As part of Nickelodeon's 25 Years of Nickelodeon Animation Celebration, Nickelodeon has commissioned a series of custom-animated throwback Vines from artists in the studio, on the internet, and around the globe.
Check out Nickelodeon's first two Vines to celebrate Nickelodeon Animation's 25th anniversary below!:
This amazing morph featuring many popular Nicktoons stars was created by cartoonist M. Wartella and Dream Factory Animation with music by Nickelodeon's own Jonathan Hylander:
Cowabunga, dude! This Turtley Awesome custom TMNT Vine to celebrate 25 Years of Nickelodeon Animation was created by Jonathan Djob Nkondo!:
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon's 25 Years of Animation News and Highlights!
As part of Nickelodeon's 25 Years of Nickelodeon Animation Celebration, Nickelodeon has commissioned a series of custom-animated throwback Vines from artists in the studio, on the internet, and around the globe.
Check out Nickelodeon's first two Vines to celebrate Nickelodeon Animation's 25th anniversary below!:
This amazing morph featuring many popular Nicktoons stars was created by cartoonist M. Wartella and Dream Factory Animation with music by Nickelodeon's own Jonathan Hylander:
Cowabunga, dude! This Turtley Awesome custom TMNT Vine to celebrate 25 Years of Nickelodeon Animation was created by Jonathan Djob Nkondo!:
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon's 25 Years of Animation News and Highlights!