Nickelodeon Portugal has announced the very exciting news that they have released a localised version of Nickelodeon's award-winning Nick App!
Launched on Tuesday 30th June 2015, the Nick App features a entirely new immersive Portuguese-language digital experience that allows NickHeads to interact with their favorite Nickelodeon characters in an innovative and creative environment, as well as serving as a attractive new alternative for brands and partners to connect with the Nickelodeon audience. The Nick App available to download for free for iOS and Android devices!
The Nick App brings allows Nickelodeon fans to explore a laughter and slime-filled world that showcases content from hit Nickelodeon and Nicktoons shows and original series developed and produced exclusively for digital platforms, bring the Nickelodeon Universe to their fingertips!
Nickelodeon's brand-new Nick App has everything kids have wished for, including an enigmatic and hilarious slime green "não carregues aqui" button that will bring fans a new surprise every time they touch it, including SpongeBob surfing and a burping Donkey, providing lots of LOL moments.
With an intuitive, dynamic and visually appealing layout, the Nick App user interface meets the brand-new official website of the channel, launched in March 2015. The Nick App intends to bring fans closer to their favourite Nickelodeon stars and characters, no matter where they are!
According to the study "Kids of Today and Tomorrow", organized by Nickelodeon, 57% of children aged between 9 and 14 have a mobile phone (28% a smartphone). Additionally, 80% of Portuguese children are already on social networks (versus 61% globally) and 71% say they love technology (compared with 50% globally).
The Nick App will be updated with new content daily, providing fans with new original, hilarious and interactive experiences everyday.
Nickelodeon is the most watched children's channel worldwide, and features beloved series and characters adored by kids everywhere, including "SpongeBob SquarePants", "Dora the Explorer", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and "Sanjay and Craig". In Portugal, Nickelodeon is a exclusive channel available on the NOS network.
Launched in 2014, the Nick App has already been downloaded 16 million downloads globally, including over 220,000 times in the UK.
Download the Nick App from the Apple App Store and Google Play today!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for all the latest Nickelodeon Portugal and Nick App News and Highlights!
Launched on Tuesday 30th June 2015, the Nick App features a entirely new immersive Portuguese-language digital experience that allows NickHeads to interact with their favorite Nickelodeon characters in an innovative and creative environment, as well as serving as a attractive new alternative for brands and partners to connect with the Nickelodeon audience. The Nick App available to download for free for iOS and Android devices!
The Nick App brings allows Nickelodeon fans to explore a laughter and slime-filled world that showcases content from hit Nickelodeon and Nicktoons shows and original series developed and produced exclusively for digital platforms, bring the Nickelodeon Universe to their fingertips!
Nickelodeon's brand-new Nick App has everything kids have wished for, including an enigmatic and hilarious slime green "não carregues aqui" button that will bring fans a new surprise every time they touch it, including SpongeBob surfing and a burping Donkey, providing lots of LOL moments.
With an intuitive, dynamic and visually appealing layout, the Nick App user interface meets the brand-new official website of the channel, launched in March 2015. The Nick App intends to bring fans closer to their favourite Nickelodeon stars and characters, no matter where they are!
According to the study "Kids of Today and Tomorrow", organized by Nickelodeon, 57% of children aged between 9 and 14 have a mobile phone (28% a smartphone). Additionally, 80% of Portuguese children are already on social networks (versus 61% globally) and 71% say they love technology (compared with 50% globally).
The Nick App will be updated with new content daily, providing fans with new original, hilarious and interactive experiences everyday.
Nickelodeon is the most watched children's channel worldwide, and features beloved series and characters adored by kids everywhere, including "SpongeBob SquarePants", "Dora the Explorer", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and "Sanjay and Craig". In Portugal, Nickelodeon is a exclusive channel available on the NOS network.
Launched in 2014, the Nick App has already been downloaded 16 million downloads globally, including over 220,000 times in the UK.
Download the Nick App from the Apple App Store and Google Play today!
Nickelodeon Portugal lança Nick APPAdditional source: Meios & Publicidade.
A partir de hoje, as personagens e séries do Nickelodeon estão ainda mais próximas dos seus fãs! A Nick APP, a aplicação mobile gratuita do Nickelodeon, acabou de chegar a Portugal e inclui centenas de conteúdos que prometem contagiar de diversão os mais jovens.
Do SpongeBob às Tartarugas Ninja, sem esquecer a dupla de Sanjay & Craig ou os loucos Breadwinners, todo o universo Nickelodeon está agora disponível na ponta dos dedos. Jogos, vídeos, episódios, curiosidades, estatísticas, várias surpresas hilariantes e até conteúdos exclusivos para clientes NOS, fazem da Nick APP uma aplicação mobile única entre os canais infantojuvenis.
Disponível gratuitamente para Android e iOS, a Nick APP tem tudo aquilo com que os mais pequenos sempre sonharam, incluindo um enigmático e hilariante botão verde que vai proporcionar muitas gargalhadas. Com a mensagem "não carregues aqui", este botão traz uma nova surpresa de cada vez que alguém toca nele. Não será de admirar se virmos o SpongeBob a surfar, um burro a arrotar ou o Timmy Turner encurralado na aplicação.
Com um layout intuitivo, dinâmico e visualmente apelativo, o interface da Nick APP vai ao encontro do novo site do canal, lançado em março deste ano. Detendo uma linguagem muito fun, tão característica do Nickelodeon, a Nick APP pretende aproximar ainda mais o canal dos seus fãs, podendo ir com eles para todo o lado.
«Esta é a primeira aplicação mobile Nickelodeon na Europa a ser autenticada pelo operador, neste caso, a NOS, com quem temos uma parceria exclusiva», afirma Victor Mourão, Vice President General Manager Nickelodeon Portugal. «É um projeto muito importante para nós, que surge naturalmente como mais uma plataforma de proximidade e interação com o target Nickelodeon. A nova geração é cada vez mais digital pelo que, enquanto canal infantojuvenil, temos que estar em permanente evolução e contacto com o nosso público», acrescenta.
«A Nick APP é uma verdadeira experiência digital para as crianças, permitindo-lhes jogar, opinar, interagir e divertirem-se com os seus conteúdos preferidos», refere Marta Caeiro, Head of Marketing Nickelodeon Portugal. «Por isso, criámos uma campanha que pretende comunicar diretamente para os mais pequenos e convidámos, ainda, algumas crianças a testar a APP em primeira mão e mostrar-nos se é mesmo possível ter todo o Nickelodeon na ponta dos dedos!», conclui.
Segundo o estudo 'Kids of Today and Tomorrow', realizado pelo Nickelodeon, 57% das crianças entre os 9 e os 14 anos possui um telemóvel (28% um smartphone). Adicionalmente, 80% das crianças portuguesas estão já nas redes sociais (versus 61% a nível global) e 71% afirma adorar tecnologia (face a 50% a nível global).
Ciente destas mudanças, o Nickelodeon procura constantemente adaptar-se à realidade dos seus fãs, com o objetivo de os acompanhar nos vários momentos do seu dia-a-dia, proporcionando-lhes experiências originais, hilariantes e interativas.
O Nickelodeon é o canal infantojuvenil mais visto em todo o mundo, com um conjunto de séries e personagens adoradas pelos mais novos, como "SpongeBob", "Tartarugas Ninja", "Dora, a Exploradora" ou "Sanjay & Craig". Em Portugal, é um canal exclusivo NOS.
Download : Nick App [Android]
Download : Nick App [iOS]
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