 07:35 5x12 Pups Save the Snowshoeing Goodways / Pups Save a Duck
2018-12-30 07:35 5x14 Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Tigers

"PAW Patrol" is locally titled "A mancs őrjárat" in Hungary and "Patrula căţeluşilor" in Romania.

-- Brand-new episodes of Game Shakers season three:

- 2018-12-03 16:45 3x08 Hot Bananas
- 2018-12-04 16:45 3x10 Snoop Therapy
- 2018-12-05 16:45 3x11 Wet Willy's Wild Water Park
- 2018-12-06 16:45 3x12 Demolition Dollhouse
- 2018-12-07 16:45 3x13 Hungry Hungry Hypno

"Game Shakers" is locally titled "Jocurile succesului" in Romania.

-- Brand-new episodes of Knight Squad season one:

- 2018-12-03 19:00 1x05 A régi lovag visszatér (The Dork Knight Returns)
- 2018-12-04 19:00 1x16 A betoji lovag (Fright Knight)
- 2018-12-05 19:00 1x07 A farkincás lovag (A Knight's Tail)
- 2018-12-06 19:00 1x08 A fogadó óra (Parent Teacher Knight)
- 2018-12-07 19:00 1x12a Tolvaj a lovagok közt 1. rész(A Thief in the Knight, Part 1)
- 2018-12-10 19:00 1x12b Tolvaj a lovagok közt 2. rész(A Thief in the Knight, Part 2)
- 2018-12-11 19:00 1x13 Ne vigyél haza, lovag akarok lenni! (Take Me Home to Knight)
- 2018-12-12 19:00 1x09 A lovagi becsület (Do the Knight Thing)
- 2018-12-13 19:00 1x14 Lovagi rémálom (A Total Knightmare)
- 2018-12-14 19:00 1x10 Bárcsak lovag lehetnék (Wish I May, Wish I Knight)
- 2018-12-17 19:00 1x11 A kisujj-nyűvő csel (Working on the Knight Moves)
- 2018-12-18 19:00 1x15 Király egy szülinap! (Fight for Your Knight to Party)
- 2018-12-19 19:00 1x17 Lovagias hazugság (Little Knight Lies)
- 2018-12-20 19:00 1x18a A lovagság vége 1. rész (End of Knight, Part 1)
- 2018-12-21 19:00 1x18b A lovagság vége 2. rész (End of Knight, Part 2) - (season one finale)

"Knight Squad" is locally titled "Lovag iskola" in Hungary.

-- The brand-new School of Rock Holiday Special "Jingle Bell Rock":

- 2018-12-23 16:15 3x08 Csengettyű rock

"School of Rock" is locally titled "Rocksuli" in Hungary and "Şcoala de rock" in Romania.

-- Brand-new episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants season 11:

- 2018-12-10 17:40 11x22 Goons on the Moon
- 2018-12-11 17:40 11x20b Library Cards
- 2018-12-12 17:40 11x20a Plankton Paranoia
- 2018-12-13 17:40 11x21a Call the Cops!
- 2018-12-14 17:40 11x21b Surf N' Turf
- 2018-12-17 17:40 11x23b Karen's Virus
- 2018-12-18 17:40 11x23a Appointment TV

"SpongeBob SquarePants" is locally titled "SpongyaBob Kockanadrág" in Hungary and "SpongeBob Pantaloni Pătraţi" in Romania.

-- Brand-new episodes of Henry Danger season four:

- 2018-12-02 19:05 4x19 Rubber Duck
- 2018-12-09 19:05 4x14 Vasárnap esti füllentések (Saturday Night Lies)
- 2018-12-16 19:05 4x15 Költözünk, vagy nem költözünk (Henry's Frittle Problem)
- 2018-12-23 19:05 4x12 Totyogó inváziója (Toddler Invasion)
- 2018-12-30 19:05 4x05 Toon In For Danger

"Henry Danger" is locally titled "Veszélyes Henry" in Hungary and "Henry Pericol" in Romania.

-- The brand-new show The Bureau of Magical Things [More Info]!:

- 2018-12-24 19:00 1x01 A Magical Mishap - évadnyitó
- 2018-12-25 19:00 1x02 Magic in the Air
- 2018-12-26 19:00 1x03 All The Worlds A Stage
- 2018-12-27 19:00 1x04 Gone To The Dogs
- 2018-12-28 19:00 1x05 A Knight To Remember
- 2018-12-31 19:00 1x06 The Test

"The Bureau of Magical Things" is locally titled "Varázslatos holmik irodája" in Hungary.

--- Additionally, Nick CEE will:

-- Host a Christmas marathon on Tuesday 25th December 2018 between 13:40-19:00!

-- Say goodbye to 2018 and give 2019 a warm welcome with a special New Years Eve movie marathon on Monday 31st December 2018 between 20:00-00:55:

- Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library (Luigi Lemoncello rejtélyes könyvtára) at 20:00
- Blurt! (Ne szólj szám!) at 21:10
- Legends of the Hidden Temple at 22:00
- Rufus at 23:10
- Rufus 2 at 00:00 (Midnight)

-- And air a selection of Nickelodeon Original Movies and specials throughout December!

- Splitting Adam (Adam és Adam) at 11:20 on Sunday 2nd December 2018

- Rufus on Sunday 9th December 2018 at 11:20 and on Monday 31st December 2018 at 23:10

- Rufus 2 on Sunday 9th December 2018 at 11:20 and on Monday 31st December 2018 at 00:00 (Midnight)

- Albert on Saturday 22nd December 2018 at 11:20 and Wednesday 26th December 2018 at 08:25

- A Fairly Odd Christmas (Egy tündéri karácsony) on Sunday 23rd December 2018 at 11:20

- Tiny Christmas (Kicsiny karácsonyi kaland) on Sunday 23rd December 2018 at 16:45, Tuesday 25th December 2018 at 13:40, Wednesday 26th December 2018 at 09:15, and on Sunday 30th December 2018 at 22:00

- Legends of the Hidden Temple (A titkos templom legendái) on Sunday 30th December 2018 at 11:20 and Monday 31st December 2018 at 22:00

- Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library (Luigi Lemoncello rejtélyes könyvtára) on Monday 31st December 2018 at 20:00

- Blurt! (Ne szólj szám!) on Monday 31st December 2018 at 21:10

Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe is broadcast in Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Malta, Montenegro, Ukraine, Slovenia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, and is broadcast with English, Romanian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Czech, Hungarian, Slovenian, Russian, Polish, Estonian, Lithuanian and Latvian soundtracks.

--- In additional news, HBO GO will be adding new episodes of several Nick series in December 2018: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Tini Nindzsa Teknőcök) season three from Friday 14th December 2018, The Penguins of Madagascar (A Madagaszkár pingvinjei) season three from Friday 14th December 2018, and Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn (Nicky, Ricky, Dicky és Dawn) season three from Friday 21st December 2018, as well as season one of The Loud House (A Lármás család) season one on Friday 7th December 2018 and Nickelodeon Israel's Spell Keepers (A bűbáj őrzői) season one on Monday 3rd December 2018 and season two on Monday 10th December 2018!

More Nick:Malta And Viacom Partner For Nickelodeon Treasure Hunt Malta; Air Malta Unveils Nick-Branded Plane!

Originally published: Thursday, November 15, 2018.

Original source: Gyerek-Világ; Additional sources: Google Translate, Google.co.uk.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Christmas on Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon's December + Holidays 2018 Continuity: Global Edition

Check out a super selection of Nickelodeon's December and Holiday presentation (including idents, bumpers, trailers and BUGs/DOGs) from Nickelodeon channels around the world! (latest videos towards the bottom):

Nickelodeon USA

Nickelodeon HD US Christmas 2018 - A Holiday Henry Danger Advert

A Holiday Henry Danger Advert on Nick HD US 2018

Nicktoons HD US Christmas Advert 2018 - Snowy Sundays

Snowy Sundays on Nicktoons HD US 2018

Teen Nick HD US Christmas Advert 2018 - Teennick Holidays

Teennick Holidays on Teen Nick HD US 2018

Nickelodeon HD US Christmas Idents 2018

Nick HD US Christmas Bumpers 2018 ( Idents and Bumpers )

Nick Jr. HD US Christmas Idents 2018

Christmas Bumpers on Nick Jr HD US 2018

Nickelodeon International

Nickelodeon HD UK Christmas Advert 2018 #2 Ho Ho Holiday Special

Nick HD UK Ho-Ho Holiday Special 2018

Nickelodeon HD Germany Advent Advert 2018 - The Loud House

Nick HD Deutschland Hit Advent 2018

Originally published: Friday, November 30, 2018
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon News and Highlights!

How to Create A Rainbow Helmet 🌈 Style Files Hair Tutorial | Sunny Day | Nick Jr.

Everybody loves rainbows, right? Take a look inside the Style Files and learn how to create a cool, colorful helmet hairdo. 🌈

If you love how Rox makes colorful creations using her hair chalk, you’re going to think this hairstyle really rocks! Grab a brush, hair elastics, spray bottle, rainbow colored hair chalk, and star pins before you start this hair tutorial. This is the perfect hairstyle for medium hair, long hair, or short hair. Follow the DIY instructions on how to create helmet hair that's bold and bright! While in the styling chair, you may remember that this skater style hair was inspired by Rox and her rainbow helmet during the 'Skating Siblings' episode. Want more hair inspiration as well as tips and tricks on how to create fun girl and boy hairstyles? Visit the FREE Nick Jr. App to find full episodes of Sunny Day!

Love Sunny Day? Find full episodes in the free Nick Jr. App! Watch Sunny Day on Nickelodeon and Nick Jr.!: http://nickjr.com/tvschedule/

More Nick:Nickelodeon’s Debut of 'Butterbean’s Café' Serves Up Network’s Biggest Preschool Debut in Five Years!

Preschoolers can watch full episodes online, play games, and discover silly surprises in the free Nick Jr. App and at NickJr.com. Stream Nick Jr. for free in the Nick Jr. App on Roku and Apple TV or download full episodes for offline viewing on iTunes or Google Play.

You can also download premium apps featuring your child's favorite Nick Jr. shows on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, including Nick Jr. Draw and Play and Nick Jr. Let’s Learn!

More Nick:Nick Jr. USA Premieres 'Rainbow Rangers'!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Preschool, Nick Jr. and Sunny Day News and Highlights!

The Best Moments of Rox from Sunny Day | Nick Jr.

Take a closer look at the hair color-mixing queen in Sunny’s salon—Rox! Love Sunny Day? Find full episodes in the free Nick Jr. App!

Rox’s colorful personality always brightens up Sunny’s salon. In this video, you will get to see how Rox’s wild style, super cool confidence, and mixture of talent makes her a Rox-star role model. She’s a fan favorite who really loves coloring hair, skateboarding, and helping friends in need. Oh, and you’ll find there isn’t a treat she wouldn’t eat! Sound a lot like your preschooler? Check out the best of Rox, and catch more of her along with Sunny, Blair, Doodle, and all your kids’ favorite animated cartoon characters, in the free Nick Jr. App!

Love Sunny Day? Find full episodes in the free Nick Jr. App! Watch Sunny Day on Nickelodeon and Nick Jr.!: http://nickjr.com/tvschedule/

More Nick:Nickelodeon’s Debut of 'Butterbean’s Café' Serves Up Network’s Biggest Preschool Debut in Five Years!

Preschoolers can watch full episodes online, play games, and discover silly surprises in the free Nick Jr. App and at NickJr.com. Stream Nick Jr. for free in the Nick Jr. App on Roku and Apple TV or download full episodes for offline viewing on iTunes or Google Play.

You can also download premium apps featuring your child's favorite Nick Jr. shows on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, including Nick Jr. Draw and Play and Nick Jr. Let’s Learn!

More Nick:Nick Jr. USA Premieres 'Rainbow Rangers'!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Preschool, Nick Jr. and Sunny Day News and Highlights!

Gingerbread Cookie Challenge w/ Daniella & Lilimar | #TryThis | Nickelodeon

It’s almost the most wonderful time of the year! To get you guys in the holiday spirit, Nick has enlisted Knight Squad co-stars Daniella Perkins & Lilimar to take part in a Gingerbread Cookie Challenge! Who will decorate the cutest Gingerbread Houses before time runs out? Let me know what you guys think in the comments below. And catch more Knight Squad on Nickelodeon!

Who do YOU think won the Gingerbread Cookie Challenge: DANIELLA 💜 or LILIMAR 💙?!

More Nick:Nickelodeon USA's December 2018 Premiere Highlights | Nickmas | Holidays!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon and Knight Squad News and Highlights!

Ren & Stimpy Are Weiner Inspectors | The Ren & Stimpy Show | NickSplat

Ren & Stimpy pretend to be weiner inspectors for a sneak peek at weiner land! Watch more classic The Ren & Stimpy Show clips on NickSplat!

Have you checked out the brand-new The Ren & Stimpy Show Monopoly board game yet?!

Watch all your '90s Nickelodeon favorites on NickSplat, your late-night destination for your favorite childhood Nickelodeon cartoons and live-action shows! NickSplat doesn't question football-shaped heads, but embrace them - along with Reptar bars, a Big Ear of Corn, orange soda, and even slime for Pete (and Pete's) sake. Make your slime-covered Nickelodeon childhood dreams come true every night at 11 PM ET/PT on TeenNick USA, and anytime you want on NickSplat on VRV! #NickSplat!

More Nick:FYE Unveils New and Improved Holiday-Themed 'Rugrats' Reptar Bars!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and The Ren & Stimpy Show News and Highlights!

Ickis, Krumm, and Oblina In Garbage Heaven | Aaahh!!! Real Monsters | NickSplat

No one loves the garbage dump more than Ickis, Krumm, and Oblina! Watch the gang enjoy garbage heaven! Watch more classic Aaahh!!! Real Monsters clips on NickSplat!

Watch all your '90s Nickelodeon favorites on NickSplat, your late-night destination for your favorite childhood Nickelodeon cartoons and live-action shows! NickSplat doesn't question football-shaped heads, but embrace them - along with Reptar bars, a Big Ear of Corn, orange soda, and even slime for Pete (and Pete's) sake. Make your slime-covered Nickelodeon childhood dreams come true every night at 11 PM ET/PT on TeenNick USA, and anytime you want on NickSplat on VRV! #NickSplat!

More Nick:FYE Unveils New and Improved Holiday-Themed 'Rugrats' Reptar Bars!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and The Ren & Stimpy Show News and Highlights!

Power Rangers Time Force Theme | Saturday Morning Acapella | Triforcefilms

In their latest addition to Triforcefilms'Saturday Morning A Capella playlist, Mr. Dooves performs a a capella version of the opening theme song of Power Rangers Time Force!

Original Composer - Jeremy Sweet, Lior Rosner

Get set for Power Rangers Beast Morphers, the 26th season of the iconic long-running Power Rangers franchise, premiering early 2019 on Nickelodeon USA!

Missed any episodes of Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel? Catch up now at nick.com/ninjasteel and on the Nick App!

Connect with Power Rangers:

Web - http://www.powerrangers.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/powerrangers
Twitter - http://twitter.com/PowerRangers
Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/powerrangers

More Nick:Power Morphicon Announces Power Morphicon Express Tour!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Power Rangers News and Highlights!

Tonk's Island | Full Short by Mel Roach | Nickelodeon Animated Shorts

Enthusiastic and well-meaning Tonk tries to help his grumpy friend Pip settle on the magical island they call home in Tonk's Island, another one of Nickelodeon's awesome Animated Shorts, created by Australian animator Mel Roach!

Tonk's Island was selected as a finalist in the 2013 edition of Nickelodeon's world renowned Animated Shorts Program, and features the voices of Cristina Pucelli (The Loud House, The Haunted Hathaways, As Told by Ginger, The Rugrats: All Growed Up, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots) as Tonk / Pip and Kevin McDonald (Back at the Barnyard, Invader ZIM, Angry Beavers, The Penguins of Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda: Legends) as Island!

Watch lots more animated shorts from the Nickelodeon Global Animated Shorts Program on the official Nickelodeon Animated Shorts Facebook page and on the Nick Animation YouTube channel!

Check out the Nickelodeon Animation Studio online: Website | Facebook | Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

More Nick:Nickelodeon Developing New AR/VR Animated Series 'Meet the Voxels'!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Animation News and Highlights!

Epic Ninjabread Man Challenge, Exclusive Bloopers & More! | #WinYourWeek | Nickelodeon

The holiday season is finally here, and Nick are celebrating with a jolly-good new episode of Win Your Week. Featuring a mistletoe montage, an epic Ninjabread Man Challenge, exclusive bloopers from Nick's Holiday Food Taste Test and tons more! Catch more Henry Danger, The Loud House, SpongeBob SquarePants, The Thundermans, School of Rock, Game Shakers, iCarly, I am Frankie and more on Nickelodeon!

Nickelodeon needs HILARIOUS winter-themed jokes! Do you have a funny joke? Post it in the comments on YouTube for a chance to be featured in an upcoming episode of WIN YOUR WEEK! 😂

More Nick:Nickelodeon USA's December 2018 Premiere Highlights | Nickmas | Holidays!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon News and Highlights!

Viacom CEO Predicts Nickelodeon Turnaround, Says "Not Focused" on Big Deal During Talk at 2018 UBS Global Media and Communications Conference

Bob Bakish at the 46th annual UBS Global Media and Communications Conference in New York also says the company is planning more streaming services.

Viacom CEO Bob Bakish. Photo credit: Jesse Grant/Getty Images

Viacom Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bob Bakish touted the turnaround outlook for Paramount Pictures and kids network Nickelodeon and said the company was planning three more streaming services, but no "big, transformational deal" during a talk at the 46th annual UBS Global Media and Communications Conference in New York on Monday, December 3, 2018.

He said the company was working on streaming offers in the reality TV, Spanish-language and African-American spaces. “What you’ll see is a multi-faceted offering,” Bakish said when asked about the company’s digital and direct-to-consumer plans. He mentioned direct-to-consumer offers, such as for Noggin and Comedy Central, ad-supported VOD services and the production of programming for streaming platforms. Bakish said that this was a differentiated strategy that doesn't require acquisitions of companies.

Bakish also said the company has been focused on acquisitions that accelerate its business rather than transforming mega-deals, citing the takeovers of Vidcom, Whosay and Awesomeness. "We are not focused on a big, transformational deal," he added," he told the 46th annual UBS Global Media and Communications Conference in New York.

The Viacom CEO once again touted the turnaround momentum of the Paramount studio under the leadership of Jim Gianopulos, which had such box office hits as A Quiet Place and Mission: Impossible - Fallout in its latest fiscal year that ended in September. It has also benefited from a growing TV production business.

The success meant that Viacom’s film unit loss for the latest year narrowed, but management has said it expects a return to profitability, which is likely to come in the current fiscal year. Viacom’s annual adjusted operating loss for its film unit of $39 million followed an operating loss of $280 million in the previous year, and a loss of $445 million in the year before that.

Gianopulos is a "fantastic, highly seasoned and well-liked, for that matter" executive, Bakish told the UBS conference, lauding the film team for seven straight quarters of year-over-year improvement in operating income. The Paramount team has built a "much more balanced slate" for 2019 and focused on making sure films stay on budget, he explained. "Jim’s doing great, and there’s more greatness to come," Bakish concluded.

About Paramount's growing TV production business, Bakish previously said that it had already reached about $200 million in annual revenue and "probably doubles from there.” On Monday, he said that there is "increasing demand" for entertainment content, with Paramount's deep library and expertise allowing it to create new revenue.

He said that after nine series in the latest fiscal year, it will make "16, maybe more" this fiscal year, with revenue growth of around 50 percent. He reiterated the goal of making this a $1 billion business in the next couple of years, with a margin of 20 percent.

With competitors vertically integrating, there is more upside ahead, he said. Bakish also was asked about a recent multi-picture deal with Netflix. "There will be a mix of library (intellectual property) and probably some original IP," he said, calling it "an exciting opportunity."

Bakish was not asked if Viacom and CBS Corp., both of which are controlled by the Redstone family’s National Amusements, will be re-merging.

The corporate siblings, which have been separate companies since 2006, have discussed a recombination twice in recent years amid the industry’s ongoing consolidation without a deal materializing. One key hurdle was former CBS boss Leslie Moonves who left the company in September following sexual harassment allegations. CBS is now led by interim CEO Joe Ianniello. When CBS announced Moonves' exit in September, it also settled a legal dispute with National Amusements and said the controlling shareholder "confirmed that it has no plans to propose a merger of CBS and Viacom and has agreed that it will make no such proposal for at least two years after the date of the settlement."

On the TV side, Viacom's cable networks have seen U.S. scatter advertising prices rise 30 percent from upfront market levels, the CEO told the UBS conference, reiterating that the back-half of fiscal year 2019 would see a return to advertising growth.

Asked about Nickelodeon's recent ratings declines, Bakish predicted improvements ahead, "particularly in the back half of the year," saying the new leadership was putting together a promising new programming slate. "I'm feeling great" about the new team, led by president Brian Robbins, and programming strategy, the CEO said.

Bakish’s UBS conference appearance came roughly two years after he was named Viacom’s permanent CEO. Under Bakish, Viacom has focused most resources on its six flagship brands– Paramount, MTV, Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., BET and Comedy Central.

Viacom in its just-finished fiscal year 2018 managed to "cement" its turnaround, while in the just-started year it "will lean more into our investment initiatives and build incremental businesses," Bakish said, reiterating the company would return to revenue growth in the fiscal year. "I'm excited about '19."

At last year’s UBS conference, he had spent much time discussing his focus on stabilizing Viacom's business during his first year in charge and then going into growth mode via three core strategies. Those are focusing on next-generation business opportunities in the media networks business; diversifying beyond media, such as via live events and consumer products; and cost savings.

Content reboots will also continue as Bakish on Monday again touted the company's approach of developing fresh content and rebooting hit franchises, such as via Nickelodeon’s reimagination of Rugrats and MTV's return of Jersey Shore and reboot Floribama Shore, as well as .

"Why wouldn't you make as much as you can out of your library IP," he said after calling Jersey Shore "a great piece of IP we own." Citing talks about other franchises that could find a new life, he added, "We absolutely believe there is more opportunity at MTV." MTV's The Real World for Facebook has a U.S., Spanish and Asian version, Bakish also said, calling that a profitable new approach.

More Nick:Paramount & Nickelodeon Release New 'Wonder Park' Trailer!

Original source: The Hollywood Reporter.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon News and Highlights!

'SpongeBob SquarePants', 'Rise of the TMNT' and More Nominated in 46th Annual Annie Awards

The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, has announced the exciting news that Nickelodeon's hit animated series SpongeBob SquarePants and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have received nominations in the 46th Annual Annie Awards, which recognizes the year’s best in the field of animation!

SpongeBob SquarePants

Estrella Miyakawa Capin, Christopher Hink, Bob Tomlin, and Rick Dominicus have been nominated in the "Outstanding Achievement for Editorial in an Animated Television / Broadcast Production" category in this years Annie Awards for their work on Nickelodeon's beloved animated series SpongeBob SquarePants.

Meanwhile, Nickelodeon's brand-new 2D-animated series Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which debuted in September 2018, has garnered three nominations in the 2018 Annie Awards: The show has been nominated for "Best Animated Television/Broadcast Production For Children", with Jeffrey Lai and Kevin Molina-Ortiz also each earning a nomination for their work in the series, in the "Outstanding Achievement for Animated Effects in an Animated Television/Broadcast Production" and "Outstanding Achievement for Storyboarding in an Animated Television / Broadcast Production" categories, respectively.

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Additionally, Studio AKA's Hey Duggee, which airs on Nick Jr. USA, also received a nomination in the "Best Animated Television/Broadcast Production For Preschool Children" category, and Nickelodeon voice actors Debi Derryberry (AAAHH!!! Real Monsters, Oh Yeah! Cartoons, CatDog, Rocket Power, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, ChalkZone, Random! Cartoons, Monster High), Tara Strong (Fairly OddParents, Rugrats, Big Time Rush, Danny Phantom, Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Patrick Warburton (Tak & the Power of Juju, The X's) also received one nomination each in the "Outstanding Achievement for Voice Acting in an Animated Television / Broadcast Production" category of this years Annie Awards for their voice work on F is for Family, Unikitty and Skylanders Academy, respectively.

Below are the full details for each of Nickelodeon and Nick Talent's nominations in the 46th Annual Annie Awards. A full list of 46th Annual Annie Awards nominees can be found online at annieawards.org/nominees. The winners will be announced at a black tie ceremony on Saturday, February 2, 2019 at UCLA’s Royce Hall.

Congratulations and good luck to Nickelodeon, the crews of SpongeBob SquarePants, Rise of the TMNT and Hey Duggee, Debi, Tara, Patrick, and everyone nominated in the 46th Annie Awards!

Annie Award for Best Animated Television/Broadcast Production For Children

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Episode: Mystic Mayhem
Nickelodeon Animation Studio

Episode: Chapter 1: The Hidden People
Hilda Productions Limited, a Silvergate Media Company, Netflix Inc. and Mercury Filmworks

Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny
Episode: Enter the Dragon Master
DreamWorks Animation Television

Little Big Awesome
Episode: Puppy Shower
Amazon Studios

Tales of Arcadia: Trollhunters
Episode: The Eternal Knight Pt. 2
DreamWorks Animation Television

Annie Award for Outstanding Achievement for Animated Effects in an Animated Television/Broadcast Production

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Episode: Mystic Mayhem
Nickelodeon Animation Studio
Nominees: FX Animator Jeffrey Lai

DreamWorks Theatre Presents Kung Fu Panda
DreamWorks Animation
Nominees: FX Artists Zach Glynn, Chyuan Huang, Michael Losure, K.C. Ong, Alex Timchenko

Episode: Debbie Does Devizo
Stoopid Buddy Stoodios
Nominees: VFX Supervisor Mike Spitzmiller, VFX Lead Artist Steve Gallant, VFX Artist Iain Collins, VFX Artist Daniel Craven, VFX Artist Lynda Rollins

Tales of Arcadia: Trollhunters
Episode: The Eternal Knight Pt. 2
DreamWorks Animation Television
Nominees: Visual Effects Supervisor David M.V. Jones, Overseas FX Supervisor Vincent Chou, Overseas Lead FX Artist Clare Yang

Watership Down
Episode: The Journey
42 / Biscuit Entertainment with Netflix
Nominees: VFX Supervisor Philip Child, CG Supervisor Nilesh Sardesai

Annie Award for Outstanding Achievement for Storyboarding in an Animated Television / Broadcast Production

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Episode: Mystic Mayhem
Nickelodeon Animation Studio
Nominees: Storyboard Artist Kevin Molina-Ortiz

Ben 10
Episode: King Koil
Cartoon Network Studios
Nominees: Storyboard Artist Will Patrick

Big Hero 6: The Series
Episode: Countdown to Catastrophe
Walt Disney Television Animation
Nominees: Storyboard Artist Trey Buongiorno

Disney Mickey Mouse
Episode: Carnaval
Disney Television Animation
Nominees: Storyboard Artist Ramirez Ramos Alonso

Star vs. The Forces of Evil
Episode: Conquer
Walt Disney Television Animation
Nominees: Storyboard Artist Sabrina Cotugno

Annie Award for Outstanding Achievement for Editorial in an Animated Television / Broadcast Production

SpongeBob SquarePants
Nickelodeon Animation Studio
Nominees: Estrella Miyakawa Capin, Christopher Hink, Bob Tomlin, Rick Dominicus

Big Hero 6: The Series
Walt Disney Television Animation
Nominees: Charles Jones, Joe Molinari, Dao Le, Vartan Nazarian, David Vazquez

Puppy Dog Pals
Wild Canary Animation / Disney Junior
Nominees: Adam Rickabus

Tales of Arcadia: 3Below
DreamWorks Animation Television
Nominees: John Laus, Graham Fisher

The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants
DreamWorks Animation Television
Nominees: Steve Downs, John Wall, Adam Smith, Collin Erker

Annie Award for Best Animated Television/Broadcast Production For Preschool Children

Hey Duggee
Episode: The Singing Badge
Studio AKA

Ask the StoryBots
Episode: How Do Computers Work?
JibJab Bros. Studios for Netflix

Dinotrux: Supercharged
Episode: Crabcavator
DreamWorks Animation Television

PJ Masks
Episode: Wacky Floats
Frog Box
Entertainment One

Tumble Leaf
Episode: Moonlight Mermaid/Hedge's Hatchlings
Amazon Studios and Bix Pix Entertainment

Annie Award for Outstanding Achievement for Voice Acting in an Animated Television / Broadcast Production

F is for Family
Episode: various
Wild West Television in association with Gaumont Television for Netflix
Nominee: Debi Derryberry for the voices of Maureen, Bridget, Phillip, Nurse Beatrice, Scott, Ken

Episode: Scary Tales, Tasty Heist, Unikitty News, Hide N Seek, Kitty Court
Warner Bros. Animation
Nominee: Tara Strong for the voice of Princess Unikitty

Skylanders Academy
Episode: Raiders of the Lost Arkus, Part 1
Activision Blizzard Studios
Nominee: Patrick Warburton for the character Captain Flynn

BoJack Horseman
Episode: Free Churro
Tornante Productions, LLC for Netflix
Nominee: Will Arnett for the voice of BoJack

Pete the Cat
Episode: Magic Sunglasses & Sandcastles
Amazon Studios, Alcon Television Group, LLC
Nominee: Juliette Donenfeld as the voice of Sally Squirrel

The Annie Awards™ cover 36 categories and include Best Animated Feature, Best Animated Feature-Independent, Special Productions, Commercials, Short Subjects, Student Films and Outstanding Individual Achievements, as well as the honorary Juried Awards. The winners will be announced at a black tie ceremony on Saturday, February 2, 2019 at UCLA’s Royce Hall. A pre-reception and press line begins at 4:30 p.m. in Dickson Court, adjacent to Royce Hall with the ceremony following at 7:00 pm. A post-show celebration immediately follows the ceremony. All events will be held at Royce Hall.

Juried Awards will also be presented honoring unparalleled achievement and exceptional contributions to animation. Three Winsor McCay Award recipients have been selected by the ASIFA-Hollywood Board of Directors for their exemplary industry careers – Academy Award-winning director, animator and art director, Ralph Eggleston; Frank Braxton (posthumously), the first African-American animator, animation director and guild president; and casting director, voice director and voice actress Andrea Romano. The June Foray Award will be presented to veteran animator, Adam Burke (posthumously) for his significant and benevolent impact on the animation community. Ton Roosendaal, Dutch software developer and film producer, will accept the Ub Iwerks Award for Blender Open Source Animation Software; and a Certificate of Merit will be presented to dedicated ASIFA volunteer, Jason Jones.

ASIFA-Hollywood is the world’s first and foremost professional organization dedicated to promoting the Art of Animation and celebrating the people who create it. Today, ASIFA-Hollywood, the largest chapter of the international organization ASIFA, supports a range of animation activities and preservation efforts through its membership. Current initiatives include the Animation Archive, Animation Aid Foundation, animated film preservation, special events, classes and screenings.

Created in 1972 by veteran voice talent June Foray, the Annie Awards™ have grown in scope and stature for the past four decades. For VIP tickets, please visit annieawards.org/tickets. For all other information regarding the Annie Awards™, please visit annieawards.org/event-info.

More Nick:'SpongeBob SquarePants' and 'Hey Duggee' Win Big At The 2018 British Academy Children's Awards!

Additional sources: The Hollywood Reporter, Variety.
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Nickelodeon USA to Premiere 'Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher' on Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Nickelodeon USA will premiere Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher, the network's brand-new CG-animated preschool series from Spin Master Entertainment, the producers of PAW Patrol and Rusty Rivets on Tuesday, January 1, 2019 at 10:00am ET/PT in the Nick Jr. preschool block! Get a sneak peek at Abby Hatcher, which will be bringing preschoolers a fuzzload of adventures, below!

The Abby Hatcher Trailer 🔎New Series Coming Soon! | Nick Jr.

Abby Hatcher was an ordinary girl until she discovered some extraordinary cartoon creatures who get into a fuzzload of trouble! In this video you can get a first look at the fuzzlys, who are amazing and quirky creatures that live in her family’s hotel, and the courageous girl who collects clues to crack each case and save the day! Together with her best Fuzzly friend Bozzly, Abby goes on wild adventures to fix Fuzzly mishaps and help them in any way she can. Abby’s got the smarts and the heart, and she’s ready for the adventures to begin!

Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher (26 episodes; formally titled Abby Hatcher, Monster Catcher) is produced by Spin Master Entertainment (PAW Patrol, Rusty Rivets), and features a social-emotional curriculum highlighting empathy, compassion and problem-solving skills.

The series is also slated to debut on TVO in Canada in early 2019, and global distribution will follow during 2019.

Spin Master will launch the toys and other merchandise inspired by the show, including incredible plush from GUND, the oldest soft toy brand in the United States, in 2020 to allow the property to become established with its audience and to build anticipation for the toy!

The news comes hot on the heels of the successful launch of Nickelodeon's latest ratings hit Butterbean’s Café, which scored the net its highest-rated preschool series debut since the 2013 launch of PAW Patrol, posting double-digit year-over-year gains and averaging a 4.6/456,000 with Kids 2-5 (+27%) when the series premiered on Monday, Nov. 12 at 1:00pm ET/PT. The new episode (1 p.m. [ET/PT]) also drew 1.3 million total viewers (+55%).

More Nick:Nickelodeon USA's December 2018 Premiere Highlights | Nickmas | Holidays!

H/T: Huge thanks to TV Shows Fan for the news!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest 2019 on Nickelodeon Preschool, Nick Jr. and Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher News and Highlights!

SpongeBob SquarePants "Sweet Victory" Performance 🎤 Band Geeks | Nickelodeon

SpongeBob, Sandy, Patrick and Squidward give you all the feels at the Bubble Bowl when they sing SWEET VICTORY! 🎤 Catch more SpongeBob SquarePants on Nickelodeon!

Click HERE to ign the petition to get the NFL to play "Sweet Victory" during the halftime show of February's Super Bowl LIII to honor the life and work of SpongeBob SquarePants creator Stephen Hillenburg, who tragically passed away after a long battle with ALS!

More Nick:Wear It, Drive It, Meme It - SpongeBob's Pop Culture Legacy!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Has Reportedly Decided to Cancel 'Nella the Princess Knight'

A crew member on Nickelodeon's Nella The Princess Knight has reportedly revealed the unfortunate news that Nickelodeon has decided to cancel and not renew the network's popular animated preschool series for a third season. Please note that this news has yet to be confirmed.

Nella the Princess Knight

In Nella the Princess Knight, preschoolers set off on thrilling adventures in a kingdom far away where there lives a… Princess Knight! Nickelodeon's animated preschool series follows Nella, an unconventional 8-year-old who possesses the royal qualities of a princess, like compassion and grace, while also embodying the courage and determination of a brave knight. Whenever a problem arises, Nella embarks on daring quests to save her kingdom through her unique ability to transform from a princess into Nella the Princess Knight, protecting her kingdom with the help of her friends: Trinket, Nella’s glamorous unicorn and best friend; Sir Garrett, a loyal and adventurous knight; and Clod, Garrett’s trusty steed. The series features a social-emotional curriculum promoting self-confidence, inclusiveness and compassion for others.

Created by Christine Ricci (Blaze and the Monster Machines, Dora the Explorer) and produced by Manchester, UK-based Brown Bag Films, the 100% UK production was commissioned in September 2014 as Nickelodeon and Milkshake, the preschool programming block of Viacom's then newly acquired Channel 5, first co-production under Viacom ownership. The series made its world debut on Nickelodeon in the US on Monday 6th February 2017, with a global roll-out following soon after, including on Nick Jr. UK & Ireland and Milkshake. Robert Vargas (Zack and Quack) serves as an executive producer on the series.

Originally commissioned for a 40-episode first season, a 20-episode second season was commissioned in May 2017, however, it's currently unknown whether these episodes are a addition to the first 40 episodes, or if Nickelodeon split the first season into two 20-episode seasons. The season one finale, "The Unicorn Rescue" aired on Wednesday, November 21 on Nick Jr. USA.

H/T: Big thanks to TV Shows Fan for the news!; Additional source: Wikipedia.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Preschool, Nick Jr. and Nella The Princess Knight News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Announces First-Ever SLIMEFEST Germany

Update (3/12) - Nickelodeon treated fans to SLIME, MUSIC and MAYHEM when the number-one brand for kids hosted the first-ever Nickelodeon SLIMEFEST concert in Germany on Saturday 1st December 2018!

Attendees to the sold out show got to watch aweslime musical acts, including Mike Singer, Pietro Lombardi, Die Lochis and Bars & Melody, as well as witness lots of celebrity slimings, including the cast of Nickelodeon's hit teen drama Spotlight!

Nickelodeon will air a SLIMEFEST 2018 Deutschland highlights special on Sunday 16th December 2018 at 17:15 Uhr on Nickelodeon Germany (Deutschland), Austria (Österreich) and Switzerland's (Schweiz)!

Click here to see photos from SLIMEFEST Deutschland 2018!

Original post:

Berlin - Get set for Slime, Slime and even more Slime! Nickelodeon Germany (Deutschland) has announced the aweslime news that the number-one channel for kids will be bringing Nickelodeon's legendary slime-filled, multiplatform music and entertainment event SLIMEFEST to Germany for the very first time!

The first-ever SLIMEFEST Deutschland, guaranteed to be Germany's slimiest event of the year, will take place on Saturday 1st December 2018 as part of the German Comic Con in the Dortmunder Westfalenhalle. Tickets are available to purchase now at Eventim.

The first artists confirmed to be appearing at SLIMEFEST Deutschland are Mike Singer, Pietro Lombardi, Die Lochis and Bars & Melody, with more artists set to announced in the coming weeks and months.

During the day, the stars of SLIMEFEST will be able to be found at the German Comic Con Dortmund, where Nickelodeon will host Meet & Greet sessions, in which fans can meet their favourite stars in person, as well as get their autographs and take selfies with them.

The first trailer for SLIMEFEST Deutschland 2018 is available to watch below.

Nickelodeon has been synonymous with slime since the number-one entertainment brand for kids introduced the green semi-viscous substance to kids in the 1980's, and Slime is the ultimate symbol of free-spirited mess and the physical embodiment of Nickelodeon's unconventional spirit.

Slime first appeared on Nickelodeon on You Can't Do That On Television and Double Dare in the 1980's, and has since become a staple of Nickelodeon. Being covered by green gold by Nickelodeon is regarded as one of the highest honors you can have bestowed on you by many celebrities. Among the many stars who have been honored with a world famous Nickelodeon sliming are Jace Norman, Rebecca Mir, Katy Perry, former First Lady of the US Michelle Obama, Justin Bieber, Heidi Klum, Mike Singer, Sandra Bullock, Halle Berry, Jim Carrey, David Beckham, and Fack ju Göthe actors Max von der Groeben and Aram Arami, and more have all been rewarded with Nickelodeon's highest honour.

Nickelodeon SlimeFest has seen success around the globe as a slime-filled, multiplatform music and entertainment event since its overseas inception in 2012 in Australia. To date, over 100,000 people have attended Nickelodeon SlimeFest events around the world, including sold-out shows in the US, South Africa, Australia, Italy, UK and Spain.

In December 2018, Nickelodeon will bring the world's largest slime party to Germany for the first time. SLIMEFEST is a unique concert event, where kids and families can not only expect performances by their favorite stars, but also spectacular slime action. And not only will their favorite stars fall into the proverbial Slime Fountain - even the audience can interact with slime and be slimmed themselves!

Press representatives can use this e-mail address to accredit the event: event@vimn.com

Additionally, Viacom GSA has announced the further aweslime news that, following the huge success of Kids' Choice Awards 2018: Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz, the Kids' Choice Awards will return to Germany for a even bigger and slimier slow in 2019!

Below is Nickelodeon Deutschland's official SLIMEFEST 2018 press release announcing the aweslime news:

Nickelodeon holt das SLIMEFEST zum ersten Mal nach Deutschland – Mit Auftritten von Mike Singer, Pietro Lombardi, Die Lochis und vielen mehr

Berlin, 26. September 2018 – Slime, Slime und noch mehr Slime: Der Kindersender Nickelodeon holt das legendäre SLIMEFEST zum ersten Mal nach Deutschland und veranstaltet am 1. Dezember 2018 das slimigste Konzert-Event des Jahres. Auf der Bühne stehen u.a. Mike Singer, Pietro Lombardi, Die Lochis und Bars & Melody. Weitere Künstler werden in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten bekannt gegeben.

Stattfinden wird das erste deutsche SLIMEFEST im Rahmen der German Comic Con in der Dortmunder Westfalenhalle. Tickets sind ab sofort bei Eventim erhältlich. Tagsüber sind die Stars des SLIMEFEST auf der GERMAN COMIC CON Dortmund bei Meet & Greets anzutreffen und stehen für Selfies und Autogrammstunden zur Verfügung.

Den ersten Trailer gibt es auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/BoHV2fBBJr1/

Nicht nur bei den jährlich stattfindenden Nickelodeon Kids‘ Choice Awards ist er zum Synonym für Ruhm und Ehre geworden: Slime. Nickelodeons grünes Gold gilt als eine der größten Auszeichnungen unten den Künstler; ein glibberiger Ritterschlag quasi. Stars wie Heidi Klum, Halle Berry, die ehemalige First Lady Michelle Obama, Weltstar Justin Bieber, Sänger Mike Singer und die Fack ju Göthe Schauspieler Max von der Groeben und Aram Arami haben bereits in ihm gebadet. Eines ist klar: Wo Slime fließt, wird gefeiert.

Slime steht für Party und Spaß. Im Dezember 2018 holt Nickelodeon mit dem SLIMEFEST jetzt die größte Slimeparty der Welt zum ersten Mal nach Deutschland. Bei dem einzigartigen Konzert-Event erwarten die Kinder und Zuschauer nicht nur Auftritte ihrer Lieblingsstars, sondern auch spektakuläre Slime-Aktionen. Und hier werden nicht nur ihre Lieblingsstars in den sprichwörtlichen Slimebrunnen fallen – auch die Zuschauer können slimen und geslimed werden.

„Als ich in einem Video gesehen hatte, was das für eine abgefahrene Idee ist, wollte ich unbedingt dabei sein“, so Pietro Lombardi zum SLIMEFEST.

„Es ist kein Geheimnis: Kinder lieben Slime. Und was wir gerade erst bei unseren diesjährigen KCAs im Europa-Park festgestellt haben: Nicht nur Kinder lieben das grüne Gold von Nickelodeon. Mütter, Väter, große Schwestern und Brüder, und: Die Stars! Wo Slime fließt, wird gelacht und gefeiert“, so Steffen Kottkamp, Brand Director Kids & Family, Viacom International Media Networks. „Mit dem Nickelodeon SLIMEFEST holen wir jetzt die größte Slimeparty zum ersten Mal nach Deutschland. Aus einem riesigen Musikkonzert für Kinder und ihre Familien, zaubern wir mit unserem einzigartigen Slime eine Party der Extraklasse.“

Pressevertreter können sich über diese E-Mail-Adresse für die Veranstaltung akkreditieren: event@vimn.com


Update (22/11) - Via official Nickelodeon Deutschland press release:

Nickelodeon sendet Slime Squad zum ersten SlimeFest Deutschlands. Mit dabei: Tina Neumann, Leon Content und Maarieyes

Berlin, 22. November 2018 – Fünf Influencer, literweise Slime, eine Mission: Das slimigste Konzert-Event des Jahres, das Nickelodeon SlimeFest, auf den Kopf stellen. Als erster Slime Squad überhaupt, treten fünf junge Social Media Stars in witzigen und actionreichen Challenges gegeneinander an und bieten Behind The Scenes-Einblicke des Nickelodeon SlimeFest. Dabei: Tina Neumann, Just Yves, Leon Content, Maarieyes und Rickfouu.

Der Slime Squad wird sich dabei, aufgeteilt in zwei Teams, diversen slimigen Challenges stellen. In Team Eins treten an: Tina Neumann und Just Yves. Team Zwei besteht aus Leon Content, Maarieyes und Rickfouu. Welches Team wird den besten Nickelodeon-Cosplayer auf der German Comic Con in Dortmund finden, sich der absoluten Slime Face Challenge am Nickelodeon-Stand stellen, einen Künstler dazu bringen, für sie den legendären Floss-Dance zu tanzen, sich von den Nickelodeon Spotlight-Darstellern eine Tanz-Choreo beibringen lassen und wer macht am Ende die tollsten Fotos und Videos der Slimings?

Die fünf Slime Squad-Mitglieder nehmen die Fans dabei mit hinter die Kulissen des ersten Nickelodeon SlimeFest in Deutschland, welches am 1. Dezember im Rahmen der German Comic Con in Dortmund stattfindet. Bei dem einzigartigen Konzert-Event erwarten die Kinder und Zuschauer nicht nur Auftritte ihrer Lieblingsstars, sondern auch spektakuläre Slime-Aktionen. Und hier werden nicht nur ihre Lieblingsstars in den sprichwörtlichen Slimebrunnen fallen – auch die Zuschauer können slimen und geslimed werden.

Auf der Bühne stehen: Mike Singer, Pietro Lombardi, Die Lochis, Jannik Brunke, Bars & Melody und die Darsteller der Nickelodeon Serie Spotlight. Moderiert wird die Show von Sascha Quade und Nikeata Thompson.

Am 16. Dezember um 17:15 Uhr gibt es eine Zusammenfassung der Highlights des Nickelodeon SlimeFest 2018 auf Nick zu sehen.

Pressevertreter können sich noch bis zum 28.11. über diese E-Mail-Adresse für die Veranstaltung akkreditieren: event@vimn.com


Mehr Nick:October, November and December 2018 on Nickelodeon Germany and Nick Jr. Deutschland | Highlights!

Originally published: Wednesday, September 26, 2018.

Additional sources: DeepL Translator, Google Translate, Google.co.uk.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Germany and SLIMEFEST 2018 News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Russia to Premiere 'The Bureau of Magical Things' on Monday 17th December 2018



Nickelodeon Russia (Россия) will debut the enchanting new live-action series The Bureau of Magical Things, created by Australian television producer Jonathan M. Shiff (H2O: Just Add Water), on Monday 17th December 2018 at 16:25 МСК! Following launch, new episodes of The Bureau of Magical Things (locally titled Бюро магических дел) will continue to air weekdays at 16:25 MCK on Nick Россия. Each new episode will encore the same evening at 18:55 МСК.

Filmed in Brisbane and the Gold Coast of Australia, The Bureau of Magical Things combines magic, mystery, and a unique mythology to tell the story of Kyra, an ordinary teenage girl who is caught in a clash between an elf and a fairy then becomes magically transformed. As a “Tri-ling”—part human, part fairy, and part elf—Kyra teams with a group of magical teenagers and learns to use her newfound powers to keep the human world safe from the surprising, funny, and sometimes dangerous effects of magical chaos. But when these young guardians uncover a threat, humans, fairies, and elves must unite to save both their worlds!

The series stars Kimie Tsukakoshi (The Family Law) as Kyra, a confident teenage Tri-ling who exhibits powers of both fairies and elves; Mia Milnes as Lily, an optimistic and sweet fairy; Elizabeth Cullen as Imogen, a headstrong and ambitious elf; Julian Cullen as Darra, Imogen’s charming hipster elf brother; Rainbow Wedell (Terra Nova) as Ruksy, an orderly fairy and teacher’s pet; Jamie Carter (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales) as Peter, Kyra’s longtime classmate and science fiction lover; Christopher Sommers (Hunters) as Professor Maxwell, a witty half-elf-half-human in charge of the local Magic School; Melanie Zanetti (The Leisure Class) as Orla, an elf agent working for the Department of Magical Intervention (DMI); and Nicholas Bell (I, Frankenstein) as Sean, director of the DMI and Lily’s father.

In the first half-hour launch episode, “A Magical Mishap,” ordinary teenager Kyra gets zapped when she touches a book that is the subject of a magical tug‐of‐war between a fairy, Lily, and an elf, Imogen. When Kyra wakes the next day, she can see and perform magic as a newfound Tri‐ling – part‐human, part‐fairy and part‐elf.

Nickelodeon has acquired the global rights to The Bureau of Magical Things (20x30'). The series made its debut on Nick USA on Monday 8th October 2018, followed by its debut on Nickelodeon in the UK and Ireland on Monday 5th November 2018, and is currently rolling out globally across Nickelodeon's channels and branded blocks in 170+ countries and territories.

The Bureau of Magical Things introduces a captivating fantasy world while promoting real world concepts like individuality, diversity and acceptance,” says Layla Lewis, Senior Vice President, Global Acquisitions and Content Partnerships for Nickelodeon. “We think kids everywhere will find something relatable in these characters’ journeys to finding their true selves, while learning to embrace and accept what makes them different.”

Season one of The Bureau of Magical Things is produced by Jonathan M. Shiff Productions, financed with the support of Screen Australia, the Queensland Government through Screen Queensland and the City of Gold Coast and will be globally distributed by ZDF Enterprises. The show was originally broadcast in Australia on Channel Eleven.

In additional news, the Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts has namedThe Bureau of Magical Things the Best Children’s Program at the 2018 AACTA Awards! A huge congratulations to the cast and crew of The Bureau of Magical Things! :)

About Nickelodeon International
Nickelodeon, now in its 39th year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The company includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, recreation, books and feature films. Nickelodeon is one of the most globally recognized and widely distributed multimedia entertainment brands for kids and family, with 1.2 billion cumulative subscriptions in more than 500 million households across 170+ countries and territories, via more than 100+ locally programmed channels and branded blocks. For more information or artwork, visit http://www.nickpress.com. Nickelodeon and all related titles, characters and logos are trademarks of Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB).

About ZDF Enterprises
ZDF Enterprises was founded in 1993 as a commercial subsidiary of ZDF, one of the largest and most renowned TV broadcasters in Europe. Headquartered in Mainz, Germany, ZDF Enterprises is responsible for the worldwide sale of programs, the making of international coproductions, the acquisition of licenses as well as the merchandising of strong program brands in its own name, for the ZDF, and for third parties. ZDF Enterprises has successfully established itself as an independent market player on the German and international stage. Bound into a strong group, the company manages the largest German-language stock of programs in the world and, next to this, a continuously growing portfolio of international productions consisting of series and miniseries, TV movies, documentaries and children’s programs. In the course of the development and diversification process carried out up to now, many business fields in the television and media domains were made accessible in the ZDF Enterprises group. Thus ZDF Enterprises can provide a comprehensive, full-service offering today, and covers every step in the chain of origin and exploitation of successful TV programs, from development to production and up to the marketing of TV licenses, merchandising rights, online rights and much more.

About Jonathan M. Shiff Productions
Founded in 1988, Jonathan M. Shiff Productions is a leading producer of high quality children’s and family television. Renowned for live-action drama series that are exciting and engaging for a youth and family audience, the company’s children’s programming specializes in entertaining, fantasy-based adventures with exceptionally high production values.

Больше Nick:Nickelodeon Russia Names Sergey Zhukov as Network Ambassador!

Originally published: Monday, December 3, 2018.

Additional source: Google Translate.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Russia and The Bureau of Magical Things News and Highlights!

December 2018 on Nickelodeon Russia | Bureau | Wayne S2 | Game Shakers S3 | Screechers Wild | SpongeBob | Christmas + More

This December (декабре), Nickelodeon Russia (Россия) will be premiering:

Смотри в декабре | Nickelodeon Россия
Что тебя ждёт в декабре

-- The brand-new show The Bureau of Magical Things (Бюро магических дел) weekdays at 16:25 MCK from Monday 17th December 2018! Each episode will replay the same day at 18:55 MCK. [More Info]

-- Brand-new episodes of Game Shakers (Игроделов) season three every Friday at 17:15 MCK! In the new episodes, the Game Shakers meet Dub's therapist Snoop Dogg in "Snoop Therapy"; Kenzie gets hypnotized in "Hungry Hungry Hypno"; and the Game Shakers build a giant doll house in "Demolition Doll House"!

-- More brand-new episodes of Welcome to the Wayne (Добро пожаловать в Вэйн) season two weekdays between Monday 3rd - Friday 7th December 2018 at 14:20 MCK! In the new episodes, Team Timbers travels through time; one of the friends starts to become an old woman; and Team Timbers have to deal with something evil that's trying to take over the Wayne!

-- Brand-new episodes of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Эволюция Черепашек-ниндзя): Sundays at 11:00 MCK from Sunday 2nd December 2018 (encored at 18:05 and 2:25 MCK)! New episodes include "Hypno! Part Deux!" and "Al Be Back"!

-- Brand-new episodes of Screechers Wild (Дикие скричеры) weekends at 12:15 MCK (encored at 18:30 MCK), including the grand finale!

-- And the brand-new SpongeBob SquarePants (Губка Боб Квадратные Штаны) Christmas special "Goons on the Moon" ("SpaceBob MerryPants") on Sunday 30th December 2018 at 8:55 MCK!

Plus: Nickelodeon Россия will countdown to 2019 with a New Years movie marathon on Monday 31st December 2018 starting at 11:00 MCK! Movies include: A Fairly Odd Christmas (Очень странное Рождество), Albert (Альберт), Nickelodeon's Ho Ho Holiday Special (Новогодняя вечеринка), Tiny Christmas (Крохотное Рождество) and Santa Hunters (Поймать Санту)!

In additional news, Nickelodeon Россия and Nick Jr. have been nominated Большая цифра 2019 awards! Fans can vote for Nickelodeon in the "Детский Телеканал 6+" category and Nick Jr. in the "Детский Телеканал 0+" by visiting http://www.bigdigit.ru. Voting is open between Saturday 1st and Monday 17th December 2018!

From Nickelodeon Россия's official VKontakte profile page:

Что новенького в декабре

ННовый год, новый год, новый год… Снег, гирлянды, ёлки… и магия!

«Бюро магических дел» с 17 декабря по будням в 16:25 МСК

Главная декабрьская премьера — новый сериал «Бюро магических дел» с 17 декабря по будням в 16:25 МСК (повтор в 18:55 МСК). Главная героиня Кайра открывает для себя тайный мистический мир и отправляется в школу волшебства. Там она сталкивается с серьезной угрозой как для магического, так и человеческого миров — Кайре предстоит объединить людей, фей и эльфов в одну команду, чтобы спасти всех от загадочной угрозы.

Новые серии «Игроделов» по пятницам в 17:15 МСК

По пятницам в 17:15 МСК (повторы в 23:30 МСК и по воскресеньям в 16:00 МСК) тебя ждут новые серии «Игроделов». Игроделы познакомятся с психотерапевтом Даба (им окажется Снуп Догг!), построят огромный кукольный домик, а Кензи загипнотизируют.

Новые серии «Добро пожаловать в Вэйн» с 3 по 7 декабря в 14:20 МСК

Второй сезон «Добро пожаловать в Вэйн» продолжится с 3 по 7 декабря по будням в 14:20 МСК (повторы в 18:30 МСК и в 1:35 МСК). Команда Тимберс путешествует во времени, лучшая подруга начинает превращаться в старуху, а злобный Призмал пытается захватить контроль над Вэйном, и, кажется, у него получается...

Новые серии «Эволюции Черепашек-ниндзя» по воскресеньям в 11:00 МСК

«Эволюция Черепашек-ниндзя» порадует тебя новыми сериями со 2 декабря по воскресеньям в 11:00 МСК (повторы в 18:05 и в 2:25 МСК). Гипнопотам вернулся и наводит ужас на школьной вечеринке Эйприл, а Медведио создаёт целую аниматронную армию, которые мешаю Черепашкам устроить концерт.

Новые серии «Диких Скричеров» по выходным в 12:15 МСК

И ещё в декабре тебя ждёт грандиозный финал «Диких Скричеров»! Новые серии выходят по-прежнему по выходным в 12:15 МСК (повторы в 18:30 МСК). Матч с Биваком уже не за горами, а Джейхок и Ревадактиль не могут трансформироваться. Чтобы найти ценные диски трансформации, Манкиренчу, Стингшифту и Найтвиверу придётся отправится в космос.

И, конечно, у нас есть несколько сюрпризов на Новый год!!!

Рождественская серия «Губки Боба Квадратные Штаны» 30 декабря в 8:55 МСК

Во-первых, рождественская серия «Губки Боба Квадратные Штаны» 30 декабря в 8:55 МСК (повторами в 13:55, 21:25 и 0:45 МСК), в которой герои отправятся на Луну, где прячется Санта!

Новогодний киномарафон 31 декабря c 11:00 МСК

Во-вторых, новогодний киномарафон 31 декабря c 11:00 МСК. В программе «Очень странное Рождество», «Альберт», «Новогодняя вечеринка», «Крохотное Рождество» и «Поймать Санту».

Новогоднего тебе настроения!


Below is Nickelodeon Россия's official press release announcing the exciting news about new episodes of Welcome to the Wayne season two!:

Опубликовано 27.11.2018


Главные герои шоу – мальчик Энси Молина, который недавно поселился Вэйне, Олли, его первый друг в доме, и семилетняя девочка Саралайн. Вместе они знакомятся с необычными жильцами и исследуют здание, каждый этаж которого наполнен тайнами и загадками.

В новом сезоне друзья устроят пижамную вечеринку, которая обернется охотой за таинственным драгоценным камнем и битвой с оборотнем. Ребята проведут чемпионат по боулингу, отметят выдуманный праздник Оллидень и даже соберут музыкальную группу, чтобы вместе победить в рок-баттле противника по имени Си-Си Скрэтч.

Благодаря хорошему чувству юмора и взаимной поддержке герои мультсериала сохраняют позитивный настрой даже в непростых ситуациях. Переживания и эмоции Энси Молина будут особенно близки тем юным зрителям, которые стараются найти общий язык со сверстниками и завести друзей в новой школе или учебном классе.

Смотрите новый сезон шоу «Добро пожаловать в Вэйн» в эфире Nickelodeon Россия с 26 ноября по будням в 14:20 и повторы в 18:30 и 1:35 по московскому времени.


Additional sources: Google Translate, Game Shakers Wiki, Google.co.uk.
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