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October 2019 on Nick Jr. Central and Eastern Europe: Abby Hatcher | PAW Patrol | Butterbean's Café | Sunny Day | Blaze | Halloween + More

Below is a round-up of Nick Jr. Central and Eastern Europe's (CEE) programming highlights for October 2019!

All times CET; Unless otherwise noted, localised episode titles are Hungarian.

More Highlights:

September 2019 on:Nickelodeon CEE | Nicktoons CEE | Nick Jr. CEE

October 2019 on:Nickelodeon CEE | Nicktoons CEE

--- This October, Nick Jr. Central and Eastern Europe will be premiering:

-- Brand-new episodes of PAW Patrol:

- 2019-10-20 13:50 6x05 Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Mountain Climbers / Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save Captain Gordy
- 2019-10-27 13:50 5x19 Pups and the Werepuppy! / Pups Save a Sleepwalking Mayor
- 2019-10-27 14:20 5x16 Pup Save the Trick-or-Treaters / Pups Save an Out of Control Mini Patrol

"PAW Patrol" is locally titled "A mancs őrjárat" in Hungary and "Patrula căţeluşilor" in Romania.

-- Brand new episodes of Abby Hatcher:

- 2019-10-01 15:50 1x17a Teeny Pelican Terry
- 2019-10-02 15:50 1x17b Tappin Mo and Bo
- 2019-10-03 15:50 1x19 Fuzzly Camping Trip
- 2019-10-27 14:35 1x?? Bozont és a halloween / Szép álmokat, Hangjegyek! (Trick or Treat Otis / Bedtime for Peepers)

"Abby Hatcher" is locally titled "Abby Hatcher kedvencei" in Hungary and "Abby şi prietenii pufoşi" in Romania.

-- Brand-new episodes of Butterbean's Café:

- 2019-10-01 16:15 1x24a Cricket's Forever Friend
- 2019-10-02 16:15 1x24b Dazzle's Tea-riffic Teapot!
- 2019-10-03 16:15 1x25a Cricket's Treasure Hunt!
- 2019-10-04 16:15 1x08b Cricket's the Boss!
- 2019-10-07 16:15 1x30a The Hawaiian Luau!
- 2019-10-08 16:15 1x20b Upside-Down Frown Cake!
- 2019-10-09 16:15 1x26a The Missing Veggies!
- 2019-10-10 16:15 1x26b Cricket the Flower Girl!
- 2019-10-11 16:15 1x27a The Takeout Window!
- 2019-10-14 16:15 1x27b Poppy's Fortune!
- 2019-10-15 16:15 1x08a Fairy Happy Thanksgiving!
- 2019-10-16 16:15 1x25b The Puddlebrook Gold Rush!
- 2019-10-17 16:15 1x28a Poppy's Cooking Class!
- 2019-10-18 16:15 1x28b A Fairy Peachy Day!
- 2019-10-27 15:00 1x35 Halloween-i buli (A Bean for Halloween!)

"Butterbean's Café" is locally titled "Babi kávézója" in Hungary and "Cafeneaua Bobiței" in Romania.

-- Sunny Day season two!:

- 2019-10-28 09:25 2x02 Doodle the Boss
- 2019-10-29 09:25 2x01 Sunny and the Springtacular
- 2019-10-30 09:25 2x03 Monkey Business
- 2019-10-31 09:25 2x04 Get Her to the Vet

"Sunny Day" is locally titled "Napsugár" in Hungary and "Luminița" in Romania.

-- Brand-new episodes of Blaze and the Monster Machines:

- 2019-10-05 17:20 4x16 A király megmentése (Royal Rescue)
- 2019-10-12 17:20 4x18 Láng és a varázs dzsinn (Blaze and the Magic Genie)
- 2019-10-19 17:20 4x17 (The 100 Egg Challenge)
- 2019-10-26 17:20 4x19 Az éjféli futam (Midnight Mile)

"Blaze and the Monster Machines" is locally titled "Láng és a szuperverdák" in Hungary and "Blaze şi maşinile uriaşe" in Romania.

--- Additionally in October 2019, Nickelodeon Junior CEE will:

-- Host spooktacular Halloween marathons!:

- 2019-10-27 13:50-19:35 Halloween
- 2019-10-31 09:55-15:25 Halloween

-- Air a selection of Nickelodeon Preschool movies and specials every Sunday at 08:30, encored the following Saturday at 08:30:

Sunday 6th October 2019: Dora and Friends: Into The City: Dragon in the School (Dóra és barátai: Sárkány az iskolában)
Sunday 13th October 2019: Dora's World Adventure (Dóra, a felfedező: Dóra kalandja a világ körül)
Sunday 20th October 2019: Blaze and the Monster Machines: The Blaze of Glory (Láng és a szuperverdák: A dicsőség Lángja)
Sunday 27th October 2019: Dora the Explorer: Dora's Royal Rescue (Dóra, a felfedező: Dóra királymentő akciója)

More Nick:Viacom Launches Nickelodeon Play App in Poland and Bulgaria!

Októberi, új évad, Filmek, különkiadások októberben: - minden vasárnap 08:30-kor, ismétlés szombaton 08:30-kor.

Original source: Gyerek-Világ; Additional source: Google Translate.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nick Jr. Central and Eastern Europe and Nickelodeon Preschool News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Iberia to Premiere New Episodes of 'The Loud House Featuring The Casagrandes' from Monday 23rd September 2019

Nickelodeon Iberia will start to premiere The Loud House season four, kicking off with all-new episodes of The Loud House Featuring The Casagrandes, from Monday 23rd September 2019 at 18:25h on Nickelodeon Portugal and at 19:25h on Nickelodeon Spain (España)!

From neeo:

Nickelodeon estrena la cuarta temporada de Una casa de locos

¡Atención, atención! La familia numerosa más caótica de la televisión llega a #Nickelodeon el próximo lunes 23 de septiembre a las 19:25h con el estreno de la cuarta temporada de Una casa de locos. Esta vez, el pequeño Lincoln y sus diez hermanas vuelven a hacer de las suyas en estas nuevas aventuras que, como siempre, tienen un elemento estrella: la diversión. Además, en esta temporada los más pequeños de la casa también seguirán de cerca las aventuras de Los Casagrande, la familia (también súper numerosa y caótica) de Ronnie Anne, la inseparable compañera de Lincoln y hermana menor de Bobby Santiago, el novio de Lori.

En estos nuevos episodios de estreno de la cuarta temporada de #UnaCasaDeLocos, Ronnie Anne, se hará una nueva amiga, Sid, y resulta ser la hija de los posibles futuros inquilinos del apartamento de encima de la familia de Ronnie Anne y su hermano. Sin embargo, otra pareja se interesa por alquilar el piso y estas dos amigas harán todo lo posible para evitarlo, ¿conseguirán convencer a sus respectivos padres de esto? Además, Ronnie Anne y Sid descubrirán que hay una habitación secreta e intentarán que estos inquilinos tampoco descubran su existencia, ¿lo conseguirán?

Además, sus padres, Héctor y Rosa, recibirán una inesperada factura que puede llevar a cancelar su esperado viaje anual. Y, otro día, cuando Carl es testigo del rescate de un perro por parte de Ronnie Anne, éste se obsesiona con hacer lo mismo para convertirse también en un héroe, ¿qué hará para conseguirlo?

En otro momento, Ronnie Anne descubre que todos los miembros de su familia van a asistir al cumple de Hector y le pide ayuda a Sid para evitar que todo sea un caos. Además, a pesar del esfuerzo de Ronnie Anne para poder tener una buena relación con su fría prima Carlota, todo se complica y se acaba convirtiendo en una guerra de bromas pesadas entre primos.

En otro de los episodios, Bobby hará todo lo posible para que su familia le lleve a conocer la nueva tienda del barrio…¡un supermercado con productos de lujo! ¿cumplirá sus expectativas o se llevará una decepción? Además, Ronnie Anna fingirá estar enferma para librarse de ver un partido de lucha libre. Sin embargo, no le será tan fácil…

Lunes 23 a las 19.25h
Lunes a la 19.25h


More Nick:Nickelodeon Iberia to Air Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards Abu Dhabi on Saturday 7th December 2019!

Additional source: Google Translate.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Iberia and The Loud House News and Highlights!

September and October 2019 on Nickelodeon Italy: Henry Danger | Double Dare | Hunter Street S3 | Team Jay | Hacking High School | Halloween + More

Below is a round-up of Nickelodeon Italy's (Italia) programming highlights for September (Settembre) and October (Ottobre) 2019!

Nickelodeon Italia: (canali 605 e 606 di Sky)

Henry Danger Season Five
New Season
Airs: Weekdays at 18:40 from Monday 9th September 2019

Lun 9 SET: Henry Danger [Stagione 5] - Nickelodeon: lun-ven, ore 18.40

Hunter Street Season Three
New Season
Airs: Double episodes Mondays from 20:20 beginning Monday 7th October 2019

Hunter Street
Terza stagione
Dal 7 ottobre, ogni lunedì sera doppio episodio alle 20.20

Kate, Erik e i loro cinque figli adottivi vivono ad Amsterdam in una grande casa che si affaccia su un canale. Continuano i misteri che i fratelli Hunter dovranno risolvere dopo la sparizione dei genitori e l’accusa al padre Erik di furto in un museo.

Henry Danger - Danger Things
New Halloween Special
Premiering: Wednesday 16th October 2019 at 18.40

Henry Danger – Speciale “Danger Things”
Mercoledì 16 ottobre alle 18.40

Sull’onda del grande successo della serie Stranger Things, non poteva mancare su Nickelodeon, nel mese di Halloween, un episodio speciale a tema mistero. In Danger Things Kid Danger, a causa di una tempesta magnetica, viene teletrasportato in un mondo alternativo, più dark, dove chi era buono ora è malvagio, e dovrà mettercela davvero tutta per tornare nel suo universo.

Nick Jr. Italia (canali 603 e 604 di Sky)

PAW Patrol
New Episodes
Airs: Weekdays at 20:00 from Monday 9th September 2019

Lun 9 SET: Paw Patrol - Nick Jr: lun-ven, ore 20.00

Team Jay
New Show [More Info]
Airs: Weekdays at 19:00 from Monday 23rd September 2019

Lun 23 SET: Team Jay - Nick Jr: lun-ven, ore 19.00

Top Wing Season Two
New Season
Airing: From Monday 7th October 2019

Top Wing
Nuovi episodi della seconda stagione
Dal 7 ottobre

Riapre la Top Wing Academy: Swift, Penny, Brody, and Rod sono pronti per ricominciare. L’obiettivo degli uccellini, giovani cadetti, è quello di “guadagnarsi le ali”. Come? Con i loro elmetti e giubbotti da aviatore aiuteranno la comunità portando a termine varie missioni, dalle quali impareranno anche tante importanti lezioni di vita.

PAW Patrol
New "Mighty Pups" Themed Episodes
Premiering: From Monday 21st October 2019

Paw Patrol
Episodi a tema Mighty Pups
Dal 21 ottobre

Sta per tornare la squadra di salvataggio Paw Patrol con i nuovi episodi a tema Mighty Pups: i cuccioli, entrati in contatto con un meteorite venuto dallo spazio, acquisiranno dei magici poteri che permetteranno loro di governare gli elementi come l’acqua, il fuoco e la terra.

TeenNick Italia: (canale 620 di Sky)

Hacking High School
New Show from AwesomenessTV
Premiering: Monday 9th September 2019 at 19:30
Airing: Weekdays at 19:30

Lun 9 SET: Hacking High School - Teen Nick: lun-ven, ore 19.30

Double Dare
New Game Show
Premieres: October 2019

Double Dare
Il game show di Teen Nick

Torna su Teen Nick Double Dare, lo storico game show americano che aveva avuto grande successo negli States negli anni ’90 e oggi torna con un reboot, una nuova veste grafica, una nuova presentatrice – la star americana Liza Koshy – e nuovi giovani partecipanti super agguerriti pronti a superare le sfide più buffe, sempre a colpi di slime, per aggiudicarsi il grande premio finale.

Additional Nickelodeon Highlights

Club 57

Prima Tv assoluta
Da lunedì 30 settembre, dal lunedì al sabato alle 20.35
Rai Gulp (canale 42 del DTT)

La protagonista Eva, appassionata di scienze, riesce a viaggiare nel tempo e si ritrova nel 1957 insieme a suo fratello Ruben. I due ragazzi rimangono bloccati nel passato, dove vivono una serie di incredibili avventure nel tentativo di tornare nel presente. Dietro le quinte dell’esclusivo Club 57, lo show musicale più in voga dell’epoca, Eva si innamora di JJ…

Il destino delle Tartarughe Ninja (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Tutti i giorni alle 7.20, 12.55, 18.35 e 22.20
Rai Gulp (canale 42 del DTT)

Michelangelo detto Miki, Leonardo detto Leo, Raffaello detto Raf e Donatello detto Donnie sono tartarughe mutanti e hanno avuto il privilegio di apprendere dal saggio Maestro Splinter l'arte del ninjutsu. Una volta emerse dalla loro tana nascosta nelle fognature, scoprono il sorprendente mondo della città di New York, e si trovano a fronteggiare criminali peggiori di quanto avessero mai immaginato.

Di Più Nick:Nickelodeon Italy Unveils Autumn/Winter 2019 Programming Highlights!

Original sources: Digital-Forum /@Andry10k, TuttoGiocattoli; Additional source: Google Translate.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Halloween on Nickelodeon Italy, Nick Jr. Italia and Teen Nick Italia News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Turkey to Premiere New Episodes of 'The Loud House Featuring The Casagrandes' from Monday 23rd September 2019

Nickelodeon Turkey (Türkiye) will start to premiere brand-new episodes of The Loud House Featuring The Casagrandes from Monday 23rd September 2019 at 19:10'da!

The Loud House is locally titled Gürültü Ailesi in Turkey.

Additional Nickelodeon Türkiye highlights:

Nickelodeon Türkiye is currently premiering brand-new episodes of:

- SpongeBob SquarePants (Sünger Bob Kare Pantolon)
- Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Ninja Kaplumbağalar'ın Yükselişi)
- Henry Danger (Risk Avcısı Henry)

More Nick:Nickelodeon and Emerge Gaming Partner for 'NickX', a New Kid-Focused Competitive Gaming eSports Platform!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Turkey and The Loud House News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon USA's October 2019 Premiere Highlights | Halloween | Nick or Treat

Below are Nickelodeon USA's currently announced October 2019 premiere highlights for Nick, Nicktoons, Nick Jr., Nick at Nite and TeenNick:

Latest Update: 9/22 Rise of the TMNT is safe (for now)! (Check back regularly for the latest updates!)

Channel selector:Nickelodeon | Nicktoons | Nick Jr. on Nickelodeon | TeenNick | Nick@Nite | Nick Jr. | TV Land | Nickelodeon on Pluto TV

All times ET/PT

Schedules are always subject to change without notice.

Shareable URL:http://po.st/oct19onnick

Have I missed anything out? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter!

NEW:Join the NickALive! Discord channel (beta)!

Check out Nickelodeon USA's September 2019 highlights at http://po.st/sept19onnick!


The Casagrandes - New Show

A new home in the city holds big adventures, laughs and love around every corner in Nickelodeon’s new original animated series The Casagrandes, premiering Monday, Oct. 14, at 1:30 p.m. (ET/PT). A spinoff of Nick’s animated hit The Loud House, The Casagrandes tells the story of 11-year-old Ronnie Anne who moves to the city with her mom and older brother to live with their big, loving family, the Casagrandes. Following its premiere, the series moves to its regular timeslot on Saturdays at 11:30 a.m. (ET/PT) beginning Saturday, Oct. 19, on Nickelodeon.

Starring Izabella Alvarez (Westworld) as 11-year-old Ronnie Annie, Carlos PenaVega (Big Time Rush) as her brother Bobby and Sumalee Montano (Nashville) as her mom Maria, the series showcases the culture, humor, and love that’s part of growing up in a multigenerational Mexican-American family. After moving in with their grandparents in Great Lakes City, Ronnie Anne adjusts to her new life living under one roof and over the family-run mercado (local market), which is a gathering place for everyone in the neighborhood.

Monday, October 14, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. - Going Overboard; Walk Don’t Run: Ronnie Anne finds out her Tio Carlos was a famous skateboarder and she begs him to teach her some new moves in “Going Overboard”; Then, in “Walk Don’t Run,” Ronnie Anne and Sid start a dog-walking business to save up for a new skateboard in a plan that quickly gets out of hand.

Saturday, October 19, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. -

Saturday, October 26, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. -

Are You Afraid of the Dark? - Limited Miniseries Revival

Nickelodeon is preparing for the return of The Midnight Society with the all-new Are You Afraid of the Dark? three-part limited series event. Based on the ‘90s kids’ cult classic, and reimagined for a new generation, part one of Are You Afraid of the Dark? will debut on Friday, Oct. 11, at 7:00 p.m. (ET/PT), with parts two and three to follow Oct. 18, and Oct. 25, respectively.

Across the three hour-long episodes, Are You Afraid of the Dark? will follow members of an entirely new Midnight Society, who tell a terrifying tale of the Carnival of Doom and its evil ringmaster Mr. Tophat, only to witness the shocking story come frightfully to life. In the just-released trailer, viewers meet the new members of the Midnight Society, get a glimpse at the uncertainty that awaits and prepare for an adventure beyond their wildest nightmares.

The new members of the Midnight Society are: Rachel, played by Lyliana Wray (Top Gun: Maverick); Gavin, played by Sam Ashe Arnold (Best.Worst.Weekend.Ever.); Akiko, played by Miya Cech (Rim of the World, Always Be My Maybe); Graham, played by Jeremy Taylor (IT: Chapter Two, Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween); and Louise, played by Tamara Smart (Artemis Fowl, The Worst Witch). The Carnival of Doom’s ringmaster, Mr. Tophat, is played by Rafael Casal (Blindspotting).

Are You Afraid of the Dark? is produced by ACE Entertainment (To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, The Perfect Date) with ACE founder Matt Kaplan and Spencer Berman serving as executive producers. The series is written by BenDavid Grabinski (Skiptrace, Happily) and directed by Dean Israelite (Power Rangers movie, Project Almanac), both of whom are also executive producers. Chris Foss is also an executive producer.

Friday, October 11, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. - Part 1:

Friday, October 18, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. - Part 2:

Friday, October 25, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. - Part 3:

The Loud House

Monday, October 14, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. - Kings of the Con:

The Substitute - New Series

Friday, October 4, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. - John Cena: Transformed by Hollywood special effects artists, John Cena pranks campers at the Boys & Girls Club of the Foothills; Cena goes under cover as a quirky environmentalist, a fearful fire safety expert, and a CPR instructor with an unusual best friend. (series premiere)

Henry Danger

Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 8:00 p.m. - A Tale of Two Pipers: Henry gets an unexpected visitor claiming to be from the future; when a boy-robot killing machine steps onto the scene, the gang must find a way to save everyone from an apocalyptic future.

SpongeBob SquarePants

The Ghost of Plankton: Plankton becomes a ghost to steal the secret formula, but requires a few lessons from the Flying Dutchman.

Double Dare Halloween Week

Monday, October ??, 2019 at ?? p.m. - Halloween Week Game 1:

Tuesday, October ??, 2019 at ?? p.m. - Halloween Week Game 2:

Wednesday, October ??, 2019 at ?? p.m. - Halloween Week Game 3:

Thursday, October ??, 2019 at ?? p.m. - Halloween Week Game 4:

ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks

Sunday, October 6, 2019 - Simon Says; Sing Like a Canary: When Alvin accuses Simon of being too safe, Simon agrees to do whatever crazy thing Alvin wants him to do; a cute singing bird replaces Alvin in the band after Alvin makes too many demands as a performer. (#405)

LEGO® Jurassic World: Legend of Isla Nublar

Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. - Pteranodon't!: Owen and a Stygimoloch stage a daring rescue to save a young park guest from the Pteranodon aviary. (#104; TBC)

Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. - The Power and the Peril!: Rock star mathematician Ian Malcolm returns to Isla Nublar and helps Claire; Owen and Hudson deal with strange power surges all over Jurassic World. (#105; TBC)

Upcoming episodes:

Spit Take!: A Dilophosaurus runs loose in the park's hotel; Owen and Claire must find it before the guests notice and before Vic's dino-hunting security team can damage the hotel and the guests.

A Fish Story: Vic, Owen and Sinjin find themselves in the middle of a massive dino-fight in the old Jurassic Park Visitor Center.

Blown Away!: It's déjà vu for Alan Grant as he returns to Isla Nublar and winds up stranded in the jungle during a dangerous storm with injured Simon and hero-worshipping Owen.

Haunted and Hunted!: Something mysterious lurking the jungle wrecks a construction site, and Hudson is convinced a ghost is responsible... but it might be something even more surprising.

To the Extreme!: Danny releases an energy drink into the dinosaurs' water supply, making them extra energetic and extra dangerous.

All That

Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 8:30 p.m. - 1109:"America's Got Talent" winner Darci Lynne Farmer and her puppet Petunia stop by the "All That" set; Pranklers return to wreak havoc in the locker room; Lex finds out his pet's thoughts; Ariana reads classic fairy tales. (#1109)

Power Rangers Beast Morphers

Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. - Real Steel: When Nate and Steel unexpectedly clash, it leads to double trouble for the team. (#912; TBC)

Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. - Tuba Triumph: After witnessing a boy being bullied, Ravi takes him under his wing. (#913; TBC)

Upcoming episodes:

Hypnotic Halloween: The Beast Morphers Rangers are hypnotized into believing that they are the characters they dressed up as for Halloween. (Halloween special)

Sound and Fury: The Rangers' skills are put to the test when Blaze uses evil tech to massively enhance his Robotron's destructive power. (#914)

Seeing Red: The Red Ranger gets amazing new powers, but they have unexpected side effects. (#915)

Gorilla Art: Ravi resorts to drastic measures when Smash accidentally discovers a closely guarded secret. (#916)

Ranger Reveal: When a movie star comes to town, the Rangers' secret identities are unexpectedly threatened. (#917)

Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader

Friday, October 4, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. - Football Coach: A gridiron great ready to tackle elementary school becomes brain blocked in the third grade, and just might have to cheat to be competitive in the game.

Movies and Specials


Nick Jr. on Nickelodeon

PAW Patrol

Friday, October 4, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. - Pups Save a Bat Family; Pups Save a Mud Monster: The PAW Patrol works to free a bat family after a rock slide traps them inside their cave; snowboarders on Jake's Mountain become stuck on a broken chairlift while a monster is on the loose.

Ryan's Mystery Playdate

Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. - Ryan's Short Stack Playdate; Ryan's Stamped Playdate: Ryan stirs his way through a yummy mix of challenges before meeting his creatively stacked play date; Ryan addresses some challenges before meeting his special delivery of a play date. (#202)

Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. - Ryan's Chopping Playdate; Ryan's Skatin' Playdate: Ryan chops through challenges before meeting his saw-some play date; it's time for play date skate as Ryan rolls through challenges before meeting his topsy-turvy play date. (#203)

Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. - Ryan's Camera Ready Playdate; Ryan's Rattlin' Playdate: Ryan gets the scoop on his challenges before going live on the red carpet with his mystery play date; Ryan rattles through a set of challenges. (#204)

Friday, October 4, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. - Ryan's Spooky Playdate: Ryan and his friends need to help him figure out what he's going to wear for Halloween. Special guest star: Angela de Silva. (#205; Halloween special)

Abby Hatcher

Friday, October 4, 2019 at 12:30 p.m. - Trick or Treat Otis; Bedtime for Peepers: When Otis gets mistaken for a real dog while trick-or-treating, Abby and the group need to find him; when Lex and Miranda have a party, Abby volunteers to put the playful Peepers to bed.


Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 10:30 p.m. - Man vs. Sewer; The Mutant Menace:

Movies and Specials


Nick Jr. Channel

Butterbean's Café

Sunday, October 6, 2019 - A Bean for Halloween!: The Bean Team tries to prep for their big party, but spooky things keep happening around the café; Cricket believes she sees a ghost until she realizes it's actually a cute kitty with wings. (Halloween special)

Nella the Princess Knight

Sunday, October 6, 2019 - Bouncy Babies and Springy Kings; Rock-A-Bye-Baby:

Rainbow Rangers

Sunday, October 6, 2019 - The Earth Needs Their Kelp; Iceberg Ahead: The Rangers must return balance to an ocean environment; a large iceberg calves, leaving a floe on a collision course for a clan of polar bears. (Season two premiere)




Movies and Specials


TV Land


TV Land


Nickelodeon on Streaming Services

Nickelodeon on Pluto TV

Nick Pluto TV

Welcome to Nick Pluto TV where you can watch your favorite classic shows from SpongeBob SquarePants, Hey Arnold!, Legends of the Hidden Temple, All That, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Fairly OddParents, iCarly, Are You Afraid of the Dark, Rugrats, Doug, True Jackson, VP, Victorious and more! It’s all on Nick Pluto TV.

Nick Jr. Pluto TV

Welcome to Nick Jr. Pluto TV where you’ll find your preschooler’s favorite friends from classic Blue’s Clues, Dora the Explorer, Wallykazam, Robot and Monster, Wonder Pets!, Yo Gabba Gabba!, Teletubbies Classic, Max & Ruby, Go, Diego, Go!, The Fresh Beat Band, Kuu Kuu Harajuku and many more hit Nick Jr. Pluto TV shows.

Nickelodeon on Netflix

Good Burger

More Nick:Nickelodeon to Host 'SpongeBob SquarePants' and 'Are You Afraid of the Dark?' Panels at New York Comic Con 2019!

Originally published: Thursday, September 19, 2019 at 23:12 BST


Based on a list compiled by Anime Superhero Forum members; Sources: Zap2it TV Listings, TheFutonCritic.com; Additional sources: @TVShowsFan, @kancsn01, CinemaBlend.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Halloween on Nickelodeon and News and Highlights!

Nick Jr. Italy to Fully Premiere 'Team Jay', New Animated Series Based on Juventus F.C. Mascot, on Monday 23rd September 2019; to Show Preview at FeST, il Festival delle Serie TV

Nickelodeon Italy (Italia) gave viewers a sneak-peek of Team Jay, a brand-new CG-animated series following the adventures of Jay, the proud, mythical and funny zebra with a pattern of black, white and gold and the official team mascot of Juventus F.C.! Joining Jay on his adventures are Matteo, who has a solution for every problem that arises, and Cami, an excellent soccer player.

Nickelodeon Italia aired the first episode of Team Jay on Wednesday 26th June 2019 at 20:50, following an encore of Nickelodeon's SlimeFest 2019 highlights special. Following the sneak-peek, the series is expected to fully premiere in September 2019.

Update (13/9) - Nick Jr. Italia will fully premiere Team Jay on Monday 23rd September 2019 at 19.00! To celebrate, Nickelodeon Italia will host a special preview of the first three episodes of Nickelodeon Italia on Sunday 22nd September 2019 at 16:00 in the "area kids" area of FeST, il Festival delle Serie TV!

Nickelodeon also treated attendees to Nickelodeon SlimeFest 2019 at Mirabilandia on Saturday 15th June 2019 to a super preview of the show.

Team Jay is produced by Sunrise Productions (Munki and Trunk, Jungle Beat, The Explorers), who created the mascot for Juventus Football Club in 2015. Jay taps into the deep history of Italy’s oldest club, while still being fresh and exciting to Juventus’s youngest supporters. The Cape Town, South Africa-based animation studio has previously produced one-off spots inspired by the character.

Dan Balaam, a Freelance Writer & Creative, serves as a writer on the series.

Team Jay is the latest collaboration between Nickelodeon Italia and Juventus F.C., following the launch of a capsule collection inspired by SpongeBob SquarePants and the football team in 2018.

The first episode of is available to watch below! (please note that the video is geo-locked and is only viewable in certain territories):

From Juventus.com:

#TeamJay: una nuova avventura sta per cominciare!

Ieri sera è andato in onda su Nickelodeon il primo episodio di una serie da non perdere, in programmazione da settembre!

C’è una grande novità per tutti i fans di Jay: le sue avventure e quelle dei suoi amici, diventano un cartone animato!

Si chiama infatti “Team Jay” la serie che è stata presentata prima allo Slime Fest 2019, svoltosi a Mirabilandia lo scorso 15 giugno, e poi ieri, con la messa in onda del primo episodio, in anteprima, su Nickelodeon (Canali 605 e 606 di Sky). Un episodio che potete rivedere qui.

Ma questo non è che un assaggio: le avventure di Jay e del Team Jay vi aspettano a partire da settembre! Stay Tuned!

Matteo - Ha la soluzione per tutti i problemi

Jay - È una zebra entusiasta e divertente

Cami - È una bravissima calciatrice


From Coming Soon:

FeST: Il programma completo del Festival delle Serie TV

L'evento si terrà alla Triennale di Milano dal 20 al 22 settembre: tra gli eventi in calendario, l'anteprima di Euphoria.

Dal 20 al 22 settembre la Triennale di Milano ospiterà la seconda edizione di FeST, il Festival delle Serie TV. L'evento, che si inserisce nel calendario della Movie Week, kermesse culturale che promuove il mondo del cinema e dell'audiovisivo, vedrà riuniti i principali player della filiera audiovisiva - Amazon Prime Video, De Agostini Editore, Discovery, Fox Networks Group Italy, Mediaset, Netflix, Rai Fiction, Sky, Turner e Viacom Italia, che animeranno le giornate con incontri, eventi e proiezioni in anteprima, tra cui quelle di Euphoria, Made in Italy e Doom Patrol.

Saranno presenti anche tantissimo ospiti del cinema e della televisione italiana, tra cui Marco Bocci, Margherita Buy, Nino Frassica, Fiammetta Cicogna, Lino Guanciale, Daniele Liotti, Rocío Muños Morales, Alice Pagani, Vittoria Puccini, Giorgio Tirabassi, il cast di #RICCANZA DELUXE fino a nuovi talenti emergenti, tra cui Antonio Dikele Di Stefano, Greta Ferro e Neva Leoni. Non solo, Previsti anche ospiti musicali che racconteranno la loro vita da spettatori di serie tv, tra cui Colapesce, Coma_Cose e Motta.

Una delle novità di questa seconda edizione sarà l’area industry, punto di incontro tra pubblico e protagonisti del panorama audiovisivo. Tra le principali attività in programma, saranno realizzate delle masterclass pensate per generare un dialogo tra produttori e broadcaster da un lato, e autrici o autori emergenti dall’altro. Il programma didattico, costruito in collaborazione con ALMED, la Scuola di Studi Superiori dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, ha come finalità il perfezionamento di soggetti di serie preesistenti con l’obiettivo di poterli presentare ai più grandi nomi della filiera seriale televisiva in un preciso momento, il cosiddetto «pitch», che avrà luogo una volta compiuto il percorso con i docenti. I produttori e i broadcaster a cui verranno presentati i progetti selezionati sono Cattleya, Fabula Pictures, Fox, Lux Vide, Netflix, Publispei e Sky.

Ci saranno anche importanti professionisti del settore - tra cui Eleonora Andreatta (Direttore Rai Fiction), Verdiana Bixio (Presidente Publispei), Daniele Cesarano (Direttore Fiction Mediaset), Nicola De Angelis(CEO & Executive Producer Fabula Pictures), Loredana Di Domenico (Programming & Content Acquisition Senior Director Discovery), Nils Hartmann (Direttore Produzioni originali Sky Italia), Andrea Occhipinti (Fondatore Lucky Red), Alessandro Saba (Vice President Head of Entertainment Channels Fox), Chiara Sbarigia (Direttore Generale APA), Felipe Tewes (Direttore delle serie originali internazionali Netflix) e Riccardo Tozzi (Presidente Cattleya). Interverranno, infatti, anche scrittori e sceneggiatori, tra cui Ezio Abbate (Headwriter di Curon), Franco Bolelli, Roberto Costantini (Il Commissario Balistreri), Leonardo Fasoli (Gomorra - La serie), Marco Missiroli (Fedeltà), Paola Randi (Luna Nera), Maddalena Ravagli (Gomorra - La serie), Sara Shepard (Pretty Little Liars e The Perfectionists) ed Eleonora Trucchi (Baby).

L’area kids sarà un’altra delle novità, in cui i più piccoli avranno uno spazio tutto per loro con contenuti proposti dai canali a loro dedicati, come DeAKids (De Agostini Editore), Nickelodeon(Viacom Italia) e Boomerang (WarnerMedia). Momenti per i bambini di tutte le età: dalla partecipazione del cast della serie New School (De Agostini Editore) alla proiezione dei primi due episodi di Scooby-Doo And Guess Who? (Boomerang). Nel giardino, invece, sarà allestita una ludoteca a tema serie tv (powered by Pendragon e a cura del giornalista ed esperto Lorenzo Fantoni), che ospiterà grandi e piccoli e in cui sarà possibile giocare in esclusiva per la prima volta in Italia il gioco da tavolo di Rick & Morty.

Tra le collaborazioni che hanno dato vita a FeST - Il Festival delle Serie Tv, ideato dai giornalisti Marina Pierri e Giorgio Viaro e con il patrocinio del Comune di Milano, ci sono Milano Film Festival, Bookcity e Music Week, APA, ALMED Alta Scuola in Media Comunicazione e Spettacolo e il Master in International Screenwriting and Production, Scuola di Studi Superiori dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, DETECt, Diversity e Proxima Milano.

Il tema scelto per questa seconda edizione di FeST - Il Festival delle Serie Tv è “Breaking Stereotypes”, e ha l'obiettivo di raccontare le innovazioni del linguaggio seriale con particolare accento sulla rappresentazione che combatte gli stereotipi. Nel farlo si avvarrà a tutto campo della partnership con la no profit Diversity, fondata da Francesca Vecchioni, impegnata ogni giorno nel diffondere la cultura dell’inclusione favorendo una visione del mondo che consideri la molteplicità e le differenze come valori e risorse preziose per le persone e le aziende.

A chiusura di questi intensi tre giorni domenica si terrà la serata in collaborazione con Le Cannibale.

Per maggiori informazioni vi rimandiamo al sito http://www.ilfestivaldelleserietv.it/. Di seguito, invece, trovate il programma completo






Ore 16.00 (area kids)

Team Jay (Nickelodeon)

Anteprima di 3 episodi

Jay è il nuovo arrivato nella famiglia Nickelodeon. La serie è stata realizzata avvalendosi della collaborazione di esperti con l’obiettivo di creare un contenuto educativo adatto a stimolare la curiosità dei bambini, sviluppandone le capacità logico-deduttive con un linguaggio semplice e moderno. Team Jay arriverà su NickJr (canale Sky 603), a partire da lunedì 23 settembre alle ore 19.00.



From La Gazzetta dello Sport - Tutto il rosa della vita:

TeamJay, il cartone animato frutto della collaborazione tra Juve e Nickelodeon

Da lunedì 23 settembre su NickJr (Sky 603) il canale satellitare di Viacom Italia dedicato ai bambini in età prescolare, arriva una nuova avventura a strisce "bianco nere" sta per incominciare. Il protagonista è Jay, una zebra divertente e che adora il calcio e condivide questa grande passione con i suoi piccoli amici: Matteo e Cami. Insieme ad altri compagni formano un team speciale che fa del gioco di squadra il suo punto di forza. Nel loro percorso affronteranno tante diverse sfide, ma saranno sempre pronti a far trionfare l’amicizia e a superarle grazie alla loro capacità di collaborare e risolvere i problemi! Il nuovo prodotto editoriale, la serie animata #TeamJay, è il frutto della collaborazione tra Nickelodeon e Juventus


From Focus Junior:


Da lunedì 23 settembre Fy, la mascotte della Juventus, lascia lo Stadium e diventa protagonista di una nuova serie animata. E noi di Focus Junior siamo andati a Torino per il lancio inaugurale...

È sempre in movimento, ha tre stelle sul petto ed ama la vita all'aria aperta. È Jay, l'esuberante mascotte della Juventus che ora, grazie a Nickelodeon, oltrepassa i confini dello stadio per diventare una vera star della TV per ragazzi.

La serie s'intitola Team Jay ed esordirà lunedì 23 settembre alle 19.00 su NickJr (canale 603 di Sky) con un appuntamento speciale di quattro episodi e sarà incentrata proprio sulla velocissima zebra dal cuore d'oro che adora il calcio e passa le giornate con i suoi simpatici compagni d'avventura: Matteo, Cami, lo scoiattolo volante Wushu e Duke il criceto. Nel corso delle varie puntate, questo speciale team supererà ogni ostacolo grazie al potere dell'amicizia e al gioco di squadra, essenziale per raggiungere i traguardi più complicati, sia nello sport che nella vita.


La nuova serie è stata presentata giovedì 19 settembre all'interno del modernissimo Juventus Stadium, casa della Vecchia Signora pluricampione d'Italia, e la Redazione di Focus Junior non ha voluto mancare l'occasione di essere presente per dare uno sguardo ravvicinato all'esclusivo evento.

Nell'ala Est dello Stadium infatti, Juventus e Nickelodeon hanno allestito una mini-città bianconera - con giochi, merende e stand di make-up - in cui circa 150 bambini hanno potuto assistere alla proiezione dei primi episodi di Team Jay insieme alla stessa mascotte in "carne e zoccoli".

Alla festa hanno partecipato anche le altre stelle delle produzioni Nickelodeon (Spongebob, Tartarughe Ninja, Paw Patrol ecc...) e i giocatori della Juve Leonardo Bonucci, Juan Cuadrado, Miralem Pjanic e Blaise Matuidi. Insomma, un bel pomeriggio, nonostante qualche muso lungo tra i ragazzi per le difficoltà ad avvicinare i "blindatissimi" campioni bianconeri per strappare un autografo o una foto ricordo.

Ora però il campo è tutto di Jay, che è pronto ad entrare nel cuore dei giovani juventini - e non solo - galoppando su NickJr dal lunedì al venerdì, sempre alle 19.


From Il Giorno:

Festival delle Serie Tv alla Triennale, un'area dedicata ai bambini: debutta la Zebra Jay

L'anteprima del nuovo cartone animato targato Nickelodeon è in programma domenica 22 settembre alle 16: parteciperà la calciatrice della Nazionale italiana Aurora Galli

Milano, 22 settembre 2019 - Venerdì 20 settembre, nella prestigiosa location di Triennale Milano, è iniziata la seconda edizione di FeST – Il Festival delle Serie Tv. Ideato dai giornalisti Marina Pierri e Giorgio Viaro e con il patrocinio del Comune di Milano, l’evento si inserisce nel calendario della Movie Week, kermesse culturale che promuove il mondo del cinema e dell’audiovisivo.

Tra le novità di quest’anno l’allestimento dell’Area Kids, uno spazio interamente pensato per i più piccoli, con presentazioni di contenuti proposti dai canali a loro dedicati, come DeAKids (De Agostini Editore), Nickelodeon (Viacom Italia) e Boomerang (Turner, gruppo WarnerMedia). Tutti gli incontri all’interno del programma kids saranno moderati dalla blogger, scrittrice e family influencer Chiara Cecilia Santamaria, in arte @machedavvero.

Momenti per i bambini di tutte le età: dalla partecipazione del cast della serie New School (DeAKids) alla proiezione dei primi due episodi di Scooby-Doo And Guess Who? (Boomerang) con la presenza del costume character, fino alla presentazione in anteprima di Team Jay (Nickelodeon) con la giocatrice della Juventus e della Nazionale italiana Aurora Galli. Proprio quest'ultimo appuntamento è in programma per domenica 22 settembre, alle 16.

Il protagonista della nuova serie, è Jay, una zebra divertente che insieme ad altri amici formano un team speciale che fa del gioco di squadra il suo punto di forza. Nel loro percorso affronteranno tante diverse sfide, ma saranno sempre pronti a far trionfare l’amicizia e a superarle grazie alla loro capacità di collaborare e risolvere i problemi. #TeamJay, è stata realizzata avvalendosi della collaborazione di esperti con l’obiettivo di creare un contenuto educativo adatto a stimolare la curiosità dei bambini, sviluppandone le capacità logico-deduttive con un linguaggio semplice e moderno.

Da sempre il canale NickJr è un partner educativo anche per i genitori, una sorta di bussola che li aiuta a scegliere proposte e contenuti per creare attività da svolgere insieme ai propri figli. NickJr è un canale fresco, moderno, vivace, colorato, ricco di stimoli, che promuove esperienze all’insegna “dell’imparare giocando”: apprendere attraverso il divertimento, stimolando la naturale curiosità dei bambini, invitandoli a sperimentare i nuovi elementi del mondo per renderli fin da subito protagonisti. Tutto il #TeamJay aspetta i piccoli dal 23 settembre, dal lunedì al venerdì alle 19 su NickJr, Sky 603, per giocare, divertirsi e segnare splendidi goal insieme a nuovi amici.

Nell’area giardino di Triennale Milano sarà inoltre allestita, per l’intera durata del FeST, la ludoteca a tema serie tv, powered by Pendragon e a cura del giornalista ed esperto Lorenzo Fantoni. Svago, relax e cultura saranno i protagonisti di questo spazio speciale, adatto a grandi e piccoli. A divertire gli ospiti giochi da tavolo “seriali” e un simpatico quiz a tema serie tv


Di Più Nick:Nickelodeon Italy Marks 20 Years of 'SpongeBob SquarePants' with the 'Best Year Ever' Celebration!

Originally published: Friday, June 28, 2019.

H/T: Tutto Juve; Additional sources: Google Translate, Wikipedia (II), VecchiaSignora.com, La Guida TV, Google.co.uk, diregiovani.it.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Italy News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Announces Kids’ Choice Awards Abu Dhabi 2019 Winners

Nickelodeon’s Kids’ Choice Awards Abu Dhabi 2019 lights up UAE capital

The show will premiere in MENA on September 24th at 17:00 UAE/16:00 KSA on Nickelodeon on OSN. The show will be aired globally on Nickelodeon channels in the USA, UK, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, India, China, Philippines and Pakistan

Abu Dhabi, September 21st – Nickelodeon and the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi) brought the kids’ brand’s slimiest, wildest show to the city for the first time ever in the Middle East on Friday, September 20, 2019. The evening saw the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards Abu Dhabi 2019 light up the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre with performances and stunts, including a mash-up of hits by global superstar and event host, Jason Derulo, including his latest hit, "Mamacita", the sliming of co-host Haifa Beseisso, and performances by Conor Maynard, Maritta and al-Waleed Hallani, Nora Fatehi and Fnaire, Dyler and Egyptian star Mohamed Hamaki. Kids’ favourite artists and talent were crowned across 16 entertainment categories during the Orange Carpet ceremony, with each winner taking home a coveted Orange Blimp award.

The Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards Abu Dhabi 2019 featured seven musical performances from global and regional stars including Jason Derulo; Maritta; Dancer, model and singer Nora Fatehi with Moroccan band Fnaire; Saudi Arabian singer and social media sensation Dyler; Lebanese star al-Waleed Hallani; British singer, songwriter and YouTuber Conor Maynard; and Platinum Egyptian artist and Arabian superstar Mohamed Hamaki.

More than 15 million votes were cast across 16 wide-ranging award categories on Nickelodeon’s digital site https://kca.nickelodeonarabia.com/, on Instagram using the hashtag of their favourite nominee and via the Nickelodeon Play app over the summer to choose the winners across a range of music, film and entertainment categories. Kids had the chance to vote for their local as well as international favourites.

The Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards Abu Dhabi 2019 was recorded live on September 20th at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre and will air exclusively on Nickelodeon on OSN in KSA, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain on Tuesday, September 24th, 2019 at 17:00 UAE/16:00 KSA. The show will also be aired on Nickelodeon channels internationally in the USA, UK, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, India, China, Philippines and Pakistan.

The Kids’ Choice Awards Abu Dhabi 2019 is part of a wider program of activations organized by DCT Abu Dhabi to celebrate Abu Dhabi Family Week, which will bring a series of activities for kids and families to the city. This will include The World of Nickelodeon from Sept. 19-21 at ADNEC, where visitors can interact with all their favorite Nickelodeon characters. With features such as the Paw Patrol Area, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles VR Experience and Pizzeria, and the SpongeBob SquarePants Museum and Arcade, plus the chance to meet the likes of Dora, SpongeBob, and Marshall and Chase at live entertainment shows and musical performances, it promises to be an unmissable event.

The evening kicked off a new partnership between Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) and The Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi), which will see the capital city of the United Arab Emirates play host to the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards and The World of Nickelodeon over the next 5 years.

The Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards Abu Dhabi 2019 winners are:

Favorite International Artist (أفضل نجم عالمي)
Billie Eilish (بيلي آيليش) - WINNER
Shawn Mendes (شون مانديز)
Camila Cabello (خالد)
Khalid (كاميلا كابلو)

Favorite Music Video (أفضل فيديو كليب)
Adham Nabulsi - Howeh El Hob (ادهم نابلسي هو الحب) - WINNER
Nassif Zeytoun - Kel Yom Bhebik (ناصيف زيتون - كل يوم بحبك)
Maya Diab ft French Montana - Ya Nour El Ein (مايا دياب وفرنش مونتانا - يا نور العين)
Nora Fatehi & Fnaire - Dilbar (نورة فتحي و فناير - ديلبير)

Favorite Radio Station (أفضل محطة إذاعية)
Energy Lebanon (انرجي لبنان)
Virgin Radio Dudai 104.4 (راديو فيرجن دبي 104.4) - WINNER
Pearl FM (بيرل إف إم)
Al Arabiya 99 (العربية 99)

Favorite Sports Star (أفضل نجم رياضي)
Ramy Nachar (رامي النشار)
Raha Moharrak (راحة محرق)
Rashid Al Dhaheri (راشد الظاهري) - WINNER
Zahra Lari (زهرة لاري)

Favorite Gamer (أفضل لاعب فيديو قيمز)
NeroGamer55 (نيروقايمر55)
Ahmed Al Nasheet (أحمد النشيط) WINNER
Iiklay (كلاي)
Fir4sGamer (فيرفورزغايمر)

Favorite Cartoon (أفضل برنامج رسوم متحركة)
SpongeBob SquarePants (سبونج بوب سكويربانتس) WINNER
Gumball (غامبول)
Majid (ماجد)
Tom & Jerry (توم وجيري)

Favorite Influencer (أفضل إنفلوينسر)
Ibrahim Basha (إبراهيم باشا) - WINNER
Bin Baz (بن باز)
Mina El Sheikhly (مينا الشيخلي)
Taim Al Falasi (تيم الفلاسي)

Favorite TV Personality (أفضل شخصية تلفزيونية)
Raya Abi Rachid (ريا أبي راشد) - WINNER
Qusai (DON LEGEND) (قسيّ (دون ليجند))
Assalah Kamel (أصالة كامل)
Wissam Breidy (وسام بريدي)

Favorite Male Newcomer (أفضل فنان صاعد)
AlWalid Hellani (الوليد الحلاني)
D3ylr (دايلر) - WINNER
Adil Echbiy (عادل إشبي)
Mohamed El Sharnouby (محمد الشرنوبي)

Favorite Female Newcomer (أفضل فنانة صاعدة)
Cynthia Samuel (سنثيا صاموئيل) - WINNER
Sandra Sahi (ساندرا ساهي)
Salma Abu-Deif (سلمى أبو ضيف)
Zeina Makki (زينة مكي)

Favorite Vlogger (أفضل فلوقر)
Thunayan Khalid (ثنيان خالد) - WINNER
Lowi Sahi (لؤي ساهي)
Feyhan Family (فيحان فاميلي)
Rozzah (روزا)

Favorite Group (أفضل فرقة أو ثنائي غناء)
Omar & Rajaa Belmir (عمر ورجاء بلمير) - WINNER
Flipperarchi & Daffy (فليبرارشي ودافي)
BoyBand (بوي باند)
Sharmoofers (شارموفرز)

Favorite Female Artist (أفضل فنانة)
Carmen Soliman (كارمن سليمان)
Hala Al Turk (هلا الترك) - WINNER
Manal (منال)
Shamma Hamdan (شمه حمدان)

Favorite Male Artist (أفضل فنان)
Adham Nabulsi (ادهم نابلسي)
Essa Al Marzoug (عيسى المرزوق)
Mohammed Hamaki (محمد حماقي) - WINNER
Saad Ramadan (سعد رمضان)

Favorite Actress (أفضل ممثلة)
Daniella Rahme (دانيلا رحمه)
Aseel Omran (أسيل عمران) - WINNER
Donia Samir Ghanem (دنيا سمير غانم)
Cyrine Abdel nour (سيرين عبد النور)

Favorite Actor (أفضل ممثل)
Asad Al Zahrani (اسعد الزهراني) - WINNER
Amr Youssef (عمرو يوسف)
Mohammed Ramadan (محمد رمضان)
Moatasem el Nahar (معتصم النهار)

Stay up to date on all Kids’ Choice Awards Abu Dhabi 2019 news by liking Nickelodeon on Facebook, Instagram and following the official hashtags:


ف أبوظ بي

# # #

About Nickelodeon
Nickelodeon, now in its 40th year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The company includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, recreation, books and feature films. Nickelodeon is one of the most globally recognized and widely distributed multimedia entertainment brands for kids and family, with 1.2 billion cumulative subscriptions in more than 500 million households across 170+ countries and territories, via more than 100+ locally programmed channels and branded blocks. Outside of the United States, Nickelodeon is part of Viacom International Media Networks, a division of Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA), one of the world’s leading creators of programming and content across all media platforms. For more information or artwork, visit http://www.nickpress.com. Nickelodeon and all related titles, characters and logos are trademarks of Viacom Inc.

About the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi
The Department of Culture and Tourism conserves and promotes the heritage and culture of Abu Dhabi emirate and leverages them in the development of a world- Globally, sustainable destination of distinction, which enriches the lives of visitors and residents alike. The organization manages the emirate’s tourism sector and markets the destination internationally through a wide range of activities aimed at attracting visitors and investment. Its policies, plans and programs relate to the preservation of heritage and culture, including protecting archaeological and historical sites and to developing museums, including Zayed National Museum, Guggenheim Abu Dhabi, and the Louvre Abu Dhabi. DCT – Abu Dhabi supports intellectual and artistic activities and cultural events to nurture a rich cultural environment and honour the emirate’s heritage. A key role is to create synergy in the destination’s development through close co-ordination with its wide-ranging stakeholder base.

From Ahram Online:

Egyptian star Mohamed Hamaki crowned as Favorite Male Artist by the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards Abu Dhabi

Egyptian star Mohamed Hamaki was announced as the Favorite Male Artist chosen by the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards Abu Dhabi 2019 on Friday 20 September.

The choice of Hamaki comes as a result of votes cast throughout the months of August and September.

“I’m very happy… and it means a lot to me to be nominated by the kids. I’ve always said that kids don’t do flattery; either they like you or they don’t, so for kids to choose me as a favorite is an honor for me," Hamaki told the award organisers.

Over 15 million children and young voters took part in the process, using the hashtag of their favourite nominee on the Nickelodeon website, Instagram and via the Nickelodeon Play app.

The final results were announced during a grand celebration organised by the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards Abu Dhabi 2019 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre.

The celebration also included "performances and stunts, including a mash-up of hits by global superstar and event host, Jason Derulo, including his latest hit, Mamacita, the sliming of co-host Haifa Beseisso, and performances by Conor Maynard, Maritta and al-Waleed Hallani, Nora Fatehi and Fnaire, Dyler and Mohamed Hamaki," the organisers revealed in their press release.

Other favorite artists chosen by the young fans include Billie Eilish (Best International Star), Hala Al Turk, Bahrain (Best Female Artist), Rajaa Belmir and Omar Belmir, Morocco (Favorite Group), Cynthia Samuel, Canada/Lebanon (Favorite Female Newcomer), Dyler, Saudi Arabia (Favorite Male Newcomer), Asaad Alzahrani, Saudi Arabia (Favorite Actor), Aseel Omran, Saudi Arabia (Favorite Actress), among other winners from the Arab World in numerous categories.

The Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards Abu Dhabi 2019 was part of the 10-day Abu Dhabi Family Week, an event filled with educational activited dedicated to children’s and family entertainment organised by DCT Abu Dhabi. Additional activities included the brand new The World of Nickelodeon, taking place from 19th to 21st of September at ADNEC.

The multi-award-winning Egyptian artist Hamaki started as a composer for many years and gained widespread fame after his first album 'Khalina Neish' in 2003.


From Time Out Dubai:

Three Minutes on the Orange Carpet with Conor Maynard

Time Out UAE Kids catches up with the singer and YouTube sensation at the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards Abu Dhabi

When YouTube sensation and singer Conor Maynard touched down in Abu Dhabi to perform at the first ever Nickelodeon kids Choice Awards in the Middle East, we caught up with him to talk slime, collaborations and the future of YouTube.

Welcome to the UAE! What are you most excited about?
I am really excited to perform at the Kids Choice Awards. What I am looking forward the least is being slimed! I really hope I don’t get slimed, I’m not really feeling it.

Why are you so anti-slime?
Funnily enough I used Nickelodeon slime for a movie I did a few months ago in America and it was impossible to clean up afterwards. Eventually we just gave up and said to the location that we would just pay for however much it costs to get rid of it.

You are referred to as a YouTuber, how does that affect your music?
My whole career started on YouTube and I put my covers up online initially - and in fact still do put them and my remixes on my YouTube channel now, but my main thing is my actual music. It’s what I most enjoy working on.

What’s happening in your world right now?
Right now I’m directing my own music videos, which is a lot of fun and something I’ve always wanted to do. It makes it much more personal for me as it means the story is coming directly from me. I really enjoy doing it.

What is the future looking like for YouTube and YouTubers?
It’s definitely becoming very saturated. There’s a lot of people who want to do it now and so it’s becoming more and more difficult to stand out, but maybe that just means the most creative will rise to the top, which is the way it should be.

What tips would you give to kids hoping to make a career out of being a YouTuber?
If it’s something you truly love and truly enjoy I wouldn’t look at it as just a quick way to make money as honestly it’s not that simple – it can look like it is, but to stand out and get noticed is incredibly difficult to do. But if it is genuinely your passion and you want to create video content whatever the genre, then do it! And don’t get too worked up around the numbers – if you love doing it, then do it regardless of how well it does.

You did a collaboration with Pixie Lott, is there anyone else you would like to work with?
There are loads of people I’d love to work with. I really wanted to do a single with Billie Eilish when she first started out and now there’s literally a queue so not sure I will make that happen right now, but maybe one day, we’ll see.



More Nick:Nickelodeon Embarks on New Direction with its Biggest, Most Wide-Ranging Content Slate Ever!

Originally published: Saturday, September 21, 2019.

Sources: BroadcastPro ME, Gulf News, Khaleej Times, Time Out Abu Dhabi.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Arabia and Kids' Choice Awards Abu Dhabi 2019 News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Releases 'JoJo Siwa: Sweet Celebrations' DVD



Available on DVD September 17, 2019

Nickelodeon star and social phenomenon, JoJo Siwa, celebrates her dream-worthy birthday with a one-of-a-kind celebration. In the new DVD, JoJo Siwa: Sweet Celebrations available September 17, 2019, JoJo embarks on the most epic 24 hours of her life filled with special guests and big surprises leading up to a birthday party she’ll never forget. The DVD also includes six episodes from JoJo’s animated YouTube series “The JoJo & BowBow Show Show,” which follows the adventures of JoJo and her dog BowBow. The JoJo Siwa: Sweet Celebrations DVD is available in North America (regional 1) from September 17, 2019 from Paramount Home Entertainment and Nickelodeon Home Entertainment for $10.99.

JoJo Siwa: Sweet Celebrations episodes:

-- JoJo’s Dream Birthday!

-- The JoJo & BowBow Show Show
- BowBow Steals the Spotlight?!
- JoJo’s CRAZIEST Flight Ever
- BowBow’s SECRET Fashion Show
- JoJo Makes BowBow’s DIY Dreams Come True
- BowBow vs. Beans: Battle of the Dog Bosses
- BowBow’s SECRET Hideout

Duration: 52 minutes.

SIWANATORZ in the U.K. can purchase this JoJo Siwa: Sweet Celebrations on DVD (region 2) from 21st October 2019 (includes 8 stickers)!

Nickelodeon superstar JoJo Siwa is a YouTube personality, singer, dancer, entrepreneur, social media influencer, New York Times bestselling author and star on Nickelodeon’s Lip Sync Battle Shorties. Siwa connects with her fans through many channels: via social media, where she currently has over 8.7 million followers on Instagram, over 17.5 million followers on TikTok, 430,000 Twitter followers, almost 580,000 likes on Facebook, and on YouTube, over 9.7 million subscribers with over 2.3 billion views; through her SIWANATORZ club, which stands against negativity and bullying; through her global reach of consumer products including her signature bows, accessories, apparel, arts and crafts, cosmetics, home goods and party supplies; and with her hugely popular singles, “Boomerang,” which has been viewed almost 709 million times and is RIAA certified platinum, “Kid in a Candy Store” which is RIAA certified gold, “Hold The Drama,” and “D.R.E.A.M.” JoJo has release 2 EP’s Celebrate released in April and D.R.E.A.M. The Music released in November last year.

The 16-year-old singer-dancer-actor launched her first animated shorts series, The JoJo & BowBow Show Show starring Siwa and her furry best friend BowBow (a second season is currently in the works), followed by JoJo’s Livin’ the D.R.E.A.M.. She also works alongside Nick Cannon in Nickelodeon’s hit competition series Lip Sync Battle Shorties. She has also appeared on various Nickelodeon live-action series including School of Rock and The Thundermans, and has starred in three of her own Nickelodeon specials, JoJo Siwa: My World, JoJo's Dream Birthday and JoJo's Follow Your D.R.E.A.M.. Siwa performed at Nickelodeon’s 2018 Kids’ Choice Awards and has won two blimps for Favorite Viral Music Artist in 2017 and Musical YouTube Creator in 2018. This summer, she performed at Nickelodeon’s 2018 Kids’ Choice Awards Mexico. JoJo Siwa has also performed for two years in a row at Nickelodeon SLIMEFEST in the UK (2017 and 2018) and Nickelodeon SlimeFest in the USA (2018 and 2019).

The Omaha, Neb., native is currently on her worldwide Nickelodeon’s JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. the Tour, which kicked off in May 2019, and will be extending her tour to the UK during Autumn 2019 and Australia in January 2020. For more information and tickets to Nickelodeon’s JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour, visit http://www.jojodreamtour.com.

More Nick:Nickelodeon Star JoJo Siwa Gets Her Own Dance-Tour Mobile Game, 'JoJo Siwa - Live to Dance'!

H/T: Movie City News; Source: FSM Media; Additional sources: HMV, Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and JoJo Siwa News and Highlights!

The Loud House Fan Theories REVEALED! 👀 | Nickelodeon

Loud House Fan Theories REVEALED! 👀 | Nick

Join Nick as their investigator uncovers some truths about The Loud House that will change the way you think about the show…FOREVER. You can catch more Loud House and all your favorite shows on Nickelodeon—that is, if your mind doesn’t melt when you try to wrap it around the deepest secrets in Lincoln’s universe. Good luck.

More Nick:Nickelodeon Makes Room for 'The Casagrandes' Beginning Monday, Oct. 14!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and The Loud House News and Highlights!

'Ricky Zoom' to Race into the UK on Nick Jr. and Milkshake!

Entertainment One (eOne) has announced the exciting news that it has inked a deal with Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) to bring the new preschool show Ricky Zoom to Nick Jr. and Milkshake! in the U.K. & Ireland!

Ricky Zoom series (season) one is set to premiere on Nick Jr. UK & Ireland on Saturday 5th October 2019, before making its debut on Milkshake!, the preschool programming block of the British commercial public service broadcaster (PSB) Channel 5 in May 2020.

The new eOne property recently made its debut on Nickelodeon in the U.S. on Monday 9th September 2019, and is also slated to be broadcast on Super RTL in Germany, Clan TV in Spain, Gulli in France, RAI in Italy, Youku in China, Discovery Kids in Latin America, Karusel in Russia, Minika Cocuk in Turkey and Spacetoon in the MENA region.

Parents and children alike will have the opportunity to race off into the wheeling world of Ricky Zoom, the brand-new CGI-animated action-adventure series. Hailing from Entertainment One (eOne), the studio behind global phenomenon Peppa Pig and hit shows such as Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom and PJ Masks, the new preschool series follows Ricky, a little red rescue bike, and his loyal Bike Buddies as they zoom around their Wheelford community helping others, trying out new stunts, and learning to stand on their own two wheels. Ricky Zoom season one consists of 26 half-hour episodes.

In the series premiere, “Flat Out Awesome/Ricky’s Rescue Coaching Badge,” Loop gets a flat tire and Ricky and the Bike Buddies must work together to make sure he doesn’t miss the Steel Awesome stunt show. Then, Ricky is eager to get his rescue badge.

Meet the Bike Buddies along for the ride:

  • Ricky Zoom– A little rescue bike that loves to go fast, Ricky is a loyal friend and natural leader of the Bike Buddies.
  • Loop Hoopla– An adventurous dirt bike with a happy-go-lucky attitude, Loop loves having fun and trying crazy new stunts.
  • Scootio Wizzbang– Scootio is bright, brainy and never afraid to speak her mind. She loves using her technical genius and gadgets to solve problems.
  • DJ Rumbler– DJ has a huge heart and would do anything for his friends. He also has a super toolbox and a robotic arm, so there is nothing he cannot build—or knock down.

Developed by Emmy Award-winning creator Alexander Bar and production house Frog Box, Ricky Zoom highlights the importance of friendship, resourcefulness, community and teamwork. Celebrating differences is one of many zoomtastic themes within the series.

Online at nickjr.co.uk and the Nick Jr. Play app, parents and preschoolers can find out more about Ricky Zoom as well as find exclusive colouring in activities, video clips - including the show's theme song - and games featuring their favourite Ricky Zoom characters. Fans can also like the official Nick Jr. UK & Ireland Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages and sign up to the official Nick Jr. Fan Club for the latest Nick Jr. news, highlights, video clips, competitions and more.

The official Ricky Zoom app, Welcome to Wheelford, is available today for free on iOS and Android platforms. Featuring fun mini-games and interactive playgrounds for kids to zoom into adventure and explore the world of Wheelford, the app allows audiences the ability to engage with the Bike Buddies on and off the screen, in addition to active social channels.

Monica Candiani, eOne’s Executive Vice President (EVP) of International Content Sales for Family and Brands, said: “The U.K. is an integral part of the international rollout of Ricky Zoom. Nick Jr. and Milkshake! have been our partners for 15 years with Peppa Pig and ten years of Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom and have a strong reputation for delivering top-tier programming in this crucial market. These new broadcast partnerships reflect our commitment to reaching audiences on the very best platforms and we’re confident that the show’s themes of vehicles, adventure and teamwork will resonate strongly with British preschoolers.”

eOne will present Ricky Zoom at Brand Licensing Europe (BLE) next month. TOMY is the current global master toy partner for the first wave of products expected to hit retail next year. The series is already off to a big start on Nickelodeon in the U.S. and has been a focal point in Hasbro’s recent acquisition of eOne.

More Nick:Get Set for More Fun with Peppa Pig and Friends with Nick Jr. Peppa this October on Nick Jr. Too UK!

H/T: Toy World Magazine; Source: TVKIDS; Additional sources: ToyNews, The Toy Book.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nick Jr. UK and Nickelodeon Preschool News and Highlights!

Всеология: встречай новых слайм-героев! | Nickelodeon Россия

Всеология: встречай новых слайм-героев! | Nickelodeon Россия

А какую супер-способность хотелось бы иметь тебе? Расскажи в комментариях!

Больше Nick:Nickelodeon Russia Premieres New Locally Produced Game Show 'Всеология'!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Russia and Всеология News and Highlights!

Slimefest | gesungenes Interview mit Spotlight und Joshua 🎵 | Nickelodeon Deutschland

Slimefest | gesungenes Interview mit Spotlight und Joshua 🎵 | Nickelodeon Deutschland

Wer hat sich beim gesungenen Interview am besten angestellt? Stimme jetzt in unserer Instagram Story ab! https://www.instagram.com/nickelodeondeutsch/

Joshuas Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoshuaLucaKirkland

Mehr SlimeFest Germany 2019 - http://www.nick.de/slimefest

Mehr Nick:School is in Session at the Berlin School of Arts When 'Spotlight' Returns for Season 4!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Germany, Austria and Switzerland and SLIMEFEST News and Highlights!



JoJo Siwa is currently in the midst of her first North American tour, Nickelodeon’s JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour, and will be extending her tour to the UK during Autumn 2019 and Australia in January 2020. For more information and tickets to Nickelodeon’s JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour, visit http://www.jojodreamtour.com.

More Nick:Nickelodeon to Premiere 'The JoJo & BowBow Show Show' Season 2 on Friday, September 27!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nick Jr., Nickelodeon Preschool and JoJo Siwa News and Highlights!

Power Rangers Beast Morphers Episode 10 Highlights | "Thrills And Drills" Official First Look

Update (9/20) - Power Rangers Beast Morphers Episode 10 Preview | Full Team Morph Official First Look

Power Rangers Beast Morphers Episode 10 "Thrills and Drills" Preview. First Team Morph with Gold and Silver Rangers in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.

Exclusive First Look of Power Rangers Beast Morphers Episode 10. "Thrills and Drills" premieres Saturday 8AM/ET.

Ravi must face one of his worst fears when it interferes with his Ranger duties.

Cast: Rorrie Travis (Devon / Red Ranger), Jazz Baduwalia (Ravi / Blue Ranger), Jacqueline Scislowski (Zoey / Yellow Ranger), Abraham Rodriguez (Nate / Gold Ranger), Jamie Linehan (Steel / Silver Ranger).

Power Rangers Beast Morphers - Ravi's Toothache | Episode 10 "Thrills and Drills"

The Power Rangers train at the Gym. Ravi (Blue Ranger) has a toothache.

Cast: Rorrie Travis (Devon / Red Ranger), Jazz Baduwalia (Ravi / Blue Ranger), Jacqueline Scislowski (Zoey / Yellow Ranger), Colby Strong (Blaze Ranger), Liana Ramirez (Roxy), Abraham Rodriguez (Nate / Gold Ranger), Kristina Ho (Betty), Cosme Flores (Ben) .

Power Rangers Beast Morphers - Face Your Fears | Episode 10 "Thrills and Drills"

Nate (Gold Ranger) teaches Ravi how to face his fear by facing his own fears of spiders. Blue, Gold, and Silver Rangers morph into action.

Cast: Jazz Baduwalia (Ravi / Blue Ranger), Abraham Rodriguez (Nate / Gold Ranger), Jamie Linehan (Steel / Silver Ranger) .

Power Rangers Beast Morphers - Power Rangers vs Roxy | Episode 10 "Thrills and Drills"

Power Rangers vs Roxy, Tronics, and Drilltron Battle in Power Rangers Beast Morphers Episode 10.

Cast: Jazz Baduwalia (Ravi / Blue Ranger), Abraham Rodriguez (Nate / Gold Ranger), Jamie Linehan (Steel / Silver Ranger) .

Power Rangers Beast Morphers - Megazord Battle | Episode 10 "Thrills and Drills"

Power Rangers Beast Morphers Episode 10 Megazord Battle. Beast-X Megazord vs Gigadrone.

The Power Rangers summon their zords and form the Beast-X Megazord.

Cast: Rorrie Travis (Devon / Red Ranger), Jazz Baduwalia (Ravi / Blue Ranger), Jacqueline Scislowski (Zoey / Yellow Ranger) .

Power Rangers Beast Morphers Episode 10 Ending Theme | Hasbro Superheroes

Power Rangers Beast Morphers Episode 10 Ending Theme Credits and Theme Song.

Cast: Rorrie Travis (Devon / Red Ranger), Jazz Baduwalia (Ravi / Blue Ranger), Jacqueline Scislowski (Zoey / Yellow Ranger), Abraham Rodriguez (Nate / Gold Ranger), Jamie Linehan (Steel / Silver Ranger) .

Original post:

The Beast Morphers team get into a heated battle in this exclusive clip!

Nickelodeon USA is set to premiere the tenth episode of Power Rangers Beast Morphers, "Thrills and Drills" on Saturday, September 21, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. (ET/PT), and to celebrate, Den of Geek has unveiled a super sneak peek clip from episode 10, which you can watch in the morphinominal video below!:

A full group morph just sends chills down your spine, doesn't it? Especially during a fight like this. It's also a great showcase for the American original footage the series has been using a lot of this season. Beast Morphers really loves to show off their original stuff! If you want more details about the episode, scroll down for the official synopsis below.

Power Rangers Beast Morphers Episode 10 "Thrills And Drills" (#910):
Ravi (Jazz Baduwalia) must face one of his worst fears when it interferes with his Ranger duties.

Judging from the clip above, fans can assume it'll have something to do with going to see the dentist! Ah, Power Rangers. You always find a way to work in the characters fears into something wacky. Make sure to tune into Power Rangers Beast Morphers'"Thrills and Drills" when it premieres on Saturday at 8:00 a.m. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon USA!

If you need more Beast Morphers content check out Den of Geek's podcast interview with the Gold Ranger himsef, Abraham Rodriguez.

Connect with Power Rangers:powerrangers.com | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

More Nick:The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Team Up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in New Comic Series from BOOM! Studios!

Originally published: Thursday, September 19, 2019 at 19:39 BST.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Power Rangers News and Highlights!

Bubble Guppies New Season Trailer + Meet Zooli! | Nick Jr.

Bubble Guppies New Season Trailer + Meet Zooli! | Nick Jr.

It’s time for Bubble Guppies! In this all new season, the guppies sing, dance, and play their way through epic adventures filled with valuable preschool lessons – all with their new guppy friend, Zooli! Get to know Zooli in this exclusive sneak peek and check out all new Bubble Guppies adventures starting Friday, September 27th on Nickelodeon! Click the following link for more info!: http://nickalive.blogspot.com/2019/06/nickelodeon-renews-four-hit-series-from.html

Welcome Zooli!

More Nick:Nickelodeon to Premiere 'Blue's Clues & You' in November 2019!

Kids can watch their favorite Nick Jr. shows weekdays on Nickelodeon and all week long on the Nick Jr. channel: http://nickjr.com/tvschedule/

Preschoolers can watch full episodes online, play games, and discover silly surprises in the free Nick Jr. App and at NickJr.com. Stream Nick Jr. for free in the Nick Jr. App on Roku and Apple TV or download full episodes for offline viewing on iTunes or Google Play.

You can also download premium apps featuring your child's favorite Nick Jr. shows on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, including Nick Jr. Draw and Play and Nick Jr. Let’s Learn!

Watch more Nick Jr. everyday for FREE on Nick Jr. Pluto TV!

More Nick:Nick Jr. Live! "Move To The Music" U.S. Theatrical Tour Dates!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nick Jr., Nickelodeon Preschool and Bubble Guppies News and Highlights!

Victorious Karaoke | Freak The Freak Out | Nickelodeon UK

Kel Mitchell Reacts to his Best Kenan & Kel Scenes! 😎 | NickRewind

Kel Mitchell Reacts to his Best Kenan & Kel Scenes! 😎 | NickRewind

Kel looks back on some of his best work and reminisces on his most iconic scenes! Watch more of your favorite shows on Nickelodeon!


Good luck on Dancing with the Stars, Kel! :)

Watch all your ‘80s, ‘90s, and ‘00s Nickelodeon favorites on NickRewind, your late-night destination for your favorite childhood Nickelodeon cartoons and live-action shows! NickSplat doesn't question football-shaped heads, but embrace them - along with Reptar bars, a Big Ear of Corn, orange soda, and even slime for Pete (and Pete's) sake. Make your slime-covered Nickelodeon childhood dreams come true every night on TeenNick USA, and anytime you want on NickSplat on VRV AND NOW ON Nick Pluto TV!

Like NickRewind on Facebook, subscribe to the NickRewind YouTube channel and follow NickRewind on Twitter and Instagram for exclusive digital content from all of your throwback favorites like Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, iCarly, Victorious, Kenan & Kel, CatDog, Doug, Rocko’s Modern Life, The Amanda Show, Clarissa Explains It All, The Ren & Stimpy Show, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, and so much more!

Join Nickelodeon's official I Was A Nick Kid Facebook Group!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IWasANickKid/

More Nick:Nickelodeon Orders Up All That-Inspired Good Burger Pop-up with Team Behind Viral Saved by The Max; To Visit Chicago in 2020!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Kenan & Kel News and Highlights!

Halloween Haunted Playlist! 🎃 SpongeBob, The Loud House & More Get Spooky! | #MusicMonday | Nickelodeon

Halloween Haunted Playlist! 🎃 SpongeBob, The Loud House & More Get Spooky! | #MusicMonday

There’s nothing like a Halloween bop! 🎶 Celebrate the spooky season with this Halloween playlist, featuring some of Nickelodeon’s finest haunted classics. Catch more SpongeBob SquarePants, The Loud House, The Thundermans, Alvinnn!!! and the Chipmunks, and School of Rock, only on Nick!

What is YOUR #1 Nick Halloween anthem? 🎃👻

More Nick:Nickelodeon USA's October 2019 Premiere Highlights | Halloween | Nick or Treat!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Halloween on Nickelodeon News and Highlights!

Grand Prix du Roman NICKELODEON TEEN | Playlist | Nickelodeon France

Update (23/9) - From Leblogtvnews.com:

La chaîne jeunesse Nickelodeon Teen lance son Grand Prix du Roman.

La chaîne jeunesse NICKELODEON TEEN lance son Grand Prix du Roman, avec pour objectif de donner le goût de la lecture aux jeunes.

10 romans de genres diversifiés (aventure, romance, policier, etc) ont ainsi été présélectionnés en cohérence avec les valeurs de la chaîne. Ces ouvrages mettent notamment en scène des héroïnes fortes auxquelles les téléspectatrices peuvent s'identifier et abordent des thèmes et des problématiques du quotidien tels que l'intégration, le harcèlement scolaire ou encore la persévérance.

Prix du jury :

10 téléspectateurs ont accepté de faire partie du jury et de se prêter au jeu pour récompenser une nouveauté roman parmi une liste de 5 titres.

En compétition, on retrouve :

Samantha Spinner et les plans supersecrets (ed. Flammarion) de Russell Ginns,

Le Pâtissier de mes rêves (ed. Akata) de Takafumi Nanatsuki,

Magikids (ed. Bayard) de Neil Patrick Harris,

Aru Shah et la lampe du chaos (ed. Albin Michel) de Roshani Chokshi,

Mila et le chat mystérieux (ed. Auzou) de Marie Leymarie.

Prix des téléspectateurs :

Pour ce second prix, ce sont tous les téléspectateurs de la chaîne qui décident ! Dès le 23 septembre et jusqu'au 6 octobre, ils pourront voter pour leur saga de romans préférée en se rendant sur le site evenements.nickelodeon.fr.

En compétition :

Allô Sorcières (ed. Poulpe Fictions) de Anne-Fleur Multon,

Les enquêtes d'Alfred et Agatha (ed. Bayard) d'Ana Campoy,

Journal d'une peste (ed. Pocket) de Virginy L. Sam et Marie-Anne Abesdris,

Gardiens des cités perdues (ed. Pocket) de Shannon Messenger,

Billie Jazz (ed. Hachette) de Geneviève Guilbault.

Les résultats seront révélés dans l’émission Fresh sur NICKELODEON TEEN à partir du 14 octobre dans une semaine spéciale Grand Prix du Roman.


Grand Prix du Roman NICKELODEON TEEN : Mila et le chat mystérieux | Nickelodeon France

Nickelodeon Teen célèbre la littérature avec le GRAND PRIX DU ROMAN NICKELODEON TEEN !

Découvre une sélection de nouveautés avec le Grand Prix du Jury : MILA ET LE CHAT MYSTERIEUX

Plus d’informations sur https://evenements.nickelodeon.fr/grand_prix_roman/0/Jl1pr/

Grand Prix du Roman NICKELODEON TEEN : Samantha Spinner et les plans supersecrets

Nickelodeon Teen célèbre la littérature avec le GRAND PRIX DU ROMAN NICKELODEON TEEN !

Découvre une sélection de nouveautés avec le Grand Prix du Jury : SAMANTHA SPINNER ET LES PLANS SUPERSECRETS

Plus d’informations sur https://evenements.nickelodeon.fr/grand_prix_roman/0/Jl1pr/

Grand Prix du Roman NICKELODEON TEEN : Magikids | Nickelodeon France

Nickelodeon Teen célèbre la littérature avec le GRAND PRIX DU ROMAN NICKELODEON TEEN !

Découvre une sélection de nouveautés avec le Grand Prix du Jury : MAGIKIDS

Plus d’informations sur https://evenements.nickelodeon.fr/grand_prix_roman/0/Jl1pr/

Grand Prix du Roman NICKELODEON TEEN : Le pâtissier de mes rêves | Nickelodeon France

Nickelodeon Teen célèbre la littérature avec le GRAND PRIX DU ROMAN NICKELODEON TEEN !

Découvre une sélection de nouveautés avec le Grand Prix du Jury : LE PÂTISSIER DE MES RÊVES

Plus d’informations sur https://evenements.nickelodeon.fr/grand_prix_roman/0/Jl1pr/

Grand Prix du Roman NICKELODEON TEEN : Aru Shah et la lampe du chaos | Nickelodeon France

Nickelodeon Teen célèbre la littérature avec le GRAND PRIX DU ROMAN NICKELODEON TEEN !

Découvre une sélection de nouveautés avec le Grand Prix du Jury : ARU SHAH ET LA LAMPE DU CHAOS

Plus d’informations sur https://evenements.nickelodeon.fr/grand_prix_roman/0/Jl1pr/

ANIMAL JACK sera-t-il le grand gagnant du Grand Prix du Jury ? Pour le savoir rendez-vous le 27 mai sur NICKELODEON pour connaître le verdict du jury !

Plus d’infos sur evenements.nickelodeon.fr.

Plus Nickelodeon:Nickelodeon France to Launch Bookids, a New Subscription-Based Digital Reading Service for Kids!

Originally published: Tuesday, September 10, 2019.

Additional source: DeepL Translator, Google Translate.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon France News and Highlights!

ivi Russia Acquires Rights to Nickelodeon Programming, Channel for Streaming Service

ivi, a leading Russian online video streaming service, has acquired the rights to a number of hit Nickelodeon series, including PAW Patrol, SpongeBob SquarePants, Dora the Explorer and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, in a large scale deal with Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) Россия. The deal also includes the rights to broadcast 10 Viacom channels, including Nickelodeon, on the service. ivi (ivi.ru) will add the series and channels to the streaming service in September 2019.

From https://www.kommersant.ru:

Ivi вызвал «Щенячий патруль»
Онлайн-кинотеатр закупился контентом

Американская Viacom заключила крупнейшую для себя сделку по продаже контента на российском интернет-рынке. Пакет ее мультсериалов, включая популярный в России «Щенячий патруль», а также десять телеканалов, среди которых Paramount Comedy и Nickelodeon, будет показывать ivi. Главным конкурентом онлайн-кинотеатров за детскую аудиторию остаются не традиционные телеканалы, а YouTube, на котором анимационные проекты в среднем получают около 20% дохода.

Онлайн-кинотеатр ivi заключил сделку с Viacom International Media Networks по покупке анимационных сериалов, сообщили “Ъ” представители компаний. Стоимость сделки и ее срок они не раскрывают. В нее войдут 75 сезонов анимационных сериалов, включая «Щенячий патруль», «Губка Боб Квадратные Штаны», «Даша-путешественница», «Черепашки-ниндзя» и др. Они появятся в сервисе в сентябре, затем еще около 100 новых сезонов будут доступны в режиме catch up («вслед за эфиром»), уточняют в ivi. Также сделка включает права на вещание десяти телеканалов Viacom, в том числе Paramount Comedy, Nickelodeon, MTV Hits и др. Таким образом, «ivi станет единственной платформой, где будут доступны все ключевые франшизы медиахолдинга». Для Viacom это «одна из ключевых сделок» на рынке сервисов video-on-demand, говорит ее представитель.

Монетизировать контент ivi планирует в том числе по рекламной модели, около 900 серий контента Viacom будут доступны без подписки.
По словам представителя компании, осенью ivi также планирует перезапуск детского приложения. Доля детского смотрения на ivi составляет 37%. Выручка сервиса по итогам 2018 года выросла на 62%, до 3,9 млрд руб. Доля компании на рынке легального онлайн-видео в России, по оценке Telecom Daily, по итогам полугодия составила 26,4%.

Конкуренты ivi на онлайн-рынке ранее тоже закупали контент Viacom, но не в таких масштабах. В библиотеке «Кинопоиска» есть «Щенячий патруль», «Вспыш и чудо-машинки», «Даша-путешественница» и др., говорит директор по развитию медиасервисов «Яндекса» Ольга Филипук. Megogo также работает с Viacom, говорит гендиректор сервиса в России Виктор Чеканов, не уточняя деталей. На Viacom приходится примерно треть детской библиотеки tvzavr, говорит директор сервиса по контенту Елена Хлебникова.

«Viacom — один из трех основных западных анимационных мейджоров наряду с Disney и Cartoon Network, это сильный пакет для интернет-сервиса»,— отмечает гендиректор «Ноль плюс медиа» («Ми-ми-мишки», «Сказочный патруль» и др.) Александр Саблуков. По его словам, «Ноль плюс медиа» продает часть контента онлайн-кинотеатрам, а основную часть показывает в собственном приложении «Мульт». В целом же для правообладателей интернет-сервисы становятся значимым способом монетизации. «Они готовы платить за контент существенные деньги в отличие от телеканалов, которые в первую очередь дают брендам охват и возможность зарабатывать на лицензиях»,— поясняет господин Саблуков. Но прямой конкуренции между онлайн-кинотеатрами и детскими телеканалами пока не видно, считает он: это «разные ситуации смотрения и разная мотивация правообладателей». Онлайн-кинотеатры скорее конкурируют с детским сегментом YouTube, от монетизации на котором анимационный проект сейчас получает в среднем около 20% дохода, указывает эксперт.

«YouTube создавался не для детей, поэтому в 2015 году мы запустили приложение — YouTube Детям, сейчас у приложения в мире 22 млн активных зрителей в неделю»,— комментируют в пресс-службе Google, не уточняя данных по РФ. «Предсказывать, что пользователи будут смотреть, действительно сложно — "YouTube Детям"сильно отличается от онлайн-кинотеатров, поскольку в сервисе много контента. Мы рассматриваем эту ситуацию как сосуществование и взаимодополняемость, а не целенаправленную конкуренцию»,— говорит представитель компании.

Контент Viacom востребован и на российском ТВ.

Так, «Щенячий патруль», который транслирует канал «Карусель», по данным Mediascope, занимает четвертое место среди самых популярных сериалов в аудитории 4–12 лет, его рейтинг в городах с населением более 100 тыс. в первом полугодии 2019 года составляет 6,8%, доля — 40,8%. У Viacom также традиционно сильные в России позиции на рынке платного ТВ, например, канал Nickelodeon входит в топ-5 детских тематических каналов по размеру аудитории, отмечает директор департамента ТВ и контента Jason & Partners Consulting Дмитрий Колесов.

По данным Mediascope за первое полугодие, в телеэфире Nickelodeon охватывает 3,1% российской аудитории в возрасте от 4 до 12 лет (у лидера — канала «Карусель» — 24,5%). В целом же детское телесмотрение снижается, при этом наиболее сильное падение наблюдается в категории подростков 14–17 лет, среди которых с 2014 по 2018 год среднесуточное время просмотра ТВ снизилось с более двух до полутора часов.


From Roem.ru:

ivi вооружился против YouTube мультиками и ТВ-каналами Viacom

Онлайн-кинотеатр ivi купил у Viacom International Media Networks права на анимационные сериалы и OTT-вещание десяти телеканалов Viacom, в том числе: MTV Hits, Nickelodeon, Paramount Comedy, рассказали «Коммерсанту» договорившиеся стороны. Стоимость прав и длительность договорённостей партнёры не раскрыли. «Ivi станет единственной платформой, где будут доступны все ключевые франшизы медиахолдинга», — уточнили в кинотеатре, включая популярные «Губка Боб», «Даша-путешественница», «Черепашки-ниндзя», «Щенячий патруль». У «Кинопоиска» (Яндекса), Megogo, tvzavr коллекции меньше. По статистике ivi доля детского смотрения составляет у него 37%.

Основным конкурентом ivi следует рассматривать детский сегмент YouTube, считает гендиректор «Ноль плюс медиа» Александр Саблуков (распространяют «Сказочный патруль», «Ми-ми-мишки»), а не другие онлайн-кинотеатры или ТВ. Глобальный видеосервис приносит анимационному проекту 20% дохода, рассказал Александр. Ivi покажет часть контента Viacom бесплатно, с рекламой, по модели американской видеоплощадки.

По данным Mediascope в России снижается детское телесмотрение, чаще всего отказываются от ТВ подростки 14−17 лет. По статистике за 2014—2018 годы они стали смотреть ТВ лишь полтора часа в сутки вместо более чем двух в прошлом.


From The Hollywood Reporter:

Viacom Inks Major Deal With Russian Online Video Service ivi

The deal covers such titles as 'SpongeBob SquarePants' and 'PAW Patrol.'
Major Russian online video service ivi has concluded a licensing deal with Viacom, covering 175 seasons of children's television series, including SpongeBob SquarePants and PAW Patrol in one of Russia's largest online video content deals.

Among other titles included in the deal are Dora the Explorer, Blaze and the Monster Machines and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

As part of the deal, the Russian video service will also broadcast Viacom's 10 TV channels, including Paramount Comedy, Nickelodeon and MTV Hits, becoming the only online platform in Russia where all Viacom franchises are available.

The agreement, the value of which has not been disclosed, is reportedly set to be the biggest deal involving Viacom's programming in Russia. So far, ivi's competitors, including KinoPoisk, run by online giant Yandex, Megogo and tvzavr, have offered some Viacom content, but as part of much smaller deals, mostly covering just a few titles.

ivi offers its customers subscription and ad-supported models. About 900 series licensed under the recent Viacom deal are expected to be available under the ad-supported model.

PAW Patrol is Russia's fourth most popular television series among the 4-12 age group. Viacom's Nickelodeon is on the top 5 of children's TV channels in Russia.


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Originally published: Thursday, September 12, 2019.

Additional sources: DeepL Translator, Google Translate, Wikipedia.
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