Butch's shares his magical idea for a Fairly OddParents spin off show starring Poof and Foop!
Yes, he's the real guy. Butch Hartman created your childhood AKA Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, TUFF Puppy, and now...the NOOG NETWORK and Bunsen Is a Beast!
Butch Hartman Sketchbook #1: https://www.amazon.com/Butch-Hartman-Sketchbook-Stuff-drawn/dp/1975613392
Check out Butch's brand-new comic The 3 O'Clock Club from Lion Forge Comics, and be sure to like, subscribe, and follow everything of Butch's below:
Butch Hartman - Facebook | Instagram | Butch's Sketchpad On Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat: @realhartman | YouTube | Speech Bubble | Tumblr | Pinterest
The Noog Network - www.noognetwork.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat: @noognetwork | Tumblr | Pinterest
More Nick:FAILED PILOTS - Spellementary School | Speech Bubble w/Butch Hartman!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Fairly OddParents News and Highlights!
Yes, he's the real guy. Butch Hartman created your childhood AKA Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, TUFF Puppy, and now...the NOOG NETWORK and Bunsen Is a Beast!
Butch Hartman Sketchbook #1: https://www.amazon.com/Butch-Hartman-Sketchbook-Stuff-drawn/dp/1975613392
Check out Butch's brand-new comic The 3 O'Clock Club from Lion Forge Comics, and be sure to like, subscribe, and follow everything of Butch's below:
Butch Hartman - Facebook | Instagram | Butch's Sketchpad On Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat: @realhartman | YouTube | Speech Bubble | Tumblr | Pinterest
The Noog Network - www.noognetwork.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat: @noognetwork | Tumblr | Pinterest
More Nick:FAILED PILOTS - Spellementary School | Speech Bubble w/Butch Hartman!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Fairly OddParents News and Highlights!