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'SpongeBob SquarePants' the Most In-Demand TV Show for Week Ending July 18

SpongeBob SquarePants was once again the most in-demand TV series for the week ended July 18, according to Parrot Analytics, which reports that Nickelodeon's beloved animated series saw a demand 104.8 times higher than that of the average television show, representing an ever-so-slight increase of over the previous week.

The news comes as ViacomCBS announces plans to add all episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants, along with The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run, which is foregoing its theatrical release due to the on-going COVID-19 (coronavirus) and heading straight to digital, to a bulked-up and relaunched CBS All Access during early 2021. Internationally, the film will bow on Netflix.

Parrot Analytics provides readers with a weekly top 10 of the most popular digital original TV series in the United States, based on the firm’s proprietary metric called Demand Expressions, which measures demand for TV content in a given market through a wide variety of data sources, including video streaming, social media activity, photo sharing, blogging, commenting on fan and critic rating platforms, and downloading and streaming via peer-to-peer protocols and file sharing sites. Results are expressed as a comparison with the average demand for a TV show of any kind in the market.

More Nick:Nickelodeon Announces Voice Cast for 'Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years', First-Ever 'SpongeBob SquarePants' Spinoff!

Originally published: Monday, July 20, 2020.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for Sunday, July 19, 2020 | NickRewind

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for Sunday, July 19, 2020 | NickRewind

Rugrats, provided to Creators Syndicate by Nickelodeon, based off the popular animated television series has been created for children and family's to laugh and enjoy together.

Follow these comics and their take on real episodes of the show and their own spin on hilarious adventures.

Read more Rugrats comic strips!: https://www.creators.com/features/rugrats

More Nick:Nickelodeon and Paramount to Bring 'Rugrats' Back for the Next Generation of Kids!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Classic Nickelodeon and Rugrats News and Highlights!

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for Monday, July 20, 2020 | NickRewind

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for Monday, July 20, 2020 | NickRewind

Rugrats, provided to Creators Syndicate by Nickelodeon, based off the popular animated television series has been created for children and family's to laugh and enjoy together.

Follow these comics and their take on real episodes of the show and their own spin on hilarious adventures.

Read more Rugrats comic strips!: https://www.creators.com/features/rugrats

More Nick:Nickelodeon and Paramount to Bring 'Rugrats' Back for the Next Generation of Kids!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Classic Nickelodeon and Rugrats News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Poland to Host Races at Miko Mazury MTB 2020

Nickelodeon Poland (Polska) is once again partnering with Miko Mazury MTB to host a series of kid-friendly Nickelodeon bike races!

From https://www.mazurymtb.pl:


Komunikat Startowy

Milko Mazury MTB Etap 1 Pasym - cztery Wieże nad Kalwą

Adres Biura Zawodów:
Rynek 8, 12-130 Pasym

Bazę wyścigu stanowić będzie Miasteczko Sportowe zlokalizowane na Rynku Głównym w Pasymiu. Start i Meta zlokalizowane zostaną na ulicy Rynek.

Pasym to nowa lokalizacja na mapie wyścigów Milko Mazury MTB. Trasa, jak przystało na renomę całego cyklu, będzie bardzo ciekawa. Profil trasy na pewno przypadnie do gustu stałym bywalcom, a nowicjusze docenią mazurski krajobraz, pofałdowanie terenu i interwałowy charater.

Bądźcie tam razem z nami.

Specyfikacja 1 rundy PRO, EXPERT i HOBBY:

  • ok. 30 km
  • ok. 370 metrów przewyższenia na 1 rundzie
  • dużo ścieżek typu singletrack, kręte zjazdy i podjazdy
  • podłoże dość suche, zazwyczaj twarde, ziemia fajnie klei, mnóstwo wystających korzeni
  • wyścig bardzo dynamiczny
  • poczatek rundy to ok. 3 kilometrowy odcinek asfaltowy
  • koniec rundy to ok. 2 kilometrowy odcinek asfaltowy
  • na mapie zaznaczono "poczatek rundy" - miejsce w którym zawodnicy dystansu PRO i EXPERT wjeżdzają na kolejne rundy

Wyścig zostanie zorganizowany na czterech dystansach: PRO, EXPERT, HOBBY i FUN.
Szczegółowy harmonogram przeprowadzenia wyścigu znajduje się tu:

Trudność trasy w skali Milko Mazury MTB (skala:1 - 5) - 3

Wyścig PRO: 3 rundy - 86 km
Wyścig Expert: 2 rundy - 57,5 km
Wyścig Hobby: 1 runda - 30 km
Wyścig FUN: 1 runda ( skrócona ) - 10,7 km

Trasa wyścigu zostanie oznaczona niebieskimi strzałkami.

Organizator wprowadza limit wjazdu na 3 okrążenie, w wyścigu PRO do godziny 12:20
( punkt kontrolny w miejscu oznaczonym "poczatek rundy).

Zalecany ogumienie: Opony z szerokim bieżnikiem, ( np. Schwalbe Racing Ralph, Rocket Ron, )

Nickelodeon Race - Liga Szkółek Kolarskich

Wyścig Nickelodeon Race 1 - Skrzaty: 1 runda, mała - ok. 400 metrów

Wyścig Nickelodeon Race 2 - Wentylki: 3 rundy, małe - ok. 1200 metrów

Wyścig Nickelodeon Race 3 - Żak / Żaczka: 5 rund, małych - ok. 2000 metrów

Wyścig Nickelodeon Race 4 - Młodzik / Młodziczka: 1 runda, duża ( skrócona ) - 10,7 km

Wszystkie trasy Nickelodeon Race - Liga Szkółek Kolarskich oznaczone zostaną pomarańczowymi strzałkami.

Strider Cup Mazury MTB

Trasa Wyścigu Łaciate Junior Strider Racing ustawiona zostanie na terenie Miasteczka Sportowego Milko Mazury MTB.


From Aktualności:

Rozpoczyna się sezon kolarski na Mazurach

Tegoroczny sezon Milko Mazury MTB rozpoczyna się 25-26 lipca w Pasymiu. To nowa lokalizacja w mazurskim cyklu. Niesamowity klimat turystycznego miasteczka połączony ze świetną trasą zapewne przypadnie do gustu fanom maratonów rowerowych.

"Ruch to zdrowie. Zgodnie z tą maksymą zapraszamy Państwa do aktywnego udziału w wyścigach w Pasymiu. Piękne krajobrazy i miejsca o wyjątkowej historii dostarczą niezapomnianych wrażeń - mówi Cezary Łachmański - Burmistrz Miasta Pasym. - Wystarczy rower i pozytywne nastawienie by zakochać się w tym miejscu - dodaje."

Na otwarcie sezonu miasteczko sportowe oraz start i meta zawodów zlokalizowane zostaną w samym centrum pięknie odrestaurowanego Rynku Głównego.

Sam wyścig zapowiada się bardzo dynamicznie. Na uczestników czeka dużo ścieżek typu singletrack, kręte zjazdy i podjazdy poprowadzone wzdłuż stromych brzegów jeziora Kalwa. Runda liczy ok. 30 km i ma około 370 metrów przewyższenia. Początek i koniec rundy do ok. 3 kilometrowy odcinek asfaltowy.

Do wyboru trzy dystansie w niedzielę – Hobby (30 km), Expert (57,5 km) i Pro (86 km) oraz sobotni dystans FUN (10,7 km), który jest propozycją dla osób rozpoczynających swoją przygodę z kolarstwem górskim i odwiedzających Pasym turystów.

Bezpłatne wyścigi dla dzieci

Organizatorzy nie zapomnieli o najmłodszych rowerzystach, którzy będą mogli wziąć udział w dwóch bezpłatnych wyścigach sobotnim Nickelodeon Race Liga Szkółek Kolarskich oraz niedzielnym Łaciate Junior Strider Cup Mazury MTB. Wyścigi dopasowane są odpowiednio do grup wiekowych. Udział w obu wyścigach jest bezpłatny, wystarczy zgłosić chęć udziału poprzez wypełnienie formularza zgłoszeń w formie elektronicznej na stronie organizatora.

Wyścigi Nickelodeon Race - Liga Szkółek Kolarskich będa dobrą okazją do rywalizacji z najlepszymi młodymi kolarzami z regionu na specjalnie przygotowanych trasach.

Na adeptów szkółek kolarskich w sobotę czeka:

Wyścig Nickelodeon Race 1 - Skrzaty: 1 runda, mała - ok. 400 metrów

Wyścig Nickelodeon Race 2 - Wentylki: 3 rundy, małe - ok. 1200 metrów

Wyścig Nickelodeon Race 3 - Żak / Żaczka: 5 rund, małych - ok. 2000 metrów

Wyścig Nickelodeon Race 4 - Młodzik / Młodziczka: 1 runda, duża ( skrócona ) - 10,7 km.

Łaciate Junior Strider Mazury Cup to unikatowa seria zawodów przeznaczona bezpośrednio dla dzieci od 1,5 roku do 5 lat, które chcą poczuć dreszczyk emocji związany z wyścigami, nawiązać nowe przyjaźnie i dobrze się bawić całą rodziną. Strefa przygód Strider ulokowana zostanie w Miasteczku Sportowym a z toru korzystać będzie można również w sobotę pod okiem instruktora.

Na najmłodszych kolarzy czekają następujące wyścigi:

Łaciate Junior STRIDER Racing - 1 do 2 lat (chłopcy i dziewczynki)

Łaciate Junior STRIDER Racing - 2 - 3 lata (chłopcy i dziewczynki)

Łaciate Junior STRIDER Racing - 3 - 4 lata (chłopcy i dziewczynki)

Łaciate Junior STRIDER Racing - 4- 5 lat (chłopcy i dziewczynki)

Szczegóły dotyczące wyścigu w komunikacie startowym: https://www.mazurymtb.pl/aktualnosci/komunikat-startowy-milko-mazury-mtb-etap-1-pasym-cztery-wieze-nad-kalwa

Elektroniczne zapisy prowadzone są na stronie www.mazurymtb.pl . Nowość na tegoroczny piąty sezon to rozbudowany profil Team Menagera, który ułatwi zbiorową rejestrację członków drużyn.

Więcej Nick:ViacomCBS Launches #RazemNaOdległość and #DzieciakiRazemWdomu Campaigns in Poland
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ViacomCBS Launches New On Demand Service Nick+ in Portugal

ViacomCBS Networks Europe, Middle East, Africa & Asia (EMEAA) today announced the launch of Nick+, a Nickelodeon-branded premium on demand service in Portugal!

Nick+ brings hundreds of hours of popular content from Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. together on a single platform. Initially launching on MEO, Nick+ will also be available on the Vodafone service from Thursday 23rd July 2020.

On MEO, Nick+ is a subscription service, costing subscribers 2.99 euros per month, with the first two months free if subscribers commit to subscribing until September.

In addition to bringing together the best live-action and animated content from the Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. channels available in the country, the Nick+ platform, which bills itself as “the most complete on demand entertainment service for children in Portugal”, will include full seasons of hit series as well as offer subscribers advanced previews of upcoming shows.

Commentating on the launch, Manuel Gil, Country Manager Iberia and Executive Vice President (EVP), Strategy & Affiliates EMEAA at ViacomCBS Networks EMEAA, said: “We are highly focused on building a comprehensive and up-to-date entertainment offering, meeting the needs and viewing habits of today's youngsters. For this reason, we launched Nick+, which is a super fun option for young people, who can follow their series wherever and whenever they want with great convenience, with quality assurance [from] Nickelodeon, a leading brand of children's entertainment worldwide.”

The news follows Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. launching on MEO and Vodafone earlier this year, having previously being exclusive to NOS.

The news also comes hot on the heels of Nickelodeon Portugal celebrating record-breaking ratings.

Nick+ is available in Greece, Germany and Canada.

Update: Nick+ is also available in Madeira and Azores.

NICK+: Tu + toda a diversão do Nickelodeon e do Nick Jr num só lugar | Portugal | Nickelodeon em Português

Chegou o Nick+, o serviço mais completo de entretenimento on-demand para crianças em Portugal, com o melhor do Nickelodeon e do Nick Jr.! Patrulha Pata, Henry Danger, SpongeBob e Loud em Casa são algumas das séries que lá moram, com temporadas inteirinhas para veres e reveres quando e onde quiseres, e repetir, e repetir, e repetir.

From Meios & Publicidade:


O Nick+, serviço de vídeo on demand que reúne numa única plataforma conteúdos dos canais infanto-juvenis Nickelodeon e Nick Jr., está agora disponível no mercado português. A plataforma de conteúdos da Viacom CBS Networks estreia-se no Meo, onde terá um custo de subscrição de 2,99 euros por mês, com os dois primeiros gratuitos para os clientes que subscreverem até ao próximo mês de Setembro. A partir do próximo dia 23 de Julho integrará também a oferta da Vodafone.

Além de reunir os melhores conteúdos dos dois canais, actualmente disponíveis em todas as operadoras de televisão no mercado nacional, a plataforma Nick+, que se apresenta como “o serviço mais completo de entretenimento on demand para crianças em Portugal”, incluirá temporadas completas das principais e antecipará o lançamento de novas temporadas com estreias exclusivas através do serviço.

“Estamos altamente focados em construir uma oferta de entretenimento abrangente e actual, atendendo às necessidades e hábitos de visualização dos mais novos hoje em dia. Por essa razão, lançamos o Nick+, que se assume como uma opção super divertida para os mais jovens, que assim podem acompanhar as suas séries onde e quando quiserem com grande conveniência, com a garantia de qualidade Nickelodeon, uma marca líder de entretenimento infantil a nível mundial”, explica Manuel Gil, country manager iberia e EVP strategy & affiliates EMEAA da Viacom CBS Networks EMEAA.


From Digital TV Europe:

Nick+ launches in Portugal with Meo, AXN Now lands on NOS Play

Portuguese service providers Meo/Altice Portugal and NOS have added new offerings to their line-up of on-demand services.

Meo has become the first Portuguese operator to add ViacomCBS’s Nick+ service to its line-up of premium offerings.

Nick+, which kicks off with new series It’s Pony (É o Pónei) and features content including Paw Patrol (Patrulha Pata}, Henry Danger and Spongebob Squarepants, is available free of charge for two months for taking the service before September, after which it will be available for €2.99 a month.

Meo already offers a range of kids services including channels such as Nickelodeon alongside apps including Meo Kids, Study at Home and Zoo.

Rival service provider NOS meanwhile has added Sony’s AXN Now to its NOS Play streaming service.

AXN Now content will have a dedicated space in the NOS Play line-up, offering complete seasons of shows and exclusive premieres, with over 700 series episodes promised before the end of the year.

The addition of AXN Now at no extra cost to NOS Play customers will bring series including The Good Doctor, The Rookie, Diggstown and Mr Mercedes to subscribers. Shows including the third series of Absentia will be available only three days after their world premiere.

NOS offers NOS Play as an SVOD service for €7.50 a month. The service is available on tablets and smartphones and recently launched on Apple TV.


From Tek Deeps:

Nickelodeon’s on-demand service reaches Meo and Vodafone

Nick +, a video-on-demand service that brings together content from the Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. children’s channels on a single platform, is now available on the Portuguese market. The content platform of Viacom CBS Networks debuts on Meo, where it will have a subscription cost of 2.99 euros per month, with the first two free for customers who subscribe until next September. From the 23rd of July onwards, it will also be part of Vodafone’s offer.

In addition to bringing together the best content from the two channels, currently available on all television operators in the national market, the Nick + platform, which presents itself as “the most complete entertainment service on demand for children in Portugal”, will include full seasons of the main and anticipate the launch of new seasons with exclusive premieres through the service.

“We are highly focused on building a comprehensive and up-to-date entertainment offering, meeting the needs and viewing habits of the youngest today. For this reason, we launched Nick +, which is a super fun option for young people, who can follow their series wherever and whenever they want with great convenience, with quality assurance Nickelodeon, a leading children’s entertainment brand a worldwide ”, explains Manuel Gil, Iberia country manager and EVP strategy & affiliates EMEAA at Viacom CBS Networks EMEAA.


Official Altice Portugal press release:

MEO consolida oferta infantil com lançamento do serviço Nick+

20 julho 2020

​Depois dos múltiplos lançamentos deste ano, dirigidos aos mais pequenos, o MEO, marca de segmento de consumo da Altice Portugal, volta a reforçar a sua oferta de conteúdos infantis e é o primeiro operador a lançar o Nick+, um serviço premium de TV, que permite aceder on demand, ao melhor do Nickelodeon e do Nick JR – dois canais do portefólio de marcas da ViacomCBS International Networks, que incluem estreia exclusivas e temporadas completas das séries favoritas dos mais pequenos.

Com o mote “Tu + toda a diversão do Nickelodeon e do Nick Jr num só lugar”, o Nick+ arranca com a antestreia exclusiva da nova série “É o Pónei”, que acompanha as aventuras de Annie e do seu pónei na quinta dos seus pais. No Nick+, é também possível acompanhar todos os episódios de Patrulha Pata, Henry Danger, SpongeBob e Loud em Casa, disponíveis para ver e rever em qualquer lugar, na TV do MEO e através da plataforma MEO Go.

O Nick+, disponível na posição 52 do MEO, pode ser acedido gratuitamente durante dois meses, para quem subscrever o serviço até setembro, e a partir dessa data, terá um preço de apenas 2,99€ mensais.

Este lançamento vem diversificar e valorizar a estratégia de inovação e diferenciação da TV do MEO, já caracterizada pela melhor e maior oferta de conteúdos. O Nick+ junta-se a um conjunto de outros conteúdos de referência também vocacionados para o público mais jovem lançados este ano, no qual se incluem desde logo canais infantis, como o Nickelodeon, ou aplicações lúdicas e didáticas como o MEO Kids, Estudo em Casa ou Jardim Zoológico.


More Nick:Nickelodeon Portugal Celebrates Record Ratings!

Originally published: Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 19:38 BST.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Portugal News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Asia to Premiere 'Deer Squad' in August 2020

iQIYI Original Animation Series DEER SQUAD to Air on Nickelodeon

BEIJING, June 30, 2020 -- iQIYI Inc. (NASDAQ: IQ) ("iQIYI" or the "Company"), an innovative market-leading online entertainment service in China, today announced that its original CG-animated series, Deer Squad Season 1 will premiere on July 15 on the Company's platform. The animation will also air on Nickelodeon in Asia from August 2020 with plans to air internationally as well.

Update (7/3) - Nickelodeon South East Asia will premiere Deer Squad on Monday 3rd August 2020 at 4pm (MY/ PH) / 2.15pm (SG) / 3pm (WIB)! Check out a sneak peek below!:

"The release of Deer Squad is a major endeavour that will see us bring our world-class animation franchise to the international stage," said Yang Xiaoxuan, Vice President of iQIYI. "With Nickelodeon's content development expertise and large global footprint, we are confident that Deer Squad will be enjoyed not just in China but also internationally."

"We are thrilled that this much-awaited project Deer Squad is completed, and we can't wait to bring it to our fans on Nickelodeon's platforms. Its endearing characters and humourous storylines will appeal to audiences in any part of the world," said Pierre Cheung, Senior Vice President & General Manager of ViacomCBS Networks Asia.

Deer Squad (formally Deer Run) is an animated adventure rescue series about four loveable, enthusiastic and heroic young deer friends – Kai, Lola, Rammy and Bobbi, who protect the animals of Central Forest and the humans who inhabit Platinum City, a futuristic metropolis surrounding their woodland home. When there's trouble, the Deer summon their Planet Powers and transform into a team that is capable of solving problems using their Planet Powers of Water (Kai), Wood (Lola), Earth (Bobbi) and Sun (Rammy).

Nickelodeon will air Deer Squad in Asia this August, with plans to also air in Japan, South Korea and other countries in the region and internationally by later this year.

Produced by iQIYI under the creative guidance and supervision of Nickelodeon, Deer Squad was developed with global audiences in mind. From the storyline to the characters and production, all elements have been created to meet the highest international standards. The story cleverly combines adventure, education, and humour to convey universal values such as love, courage and responsibility. The series has also been meticulously curated to feature inspiring role models and tips on staying safe. It is the first time Nickelodeon Asia is taking a Chinese original IP on its network from conception phase. A second season has been confirmed.

iQIYI has been expanding its global resources and partnerships in the children's animation space in recent years, working with renowned animation houses such as Nickelodeon, BBC and Disney to provide diversified and premium content. The international release of Deer Squad demonstrates that the global industry has recognized the high-quality original content produced by iQIYI as well as the influence of its platform.

iQIYI will continue to deliver on its commitment of creating high-quality and original IPs and look to further expand its IP industry chain by hosting events and developing spin-offs and merchandise. These initiatives will allow the Company to realize the full commercial value of its IPs while simultaneously enhancing the children's content industry and boosting the international competitiveness of Chinese-made original animation.

About iQIYI, Inc.

iQIYI, Inc. is an innovative market-leading online entertainment service in China. Its corporate DNA combines creative talent with technology, fostering an environment for continuous innovation and the production of blockbuster content. iQIYI's platform features highly popular original content, as well as a comprehensive library of other professionally-produced content, partner-generated content and user generated content. The Company distinguishes itself in the online entertainment industry by its leading technology platform powered by advanced AI, big data analytics and other core proprietary technologies. iQIYI attracts a massive user base with tremendous user engagement and has developed a diversified monetization model including membership services, online advertising services, content distribution, live broadcasting, online games, IP licensing, online literature and e-commerce.

About Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon, now in its 41st year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The brand includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, location-based experiences, publishing and feature films. For more information or artwork, visit http://www.nickpress.com. Nickelodeon and all related titles, characters and logos are trademarks of Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB).

Update (8/7) - Below is the Chinese version of the above press release:








“《无敌鹿战队》的推出是爱奇艺接轨国际动画市场、打造自有动画IP成功出海的重要尝试,尼克儿童频道在儿童内容研发及创意制作的国际经验,也将助力该动画片在国际市场的开拓。” 爱奇艺副总裁杨晓轩表示,在儿童动画领域,爱奇艺不断拓展全球资源与合作伙伴,与尼克儿童频道、BBC、迪士尼等全球知名动画企业合作,为用户提供多样化优质内容。此次《无敌鹿战队》在尼克儿童频道国际市场的播出,使得爱奇艺优质原创内容和平台影响力被国际市场再次认可。未来,爱奇艺将继续深耕优质原创IP,通过线下活动、周边衍生产品开发、VR动画制作等进一步完善IP产业链条,释放IP更大化商业价值,拓展儿童产业想象空间,增强中国原创动画产业的国际竞争力。


From 北京日报:


2020年07月20日 08:13 来源:北京日报








近年来,国内视频平台正在积极布局动画事业,通过拓展全球资源、发展自身文化、寻找合作伙伴等途径,构建起动画事业的国际化发展格局。《无敌鹿战队》是尼克儿童频道与中国深度合作且负责国际发行的第一部动画项目,也是爱奇艺接轨国际动画市场、打造自有动画IP成功出海的重要尝试。记者 李夏至


From http://big5.xinhuanet.com:








  近年來,國內視頻平臺正在積極布局動畫事業,通過拓展全球資源、發展自身文化、尋找合作夥伴等途徑,構建起動畫事業的國際化發展格局。《無敵鹿戰隊》是尼克兒童頻道與中國深度合作且負責國際發行的第一部動畫項目,也是愛奇藝接軌國際動畫市場、打造自有動畫IP成功出海的重要嘗試。記者 李夏至


More Nick:Nickelodeon International Talks Expanding Global Production Activities, Eyeing More International Partnerships!

Originally published: Tuesday, June 30, 2020.

Additional source: tom.com.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Asia and Deer Squad News and Highlights!

The Paw Patrol Powers Up in Awesome New Video Game Releasing This November

The Paw Patrol Powers Up in Awesome New Video Game Releasing This November

Play Together and hero up in ‘Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups Adventure Bay’

London, July 17th - The PAW Patrol™ is ready to set out on their mightiest mission yet as Outright Games, one of the leading global publisher of family friendly interactive entertainment, and Nickelodeon, today announced a brand-new video game, currently entitled PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay, based on the hit Nickelodeon preschool series PAW Patrol produced by Spin Master Entertainment. The new game will launch November 6, 2020, on Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC Digital.

PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay will be distributed in Europe by Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe.

Watch the PAWsome new trailer here:

Play together with friends and family in co-op mode, choose your favourite pup and use their mighty powers to take on heroic missions. The whole Patrol is here with key locations in the massive town of Adventure Bay ready to explore, from the Lookout to Jake’s Snowboarding Resort.

You’ll need each mighty pup’s special power including Chase’s Super Speed, Marshall’s Mighty Heat and Skye’s Whirlwind Power to help save the day and play with your friends in fun-filled mini games like Pup Pup Boogie and jump rope.

PAW PAtrol is the number one entertainment franchise for pre-schoolers and a global phenomenon with reach in over 170 countries through its TV show, toys, video games, clothing lines and even theme park rides. Outright Games previously released PAW Patrol: On a Roll in 2018 which is their bestselling title to date.

‘We’re beyond thrilled to work on our second PAW Patrol title with Nickelodeon, it’s been an amazing experience bringing everyone’s favourite pups to life through our video games,’ said Terry Malham CEO of Outright Games. ‘This is truly a pre-school powerhouse and one of the biggest names in kids’ entertainment, we couldn’t be more excited to launch this brand-new adventure that’s fun for the whole family.’


  • EVERY PUP IS HERE – Play as Chase, Rubble, Marshall, Everest, Skye, Rocky, Zuma and Tracker. 
  • EXPLORE ADVENTURE BAY – Take on seven super-heroic missions to rescue friends and save the day. Plus seven fun mini games!
  • USE MIGHTY POWERS – Play as the pups and use their mighty powers to create whirlwinds, use Energy Super Tools, lift the heaviest objects, and more!
  • TEAM UP ON THE DOUBLE – Two users can play in co-op mode on the same screen.
PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay launches on November 6, digitally and at retail on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.


Find out more:

Website: Outright Games
Twitter: @Outright_Games
Facebook: Outright Games Ltd
Instagram: Outright_games

About ViacomCBS Consumer Products:

ViacomCBS Consumer Products (VCP) oversees all licensing and merchandising for ViacomCBS Inc. (Nasdaq: VIACA, VIAC), a leading global media and entertainment company that creates premium content and experiences for audiences worldwide. Driven by iconic consumer brands, VCP’s portfolio includes a diverse slate of brands and content from BET, CBS (including CBS Television Studios and CBS Television Distribution), Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon, Paramount Pictures and Showtime. With properties spanning animation, live-action, preschool, youth and adult, VCP is committed to creating the highest quality product for some of the world’s most beloved, iconic franchises. Additionally, VCP oversees the online direct-to-consumer business for CBS and Showtime programming merchandise, as well as standalone branded ecommerce websites for Star Trek, SpongeBob, South Park, and MTV.

Find out More: http://www.nick.co.uk/

About Spin Master Corp.:

Spin Master Corp. (TSX:TOY) is a leading global children’s entertainment company creating exceptional play experiences through a diverse portfolio of innovative toys, entertainment franchises and digital toys and games. Spin Master is best known for award-winning brands PAW Patrol®, Bakugan®, Kinetic Sand®, Air Hogs®, Hatchimals® and GUND®, and is the toy licensee for other popular properties.  Spin Master Entertainment creates and produces compelling multiplatform content, stories and endearing characters through its in-house studio and partnerships with outside creators, including the preschool success PAW Patrol and 10 other television series, which are distributed in more than 160 countries. The Company has an established digital presence anchored by the Toca Boca® and Sago Mini® brands, which combined have more than 25 million monthly active users. With over 1,800 employees in 28 offices globally, Spin Master distributes products in more than 100 countries. For more information visit spinmaster.com or follow on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @spinmaster.

About Drakhar Studios

Drakhar Studio is a video game development studio for both mobile devices and Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo consoles. Founded in 2011 in Spain, Drakhar Studio started with small games for Android and Apple until in 2016 it launched its first game for consoles: Ginger Beyond The Crystal. Since then, Drakhar Studio has specialized in the development of video games for publishers and film and animation producers, standing out for its high level of quality, fun mechanics and special care in the artistic aspect.

For more information, please visit : www.drakharstudio.com

More Nick:'Paw Patrol' Movie from Spin Master and Nickelodeon Movies, with Paramount Pictures Distributing, Set for August 2021 Release!

Originally published: Friday, July 17, 2020 at 20:56 BST.

H/T: Worthplaying; Additional source: LOS40.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nick Jr., Nickelodeon Preschool and PAW Patrol News and Highlights!

'PAW Patrol: Ready, Race, Rescue!' Zooms Into Cinemas Across France

Nickelodeon Junior France has teamed up with CGR Events to release PAW Patrol: Ready, Race, Rescue!, a brand-new feature-length PAW Patrol special, in cinemas across France, as part of Nickelodeon's Le Nickelodeon Ciné Tour! The new movie was released in theaters on Wednesday 15th July 2020. In an all-new adventure, the pups take to the track for the Adventure Bay 500 and need to speed into action when legendary race car driver, The Whoosh, can’t compete.


Durée : 59min


C’est parti pour La Grande Course de la Grande Vallée et la Pat’ Patrouille est là pour aider les pilotes. Mais lorsqu’Ayrton la Flèche le grand champion se blesse, seul Marcus peut le remplacer ! Le dalmatien tout feu tout flamme devra s’entraîner et se surpasser grâce à tous ses amis pour espérer remporter la coupe !

Rejoignez la Pat’ Patrouille dans une aventure inédite et aidez vos chiots préférés dans leur mission lors d’une séance interactive ! Êtes-vous prêts à les encourager et à répondre aux questions ?

Aucune mission n’est trop dure car la Pat’ Patrouille assure !



CGR MOULINS16, rue Marcellin Desboutin
03000 Moulins

CGR CINÉ CITY13 Rue des Bas Trévois
10000 Troyes

16000 Angoulême

L'OLYMPIA16 Avenue Maréchal Foch
21000 Dijon

CGR NÎMES9 Boulevard Natoire
30000 Nîmes

CGR LATTESZAC des Commandeurs
34970 Lattes

CGR CHATEAUROUX86 avenue Charles de Gaulle
36000 Chateauroux

CGR CHALONS EN CHAMPAGNEZAC des Escarnotières - Rue Augustin Fresnel
51000 Chalons En Champagne

CGR BRUAY LA BUISSIÈREZAC Porte Nord - Rue Georges Charpak
62700 Bruay La Buissière

CGR LESCARCentre Commercial Quartier Libre 180 Boulevard de l’Europe
64230 Lescar

CGR TORCY MARNE LA VALLÉECentre Commercial BAY 1 Loisirs - Promenade du 7ème art
77200 Torcy

CGR DRAGUIGNAN CHABRAN166 place du 7ème bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins
83300 Draguignan

CGR BUXEROLLESZAE du Pas St Jacques - Avenue des Frères Lumière
86180 Buxerolles

CGR AUXERRE1 Boulevard du 11 Novembre
89000 Auxerre

Numéro de visa :
Durée : 59min
Code distributeur : 2812
Nom distributeur : CGR Events


Plus Nickelodeon :Nickelodeon France Announces Summer 2020 Nickelodeon Tour Dates !
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Summer on Nickelodeon Junior France News and Highlights!

Palatenda del Prato della Fiera in Italy to Host Outdoor Screening of 'Wonder Park' on Monday 10th August 2020

Palatenda del Prato della Fiera in Caselle Torinese TO, Italy will be hosting an open-air screening of the hit Nickelodeon Movies theatrical film Wonder Park on Monday 10th August 2020 at 21:30h, as part of the venue's "Cinema sotto le stelle" season! Due to safety precautions in place to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 (coronavirus), the showing will be limited to 130 seats, and guests will have to respect all the rules, i.e. wearing a mask and social distancing when entering.

From NonSoloContro:

Da lunedì "Cinema sotto le stelle"

Quattro serate, 130 posti disponibili

Santoro: «organizzare non è stato facile, ma c'è bisogno di ritorno alla normalità»

Sono 130 i posti disponibili per il "Cinema sotto le stelle" che prende avvio lunedì sera, 20 luglio, alle 21,30, al Palatenda, scelto dell'Amministrazione proprio per la sua capacità di poter ospitare un buon numero di casellesi.

Spiega l'assessora Erica Santoro:

«non è stato semplice organizzare, ma mai come in questo momento c'è bisogno di tornare alla normalità o pseudo tale. Le norme di sicurezza conseguenti l'emergenza sanitaria ci hanno imposto un luogo dove fossero applicabili e il Palatenda lo è. I posti, esclusivamente a sedere e distanziati tra loro sono 130. Ci sarà un'unica entrata e un'unica uscita segnalate e luminose. Gli spettatori dovranno rispettare tutte le norme ossia mascherina e distanziamento sociale in fase di entrata. Gli appuntamenti per ora sono quattro, ma non è escluso che ne vengano organizzati altri anche a settembre».

La programmazione non è stata semplice, anche perchè la chiusura di tutti i Cinema ha portato moltissimi Comuni ad organizzare serate all'aperto, portando le richieste di pellicole quasi al raddoppio rispetto agli anni precedenti.

A Caselle, dunque, si parte lunedì 20 luglio alle 21,30 con Pets2, film d'animazione del 2019 diretto da Chris Renaud. Sequel del fortunato primo capitolo Pets del 2016, Pets 2 ritrova i personaggi divenuti celebri e ne presenta altri, assicurando ancora una volta gag esilaranti e avventure rocambolesche.

Lunedì 27 luglio, sempre alle 21,30 è la volta di Rocketman,film biografico del 2019 diretto da Dexter Fletcher che racconta la storia di Elton John (TaronEgerton), ripercorrendo la sua vita dagli albori della Royal Academy of Music, in cui era un timido e talentuoso pianista, fino agli anni Ottanta, momento di massimo splendore della sua carriera.

Lunedì 3 agosto alle 21,30 è la volta di Wonder Park film d'animazione della Paramount Animation e Nickelodeon che vede protagonista June, che scopre nel bosco un incredibile parco divertimenti - Wonderland. Nonostante sia pieno di fantastiche giostre e animali parlanti, il parco si trova in uno stato di grande caos. La ragazza scoprirà presto che Wonderland è frutto della sua immaginazione ed è lei l'unica in grado di riportare tutto all'ordine. Insieme a questi animali fantastici, June dovrà salvare questo posto magico, riportando la meraviglia in Wonderland. Nella versione italiana le voci di Gus e Cooper, i due simpatici fratelli castori, manutentori del parco sono state affidate all'affiatata coppia comica napoletana Gigi e Ross, alla loro prima esperienza in questa veste.

Lunedì 10 agosto alle 21,30 va in programmazione Operazione Sottoveste, la celebre, esilarante commedia del 1959, diretta da Blake Edwards con Cary Grant e Tony Curtis e un "battaglione" di bravissime attrici. Un film che nonstante l'età sarà in grado di divertire tutti, ma proprio tutti. Una vera e propria chicca per gli amanti del cinema d'autore.

L'ingresso alle proiezioni è gratuito ed aperto a tutta la cittadinanza fino ad esaurimento posti (seduti).

Info: Informagiovani Caselle via Torino 3 - tel. 011/9964291


From Cose Nostre:

Esordio al Palatenda per “Cinema sotto le stelle”

A partire da lunedì 20 luglio, ecco le prime 4 pellicole in programma a Caselle al Prato Fiera

Torna a Caselle Torinese, proposta dall’Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Giovanili, la classica manifestazione estiva “Cinema sotto le stelle, in una location finora inedita, quella del Palatenda, che mette al sicuro lo spettacolo anche in caso di acquazzone.

Si comincia lunedì 20 luglio, con Pets2, sequel del film d’animazione Pets – Vita da animali.

Lunedì 27 luglio ci sarà Rocketman, dedicato alla carriera di Elton John.

Due le pellicole ad agosto: lunedì 3 agosto il film per bambini Wonder Park e lunedì 10 agosto Operazione Sottoveste, un classico della risata con Cary Grant e Tony Curtis.

Tutte le proiezioni cominciano alle 21,30 e sono ad ingresso libero, fino ad esaurimento dei posti a sedere, in corrispondenza della capienza massima di 130 persone.

E’ infine preannunciata la prosecuzione a settembre della manifestazione.


Di Più Nick:ViacomCBS Launches #KidsTogether and #LontaniMaVicini Campaigns in Italy
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‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Is Just Seconds Away From Becoming the First Show on Netflix to Achieve This Incredible Milestone

Something big happened today on Netflix. Avatar: The Last Airbender rounded out the Netflix’s Top 10 daily list for TV shows in the #10 position. Which means it was the 10th-most popular show yesterday on Netflix.

So what, right?

Wrong. Because that is actually the show’s 57th consecutive appearance on Netflix’s daily list—something only one other show has done. So if Avatar can hold onto that streak for just one more day, then it’ll truly stand apart from every other show on Netflix.

With that 57th consecutive appearance, Avatar tied Ozark for the record. That means both of those shows have put together longer streaks than binge-worthy behemoths like Tiger King, 13 Reasons Why, Dead to Me and Space Force.

Here are the current ten longest streaks:

  1. Ozark - 57 days
  2. Avatar: The Last Airbender - 57 days
  3. Outer Banks - 51 days
  4. Tiger King - 50 days
  5. All American - 42 days
  6. Love is Blind - 39 days
  7. Space Force - 34 days
  8. Dead to Me - 32 days
  9. 13 Reasons Why - 28 days
  10. Money Heist - 24 days

As you can see, there’s a gigantic different between the top two shows and the rest of the pack. No show has been able to sustain as long of a run as either Ozark or Avatar.

And certainly no television show outside of Netflix’s control has been able to keep this up for this long. On that list, you’ll only find two shows that weren’t produced by Netflix: Money Heist and Avatar. Which probably explains why Netflix is developing a live-action version of the critically acclaimed animated series that originally aired on Nickelodeon between 2005 and 2008.

In the grand Top 10 rankings (you can read more about the points system here), Avatar ranks as the fourth-most-popular show on Netflix since the Daily Top 10 was introduced back in late February. Since the famed animated series’ Netflix debut on on May 18, Avatar: The Last Airbender has accrued 334 points—which ranks only behind Tiger King (387 points), Ozark (377 points) and Outer Banks (356 points).

While Avatar hasn’t accrued as many points as those Netflix projects, the series has consistently ranked highly since its premiere. In May, the show ranked third amongst all shows on Netflix with 123 points (behind Dead to Me and Outer Banks) and spent its first five days atop the Daily Top 10 list; in June, Avatar ranked third once again with 162 points (behind 13 Reasons Why and Space Force); and currently Avatar ranks sixth in the month of July with 49 points.

However, July has been the worst month for the show yet. For the 14 days the show was eligible for the Daily Top 10 in May, Avatar averaged 8.79 points per day of the maximum possible 10. That average then dipped down to 5.4 points per day in June, and has now lowered even further to 3.77 points per day.

Still, if the beloved cartoon can hold onto that Top 10 ranking for just one more day—even in the #10 position—then it will achieve a milestone that no other show on Netflix can match.

From Forbes:

‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Just Accomplished An Amazing (And Unprecedented) Feat On Netflix

When you think of Netflix NFLX -0.3%, several TV shows come to mind—most of them produced by the streaming giant itself. Tiger King, Ozark, Outer Banks, Love is Blind, Space Force, Dead to Me—the list goes on and on.

But there’s one show on Netflix that’s not only been more popular than most of those programs, but also achieved something monumental that none of those projects have accomplished during their Netflix tenures.

Heck, this show wasn’t even produced by Netflix, and in fact premiered all of its episodes between 2005 and 2008 on cable television. This show defies the very idea of “binging” in today’s saturated streaming culture, where new seasons to shows are released, consumed all at once, and then cast aside until a new slate of episodes is ready.

To boot? This show came from Nickelodeon. This show is a cartoon series with just three seasons. This show owns a cult following that continues to spread its reach and capture more and more rabid fans.

This is Avatar: The Last Airbender.

I wrote about Avatar’s potential to break this Netflix record yesterday—and, to be honest, I wasn’t sure the animated series could pull it off. But here we are on July 15, 2020, with a show that’s done something unprecedented on the streaming service: Avatar: The Last Airbender has appeared on the Top 10 Shows list for 58 consecutive days.

Maybe that doesn’t seem like such a big deal. But you have to consider the hype most of these Netflix behemoths receive every time a new season is released. Plus, there are several other non-Netflix-produced shows on the streaming app with multiple seasons and similar cult followings—like The Office, Riverdale, All American—that have not come even close to matching the numbers put up by Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Let’s start with that new record Avatar just set. Here are the ten longest streaks on Netflix for appearing on the Top 10 list for shows:

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender - 58 days
  • Ozark - 57 days
  • Outer Banks - 51 days
  • Tiger King - 50 days
  • All American - 42 days
  • Love is Blind - 39 days
  • Space Force - 34 days
  • Dead to Me - 32 days
  • 13 Reasons Why - 27 days
  • Money Heist - 24 days

Most of those shows are produced by and marketed by Netflix—a streaming giant that has every incentive to push its own projects to achieve a financial return. And the other non-Netflix-produced shows came into the digital library with mass followings already built. Yet none of those shows could remain one of the ten most popular programs for nearly two consecutive months—that’s incredible.

Compare that to projects like The Office and Riverdale—the former with a seemingly insurmountable following and the second a cultural phenomenon that dominates memes and tweets—and it’s clear that Avatar has a special formula.

In the 58 days Avatar has been available on Netflix (that’s right: the show has appeared on the Top 10 every single day during its Netflix tenure), the animated series has accrued 336 points (you can read more about the Netflix points system here). That greatly outshines The Office’s 197 points (which ranks 12th-best on the 2020 rankings) and Riverdale’s 146 points (16th-best this year).

In fact, since Netflix started featuring the Top 10 list on its website on February 26 of this year, Avatar has accrued the fourth-most amount of points of any show on Netflix.

Here’s that list as well:

  • Tiger King - 387 points
  • Ozark - 377 points
  • Outer Banks - 356 points
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender - 336 points
  • Love is Blind - 299 points
  • All American - 266 points
  • Space Force - 248 points
  • Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich - 241 points
  • 13 Reasons Why - 233 points
  • Dead to Me - 230 points

While Avatar has not been able to accrue as many points as shows like Tiger King or Ozark or Outer Banks, it has remained a popular show on Netflix longer than any of those programs. Thus, the show is a seeming anomaly in today’s digital environment: Avatar has traded in virality for longevity, commanding the world’s most popular streaming service in a way that no other show can match.


From Newsweek:

'Avatar The Last Airbender' Just Broke A Major Netflix Record

Avatar: The Last Airbender may have stopped airing new episodes on Nickelodeon 12 years ago, but the cartoon has recently reached a whole new audience via Netflix, who added the three seasons of the show onto their service in mid-May. The series has been a mainstay on the Netflix top 10 most-watched TV series charts since then.

On July 20, the show finally left the chart, two months after it first entered at number one on May 18. By appearing on Netflix's chart for 60 consecutive days, The Last Airbender has set a record for Netflix, becoming the show with the longest-consecutive run on the streamer's top 10 TV series chart since the service started doing daily top 10s in late February 2020.

With a 60-day run, Avatar: The Last Airbender is now three days above the show in second place, Ozark, which managed a 57-day run between its Season 3 release date in March and it leaving the chart in May.

The top 10 Netflix shows with the longest chart runs are as follows:

1. Avatar: The Last Airbender: 60 days
2. Ozark: 57 days
3. Outer Banks: 51 days
4. Tiger King: 50 days
5. All American: 42 days
6. Love is Blind: 39 days
7. Space Force: 34 days
8. Dead to Me: 32 days
9. 13 Reasons Why: 28 days
10. Money Heist: 24 days

The fact that Avatar: The Last Airbender managed to top the chart is even more remarkable considering that it is the only show on the list that ended many years before Netflix even had a streaming service, and is one of only two shows on the list that are not Netflix Originals–the other being The CW's All American.

The show had a five-day run at number one on the TV series chart in May and has slowly been making its way down the ranks over the last two months. At the start of July, for example, the show was at number six on the chart. The show finally dropped out of the chart on July 20, after five days at number 10.

The record set by The Last Airbender, however, will be good news for Netflix, who have announced they are making a live-action version of the Nickelodeon series. Originally expected to be coming to the streamer in 2020, the live-action series is now expected in 2021.

Avatar: The Last Airbender is streaming now on Netflix.


Subscribe to the NEW official Avatar: The Last Airbender YouTube channel!: https://at.nick.com/AvatarSubscribe

Watch Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix& CBS All Access and The Legend of Korra on CBS All Access!

More Nick:Netflix to Host Open Casting Call for Live-Action 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Series!

Originally published: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 01:12 BST.

Original source: Forbes.

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Nickelodeon Acquires Rights to 'The Bureau of Magical Things' Season 2

Originally published: Tuesday, November 26, 2019.


ZDF Enterprises, Screen Queensland and Screen Australia have today announced the second season of hit live-action children’s series The Bureau of Magical Things from internationally-renowned producer Jonathan M. Shiff. The series is made for Network 10 locally, plus ZDF Germany and Nickelodeon.

The first season of The Bureau of Magical Things screened in over 170 territories and received the AACTA Award for Best Children’s Program in 2018. Season 2 continues the adventures of Kyra, a teenage girl who acquired magical powers when caught in a clash between an elf and a fairy. In this new series, when Kyra and Darra embark on a quest to find a legendary lost temple, Kyra’s orb magic accidentally awakens a dangerous object causing fairy and elf magic to malfunction. As the danger escalates, Kyra must risk everything to deal with a threat that endangers the entire magical world and brings her own identity into question.

Production will take place from December 2019 to July 2020 with the original cast to return for the 20-part series led by Kimie Tsukakoshi (The Family Law) as Kyra. Siblings Elizabeth Cullen and Julian Cullen (Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan) return as elf brother and sister on screen. Mia Milnes and Rainbow Wedell (Jiva) also headline as fairies. Jamie Carter plays Kyra’s human friend and now a member of ‘The Bureau’, while Arnijka Larcombe-Weate returns as Kyra’s problematic bestie oblivious to the magical world.

Update (27/3/2020) - The second season of Jonathan M Shiff’s children’s fantasy The Bureau of Magical Things was shooting in Brisbane and the Gold Coast but was curtailed this week due to the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The 20-part series was commissioned by Network 10, German pubcaster ZDF and Viacom-owned kids’ net Nickelodeon. There is currently no word on when production will resume.

UPDATE (19/7/2020) - Filming for The Bureau of Magical Things season two will resume on the Gold Coast from Monday 29th June 2020!

The young cast are joined by experienced actors Christopher Sommers (Sweet Tooth, The Water Diviner), Nicholas Bell (Mission Impossible II, Wanted), Steve Nation (Neighbours) and this season introduces Tasneem Roc (Harrow, Rake, Reef Doctors).

Joining the cast in season two is Miah Madden, who will portray Tayla.

Producer, Jonathan M. Shiff said, “Australian children, like children all around the world, love fantasy, mystery and adventure. It’s wonderful to build on the success of the first series with a story more magical and more epic as our young heroes seek answers to their mystery not only in Australia but across South East Asia. The extraordinarily talented Queensland cast and crew, plus the stunning local locations continue to help us to achieve the highest quality production values for a global audience.”

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, whose Government has supported the series through Screen Queensland said, “We are delighted to welcome back another season of The Bureau of Magical Things to Queensland. This production will film on the Gold Coast and Brisbane from February to June 2020 and create more than 200 jobs for cast and crew. Queensland continues to be the location of choice for major screen productions including The Bureau of Magical Things that will showcase our world-class screen industry capability and stunning locations. My government is proud to continue to support the screen industry because it creates jobs, boosts tourism and promotes our international reputation. I look forward to the next season of The Bureau of Magical Things.”

Screen Australia’s Head of Content, Sally Caplan said, “Jonathan M. Shiff has time and time again proven his ability to create enchanting children’s television and The Bureau of Magical Things has not only gained critical acclaim but has also captured the imaginations of children around the world. We’re thrilled to support the second season from the talented creative team who will bring this next magical adventure to life.”

Fred Burksen, President & CEO, ZDF Enterprises, said, “We have been working with Jonathan and his team for so many years, we consider them family. Side by side, we have managed to put smiles on the faces of children in almost every country on Earth. We are delighted that our extremely successful partnership with Jonathan M. Shiff Productions will now be continued with the second season of The Bureau of Magical Things.”

The Bureau of Magical Things season 2 is a Jonathan M. Shiff Productions project for Network 10, ZDF and Nickelodeon. Major production investment from ZDF Enterprises, Screen Queensland and Screen Australia. It is presold to Network 10 Australia, German public broadcaster ZDF and Nickelodeon, and is distributed worldwide by ZDF Enterprises.


Jonathan M. Shiff Productions is a world leader in live-action children’s fantasy drama with credits including the global smash hit H2O – Just Add Water and its spin off Mako Mermaids. In 2018, Jonathan was awarded a World Screen Kids’ Trendsetter Award in recognition of his leading contribution to the international television industry and for driving innovation in children’s programming. The first season of The Bureau of Magical Things is an international hit and is being viewed around the world via Network Ten, ZDF Germany and Nickelodeon worldwide. The series went on to win the AACTA Award for Best Children’s Program, plus the international 2019 Kidscreen Award Best New Series Tweens/Teens.

Jonathan M. Shiff Productions award winning content has screened in over 170 countries worldwide entertaining an audience of hundreds of millions and showcasing Queensland locations and lifestyle. Their Mako Mermaids series became the first ever Netflix Original live-action series for children. Graduates of Shiff’s productions include Liam Hemsworth and Margot Robbie, both seen as younger actors in The Elephant Princess. H2O stars Phoebe Tonkin (Bloom, Safe Harbour) and Claire Holt moved onto the US series The Vampire Diaries and its sequel The Originals; their co-star Luke Mitchell to The Code, Blindspot and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. They are amongst an impressive list of those who learned their craft and the business of filmmaking on Mr. Shiff’s sets.

From IF Magazine:

Jonathan M. Shiff series and Steve Jaggi film herald Queensland production re-start

Julian Cullen and Kimie Tsukakoshi in ‘The Bureau of Magical Things.’ (Photo credit: Mark Taylor)

Screen production in Queensland is set to restart with the second season of Jonathan M. Shiff Productions’ The Bureau of Magical Things and a rom-com feature from the Steve Jaggi Company.

The cameras will roll on Shiff’s children’s fantasy, which was shut down in March, on June 29 on the Gold Coast.

On the same day, Jaggi and director Christine Luby will begin shooting This Little Love of Mine in Cairns. Scripted by Georgia Harrison, it’s a co-production with Nicely Entertainment, an LA-based distribution and production company recently launched by former Gaumont exec Vanessa Shapiro.

Jaggi is producing with Kelly Son Hing and Spencer McLaren; the cast will be announced next week.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said Shiff’s 20-part series is employing more than 200 cast and crew and injecting more than $8.5 million into the State’s economy. Jaggi’s film will create 25 local jobs and spend more than $1.5 million.

Network 10, German broadcaster ZDF and Nickelodeon commissioned season two , with investment from ZDF Enterprises, Screen Queensland and Screen Australia.

Kimie Tsukakoshi returns as Kyra, a teenager with magical powers, as she and Darra (Julian Cullen) embark on a quest to find a legendary lost temple.

On the first block of 10 episodes Evan Clarry and Martha Goddard had finished shooting 30 of the 43 days scheduled before the production shut down.

So they will complete shooting that block in the coming weeks, followed by the second block directed by Grant Brown.

Palaszczuk acknowledged the screen industry had been hit hard by COVID-19. Her government responded by creating a $3.3 million support package and forming a Queensland screen industry task force.

“As well as focussing on local productions, we’ve also been working to ensure major international productions can return to the State,” she said.

The Premier said Hoodlum Entertainment aims to get season three of the ABC’s Harrow back into production in the next few months. That is contingent on the federal government granting a waiver on travel restrictions to bring back star Ioan Gruffudd from LA.

Her government is also working closely with Baz Luhrmann and his production team to resume production on the untitled Elvis Presley biopic at the Village Roadshow Studios on the Gold Coast.

“We want to ensure this can happen as soon as possible while making sure the cast and crew can operate safely,” Palaszczuk added.

The start date on the Warner Bros production was postponed after Tom Hanks, who plays Colonel Tom Parker, and his wife Rita Wilson tested positive for COVID-19.

Hanks and Austin Butler, who plays Elvis, both returned to the US, so the producers will need special dispensation to bring them back.

Screen Queensland and Queensland Health are developing a screen industry COVID-safe plan, which will be released shortly.


From We Are Gold Coast:



Julian Cullen and Kimie Tsukakoshi in The Bureau of Magical Things season 2. Image credit: Mark Taylor

Getting the greenlight to shoot again has meant strict compliance with guidelines developed by Queensland Health and WorkSafe QLD, cross-checked with the Australian Screen Production Industry’s official advice and the Bureau team’s own set protocols.

Heavy measures, but Bureau’s lead producer Stuart Wood says necessary ones to overcome the biggest production challenges he’s witnessed across a 40-year career.

“Nobody’s ever seen anything like this,” says Wood, “the situation is unique for the screen industry, really just as it’s unique for the world.

“We’re working in new territory today and – as medical advice and understanding of the virus evolves – we also need to be prepared to adjust how we work in the future.”

Julian Cullen as Darra on The Bureau of Magical Things' first day back in production under COVID safe protocols. Image credit: Mark Taylor


Wood says COVID-safe guidelines affect every aspect of screen production, with traditionally dynamic film set environments now operating under tight controls.

Actors rehearse wearing facemasks and crew abide by strict new rules about who can handle which pieces of equipment. Even the memory cards are sanitised each time they’re pulled from the cameras.

Makeup artists use a separate kit for each actor, and the cast stays distanced while clever camera angles bring them closer together. Masks and sanitiser pumps are ubiquitous.

Bureau is partly set in a magical realm and cast members’ prosthetic elf ears needed protocols all their own, with the tools to apply them surgically sterilised after each use.

“Our makeup department is under the tightest hygiene restrictions on the set, because they’re working on human beings,” says Wood.

Aside from the public health issues, the return to work to complete season two also means high stakes for the Bureau team from a creative perspective.

The show’s first season was a global hit and scored several industry awards, including the AACTA Award for Best Children’s Program, and Wood says the cast and crew are back at work fired up to maintain standards.

“A lot of our work is to make the on-set protocols invisible,” he says.

“There’s a certain headspace we need to protect around our directors and cast and key creatives.

“We want the actors to be comfortable that they’re safe, and then forget about it and go and deliver the best performance they can.”

Camera operator Brad Hunt shooting on The Bureau of Magical Things' first day back in production under COVID safe protocols. Image credit: Mark Taylor


The Bureau of Magical Things was halfway through its season two shoot when coronavirus began to flare worldwide.

The production voluntarily instituted hygiene measures well ahead of community standards, but the set was shuttered late March, Wood says, once they could not be sure continuing work was the safest course.

During shutdown, the producers conducted a risk assessment and developed plans to mitigate COVID-19 transmission, then worked with their department heads on practical protocols for making a COVID-safe film set run.

But Wood says there’s much more than paperwork behind this week’s restart, with getting the show back on the road a collaborative effort between crew, government and financiers.

Screen Queensland and the City of Gold Coast’s film unit have, he says, been “rock solid” in support of Bureau’s production company, Jonathan M. Shiff Productions.

“Both those organisations have been incredibly supportive in understanding what we were doing and why we were doing it.”

Jonathan M. Shiff Productions has made hundreds of episodes of TV on the Gold Coast and inspires particular loyalty among local crew.

“We work closely with a lot of talented people, and they’ve pulled together as a team; that’s vital in an environment like this,” he says.

“We want to look after them and – most importantly – we want them to go home and re-assure their families they’re not at risk.”


From IF Magazine:

Jonathan M. Shiff on new shooting protocols and why the TV Producer Offset must be doubled

Shooting of the second series of Jonathan M. Shiff Productions’ The Bureau of Magical Things resumed in Queensland on June 29, one of the first to restart after the lockdown.

Directors Evan Clarry and Martha Goddard completed the first 10 of 20 half-hour episodes last week and Grant Brown is now directing the remaining 10.

The company’s founder tells IF about the new shooting protocols, the extra costs involved and the need to rewrite scripts, and his fears that live action children’s TV is doomed unless the TV Producer Offset is doubled to 40 per cent.

Q: I assume you are using the COVIDSafe guidelines, adapted to the specific needs of your production?

A: Our COVID-Safe guidelines and on-set protocols are extensive and are based on the Australian Screen Production Industry Guidelines as well as those provided by Queensland Health and basic workplace safety requirements. There was extensive consultation (via Zoom) for some weeks with cast and crew to build department specific protocols.

Many great suggestions were derived from this. All arrivals to our set, whether studio or location, are tagged with a QR code logging them in and out; all must answer relevant safety contact questions on arrival; and all are temperature checked. Hand washing is mandatory on arrival, at the time of departure and during the day.

A full-time nurse is always on set also recording temperatures of all cast and crew during work hours as well as supporting our COVID/Safety supervisor Rocky MacDonald in encouraging the use of regular hand sanitizer and distancing. Cohorts of sub-groups, for instance make-up and hair, gather separately on set. No equipment is ever touched by other department personnel and all equipment and hand props are sanitized.

Q: How are the cast and crew adapting to the new shooting protocols? Does that mean you can’t do as many set-ups per day as before?

A: Each department had help to develop the very best way they could work safely and efficiently and were pre-prepared for the new protocols and so we’ve found that so far there is very little delay to our workflow.

We are still doing comparable set ups but because we are working under continuous shooting or “French Hours” (working for 10 hours straight without a break for lunch), I found the rhythm of shooting now is actually far better than when previously it was interrupted by lunch.

Individual catering lunch packs, which are very generous and very well received by the crew, are available over a period of some hours and can be taken at the convenience of cast and crew. This means crew are distanced and gathering only in their company of department colleagues rather en masse at a buffet.

Each department has made significant changes: all gear, hand props and surfaces must be regularly sanitised. For instance, make-up and hair have very, very strict protocols, including those that govern the application of prosthetics.

Other than those that are required, no one is permitted to enter their buses, which are also sanitized constantly. Standby members of this team gather separately on set and along with the wardrobe crew, are supplied with a live stream from the shooting cameras in an intranet feed so they can see everything on an iPad, just as they would have if standing beside the video village.

We had had to acquire more crew and vehicles to allow greater social distancing, including more make-up, wardrobe and green room facilities. More staff are on board specifically for cleaning and sanitizing common surfaces.

We’ve also hired more unit staff, including one dedicated team member at craft services so we do not all touch tea and coffee making equipment etc. There are demountable buildings on site for wardrobe fittings and our art department and office staff have spread out to allow just a handful of people in requisite spaces. I have closed my workstation in the office and now work largely remotely, having installed a sim camera on the directors monitor bank, which means I can live stream at my apartment or on my iPhone.

Many of the management team including our producer Stuart Wood and our line producer Wade Savage can also access this feed. I do visit set but try not to be there for long periods. No visitors or independent contractors are permitted on set. All on-set crew wear masks: we have provided washable masks to all personnel together with replaceable filters. Whilst the actors on camera cannot wear masks during takes they will always take comfort from the PPE worn by all crew that surround and support them. There is a huge cost to this new way of shooting. But if it keeps us safe and engaged then it’s the only way forward.

Q: Did the writers have to rewrite any scenes?

A: Yes. Our story producer Mark Shirrefs had to rewrite quite a bit of material. Firstly, even though it is diametrically opposed to all the training I have ever received, we tried to pull as many scenes as possible out of our studio sets and into, say, parklands where social distancing is much easier for all.

We had to consolidate many scenes and rewrite around cast availability so as to minimise (or ideally eliminate) multiple trips for interstate cast to join us here in Queensland. Because the situation and state border restrictions are changing constantly we remain in regular contact with Queensland Health and are guided by their advice and remarkable endeavours to keep us safe.

Q: Network 10, German broadcaster ZDF and Nickelodeon commissioned season two, with investment from ZDF Enterprises, Screen Queensland and Screen Australia. So does that cover the production cost with the Producer Offset?

A: No. Jonathan M. Shiff Productions is also a significant investor and is providing considerable equity and now additional funds to enable production to continue and complete.

Q: Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the series is employing more than 200 cast and crew and injecting more than $8.5 million into the state’s economy, so that is your biggest ever production?

A: No. It is comparable to many I have produced here in the 20 years since I brought Cybergirl to Brisbane in 2000. H20 – Just Add Water, Mako: Island of Secrets and many of our shows were equally as ambitious. Some had large underwater crews in addition to the on-land crew. None, however, have had to weather the challenges of a deadly international pandemic.

Q: What did you and your colleagues do during the shutdown? Spend more time on development?

A: My producer Stuart Wood and some of our senior management worked long hours on Zoom meetings planning and preparing for our safe return. I personally spent time with my family and was blessed with quality time to live with and get to know my nearly two-year-old granddaughter – time I would not have ordinarily have had.

As for new projects, clearly the type of stories, the way we tell them and the locations in which they are to be filmed must now be totally revisited and re-imagined. Wonderful opportunities now emerge.

Q: Are you concerned the government will extend the suspension of the FTA broadcasters’ local content quotas into 2021?

A: Yes.

Q: I know your colleague Julia Adams was instrumental in drawing up the Australian Children’s Television Producers submission on the options paper. What is the best-case scenario for kids TV funding and regulation you can hope for? And the worst?

A: More than 20 producers of quality content for children joined in this joint submission to government. I would hope that other content triggers will replace the ineffectual C classification system and that funding will expand and protect Australian stories for Australian kids.

Without this we will not only be culturally adrift but swamped by poor foreign sourced content for young audiences – or worse still, little content at all. I would insist that the 40 per cent Offset must be extended to cover children’s live action. There will be no industry, no production in our genre without it.

Q: In 2018, Screen Australia reported you had made 28 seasons or 290 hours’ worth of 15 live action children’s series with budgets totaling $221 million. What’s the tally now?

A: We are now at 29 seasons or 300 hours worth of 15 live action children’s series with budgets totaling $232 million.

Q: Mako: Island of Secrets returned more net revenue to investors in calendar year 2017 than any other television drama made with Screen Australia investment. What is your outlook now for selling Australian children’s series the rest of the world as productions resume and economies start to recover?

A: There has always been and will always be, a huge international appetite for high quality, engaging, well-crafted content for a younger audience. Many of the world’s leading SVODs use this content at the sharp end of their drive forward for new subscribers.

Massive opportunities present themselves and no less in this environment. Of course, your question presupposes the global economies actually do recover. Many will not.

However, no matter where they live in the world, children love and need human stories, of adventure and heroism, of danger and how to deal with it, of friendship and how to value it. Whether children’s content is a doona to hide under, or a superhero cape to throw over your shoulders, now more than ever it’s needed. Globally!


More Nick:Nickelodeon Embarks on New Direction with its Biggest, Most Wide-Ranging Content Slate Ever!

H/T: Mirage News.
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Ronald Top Gives Fans Update About 'Hunter Street' Season 4

Fans of Hunter Street were thrilled earlier this year when Nickelodeon announced that it had renewed the network's hit mystery and adventure live-action series for a fourth season. Production of Hunter Street season 4 was originally planned to commence in May 2020, however, the announcement was made in February, before the world went topsy turvy due to the global COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, leaving fans wondering if and when Hunter Street season 4 will still get made.

Actor Ronald Top, who plays Erik Hunter on Hunter Street has reassured fans on Instagram by posting an update about the production status of Hunter Street season 4. On May 13, Top posted a photo of him with Tooske Ragas (Kate Hunter) with the message "Kate and Eric can’t wait to reopen Hunter house! #hunterstreet #nickelodeon". When replying to fans saying that they can't wait for the new season, asking when filming will start, Top said: "we can’t wait either! I’m sure it will air where you live,""We’ll start filming when it’s safe to do so," and "Good question, we hope soon. We’re all excited to be filming a new season of Hunter Street soon. I’ll keep you posted!"

Update (7/4) - Ronald Top has revealed that Hunter Street season four will resume filming later this month!:

So the good news is, Hunter Street season 4 is still in the pipeline! The bad news, however, is that it might not be made for a little while longer yet.

Fans have also been wondering whether Daan Creyghton will be reprising his role of 'Sal' in Hunter Street season four. Unfortunately, it sounds like he won't be in season four.

Fun, laughs and action await viewers this upcoming season, which will follow the Hunter kids undercover to find and unite both new and ancient technology, discover that they are not the only kid members of ‘The Relatives’ as they had previously thought, and take on powerful enemies with grudges against the Hunters that threaten to tear the family apart. Hunter Street season four will air on Nickelodeon’s international channels in 170+ countries and territories.

Hunter Street will see returning stars Kyra Smith as the free-spirited Hunter sister Anika; Kate Bensdorp as Evie; Eliyha Altena as Oliver; Sarah Nauta as Jasmyn; Alyssa Guerrouche as Jennie; Tooske Ragas as Kate Hunter; Ronald Top as Erik Hunter; and Cystine Carreon as Oliver’s Mom, Dottie; and some new cast members to be announced.

Hunter Street’s success is a testament to Nick’s innovative, international production model and we know fans everywhere will enjoy seeing what adventures the Hunters get into this season,” said Nina Hahn, SVP International Production & Development, Nickelodeon.

Hunter Street is produced for an international audience by Blooming Media. The series was originally co-developed with the Nickelodeon Netherlands series, De Ludwigs.

More Nick:Nickelodeon Upfront 2020 Roundup!

Originally published: Wednesday, May 27, 2020.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Hunter Street News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon India Starts to Premiere New Episodes of 'Motu Patlu'

Unlock brand new episodes of Motu Patlu from Monday 20th July 2020 at 1pm, only on Nickelodeon India!

More Nick:Nickelodeon India Brings the Playground Home for Kids with #HomeOkPlease Campaign!

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Nickelodeon USA's July 2020 Premiere Highlights

Below are Nickelodeon USA's currently announced July 2020 premiere highlights for Nick, Nicktoons, Nick Jr., Nick at Nite and TeenNick:

Latest Update: 7/17 (Check back regularly for the latest updates!)

Channel selector:Nickelodeon | Nicktoons | Nick Jr. on Nickelodeon | TeenNick | Nick@Nite | Nick Jr. | TV Land | Nickelodeon on Pluto TV

All times ET/PT

Schedules are always subject to change without notice.

Shareable URL:https://bit.ly/july20onnick

Have I missed anything out? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter!

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Check out Nickelodeon USA's June 2020 highlights at https://bit.ly/june20onnick!


Cake My Day

Premieres: Friday, July 17, at 7:30 p.m.

Nickelodeon bakes up a birthday surprise with Cake My Day, a one-of-a-kind special executive produced by television host Rachael Ray and culinary expert Amirah Kassem. Hosted by Kassem (Top Elf), founder of Flour Shop in New York and creator of the sprinkle-filled Rainbow Explosion Cake, the special gives a deserving kid the opportunity to bake the cake of their dreams. Cake My Day airs Friday, July 17, at 7:30 p.m. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon.

SpongeBob SquarePants

Friday, July 17, 2020 - at 7:00 p.m. - Pineapple RV: SpongeBob and Patrick turn the pineapple into a mobile home to take Squidward on the road trip he deserves. (#244B)

Friday, July 17, 2020 - at 7:15 p.m. - Boss for a Day: Mr. Krabs has an accident and leaves SpongeBob in charge of the Krusty Krab. (#258A)

The Loud House

Monday, July 20, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. - How Double Dare You!: The siblings turn to Lisa's genius to help them land a spot on "Double Dare." (#425A)

Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. - Snoop's On: After secretly reading Luna's diary, Leni and Lincoln become worried about the exploits their sister writes about. (#425B)

Wednesday, July 22, 2020 - at 1:00 p.m. - Friends in Dry Places: While on a field trip, Lincoln worries that his friend group is splintering. (#426A)

Thursday, July 23, 2020 - at 1:00 p.m. - Coupe Dreams: To buy her dream car, Lori becomes a local rideshare driver. (#426B; season four finale)

Nickelodeon’s Unfiltered

Fire up your filters! Nickelodeon’s Unfiltered is a new game show, where celebrities hide behind hilarious 3D animated characters and it’s up to our panel to ask questions, gather clues, and play games to correctly guess the mystery guest!

Saturday, July 11, 2020 at 8:30 p.m. - Pizza In Your Game Face!: Host Jay Pharoah introduces our mystery celebrities hiding behind 3D animated filters, as our panel Darci Lynne Farmer, Gabrielle Nevaeh Green and Lex Lumpkin ask questions, gather clues, and play games to unveil our two special guests! (#101)

Saturday, July 18, 2020 at 8:30 p.m. - Zombies Eat Unicorns!: (#102)

Saturday, July 25, 2020 at 8:30 p.m. - : (#103)

Saturday, August 1, 2020 at 8:30 p.m. - : (#104)

All That

Saturday, July 11, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. - 1130: Jamie Lynn Spears returns to "All That" with the cast of "Zoey 101"; Alex hits 'em with a new Spanish lesson; auditions for a new school mascot are held; Penny chooses a character for her new game; Kate attempts the most difficult trick shot. (#1130)

Saturday, July 18, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. - 1127: Nathan cancels LOL; the Pranklers return; Fuzzoli and Smiles try to crack the case of the food fight; Benny posts another unboxing video; a mermaid and a merman host a haul video to reveal all the cool stuff they found from the surface. (#1127)

Saturday, July 25, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. - 1128: Tammy TMI runs for student body president; birthday expert Denzel teaches people how to throw a proper surprise party; "Stay Off Your Phone" returns with some special Strange guests; Reece explains why her joke is funny; HRVY performs. (#1128)

Saturday, August 1, 2020 at 8:30 p.m. - 1129: (#1129)

Tyler Perry's Young Dylan

Saturday, July 11, 2020 at 8:00 p.m - Mother May I: Dylan writes a serious rap about his mom, prompting Martin to read his diary to find out if he’s doing ok. Dylan catches him in the act, triggering an escalating run of each family member invading the others’ privacy. (#109)

Saturday, July 18, 2020 at 8:01 p.m - Teachable Moments: Rebecca is being bullied online; this causes Dylan to encourage Martin to respond to some of the posts; but Martin's posts are not anonymous and the family must deal with the fallout. (#110)

Saturday, July 25, 2020 at 8:00 p.m - Natural Beauty: Dylan tries to help Charlie with his homework, but his unconventional style comes to a head when Dylan gets into a rap battle with their teacher. (#111)

LEGO City Adventures

Sunday, July 12, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. - Bob and Clemmons' Excellent Adventure; The Man With No Name With a Name: Firemen Bob and Clemmons retrieve the bizarre requests of Chief Freya during a typical emergency. (#204)

Sunday, July 19, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. - Daisy Chain Gang; Backdraft to School: When Fendrich organizes a charity as a distraction while he attempts to steal the city deed, Sinclair gathers antiheroes to stop him; Freya is one credit short of graduating from the fire academy. (#205)

Sunday, July 25, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. - Running Mates; Dirty Duke: Mayor Fleck runs for reelection against R. E. Fendrich, who will stop at nothing to win to use his new power to defeat Sinclair once and for all; When Duke loses his memory, Snake Rattler tricks him into believing he's Snake’s criminal henchman. (#206)

Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. - : (#207)


Friday, July 17, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. - Cake My Day Pilot: [info]


Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. - Rio 2: Blue macaws Blu (Jesse Eisenberg), Jewel (Anne Hathaway) and their three children are comfortably settled in the city -- perhaps too comfortably. Jewel fears that the children are becoming more like humans than birds. After learning that she and Blu may not be the last blue macaws after all, Jewel decides that their little family should visit the Amazon jungle. It's there that Blu meets his formidable father-in-law (Andy Garcia) and goes beak-to-beak with archnemesis Nigel (Jemaine Clement). 2014 • Adventure • Animated • Children • Comedy • Musical

Nick Jr. on Nickelodeon

Blaze and the Monster Machines

Friday, July 31, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. - Space Alien Adventure!: Blaze and AJ make friends with a space alien named Gormy, but when Gormy's jet pack loses power, they set out to help him find six special space batteries so he can fly home to his alien family. (#516)

Ryan's Mystery Playdate - Season Three

Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. - Ryan's Sharin' Playdate: Ryan must get through his challenges to get to his viral play date. (#310A)

Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. - Ryan's Storytellin' Playdate: Ryan adventures through his challenges so he can meet his sandy play date. (#310B)

Monday, July 6, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. - Ryan's Most Decorated Playdate: Ryan skates through his challenges and meets up with his friends as he plays with his super cool playdate. (#313A)

Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. - Ryan's Gnarly Playdate: Ryan's gotta alley-oop through his challenges to get to his golden playdate. (#313B)

Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. - Ryan's Chatterin' Playdate: Ryan must match his way through his challenges so he can make a new friend along the way. (#312B)

Thursday, July 9, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. - Ryan's Drivin' Playdate: Ryan has to drive through his challenges to get to his super speedy play date. (#312A)

Bubble Guppies

Friday, July 3, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. - Snow Squad to the Rescue!: Gil is convinced a yeti is to blame when sleeping bags go missing. Special guest star Henry Winkler (Happy Days) as Yeti. (#511)

PAW Patrol

Friday, July 10, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. - Pups Save a Big Bad Bird Crew; Pups Save a Soapbox Derby: Myrna the Mynah bird leads her new feathered friends astray. It's up to the PAW Patrol to rescue the wayward flock!; Adventure Bay is holding a "kids only" soapbox derby race, when a mysterious newcomer named "Hum-Kid" shows up, breaking rules. (#710)

Friday, July 24, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. - Dino Rescue: Pups Save a Pterodactyl: Maverick the daredevil pterodactyl takes a tumble and hurts his wing. [trailer] (#707A)

Blue's Clues & You!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. - Bluestock: A game of "Blue's Clues" is played to learn what song Blue wants to sing at the Blue's Clues Music Concert; Blue and Josh are excited to hear all of their musical friends sing, including Magenta and Ally Brooke. (#115; Alt title: Blue's Sing-Along Spectacular) [promo]


Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Friday, July 17, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. - Fists of Furry; The Clothes Don't Make the Turtle:

Friday, July 17, 2020 at 8:30 p.m. - Battle Nexus: New York:

Movies and Specials


Nick Jr. Channel

The Adventures of Paddington

Friday, July 3, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. - Paddington and the Fingertrap; Paddington Rides a Scooter: (#114)

Friday, July 10, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. - Paddington's First Chinese New Year; Paddington and the Missing Tickets: Ms. Potts misses home, so Paddington decides to hold a surprise Chinese New Year party; Mr. Brown plans to take the kids to the circus, but he can't find the tickets. (#115)

Friday, July 17, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. - Paddington and the Summer Games; Paddington Goes Camping: (#116)

Friday, July 24, 2020 at 8:30 p.m. - Paddington and the Bone; Paddington Joins a Band: (#118)

Friday, July 31, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. - Paddington and the Fundraiser Day; Paddington's Alien Adventure: (#117)

Abby Hatcher

Sunday, July 5, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. - Abby and the Costume Ball; Big Terry: Fix-It Fuzzly: (#209)

Sunday, July 26, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. - Otis' Sick Day; Lights, Camera, Fuzzlies: (#210)

Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. - : (#211)

Abby Hatcher: Original 5s

Sunday, July 12, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. - Fuzzly Treasure Hunt: Abby goes on a splizzacular treasure hunt put together by Bozzly. (#107)

Sunday, July 19, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. - Who's Knows That Smell?: Abby and Bozzly play a smelling game. (#108)

Corn & Peg

Monday, July 6, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. - Lost in the Frost; An Eggcellent Adventure: Corn and Peg find a lost doll on a ski trip and pledge to return it to its rightful owner; after a flock of newborn ducklings wander away from their nest, it's up to Corn and Peg to bring them back safe and sound. (#204)

Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. - Beached Day; Welcome Baby Marissa: Corn and Peg bring Ferris to the beach, vowing to give him the best beach day ever; after the arrival of her baby sister, Clarissa feels like no one cares about her. (#205)

Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. - Galloping Ghost; Bluehoof's Treasure: When Ferris believes he is being haunted, it's up to Corn and Peg to prove that ghosts aren't real; Corn, Peg and Ferris set sail on a swashbuckling adventure. (#206)

Thursday, July 9, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. - Trick or Squeak; Mayors for a Day: On a spooky Horse-O-Ween night, Corn and Peg befriend a bat and pledge to give it the best home ever; after being elected Mayors for the Day, Corn and Peg have to find a fair way to make sure the citizens of Galloping Grove are all happy. (#202)

Monday, July 27, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. - Trot Together; Do Good Hotline: When Clarissa and the Posies break up, Corn and Peg show the group that they're better off working as a team; Corn and Peg start up a do-good hotline, but become frustrated when they keep getting calls from the same client. (#207)

Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. - Catch a Code; Stripe Hype: Ferris builds a robot for the school science fair but an accident throws its sequence code out of order; Corn and Peg welcome newcomer, Abraham, to Galloping Grove by showing him around town and making him feel welcome in his new community. (#208)

Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. - Forever Home; Broken Telephone: (#209)

Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. - Hot Hooves; Corn Fest: (#211)

Top Wing

Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. - Dodo Egg Scramble; Trini's Trin-Tastic Big Swirl Tour: When Della Dodo's eggs are washed away, the Cadets must save Della's little brothers and sisters; when Baddy takes Trini for a tour of Big Swirl's most dangerous areas, he nearly gets them trapped in Cave-in Cavern. (#225)

Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. - Baddy and the Bad Wings; Cheep and Chirp's Splashy Surf Show: Baddy teams up with Betty, Chomps and Rocco to hijack the HQ Command Flyer so he can take over Big Swirl; Davey Hasselhawg has to get Cheep, Chirp and friends ready for an awesome wakeboard show when Brody is called to a rescue. (#226; Series finale)

Butterbean's Café

Sunday, July 26, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. - Cutie Pie's Checkup!; Puddle Scout Cookies!: (#213)

Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. - Sleepy Bean!; Oldies But Smoothies!: (#214)

Peppa Pig

Friday, July 24, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. - Made Up Musical Instruments; Butterflies; The Botanical Gardens; Viking Day; Mr. Potato's Quiz: The children make instruments from old packaging; doctor Hamster talks about butterflies; Peppa and George spend a day at the botanical gardens; Peppa and George pretend to be Vikings with Granny; Mr. Potato is a special guest at school. (#171)





Movies and Specials


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Nick Pluto TV

Welcome to Nick Pluto TV where you can watch your favorite classic shows from SpongeBob SquarePants, Hey Arnold!, Legends of the Hidden Temple, All That, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Fairly OddParents, iCarly, Are You Afraid of the Dark, Rugrats, Doug, True Jackson, VP, Victorious and more! It’s all on Nick Pluto TV.

Nick Jr. Pluto TV

Welcome to Nick Jr. Pluto TV where you’ll find your preschooler’s favorite friends from classic Blue’s Clues, Dora the Explorer, Wallykazam, Robot and Monster, Wonder Pets!, Yo Gabba Gabba!, Teletubbies Classic, Max & Ruby, Go, Diego, Go!, The Fresh Beat Band, Kuu Kuu Harajuku and many more hit Nick Jr. Pluto TV shows.

Plus: Good Burger is available on Pluto On Demand, and The Little Bear Movie, Franklin and the Green Knight are available to watch on Pluto under TV Kids Animation!


Rugrats Go Wild
Hey Arnold! The Movie
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie

More Nick:Nickelodeon Launches #KidsTogether--A Global Prosocial Initiative to Help Kids and Families Stay Informed and Engaged With Activities; Noggin to be Offered Free to Kids in Need in Partnership with National Head Start Association and First Book

Originally published: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 23.31 BST.


Based on a list compiled by Anime Superhero Forum members; Sources: Zap2it TV Listings, TheFutonCritic.com; Additional sources: @TVShowsFan, @kancsn01, @RealMagitroopa, @Theagames10, @candyrandyj, @squeakyboots13, Newsweek.
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John Boyega Offers to Join 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' in Franchise-Expanding Role

Star Wars' John Boyega wants to join Netflix's live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender series — if they decide to expand the universe.

Star Wars star John Boyega is ready to play a role in Netflix's upcoming live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender TV series, should they ever decide to feature element benders in Africa.

"When you lot are ready to have the benders in Africa explored let me know!" Boyega shared on Twitter, along with a short clip from the original animated series. Many of the commentators seemed to be excited at the prospect of Boyega joining Netflix's show, including Giancarlo Volpe, who directed multiple episodes of the animated series. "Hmmm this tweet implies John Boyega watched the original show and that makes me sorta excited," Volpe commented.

If there’s an analog for Africa in the world of The Last Airbender, we haven’t seen it yet. But who’s to say we can’t? The show draws from different influences than a lot of other fantasy epics. Instead of a world modeled off medieval England, it has cultures based on the histories of China, Japan, India and Inuit peoples.

It hasn't been revealed what changes, if any, Netflix will make from the original Avatar story to their adaptation, so an expanded universe could be possible. Netflix's live-action adaptation of the beloved Nickelodeon animated series has been in the works for a while now, though there have been no recent updates about its progress. Production was also hampered even further by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

First releasing on Nickelodeon back in 2005, Avatar: The Last Airbender has had a resurgence in popularity thanks to Netflix recently adding the entire series to its catalog. The series finale premiered in 2008, and was followed by sequel show The Legend of Korra. Both series have since continued in the form of comics and graphic novels.

Original source: CBR; Additional source: Winter Is Coming.

Subscribe to the NEW official Avatar: The Last Airbender YouTube channel!: https://at.nick.com/AvatarSubscribe

Watch Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix&CBS All Access and The Legend of Korra on CBS All Access!

Check out the Nickelodeon Animation Studio online: Website | Facebook | Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

More Nick:Netflix to Host Open Casting Call for Live-Action 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Series!
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Abrams to Release 'The Art of Invader Zim' Book on Tuesday, July 28, 2020

After a delay, Abrams Books is set to release The Art of Invader Zim, a brand new book which will take fans behind-the-scenes of Nickelodeon's cult-favorite animated series, on Tuesday, July 28, 2020!

By Chris McDonnell | Foreword by Rebecca Sugar

The official behind-the-scenes guide to Nickelodeon’s cult-classic animated series and Enter the Florpus

Created by indie comics artist Jhonen Vasquez, Invader Zim tells the story of extraterrestrial outcast Zim, from the planet Irk. With the assistance of his malfunctioning robot GIR, Zim repeatedly tries (and fails) to execute his dastardly plan to conquer Earth, all while masquerading as an average elementary school student.

The Art of Invader Zim is the definitive history of both the fan-favorite series and Enter the Florpus. A fully authorized, all-access compendium of never-before-published production art, storyboards, behind-the-scenes photos, and ephemera, the book will feature exclusive, interviews with Vasquez and other key crewmembers that reveal the origins, art, and imagination behind one of Nickelodeon’s most beloved turn-of-the-millennium series.

Imprint: Abrams Books
Publication Date: July 28, 2020
Price: $35.00
Trim Size: 10 x 9
Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds
ISBN: 978-1-4197-3460-1
EAN: 9781419734601
Page Count: 240
Format: Hardcover
Rights: World/All

The Art of Invader Zim is available for pre-order now on abramsbooks.com and at Amazon.com.

The Art of Invader Zim was originally slated for release in September 2019 (as DOOM DOOM DOOM: The Art of Invader Zim), but was pushed back until now.

Chris McDonnell has served as author and designer for Adventure Time: The Art of Ooo, Steven Universe: Art & Origins, and BoJack Horseman: The Art Before the Horse. McDonnell also designed books on Ralph Bakshi, Wonder Woman, and more. He lives in Philadelphia.



Credit: Nickelodeon

Why was there bacon in the soap?! SYFY WIRE has your exclusive first look at The Art of Invader Zim, hot off the Irken presses. Going on sale from Abrams Books later this month, it's a comprehensive (and DOOM!-filled) history of one of the strangest cartoons Nickelodeon ever greenlit.

Traveling to the network's animation studio in Burbank, California, author Chris McDonnell (BoJack Horseman: The Art Before the Horse) was given the job of covering the show's two seasons, as well as its recent Netflix film, Enter the Florpus.

"This was a unique project, in that the show was close to 20-years-old when I started producing this book," McDonnell tells SYFY WIRE. "They have archives at Nickelodeon Animation and some kind people working there. They have a director of the archives and people there assisting. They carted out boxes and boxes, gave me a little area to dig, and I went for it. "Then the rest of my days were archive research interspersed with in-person interviews with artists, who were on the series and also on the new made-for-TV movie."

Credit: Abrams Books//Nickelodeon

Credit: Abrams Books//Nickelodeon

Each chapter is packed with goodies like concept art, character breakdowns, episode directories, and insights from series creator Jhonen Vasquez.

"I was able to spend multiple interviews, with Jhonen and one of the most fun parts was just letting the phone record and have him, and maybe one or two of his fellow artists, just reminiscing about their time on the series," McDonnell recounts. "I was able to add a question here or there to move along with the interview, but they were largely able to just laugh and reminisce about the production and how wild and difficult it was."

As an added bonus, the book explores episode ideas that were never fully realized due to the show's premature cancellation in 2002. Below, you can check out some character designs for an unmade episode called "The Trial," which would have found Zim (voiced by Richard Horvitz) on the verge of being erased from existence. Ironically, that description sounds like an analogy for the series itself being cut short before its time.

"Jhonen shares some of his thoughts here and there about how Zim never really felt like it fit in and how it was always a surprise that they were allowed to go on and exist for as long as they did," McDonnell says.

Credit: Abrams Books/Nickelodeon

To prepare for writing the book, McDonnell watched all 27 episodes of Zim (plus the pilot and movie), taking high-res screenshots along the way.

"It was a cruel irony that the show was broadcast in standard definition," he adds. "It’s really exciting to see this artwork blown up on the page for fans to pore over. All the tubes, all the Irken technology, all the ridiculous contraptions and disgusting, part machine, part spinal column, part pulsating brain sack. Every page has something really fascinating to look at if you are an artist. And if you’re a fan of Zim, all the better, because you get to see the artwork in a clarity that you never did when it was in standard definition."

The premise of a bumbling alien trying to conquer Earth with his insane, taquito-munching robot companion, GIR (Rikki Simons), is an inherently funny one. But in the hands of Vasquez and his team of fellow artists/animators, it became a veritable breeding ground for grotesquely jarring imagery with roots in "horror films, science fiction, and bizarre thinking about the near future, being that it was the early days of the internet," McDonnell reveals.

Credit: Abrams Books/Nickelodeon

Credit: Abrams Books/Nickelodeon

What really struck McDonnell as memorable during the research process was how interviewees would recall a certain sense of "swagger that they were on this cool show that was doing things differently." That was due to the fact that "they were given a unique amount of artistic freedom," even if it was within a certain set of network parameters.

"They were working really hard to make this show look the way it looks on a TV budget and schedule," he says. "The result was that the show has an incredible amount of visual flavor to it. If you analyze an episode, you’ll see how many different dynamic shots there are. One after another, they don’t reuse similar angles and shots often. It’s actually kind of going against the recommended process on television animation because anytime you can reuse a setup and an angle, you’re saving time and effort … There's just an evident bravado that was across the board on the team; just an exuberance they put into everything on the show."

Here are some storyboards of Dib (Andy Berman) from the pilot. The son of the eccentric Professor Membrane (Rodger Bumpass), Dib constantly tries to prove to the world that his bizarre classmate, Zim, is an alien.

Credit: Abrams Books/Nickelodeon

Credit: Abrams Books/Nickelodeon

Netflix revival Enter the Florpus (released last August) was still being made while the art book was coming together, but McDonnell did get to speak with key members of production like art director Jenny Goldberg, supervising producer Breehn Burns, storyboard director Jake Wyatt, and producers Joann Estoesta and Angela Leung.

"The artists share their approach to extending this short format cast of characters that are ideal for just short episodes," he explains. "How do [you] extrapolate that into a feature film? Especially characters who are resistant to having character arcs or development or emotional range? They talk about their theories on how they approached that, which is pretty interesting."

Credit: Abrams Books

Despite a 17-year gap between cancellation and the Netflix premiere, Enter the Florpus proved that Invader Zim was still popular with fans; case in point: the movie holds a rare 100 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. Nick has yet to announce any future plans for the IP, but if it does, Vasquez will be ready, a fact that is optimistically reflected in the book.

"The book does end on a somewhat hopeful note that Jhonen is full of stories. [Him] generally describing his insatiable creation," McDonnell teases. "As long as Jhonen is around spewing these ideas, there’s always gonna be Zim in one form or another. It’s really open-ended."

Featuring a foreword written by Steven Universe creator Rebecca Sugar, The Art of Invader Zim goes on sale Tuesday, July 28. You can pre-order a copy here.


From Nerdist:

Get an Exclusive Look Inside THE ART OF INVADER ZIM

Audiences fell in love with Invader Zim when the animated series debuted on Nickelodeon back in 2001. Jhonen Vasquez created the sci-fi show featuring an alien named Zim who came to Earth intending to conquer the human race. Nickelodeon canceled Invader Zim part of the way through season two, but even though the series contains relatively few episodes, it achieved cult status. Fans supported the critically acclaimed cartoon long after it went off the air. And now those fans get a treat with The Art of Invader Zim by Chris McDonnell.

The Art of Invader Zim serves as an oral and visual history for the short-lived, yet beloved, show. It was a weird and terrific series, and it’s a treat to go behind the scenes for a plethora of material that’s never been published before. Production art, storyboards, photos, ephemera—readers will find it all. The book covers the original series and the 2019 Netflix original Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus. Readers will also enjoy interviews with cast and crew from Invader Zim.

The book isn’t out quite yet, but you can get a peek at what’s ahead now. Nerdist is pleased to share six exclusive spreads from The Art of Invader Zim. This tease only makes us crave more, and we think you’ll have the same reaction.

A key animation drawing from the [pilot] episode with notes on the movement.

Gir turnarounds, expressions, a model sheet, and various special pose models and stills.

Monsters from the previous spread and more are named on the Halloween Monster Name Quick Reference sheet above, a fascinating production artifact unto itself from the episode “Halloween Spectacular of Spooky Doom”

Kyle Menke created the above three action maps for the episodes “Dark Harvest” (EP4B), “Walk of Doom” (EP3B), and “NanoZim” (EP2B) Kyle Menke [storyboard artist]: “I drew these before I would storyboard an action sequence. They helped me to plot out the beats and understand the environment as well as figure out the best camera angles. I would also show these to Steve [Ressel] and Jhonen before I did my thumbnails to see if they had any additional ideas or gags.”

The Art of Invader Zim will be available wherever you buy books on July 28, 2020. You can pre-order it now.


More Nick:'Invader Zim' Scripts Get The Medium-Sized Book Treatment!

Originally published: Monday, May 25, 2020.
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On This Day in 2002 | The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Premiered on Nickelodeon

On This Day in 2002 | The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Premiered on Nickelodeon

On this day 18 YEARS AGO, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius premiered on Nickelodeon! 💚

The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius was created by John A. Davis as a spin-off of his film Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, which itself was based on several Jimmy Neutron and Johnny Quasar shorts. It ran for 63 episodes over three seasons and spawned another spin-off, Planet Sheen, as well as three crossovers with The Fairly OddParents under the name The Jimmy-Timmy Power Hour.

Check out Nickelodeon's On This Day and Remember When Facebook pages to find out awesome Nick moments from every era throughout Nickelodeon history!

Watch all your ‘80s, ‘90s, and ‘00s Nickelodeon favorites on NickRewind, your late-night destination for your favorite childhood Nickelodeon cartoons and live-action shows! NickSplat doesn't question football-shaped heads, but embrace them - along with Reptar bars, a Big Ear of Corn, orange soda, and even slime for Pete (and Pete's) sake. Make your slime-covered Nickelodeon childhood dreams come true every night on TeenNick USA, and anytime you want on NickSplat on VRV, Nick Pluto TV, NickHits on Amazon Prime Video Channels and Nick on CBS All Access!

Like NickRewind on Facebook, subscribe to the NickRewind YouTube channel and follow NickRewind on Twitter and Instagram for exclusive digital content from all of your throwback favorites like Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, iCarly, Victorious, Kenan & Kel, CatDog, Doug, Rocko’s Modern Life, The Amanda Show, Clarissa Explains It All, The Ren & Stimpy Show, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, and so much more!

Join Nickelodeon's official I Was A Nick Kid Facebook Group!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IWasANickKid/

More Nick:Nickelodeon and Paramount to Bring 'Rugrats' Back for the Next Generation of Kids!

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China Leisure to Develop Nickelodeon Playtime Attraction in Shenzhen

In partnership with ViacomCBS, China Leisure Development Co. (CLDC) is developing a Nickelodeon-themed family entertainment center in the city of Shenzhen.

Nickelodeon Adventure at intu Lakeside

The attraction will feature zones built around iconic Nickelodeon properties SpongeBob SquarePants, PAW Patrol, Dora the Explorer and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, plus Nickelodeon-branded retail and a sit-down play café. Nickelodeon Playtime is expected to open in Q4 2020 at Shenzhen OCT Happy Harbor.

Linda Dong, President of China Leisure, said “We are thrilled to be partnering with Nickelodeon to bring their highly popular brands to life in an FEC format. We see rapid growth in family entertainment spending in China and strong demand from shopping centers for experiential products. Nickelodeon Playtime is part of our strategy to capitalize on this trend.”

Gerald Raines, Senior Vice President (SVP) of global location-based Experiences at ViacomCBS, added: “Connecting with audiences on-the-ground through immersive experiences remains an integral part of Nickelodeon’s global business. We are proud to partner with China Leisure to launch Nickelodeon Playtime, and bring the brand and its iconic characters to families in Shenzhen and the surrounding areas.”

An opening date for Nickelodeon Playtime is still to be announced.

Nickelodeon Playtime is the latest Nickelodeon-branded attraction set to open in China, following the Nickelodeon Cultural Resort, set to open at the Foshan Cultural and Ecological Coastal Project in Foshan.

Nickelodeon currently has several branded family entertainment centers, including Nickelodeon Adventure attractions at intu Lakeside in Essex, UK and Thader Shopping Center in Murcia, Spain.

More Nick:Nickelodeon Upfront 2020 Roundup!

Original source: TVKIDS.

Originally published: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at xx.xx BST.
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Michael Phelps and Son Boomer Team Up with 'PAW Patrol' to Teach Kids About Water Safety

Michael Phelps and his son Boomer are joined by PAW Patrol characters to teach kids the importance of learning to float, swim and more!

Michael Phelps and son Boomer with PAW Patrol's Zuma. Credit: Nickelodeon

There's no job too big for Michael Phelps and Boomer Robert!

The former competitive swimmer, 35, and his 4-year-old son star in a new PSA alongside PAW Patrol's water-rescue pup Zuma to teach kids all about staying safe while in the water.

In the 30-second singalong PAW Patrol Safety First! clip, Phelps, Boomer and other parent-child pairs take viewers through the "ABCs and 123s of Swim Safety" that include finding a grown-up to go with, locating the shallow and deep ends of the pool and learning to swim.

Kids are shown playing in the water together on pool noodles, learning how to float, jumping in the water and more as PAW Patrol members Zuma, Marshall and Rocky laugh from a chair nearby.

Phelps, who serves as the PAW Patrol Safety First! Global Water Safety Ambassador, says in a press release that "Water safety has been a priority in my family since I was a child, as my mom was adamant that my sisters and I learn to swim for safety purposes."

"The statistics around accidental drowning are alarming and we want to help educate and encourage families with a few basic tips in a fun and informative way," continues the 28-time Olympic medalist and father of three, who was the recipient of the Legend Award at Kids’ Choice Sports 2017.

Michael Phelps and son Boomer with PAW Patrol characters. Credit: Nickelodeon

"We want all kids to know the 123s of water safety — starting with never going to the water alone — and thanks to the support of the Michael Phelps Foundation, Nickelodeon and PAW Patrol, we can bring these important messages to the world with the help of the PAW Patrol pups and a fun, catchy song for families to sing along," Phelps adds.

Boomer previously joined his dad to promote water safety for the entire family, teaming up with Huggies in a 2018 campaign for the brand's Little Swimmers water-friendly diapers.

"Sharing our love for the water with Boomer last year was very special for Nicole and me," Phelps said in a statement about the partnership at the time. "We are looking forward to enjoying the water as a family of four during [now-2-year-old son Beckett Richard] and Boomer's first summer together and are excited to partner with Huggies Little Swimmers to create the ultimate #WaterPlaybook for babies so they can be confident and comfortable in the water too."

PAW Patrol Safety First! is set to air on Nickelodeon, Nick Jr. and associated television and social media channels beginning Tuesday, July 21.

Parents can also download an interactive PAW Patrol Swim Safety toolkit— including printable mazes, coloring sheets and more, designed to help teach water safety — at nickelodeonparents.com.

Produced by Spin Master Entertainment, PAW Patrol follows the adventures of a tech-savvy boy named Ryder and his team of pups who are ready to save the day. Whenever there's trouble, pups Chase, Marshall, Rubble, Zuma, Rocky and Skye are ready for action, no matter what comes their way. With a mission to work together to keep Adventure Bay safe, no job is too big, and no pup is too small.

Nickelodeon recently renewed the series for an eighth season and a theatrical film Paw Patrol: The Movie is scheduled to be released in August 2021.

More Nick:'Paw Patrol' Movie from Spin Master and Nickelodeon Movies, with Paramount Pictures Distributing, Set for August 2021 Release!

Originally published: Tuesday, July 21, 2020.

Original source: People.
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Netflix to Add 'The Legend of Korra' on Friday, August 14

Get ready to head to Republic City!

Fans were delighted when Netflix added all three seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender to its programming library in mid-May, where it instantly became the platform's top title. Now, Nickelodeon has announced even more great news for fans: the follow-up series, The Legend of Korra will be joining the Netflix library on Friday, August 14!

The news comes as Avatar: The Last Airbendersmashed the record for being on Netflix’s daily Top 10 lists the most amount of times in a row!

Launched in April 2012, Nickelodeon’s The Legend of Korra ran for 52 episodes over four seasons ("Books"). Its first season premiered as basic cable’s number one kid’s show and drew 3.8 million viewers per episode, the highest for an animated series that year. Created and executive produced by Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, the series is translated in more than 25 languages for Nickelodeon branded channels internationally. The property has translated into a successful ongoing graphic novel series written by TV series co-creator DiMartino. The first graphic novel storyline, Legend of Korra: Turf Wars, has captured various Top 10 sales spots across children’s fiction, YA science fiction, and graphic novel categories since its debut in 2017. The epic story of The Legend of Korra, set in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender 70 years later, follows the journey of Avatar Korra, a 17-year-old girl striving to live up to the legacy of her predecessor Avatar Aang, while using her mastery of all four elements to confront political and spiritual unrest in a modernizing world.

The series made history by featuring an unmarried female same-sex couple in it's conclusion, which ended with Korra and Asami embarking on a romantic relationship, with fans endearingly calling the couple 'Korrasami'. Korra and Asami's relationship continues in comic book sequels to the series, including Ruins of the Empire.

The Legend of Korra cast includes Janet Varney (Stan Against Evil) as Korra, David Faustino (Married…with Children) as Mako, P.J. Byrne (Horrible Bosses) as Bolin, J.K. Simmons (The Closer) as Tenzin, Steve Blum (Cowboy Bebop) as Amon, Lance Henriksen (Aliens) as The Lieutenant, Mindy Sterling (Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery) as Chief Lin Beifong, Daniel Dae Kim (Hawaii Five-0) as Hiroshi Sato, Seychelle Gabriel (Falling Skies) as Asami Sato and Eva Marie Saint (Superman Returns) as Katara. Joaquim Dos Santos served as co-executive producer.

Netflix is currently developing a live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender, with the show's original creators.

Subscribe to the NEW official Avatar: The Last Airbender YouTube channel!: https://at.nick.com/AvatarSubscribe

Watch Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix&CBS All Access and The Legend of Korra on CBS All Access!

Check out the Nickelodeon Animation Studio online: Website | Facebook | Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

More Nick:Netflix to Host Open Casting Call for Live-Action 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Series!

H/T: @NickAndViacomCBSUpdates.
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