Check out a selection of video clips featuring your favourite Nickelodeon shows and stars from Nickelodeon channels around the world!
Please note that some videos may be subject to geographical restrictions.
Drake & Josh | See You in Chemistry
Nice one, Josh
Remember When | SpongeBob Forgot His Name
Monday feels
Cody Performs “Something Just Like This” on Lip Sync Battle Shorties
This Lip Sync Battle Shorties performance is out of this world!
Remember When | Joyride
Remember when Drake and Trevor went for a joyride?
School of Rock | ¡Rockiemos juntos! | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
¡A rockear y bailar con tus personajes favoritos, los chicos de School of Rock! ¿Con cuál harías un dúo?
Henry Danger | Double rencard | Nickelodeon France
Henry et Jasper se disputent à cause d'une fille.
Nicky Ricky Dicky & Dawn | Mullet Flashback | Nickelodeon Italia
Una gang di nome Mullets vuole che la caffetteria diventi il territorio dei giocatori di hockey, ma chi si opporrà?
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon International News and Highlights!
Please note that some videos may be subject to geographical restrictions.
Nice one, Josh
Remember When | SpongeBob Forgot His Name
Monday feels
Cody Performs “Something Just Like This” on Lip Sync Battle Shorties
This Lip Sync Battle Shorties performance is out of this world!
Remember When | Joyride
Remember when Drake and Trevor went for a joyride?
School of Rock | ¡Rockiemos juntos! | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
¡A rockear y bailar con tus personajes favoritos, los chicos de School of Rock! ¿Con cuál harías un dúo?
Henry Danger | Double rencard | Nickelodeon France
Henry et Jasper se disputent à cause d'une fille.
Nicky Ricky Dicky & Dawn | Mullet Flashback | Nickelodeon Italia
Una gang di nome Mullets vuole che la caffetteria diventi il territorio dei giocatori di hockey, ma chi si opporrà?
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon International News and Highlights!