Check out a selection of video clips featuring your favourite Nickelodeon shows and stars from Nickelodeon channels around the world!
SpongeBob SquarePants | Green Moon | Nickelodeon UK
A strange, green moon is making its' way across bikini bottom and turning everyone into a different version of themselves.
Paw Patrol | Pups Save the Winter Wonder Show: Part 2 | Nick Jr. UK
The pups trek through the snow and make it in time to perform at the winter wonder show!
I literally bought a miranda sings shirt!
The Thundermans | Bottle Flipping | Nickelodeon UK
Max camps outside the house, as he doesn't want to admit that he isn't a bottle flipping champion.
Henry Danger | Danger Games: il concerto di Double G | Nickelodeon Italia
La quarta stagione di Henry Danger è ogni giorno alle 18:15 su Nickelodeon (SKY 605).
Blaze et les Monster Machines | Le gâteau de Darington | NICKELODEON JUNIOR FRANCE
Crusher essaie de manger tout seul le délicieux gâteau de l'anniversaire de Darington.
Harvey Beaks | Madame L'Esprit du Lac | Nickelodeon France
Madame L'Esprit du Lac est en conflit avec sa mère, qui veut la faire épouser un noble.
Nella, Uma Princesa Corajosa - [Novos Episódios] | (Próxima Segunda) | Às 9h00 Da Manhã
Mashándolo - Pintubaile - Kally´s Mashup
Kally´s Mashup - ¡Aprende a tocar Crushed con Alex & Kevin!
Mysticons | Versus Necrafa | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
¡Revive esta lucha épica de los Mysticons contra Necrafa! ¿Quién crees que triunfará?
Power Rangers Hyperforce | Dino Black Ranger vs the Perfume Pony!
Hyperforce has teamed up with the Legendary Power Ranger Tommy Oliver as they defend the city of Reefside from the Alliance’s newest monster ‘Perfume Pony’
The worst day of traveling EVER!!! | JoJo Siwa Vlogs
The longest day EVER!!!!!
IT'S OVER | Butch Hartman
Butch has drawn a cartoon over every square inch of the white board and now IT'S OVER. What should replace it? Comment on YouTube!
Kally´s Mashup - Capítulo 32 - Avance
Гуппи и пузырики | Ловушка для динозавра | Nick Jr. Россия
Наши друзья установили ловушку для динозавра.
Harvey Beaks | Tenemos un problema! | España | Nickelodeon en Español
Misteriosamente, Fi y Fu no se pueden ver el uno al otro ¿qué podemos hacer ahora?
Breadwinners | O sapo salvador | Portugal | Nickelodeon em Português
Quando o fim se aproxima, podemos sempre contar com o sapo.
Game Shakers | Crush | Nickelodeon UK
Trip tells Babe about a crush that his 'friend' has, and she thinks that he's talking about her.
Kally's Mashup - De [Segunda A Sexta] | Às 19h00 Da Noite
The Thundermans - (Próximo Domingo) | [A Revelação Dos Thundermans] | Às 17h00 Da Tarde
How to Draw Kawaii Candy | Kuu Kuu Harajuku
Try your hand at drawing Kawaii candy with these simple steps.
Harvey Beaks | Coincé dans un arbre | Nickelodeon France
Harvey et ses amis sont coincés dans un arbre, que vont-ils faire?
Die Thundermans | Dark Mayhem greift an | Nickelodeon Deutschland
Auf der Suche nach Phoebe greift Dark Mayhem das Haus der Thundermans an. Wird er sie finden?
Henry Danger | De machine van Captain Man | Nickelodeon Nederlands
Captain Man laat de machine zien die hem onverwoestbaar maakte en Henry wil die gebruiken.
Game Shakers | Conferenza Stampa | Nickelodeon Italia
Double G presenta una conferenza stampa a Game Shakers e gli altri scoprono che soffre di una fobia verso i bebè.
Мой шумный дом | Как изъять телефон | Nickelodeon Россия
Линкольну нужно удалить своё грубое сообщение, посланное на телефон Лори.
Talia in the Kitchen | Baile en la cocina | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
¡Ponte a todo ritmo con Talia y sus amigos con este baile en la cocina!
Breadwinners | La Rana Salvadora | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
Cuando casi llega el final, siempre puedes contar con la rana.
Breadwinners | Apestoso | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
Bdush tiene graves problemas para oler con su pico, ¡pero la señora Fourhal está esperando su pan!
KIDS' CHOICE AWARDS 2018 - Categoria: Estrela Musical
KIDS' CHOICE AWARDS 2018 - [Personalidade Brasileira Favorita] | Terça Dia 27 | Às 20h30 Da Noite
Kally´s Mashup - Capítulo 33 - Avance
Sometimes you just gotta let loose and have a dance party!!
KIDS' CHOICE AWARDS 2018 - (Terça Dia 27) | Às 20h30 Da Noite
Даша-путешественница | Даша управляет поездом | Nick Jr. Россия
Добрый друг Дашы помогает ей быстро добраться до места назначения.
Breadwinners | La rana ahorradora | España | Nickelodeon en Español
Al final, siempre puedes confiar en la rana.
I Thunderman | Thunder Mutande | Nickelodeon Italia
I nuovi episodi dei Thunderman sono ogni pomeriggio alle 18:40 su Nickelodeon (SKY 605).
Kally's Mashup - Não Percam Os Episódios Da Websérie | Engenhocas Bobocas
Встречайте Санни | Nick Jr. Россия
Познакомьтесь с Санни - юной стилисткой, которая с помощью своих уникальных навыков, ловкости и позитивного настроя творчески решает любые проблемы и помогает друзьям в красочном городе Фрэндли Фоллс.
Henry Danger | Une panne de téléportation | Nickelodeon France
La tempête apporte des problèmes à Schwoz qui travaille normalement sur la machine téléportant Henry et Charlotte, mais où vont-ils aller?
How to Color Cowgirl Baby | Kuu Kuu Harajuku
Color Baby in her Cowgirl Costume, download the template here:
Hunter Street | Voce Spaventosa | Nickelodeon Italia
La nuova baby sitter rivela un lato nascosto alla famiglia Hunter, ma a chi appartiene la voce spacentosa che fa paura a tutti?
School of Rock | Verstoppen voor de directeur | Nickelodeon Nederlands
Lawrence snelt naar het klaslokaal om Dewey te waarschuwen over directeur Mullins, maar is het nog op tijd?
Губка Боб Золотые моменты | Покрасить Стены | Nickelodeon Россия
Губке Бобу нужно покрасить стены у Мистера Крабса.
School Of Rock - [Novos Episódios] | (Próxima Segunda) | Às 21h00 Da Noite
Henry Danger | Control de la ira | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
¿Qué haces cuando estás VERDADERAMENTE, muy, MEGA enojado? ¡Checa lo que pasa en este desopilante episodio de Henry Danger!
Harvey Beaks | Día de los Enamorados | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
Es el día de los Enamorados, pero Fee no está feliz de...
MY SCARY GHOST HORROR STORY. *warning* | Its JoJo Siwa
Today I answer your questions about lots of things, one of them being GHOSTS.
Hot Wheels with Ari (Part 1) | YTV
It's the 50th Anniversary of Hot Wheels and car-fanatic Ari chats with Hot Wheels designer Ted about cool new car models!
How to Make Teen Titans GO! Better | Butch Hartman
If Cartoon Network came to me said to make a comedic version of Teen Titans, I would say... "NO!". Instead, I would take a different DC Comics property called 'Legion of Superheroes' and turn THAT into a comedic cartoon!
Let's go bowling! Let's make gifs! On this episode Scotty and I make sweet sweet harmonies I also crush it in bowling and we do another episode of #askjosh!
Kally´s Mashup - Capítulo 34 - Avance
Game Shakers | Cadeau de Mariage | Nickelodeon France
Double G essaie de se contenir au mariage en attendant son cadeau, mais qu'est ce que ça peut bien être?
Harvey Beaks | Andare in bici | Nickelodeon Italia
Foo sta imparando ad andare in bicicletta, ma è rubata e ora il propietario lo sta inseguendo. Chi lo può salvare?
Die Brotpiloten | Treffen mit dem Brotmacher | Nickelodeon Deutschland
Einer Legende zufolge wohnt der Brotmacher irgendwo tief in den Brotminen.
La légende de Korra | Voyage à Zaofu | Nickelodeon France
La quête des nouveaux Maîtres de l'Air mène Korra et son équipe chez Su Beifong à Zaofu, le foyer du Clan du Métal.
Peppa Pig | La vente de charité | NICKELODEON JUNIOR FRANCE
Peppa va devoir donner un jouet pour la vente de charité de son école.
Harvey Beaks | Vast in een boom | Nickelodeon Nederlands
Harvey en zijn vriendjes zitten vast in de boom. Wat moeten ze nu doen?
School of Rock | Espiar os alunos | Portugal | Nickelodeon em Português
Lawrence deixa instalar uma câmara na sala de aula e Dewey arrisca-se a ser apanhado.
Breadwinners | Conhecendo o Padeiro | Brasil | Nickelodeon em Português
Reza a lenda que o próprio Padeiro está morando em algum lugar ao fundo dessas cavernas.
Bunsen es una Bestia | Audiciones en el teatro | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
Bunsen está listo para brillar en las audiciones de teatro... ¿o algo así? ¡Todo es posible con tus amigos de Bunsen es una Bestia!
Kally´s Mashup - Capítulo 35 - Avance
¡Las canciones de Kally´s Mashup ya disponibles!
Apple Music:
Amazon Music:
Google Play:
Kally´s Mashup - Make it Home - Preview
Kally´s Mashup - Crushed (Andy Mak Remix) - Preview
Kally´s Mashup - Secret (Saraí Meza & Maia Reficco) - Preview
Kally´s Mashup - Stomp (Spanglish) - Preview
Kally´s Mashup - I've Changed (Maia Reficco) - Preview
Kally´s Mashup - She's Gone (Alex Hoyer) - Preview
Kally´s Mashup - Happy Birthday to Me (Sara Cobo & Maia Reficco) - Preview
Kally´s Mashup - Cambia (Maia Reficco) - Preview
Being a youtuber is HARD.....Really Hard. | JoJo Siwa Vlogs
YOU GOT CLICKBAITED. Sorry lol. Being a youtuber is the BEST thing ever! It's just hard when you pour Ketchup on your head!
Get Blake | Nova Mascote | Portugal | Nickelodeon em Português
Blake passa todo o tempo com a sua nova mascote, mas será um cão de verdade?
Shimmer and Shine | Dance Magic | Nick Jr. UK
Samira takes the girls to learn dance magic, but when Zeta takes the instructor's magic shoes the girls must use their dance magic to stop her!
Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn | Missing Snake | Nickelodeon UK
Dawn is on a mission to get everyone's ears pierced, but her brothers run into trouble when they lose their new pet snake.
Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn | Le désastre du pudding de Dawn | Nickelodeon Teen France
Dawn essaie de se faire accepter par les autres filles au sein de l'équipe de sport mais lance accidentellement un pudding sur Nancy!
Nicky Ricky Dicky & Dawn | Horror Segreto | Nickelodeon Italia
Nick, Ricky, Dicky e Dawn trovano un modo per fare andare i genitori ha letto presto per stare svegli e guardare un film horror.
Schnappt Blake | Mamas Pizza | Nickelodeon Deutschland
Mitchs Mutter verspricht, solange Pizza zu backen, bis sie ihm zu den Ohren herauskommen.
Щенячий патруль | 1 сезон 19 серия | Nick Jr. Россия
Щенки спасают Суперщена | Щенки спасают Робопса
Крепыш играет в супер-щенка и попадает в серьезные непрятности. | Робот-щенок Райдера ломается и устраивает в Бухте Приключений страшный беспорядок.
Spin Master | Psi Patrol Flip and Fly Reklama TV PL
Черепашки-ниндзя | 1 сезон 17 серия | Nickelodeon Россия
Проникнув а штаб-квартиру ИТКИ, черепашки узнают, чего хотят крэнги на самом деле, и решают раз и навсегда покончить с вторжением инопланетян.
Broodschappers | Ontmoeting met de Bakker | Nickelodeon Nederlands
Volgens de legende woont de Bakker zelf ergens diep in een grot.
L'Apprentie Maman | Telle Mère, Telle Fille | Nickelodeon Teen France
Stéphanie et sa mère font un test et découvrent qu'elles ont beaucoup plus en commun de ce qu'elles imaginent.
Shimmer & Shine | Bali le perroquet | NICKELODEON JUNIOR FRANCE
Les génies et Leah rencontrent un perroquet magique trop mignon appelé Bali.
Quick and Easy Easter Treats - Triple Treats with Ryan | YTV
We'll show you how to make quick and easy Easter inspired treats for you and your friends.
Sweet Bird's Nest
You Will Need:
4 Cups Of Marshmallows
5 Cups Of Rice Cereal
1/2 Cup Of Butter
2 Tsp of Vanilla
2 Cups of Candy Eggs
Step 1: With the help of an adult, melt the marshmallows in the microwave for 25-30 seconds.
Step 2: Add the vanilla extract and melted butter to the melted marshmallows and stir well.
Step 3: Add all the rice cereal, one cup at a time, and mix.
Step 4: Scoop the mixture into a prepared muffin tray and press them into a tart shape.
Step 5: Place in the fridge for 2 hours to set.
Step 6: Once they've cooled and set, take them out of the muffin tray and place candy eggs on them.
Bunny Pops
You Will Need:
White Chocolate Wafers
Pink Icing
Lollipop Sticks
Large Edible Pearls
Step 1: Stick the cookies onto the popsicle stick.
Step 2: Dip your cookie into the melted white chocolate.
Step 3: Stick the white chocolate wafers on the cookie as feet and place the edible pearl below as a tail, and then leave to dry.
Step 4: Make a paw print with the pink icing on the 2 white chocolate wafers.
Pretzel Ducks
You Will Need:
Yellow Chocolate Wafers
Black and Orange Icing
Step 1: Fill your pretzel with the yellow melted chocolate.
Step 2: Add an eye with the black icing, on the top centre of the pretzel.
Step 3: Using orange icing, add a beak.
Happy Easter!
Regal Academy | Season 2 - Part of Me
iCarly | Remix de Bloopers | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
¿Cuál fue el blooper más épico de iCarly? ¡Comenta con el personaje que más extrañas! #iCarlyForever
Kally´s Mashup - Capítulo 36 - Avance
Волшебные покровители | 9 сезон 6 серия | Nickelodeon Россия
Злые крёстные
Фуп становится крёстным Вики. Теперь вместе они терроризируют Тимми и детей Диммсдейла. Фуп сообщает Вики, что это Тимми мешает всем её желаниям исполниться, потому что у него есть феи-крёстные. Если они уничтожат фей, никто не сможет остановить их.
Rusty Rivets | Rusty's Water Works | Nick Jr. UK
Rusty and Ruby try and ward off a seagull from bursting a giant, water filled, beach ball!
The Loud House | L-L-Lori | Nickelodeon UK
Clyde's crush on Lori turns him into a babbling robot, with no control over his nose bleeds.
Hunter Street | Sorpresa a colazione | Nickelodeon Italia
Colazione non è mai cosî tranquilla, il che vuol dire che qualcuno non c'è!
School of Rock | Zack en de Nachthagedissen | Nickelodeon Nederlands
De Nachthagedissen proberen Zack over te halen bij hun band te komen, maar lukt hen dat?
Das Geheimnis der Hunters | Auf der Suche nach Hinweisen | Nickelodeon Deutschland
Max und Tess suchen nach Hinweisen, die sie zu ihren verschwundenen Eltern führen - wo sind sie bloß?
Objectif Blake | Un cerveau d'oiseau! | Nickelodeon France
Blake et Mitch partent à l'aquarium, où ils pourront regarder les animaux de plus près!
Power Rangers Hyperforce | Mezodon Megazord vs. Perfume Pony!
The Perfume Pony terrorizing the town of Reefside has grown in size! Black Dino Ranger Tommy Oliver calls upon the Mezodon Megazord to engage the grown monster with the help of Vesper and Marv, while Hyperforce bides their time until their own Zords are energized for combat!
I Am Frankie | New Shirt | Nickelodeon UK
Dayton's top gets ruined, so Frankie makes her a new one from scratch. Meanwhile, Tammy is scheming again.
Harvey Beaks | Dia dos Namorados | Portugal | Nickelodeon em Português
É Dia dos Namorados, mas Fee não está muito contente…
Blaze and the Monster Machines | Race to Eagle Rock | Nick Jr. UK
Blaze and the Monster Machines transform into race cars so they can join the race to Eagle Rock!
Harvey Beaks | San Valentín | España | Nickelodeon en Español
Hoy es el día de San Valentín, pero Fee no está muy contenta con...
Surprising BowBow!! (She Cried!!) | JoJo Siwa Vlogs
aww!!! I missed her sooo much!!!
Гуппи и пузырики | 1 сезон 18 серия | Nick Jr. Россия
Лунный камень
3, 2, 1, пуск! Пора изучить Солнечную систему вместе с гуппи и пузыриками! Помоги им узнать побольше о космосе в этом необычном эпизоде.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon International News and Highlights!
SpongeBob SquarePants | Green Moon | Nickelodeon UK
A strange, green moon is making its' way across bikini bottom and turning everyone into a different version of themselves.
Paw Patrol | Pups Save the Winter Wonder Show: Part 2 | Nick Jr. UK
The pups trek through the snow and make it in time to perform at the winter wonder show!
I literally bought a miranda sings shirt!
The Thundermans | Bottle Flipping | Nickelodeon UK
Max camps outside the house, as he doesn't want to admit that he isn't a bottle flipping champion.
Henry Danger | Danger Games: il concerto di Double G | Nickelodeon Italia
La quarta stagione di Henry Danger è ogni giorno alle 18:15 su Nickelodeon (SKY 605).
Blaze et les Monster Machines | Le gâteau de Darington | NICKELODEON JUNIOR FRANCE
Crusher essaie de manger tout seul le délicieux gâteau de l'anniversaire de Darington.
Harvey Beaks | Madame L'Esprit du Lac | Nickelodeon France
Madame L'Esprit du Lac est en conflit avec sa mère, qui veut la faire épouser un noble.
Nella, Uma Princesa Corajosa - [Novos Episódios] | (Próxima Segunda) | Às 9h00 Da Manhã
Mashándolo - Pintubaile - Kally´s Mashup
Kally´s Mashup - ¡Aprende a tocar Crushed con Alex & Kevin!
Mysticons | Versus Necrafa | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
¡Revive esta lucha épica de los Mysticons contra Necrafa! ¿Quién crees que triunfará?
Power Rangers Hyperforce | Dino Black Ranger vs the Perfume Pony!
Hyperforce has teamed up with the Legendary Power Ranger Tommy Oliver as they defend the city of Reefside from the Alliance’s newest monster ‘Perfume Pony’
The worst day of traveling EVER!!! | JoJo Siwa Vlogs
The longest day EVER!!!!!
IT'S OVER | Butch Hartman
Butch has drawn a cartoon over every square inch of the white board and now IT'S OVER. What should replace it? Comment on YouTube!
Kally´s Mashup - Capítulo 32 - Avance
Гуппи и пузырики | Ловушка для динозавра | Nick Jr. Россия
Наши друзья установили ловушку для динозавра.
Harvey Beaks | Tenemos un problema! | España | Nickelodeon en Español
Misteriosamente, Fi y Fu no se pueden ver el uno al otro ¿qué podemos hacer ahora?
Breadwinners | O sapo salvador | Portugal | Nickelodeon em Português
Quando o fim se aproxima, podemos sempre contar com o sapo.
Game Shakers | Crush | Nickelodeon UK
Trip tells Babe about a crush that his 'friend' has, and she thinks that he's talking about her.
Kally's Mashup - De [Segunda A Sexta] | Às 19h00 Da Noite
The Thundermans - (Próximo Domingo) | [A Revelação Dos Thundermans] | Às 17h00 Da Tarde
How to Draw Kawaii Candy | Kuu Kuu Harajuku
Try your hand at drawing Kawaii candy with these simple steps.
Harvey Beaks | Coincé dans un arbre | Nickelodeon France
Harvey et ses amis sont coincés dans un arbre, que vont-ils faire?
Die Thundermans | Dark Mayhem greift an | Nickelodeon Deutschland
Auf der Suche nach Phoebe greift Dark Mayhem das Haus der Thundermans an. Wird er sie finden?
Henry Danger | De machine van Captain Man | Nickelodeon Nederlands
Captain Man laat de machine zien die hem onverwoestbaar maakte en Henry wil die gebruiken.
Game Shakers | Conferenza Stampa | Nickelodeon Italia
Double G presenta una conferenza stampa a Game Shakers e gli altri scoprono che soffre di una fobia verso i bebè.
Мой шумный дом | Как изъять телефон | Nickelodeon Россия
Линкольну нужно удалить своё грубое сообщение, посланное на телефон Лори.
Talia in the Kitchen | Baile en la cocina | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
¡Ponte a todo ritmo con Talia y sus amigos con este baile en la cocina!
Breadwinners | La Rana Salvadora | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
Cuando casi llega el final, siempre puedes contar con la rana.
Breadwinners | Apestoso | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
Bdush tiene graves problemas para oler con su pico, ¡pero la señora Fourhal está esperando su pan!
KIDS' CHOICE AWARDS 2018 - Categoria: Estrela Musical
KIDS' CHOICE AWARDS 2018 - [Personalidade Brasileira Favorita] | Terça Dia 27 | Às 20h30 Da Noite
Kally´s Mashup - Capítulo 33 - Avance
Sometimes you just gotta let loose and have a dance party!!
KIDS' CHOICE AWARDS 2018 - (Terça Dia 27) | Às 20h30 Da Noite
Даша-путешественница | Даша управляет поездом | Nick Jr. Россия
Добрый друг Дашы помогает ей быстро добраться до места назначения.
Breadwinners | La rana ahorradora | España | Nickelodeon en Español
Al final, siempre puedes confiar en la rana.
I Thunderman | Thunder Mutande | Nickelodeon Italia
I nuovi episodi dei Thunderman sono ogni pomeriggio alle 18:40 su Nickelodeon (SKY 605).
Kally's Mashup - Não Percam Os Episódios Da Websérie | Engenhocas Bobocas
Встречайте Санни | Nick Jr. Россия
Познакомьтесь с Санни - юной стилисткой, которая с помощью своих уникальных навыков, ловкости и позитивного настроя творчески решает любые проблемы и помогает друзьям в красочном городе Фрэндли Фоллс.
Henry Danger | Une panne de téléportation | Nickelodeon France
La tempête apporte des problèmes à Schwoz qui travaille normalement sur la machine téléportant Henry et Charlotte, mais où vont-ils aller?
How to Color Cowgirl Baby | Kuu Kuu Harajuku
Color Baby in her Cowgirl Costume, download the template here:
Hunter Street | Voce Spaventosa | Nickelodeon Italia
La nuova baby sitter rivela un lato nascosto alla famiglia Hunter, ma a chi appartiene la voce spacentosa che fa paura a tutti?
School of Rock | Verstoppen voor de directeur | Nickelodeon Nederlands
Lawrence snelt naar het klaslokaal om Dewey te waarschuwen over directeur Mullins, maar is het nog op tijd?
Губка Боб Золотые моменты | Покрасить Стены | Nickelodeon Россия
Губке Бобу нужно покрасить стены у Мистера Крабса.
School Of Rock - [Novos Episódios] | (Próxima Segunda) | Às 21h00 Da Noite
Henry Danger | Control de la ira | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
¿Qué haces cuando estás VERDADERAMENTE, muy, MEGA enojado? ¡Checa lo que pasa en este desopilante episodio de Henry Danger!
Harvey Beaks | Día de los Enamorados | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
Es el día de los Enamorados, pero Fee no está feliz de...
MY SCARY GHOST HORROR STORY. *warning* | Its JoJo Siwa
Today I answer your questions about lots of things, one of them being GHOSTS.
Hot Wheels with Ari (Part 1) | YTV
It's the 50th Anniversary of Hot Wheels and car-fanatic Ari chats with Hot Wheels designer Ted about cool new car models!
How to Make Teen Titans GO! Better | Butch Hartman
If Cartoon Network came to me said to make a comedic version of Teen Titans, I would say... "NO!". Instead, I would take a different DC Comics property called 'Legion of Superheroes' and turn THAT into a comedic cartoon!
Let's go bowling! Let's make gifs! On this episode Scotty and I make sweet sweet harmonies I also crush it in bowling and we do another episode of #askjosh!
Kally´s Mashup - Capítulo 34 - Avance
Game Shakers | Cadeau de Mariage | Nickelodeon France
Double G essaie de se contenir au mariage en attendant son cadeau, mais qu'est ce que ça peut bien être?
Harvey Beaks | Andare in bici | Nickelodeon Italia
Foo sta imparando ad andare in bicicletta, ma è rubata e ora il propietario lo sta inseguendo. Chi lo può salvare?
Die Brotpiloten | Treffen mit dem Brotmacher | Nickelodeon Deutschland
Einer Legende zufolge wohnt der Brotmacher irgendwo tief in den Brotminen.
La légende de Korra | Voyage à Zaofu | Nickelodeon France
La quête des nouveaux Maîtres de l'Air mène Korra et son équipe chez Su Beifong à Zaofu, le foyer du Clan du Métal.
Peppa Pig | La vente de charité | NICKELODEON JUNIOR FRANCE
Peppa va devoir donner un jouet pour la vente de charité de son école.
Harvey Beaks | Vast in een boom | Nickelodeon Nederlands
Harvey en zijn vriendjes zitten vast in de boom. Wat moeten ze nu doen?
School of Rock | Espiar os alunos | Portugal | Nickelodeon em Português
Lawrence deixa instalar uma câmara na sala de aula e Dewey arrisca-se a ser apanhado.
Breadwinners | Conhecendo o Padeiro | Brasil | Nickelodeon em Português
Reza a lenda que o próprio Padeiro está morando em algum lugar ao fundo dessas cavernas.
Bunsen es una Bestia | Audiciones en el teatro | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
Bunsen está listo para brillar en las audiciones de teatro... ¿o algo así? ¡Todo es posible con tus amigos de Bunsen es una Bestia!
Kally´s Mashup - Capítulo 35 - Avance
¡Las canciones de Kally´s Mashup ya disponibles!
Apple Music:
Amazon Music:
Google Play:
Kally´s Mashup - Make it Home - Preview
Kally´s Mashup - Crushed (Andy Mak Remix) - Preview
Kally´s Mashup - Secret (Saraí Meza & Maia Reficco) - Preview
Kally´s Mashup - Stomp (Spanglish) - Preview
Kally´s Mashup - I've Changed (Maia Reficco) - Preview
Kally´s Mashup - She's Gone (Alex Hoyer) - Preview
Kally´s Mashup - Happy Birthday to Me (Sara Cobo & Maia Reficco) - Preview
Kally´s Mashup - Cambia (Maia Reficco) - Preview
Being a youtuber is HARD.....Really Hard. | JoJo Siwa Vlogs
YOU GOT CLICKBAITED. Sorry lol. Being a youtuber is the BEST thing ever! It's just hard when you pour Ketchup on your head!
Get Blake | Nova Mascote | Portugal | Nickelodeon em Português
Blake passa todo o tempo com a sua nova mascote, mas será um cão de verdade?
Shimmer and Shine | Dance Magic | Nick Jr. UK
Samira takes the girls to learn dance magic, but when Zeta takes the instructor's magic shoes the girls must use their dance magic to stop her!
Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn | Missing Snake | Nickelodeon UK
Dawn is on a mission to get everyone's ears pierced, but her brothers run into trouble when they lose their new pet snake.
Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn | Le désastre du pudding de Dawn | Nickelodeon Teen France
Dawn essaie de se faire accepter par les autres filles au sein de l'équipe de sport mais lance accidentellement un pudding sur Nancy!
Nicky Ricky Dicky & Dawn | Horror Segreto | Nickelodeon Italia
Nick, Ricky, Dicky e Dawn trovano un modo per fare andare i genitori ha letto presto per stare svegli e guardare un film horror.
Schnappt Blake | Mamas Pizza | Nickelodeon Deutschland
Mitchs Mutter verspricht, solange Pizza zu backen, bis sie ihm zu den Ohren herauskommen.
Щенячий патруль | 1 сезон 19 серия | Nick Jr. Россия
Щенки спасают Суперщена | Щенки спасают Робопса
Крепыш играет в супер-щенка и попадает в серьезные непрятности. | Робот-щенок Райдера ломается и устраивает в Бухте Приключений страшный беспорядок.
Spin Master | Psi Patrol Flip and Fly Reklama TV PL
Черепашки-ниндзя | 1 сезон 17 серия | Nickelodeon Россия
Проникнув а штаб-квартиру ИТКИ, черепашки узнают, чего хотят крэнги на самом деле, и решают раз и навсегда покончить с вторжением инопланетян.
Broodschappers | Ontmoeting met de Bakker | Nickelodeon Nederlands
Volgens de legende woont de Bakker zelf ergens diep in een grot.
L'Apprentie Maman | Telle Mère, Telle Fille | Nickelodeon Teen France
Stéphanie et sa mère font un test et découvrent qu'elles ont beaucoup plus en commun de ce qu'elles imaginent.
Shimmer & Shine | Bali le perroquet | NICKELODEON JUNIOR FRANCE
Les génies et Leah rencontrent un perroquet magique trop mignon appelé Bali.
Quick and Easy Easter Treats - Triple Treats with Ryan | YTV
We'll show you how to make quick and easy Easter inspired treats for you and your friends.
Sweet Bird's Nest
You Will Need:
4 Cups Of Marshmallows
5 Cups Of Rice Cereal
1/2 Cup Of Butter
2 Tsp of Vanilla
2 Cups of Candy Eggs
Step 1: With the help of an adult, melt the marshmallows in the microwave for 25-30 seconds.
Step 2: Add the vanilla extract and melted butter to the melted marshmallows and stir well.
Step 3: Add all the rice cereal, one cup at a time, and mix.
Step 4: Scoop the mixture into a prepared muffin tray and press them into a tart shape.
Step 5: Place in the fridge for 2 hours to set.
Step 6: Once they've cooled and set, take them out of the muffin tray and place candy eggs on them.
Bunny Pops
You Will Need:
White Chocolate Wafers
Pink Icing
Lollipop Sticks
Large Edible Pearls
Step 1: Stick the cookies onto the popsicle stick.
Step 2: Dip your cookie into the melted white chocolate.
Step 3: Stick the white chocolate wafers on the cookie as feet and place the edible pearl below as a tail, and then leave to dry.
Step 4: Make a paw print with the pink icing on the 2 white chocolate wafers.
Pretzel Ducks
You Will Need:
Yellow Chocolate Wafers
Black and Orange Icing
Step 1: Fill your pretzel with the yellow melted chocolate.
Step 2: Add an eye with the black icing, on the top centre of the pretzel.
Step 3: Using orange icing, add a beak.
Happy Easter!
Regal Academy | Season 2 - Part of Me
iCarly | Remix de Bloopers | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español
¿Cuál fue el blooper más épico de iCarly? ¡Comenta con el personaje que más extrañas! #iCarlyForever
Kally´s Mashup - Capítulo 36 - Avance
Волшебные покровители | 9 сезон 6 серия | Nickelodeon Россия
Злые крёстные
Фуп становится крёстным Вики. Теперь вместе они терроризируют Тимми и детей Диммсдейла. Фуп сообщает Вики, что это Тимми мешает всем её желаниям исполниться, потому что у него есть феи-крёстные. Если они уничтожат фей, никто не сможет остановить их.
Rusty Rivets | Rusty's Water Works | Nick Jr. UK
Rusty and Ruby try and ward off a seagull from bursting a giant, water filled, beach ball!
The Loud House | L-L-Lori | Nickelodeon UK
Clyde's crush on Lori turns him into a babbling robot, with no control over his nose bleeds.
Hunter Street | Sorpresa a colazione | Nickelodeon Italia
Colazione non è mai cosî tranquilla, il che vuol dire che qualcuno non c'è!
School of Rock | Zack en de Nachthagedissen | Nickelodeon Nederlands
De Nachthagedissen proberen Zack over te halen bij hun band te komen, maar lukt hen dat?
Das Geheimnis der Hunters | Auf der Suche nach Hinweisen | Nickelodeon Deutschland
Max und Tess suchen nach Hinweisen, die sie zu ihren verschwundenen Eltern führen - wo sind sie bloß?
Objectif Blake | Un cerveau d'oiseau! | Nickelodeon France
Blake et Mitch partent à l'aquarium, où ils pourront regarder les animaux de plus près!
Power Rangers Hyperforce | Mezodon Megazord vs. Perfume Pony!
The Perfume Pony terrorizing the town of Reefside has grown in size! Black Dino Ranger Tommy Oliver calls upon the Mezodon Megazord to engage the grown monster with the help of Vesper and Marv, while Hyperforce bides their time until their own Zords are energized for combat!
I Am Frankie | New Shirt | Nickelodeon UK
Dayton's top gets ruined, so Frankie makes her a new one from scratch. Meanwhile, Tammy is scheming again.
Harvey Beaks | Dia dos Namorados | Portugal | Nickelodeon em Português
É Dia dos Namorados, mas Fee não está muito contente…
Blaze and the Monster Machines | Race to Eagle Rock | Nick Jr. UK
Blaze and the Monster Machines transform into race cars so they can join the race to Eagle Rock!
Harvey Beaks | San Valentín | España | Nickelodeon en Español
Hoy es el día de San Valentín, pero Fee no está muy contenta con...
Surprising BowBow!! (She Cried!!) | JoJo Siwa Vlogs
aww!!! I missed her sooo much!!!
Гуппи и пузырики | 1 сезон 18 серия | Nick Jr. Россия
Лунный камень
3, 2, 1, пуск! Пора изучить Солнечную систему вместе с гуппи и пузыриками! Помоги им узнать побольше о космосе в этом необычном эпизоде.
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