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Nickelodeon News Round-Up - Issue 41: Global Edition

Below is a round-up of aweslime Nickelodeon International news and highlights!:

April 2016 on Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe (CEE):

This April, Nick CEE will be premiering:

- More brand-new episodes of "100 Things to Do Before High School" ("100 dolog a gimi előtt") weekdays at 17:10!;

- More brand-new episodes of "Bella and the Bulldogs" ("Bella és a Bulldogok") every Sunday at 19:45!;

- Brand-new "Dora and Friends: Into the City" ("Dóra és barátai") specials every Friday at 10:50am from 8th April 2016!:

2016.04.08 - 10:50 - 2x02 - Return to the Rainforest
2016.04.15 - 10:50 - 2x15 - Return to Rainbow Rock/A Swiper Emergency
2016.04.22 - 10:50 - 2x16 - Night Circus

- The brand-new "Blaze and the Monster Machines" ("Láng és a szuperverdák") special "Race to the Top of the World" ("Verseny a világ tetejére") on Friday 1st April 2016 at 09:45!;

- Brand-new episodes of "Shimmer és Shine, a dzsinn testvérek" (1x12, 14, 16-18) weekdays at 08:40 from 25th April 2016!;

- Brand-new episodes of "Winx Club" season 7 weekdays at 07:45!:

2016.04.11 - 07:45 - 7x14 - Kristály átalakulás (Tynix Transformation)
2016.04.12 - 07:45 - 7x15 - Varázskövek (The Magic Stones)
2016.04.13 - 07:45 - 7x16 - Visszatérés a Paradicsom Öbölbe (Back To Paradise Bay)
2016.04.14 - 07:45 - 7x17 - Cseppben a tenger (Lost In A Droplet)
2016.04.15 - 07:45 - 7x18 - Banánok napja (Banana Day)
2016.04.18 - 07:45 - 7x19 - Magix szivárványa (The Magix Rainbow)
2016.04.19 - 07:45 - 7x20 - Bébi Winx (Baby Winx)
2016.04.20 - 07:45 - 7x21 - A világ a feje tetejére áll (It's A Crazy, Crazy World)
2016.04.21 - 07:45 - 7x22 - A Gyémántkirályság (The Kingdom Of Diamonds)
2016.04.22 - 07:45 - 7x23 - Alfea titka (The Secret Of Alfea)
2016.04.25 - 07:45 - 7x24 - Az arany pillangó (The Golden Butterfly)
2016.04.26 - 07:45 - 7x25 - A mágia új harmóniája (New Magic Harmony)
2016.04.27 - 07:45 - 7x26 - A tündérállatok ereje (The Power Of The Fairy Animals) - évadzáró

Additionally, Nick CEE will holding a "Tündéri keresztszülők"-marathon on Sunday 10th April 2016 at 12:25-17:40, and will be airing Nickelodeon Specials every Sunday at 11:20pm (encores the following Saturday at 11:20pm)!:

2016.04.03 - Big Time Rush: A nagy díjátadó
2016.04.10 - A Fairly Odd Summer (Tündéri keresztszülők csodálatos nyaralása)
2016.04.17 - iCarly: iStill Psycho (Még mindig pszicho)
2016.04.24 - (One Crazy Cruise) Egy észvesztő hajóút

Source: Gyerek-Világ.

April 2016 on Nick Jr. Central and Eastern Europe (CEE):

This April, Nick Jr. CEE will be premiering:

- Brand-new "Dora and Friends: Into the City" ("Dóra és barátai") specials every Saturday from 9th April 2016!:

2016.04.09 - 03:30/15:30 - 2x02 - Return to the Rainforest
2016.04.16 - 03:30/15:30 - 2x15 - Return to Rainbow Rock/A Swiper Emergency
2016.04.23 - 03:30/15:30 - 2x16 - Night Circus

- Brand-new episodes of "Fresh Beat Band of Spies" ("Fresh Beat, a kémcsapat"; 1x07-09, 17) everyday between Saturday 2nd and Tuesday 5th April 2016 at 21:20!;

- The brand-new "Blaze and the Monster Machines" ("Láng és a szuperverdák") special "Race to the Top of the World" ("Verseny a világ tetejére") on Saturday 2nd April 2016 at 04:15/16:15!;

- Brand-new episodes of "Shimmer és Shine, a dzsinn testvérek" (1x12, 14, 16-18) everyday at 19:35 from Sunday 24th to Thursday 28th April 2016!;

Additionally, Nick Jr. CEE will be airing a selection of Nickelodeon Preschool specials every weekend in April 2016! Each special will air on Saturdays at 19:10 and Sundays at 07:10-kor:

2016-04-02/03 - Team Umizoomi: Journey to Numberland (Umizoomi csapat: A számok királya)
2016-04-09/10 - Go, Diego, Go!: Diego's Great Dinosaur Rescue (Diego dinoszaurusz-mentőakciója)
2016-04-16/17 - Láng és a szuperverdák: Race to the Top of the World
2016-04-23/24 Ni hao, Kai Lan: Kai-lan Goes to China (Kai Lan Kínába megy)
2016-04-30/05-01 Dóra, a felfedező: Dora's Fairytale Adventure (Dóra Meseországban)

Sources: Gyerek-Világ, Team Umizoomi Wiki, IMDb, Amazon.com, Dora the Explorer Wiki.

April 2016 on Nickelodeon Africa:

New Episodes - Game Shakers - Monday 2 May 2016 @ 17:25 CAT:

How cool would it be to have your own company? And wouldn't it be even cooler if it was one that made games and the other employees were your best friends? And what if an internationally famous rap star was your partner? Welcome to the world of Kenzie, Babe, Triple G and Hudson... also known as the GAME SHAKERS! They are only 12 years old, but these kids are a sensation in the world of gaming. But while they’re busy running an empire, they also have to juggle school, homework and competitors, and deal with the normal challenges of preteen life – boys and staying cool. Catch up with them in these all-new episodes of "Game Shakers"!

New Episodes - 100 Things to Do Before High School - Monday 2 May 2016 @ 09:45 CAT

Growing up can be scary and exciting. That's why, before stepping into high school and all its drama and challenges, lifelong friends CJ, Fenwick and Crispo are determined to make their last years of middle school EPIC! Together, they carry out a bucket list to take chances and experience life while they still can, and make their last few years the best ever! In this brand new season, Crispo joins the most popular club at school and Fen joins the genius group. CJ is left without her pals... but she's not prepared to sit around and do nothing.

New Episodes - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles season four - Saturday 7 May 2016 @ 06:20 CAT

Grab your favourite pizza and take your favourite spot on the couch because the fun never stops on Nickelodeon! Remember where we left our turtles the last time? They were in space chasing intergalactic villains and nasty alien creatures. In all new epsiodes this month, microscopic aliens invade Mikey’s mind and the Turtles have to chase them through the strange world of Mikey's subconscious! Then the Turtles are captured and thrown into the Triceraton Arena. Sounds like an epic fight is in the horizon. Most exciting of all, the brothers will find the next piece of the Black Hole Generator and make a journey to another dimension, where, guess what... THEY'LL MEET THEIR 80s COUNTERPARTS!

Source: Entertainment Inside Us.

April 2016 on Nicktoons Africa:

New Show - Peppa Pig - From Monday 2 May 2016 @ 06:25 CAT:

Peppa is no ordinary pig. While she does love to run and splash in the mud (who doesn't?) she goes to school, wears clothes and experiences different life events as exciting adventures, just like any normal four year old. Join Peppa, her family and her animal friends on their everyday journeys of discovery in this new show!

New Episodes - The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius - From Monday 2 May 2016 @ 14:45 CAT:

Jimmy Neutron is crazy smart! He can come up with inventions to get himself out of just about any sticky situation. Luckily, he uses his brain to solve problems that don't only affect him. In these all new episodes of "The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron", he and his Dog Goddard, as well as his two best buddies, Carl and Sheen, get up to a little bit of mischief as they tackle their biggest challenges.

New Episodes - Winx Club season 5 - From Monday 2 May 2016 @ 18:30 CAT:

The Winx Club is back to fight the good fight against an awful new villain named Tritannus. But their Believix powers aren’t much use in their new quest as Tritannus lives underwater where their wings stop working. Watch as they meet magical new friends who are happy to assist them in stopping the evil Tritannus before he gets too powerful!

New Episodes - The Ren & Stimpy Show - Sunday 8 May 2016 @ 08:05 CAT:

Nicktoons is the best in funny cartoons. Ren, the temperamental little Chihuahua and his dim-witted Cat sidekick, Stimpy, get up to the most insane and outrageous adventures in the latest episodes of "Ren & Stimpy". Expect a haunted house, more cheese than the odd pair can handle and a whole lot more weirdness. Whatever mischief they get up to though, you're guaranteed to have a good giggle!

Jimmy's Invention Stunt - Starts Monday 9 May, then Monday to Friday from 14:45 CAT:

A showcase of Jimmy Neutron's most awesome inventions is coming right at you! This special programming event looks at some of the incredible devices Jimmy has created, including the Time Replay Remote, the Time Pincher, the Dream Injector 5000 and the Brobot. It seems there's no problem this highly creative boy can't solve with one of his brilliant inventions!

Source: Entertainment Inside Us.

April 2016 on Nick Jr. Africa:

New Episodes - PAW Patrol - Sunday 1 May @ 19:10:

Marshall, Chase, Rubble, Rocky, Zuma and Skye are six cute and brave rescue Dogs who keep their town and all its people safe. Ryder, their 10-year-old leader, is teaching them to sniff out danger and do whatever it takes to help the folk in their community. Their motto for any situation that pops up is: "No job is too big, no Pup is too small!"

New Episodes - Little Charmers - Sunday 1 May @ 15:30:

In the magical kingdom of Charmville, a special and gifted group of friends are learning that with great power comes great responsibility. Hazel and her two besties, Posie and Lavender, have magical abilities, but they don't know how to control their powers yet. In order to harness their gifts, the trio are sent on adventures meant to test them.

New Episodes - Dora and Friends: Into the City! - Saturday 28 May @ 15:30:

Young fans of "Dora the Explorer" will love this animated spin-off. Dora starts school in the city of Playa Verde and meets a new group of friends: Kate, Naiya, Emma, Alana and Pablo. The group explore their city by using Dora's new smartphone to navigate the way.

New Episodes - Fresh Beat Band of Spies - Monday 30 May @ 09:20:

This incredible pop group is all about solving mysteries, playing gigs and having loads of fun. Marina, Shout, Kiki and Twist are super spies posing as a band of musicians. Along with their Chimp sidekick, Bo Monkey, they use their music, teamwork and spy skills to save the world from
all sorts of danger.

Outta Space - Sunday 22 May and Monday 23 May Starts @ 20:30:

Some of your favourite Nick Jr. characters are finding themselves on a space mission this month! Watch the pups from "Paw Patrol" help to save a space alien, see "Zack & Quack" head off on a mission to the moon, while in "Max & Ruby", Max pretends to be a space bunny. Then, in the
"Bubble Guppies", Goby meets two astronomers who are looking for the moon, and visits the planetarium. Don't miss a moment of this special programming strip, it's going to be out of this world!

Programming Stunts & Events:

Sunday Movies

Dora the Explorer: Dora in Wonderland
PREMIERE: Saturday, 30 April @ 19:10 and Sunday, 1 May @ 07:10.

Go Diego Go!: Tuga Helps the Moon
PREMIERE: Saturday, 7 May @ 19:10 and Sunday, 8 May @ 07:10.

Bubble Guppies: Bubble Puppy’s Fin-tastic Fairytale
PREMIERE: Saturday, 14 May @ 19:10 and Sunday, 15 May @ 07:10.

Paw Patrol: Pups Save the Dinosaur
PREMIERE: Saturday, 21 May @ 19:10 and Sunday, 22 May @ 07:10.

Umizoomi: The Shape Bandit
PREMIERE: Saturday, 28 May @ 19:10 and Sunday, 29 May @ 07:10.

Source: Entertainment Inside Us.

April 2016 on Nickelodeon Latin America (Latinoamérica):


March 2016 on Nickelodeon Brazil (Brasil):


Additional Nickelodeon International news and highlights:

Nickelodeon Netherlands' (Nederland) to premiere new movie "Dummie de Mummie"on Easter Monday, 28th March 2016!;

Nickelodeon France to hold a "Un jour, un selfie" stunt from Monday 4th April 2016! Viewers can win Nick-tastic prizes, such as a sign "Make It Pop" poster, "Every Witch Way" mugs, "Big Time Rush" headphones and more!:

Nickelodeon France debuted "Bella and the Bulldogs" ("Bella et les Bulldogs") season two on Nickelodeon 4Teen on Monday 21st March 2016!;

Nickelodeon Germany (Deutschland) to premiere "Talia in the Kitchen"in June 2016!;

Nickelodeon Germany to premiere brand-new episodes of "Sanjay & Craig" weekdays at 13:50 Uhr from Monday 25th April 2016!;

Nickelodeon Germany to premiere new episodes of "Breadwinners" ("Die Brot-Piloten") from Monday 11th April 2016!;

Nickelodeon Germany to premiere brand-new episodes of "SpongeBob Schwammkopf" weekdays at 17:25 Uhr from Monday 25th April 2016!;

Nickelodeon Germany to premiere brand-new episodes of "Game Shakers" weekdays at 18:45 Uhr from Monday 18th April 2016!;

Nickelodeon Germany to premiere brand-new episodes of "Winx Club" season 7 weekdays at 15:45 Uhr from Friday 6th May 2016!;

Nickelodeon Germany to premiere brand-new episodes of "Henry Danger" weekdays at 18:15 from Monday 4th April 2016!;

Nickelodeon Spain (Espana) launches "Nicknutos musicales" website!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon International News and Highlights!

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